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Red Night (Vampire Files Trilogy Book 1)

Page 8

by RK Close

  I take it, and pull the door shut behind me. We catch each other stealing glances on the elevator ride down. Once in the lobby, he offers me his arm again. We both wave to Harold, who does a double-take when he realizes we are together. Once the surprise wears off he gives us a wink, and a big grin that’s missing a couple teeth.

  We take Gabe’s car, which is a newer Honda Pilot. This surprises me, and I’m not sure why. What did I expect him to drive, a Prius? He opens all my doors for me, which I appreciate. We chat a little about the weather, our building rules and regulations, and even touch on the murder in our building. We both seem happy to gloss over that topic quickly and move on.

  Once we arrive, Gabe gives his name for our reservation, and we are shown to our seats. Several groups of people are milling about, waiting for tables. This is a popular place, and I wasn’t even aware of it.

  Thai Palace is an appropriate name for a place that is decorated with such beautiful details in the typical Asian flare. If the decor and ambiance is any reflection of the food, it should be incredible. My mouth is already starting to water.

  I look around, taking in all the sights, sounds, and smells when I notice Gabe watching me. His attention makes me blush, and I suddenly feel shy. He seems to realize that I’m embarrassed.

  “I’m sorry for staring, but you look exceptionally beautiful, especially when you’re unguarded. Do you like the atmosphere of the restaurant so far?” he asks without looking away. I smile and nod my head.

  He said I looked exceptionally beautiful.

  We discuss the menu, and he makes some recommendations. After we order our food, the waiter pours our wine.

  “So tell me about your work. What does a professor of archaeology do? What do your days look like?” I ask. I’ll do better tonight if we keep most of the conversation going his way.

  “I have a couple of graduate classes that I teach, but most of my work involves research. I’m sure it wouldn’t interest you. It’s only me and a bunch of old fossils and relics. Occasionally work takes me out of the country for short periods of time,” he says.

  “That sounds interesting. What are you researching at the moment?” I ask before taking a sip of wine. I like having the excuse of listening to him to study his features. He is a handsome guy. Why is he single? And what does that question say about me?

  “You’ve heard of Stonehenge, of course. I’m actually working on a project related to that. We’ve found evidence of ceremonial sacrifices that are new, and could rewrite history as we know it,” he says as his face lights up. His features become more animated as his passion for his work begins to shine. I’ve never seen this side of him. It’s rather attractive.

  “Ceremonial sacrifices. Sounds like a scary bedtime story. I thought Stonehenge is something of a mystery,” I say.

  “Oh, it is. There are many theories regarding its origins. Some believe that supernatural beings placed the stones in order to perform sacrifices to their leaders, or that communities would offer sacrifices to alien beings,” he says, sitting back in his chair watching my reaction.

  I get that tickle in the back of my head again, same as the night at the bar when Adam was watching me. I crane my head around, looking in all directions until I spot him alone at a table for two. He nods his head and raises his glass to me. Gabe can’t see Adam from his position.

  I’m going to kill that vampire!

  “Gabe, I need to use the powder room. I’ll only be a moment.” I excuse myself and head toward Adam’s table before Gabe can respond. I stop in front of him and put my hands on my hips. “What are you doing here? I told you not to follow me,” I fume.

  I try to keep my voice down, but several nearby tables have turned to look at me.

  He gives me a lazy look. “I’m trying to protect you, but seeing you in that dress makes me think of several other things I’d rather be doing right now. How is your date?”

  He’s amused. I amuse him. Great.

  “Don’t mess this up for me, Adam. Go home or wherever it is you go when you’re not bugging me. I’m going to the lady’s room, and I don’t want you here when I return.”

  I don’t wait for a response. Turning on my heels, I head down a hallway and duck into the lady’s room. I apply a little lip gloss and check myself in the mirror before walking back out. I drop my lip gloss back into my clutch as I’m exiting the rest room, slam into someone’s chest, and bounce into the wall.

  Darn it!

  “I’m so sorry! I should—” I stop apologizing when I recognize the gorgeous creepy guy from the hotel. “Oh. Zac, right? Sorry, I wasn’t watching where I was going. Having dinner here?” I ask, hoping he’s with a date.

  Zac is smiling like an angel, and he still has his hands on my arms from when we collided. “Sam. I’m so happy to see you. I knew we were destined to meet again. Won’t you join me?” He begins to pull me toward the “Exit” door, which must lead to the alley.

  “Zac, I’m here on a date. I’m sorry you didn’t get the memo—what are you doing? Let go!” I’m about to panic when I hear a familiar voice edged in steel coming from the other end of the hall.

  “Let her go, Zachariah,” Adam says, his voice cold. The hairs on the back of my neck stand straight up. Zac spins us around so fast that I can’t focus my vision right away. Oh crap…this is Zachariah? Zac!

  How could I be so stupid?

  Chapter 13

  We face Adam, and Zac holds me from behind. One arm is wrapped around my chest, pinning my arms to my sides. His other hand is at my throat, and his nails are digging into my skin. I don’t move; I barely breathe. I have no idea what this supernatural psycho is capable of.

  The temperature in the hallway drops noticeably. I can’t control a shiver as it passes through me.

  “If you harm her, it will be the last thing you do,” Adam growls. I’m even afraid of him. His face is contorted with such cold rage that he couldn’t pass for human in this moment. His lips are drawn back, and his sharp canines are on display. I don’t know who to be more afraid of, but I think the guy whose hand is at my throat wins for now.

  I can’t see Zac’s face, but his body is humming with energy, and I think some blood has trickled down my neck into my bra from his nails pressing into my throat. I don’t feel the pain—yet.

  My eyes are locked on Adam. He was right. He’s been the only thing standing between me and a sure death. And I didn’t trust him. Can I trust him to save me now, or am I already dead? This thought makes tears well up in my eyes, but I refuse to let them fall. I will not give this leech the satisfaction.

  “Adam! It’s been a long time. Did you get the message I left you? I might have killed your little pet then, but you were keeping such a close eye on her I had to settle for another toy in the building,” Zachariah says close to my ear. I try to turn my head away from him, but he presses harder on my throat, cutting off my air, so I face forward again.

  “What do you want, Zac? I have things to do. I don’t have all night,” I say. Don’t act like a victim, and you might not be a victim.

  “Adam! I do see why your dead heart started beating again. She has spirit. A real fire burning in her. I can feel it. How it must hurt you to know I can end her existence with the flick of my finger. They are so fragile, these humans—but you know that, don’t you, Adam? What makes you think this one won’t break?” Zac says in his smooth, silky voice. He puts his lips on my cheek. He’s taunting Adam, but why?

  “Release her and you live another day, Zachariah. Toy with me further, and I will end you, here and now,” Adam commands. I can see my breath, and I realize the temperature has actually dropped. I wasn’t simply imagining it. There is so much I don’t know.

  To me, Zac says, “Adam is always spoiling the fun, Sam, but don’t worry, my love. You and I have unfinished business. I’ll call on you again soon.” To Adam he says, “Do warm her up for me, will you?”

  With his last words he shoves me at Adam. My feet actually leave the gro
und. Adam catches me, but not before my head bounces off his chest, hard. My ears are ringing, and dark spots dance before my eyes. Adam holds me tightly against his chest, and I let him. My head rests against him as I catch my breath and attempt to slow my racing heart. I’ve never come so close to death.

  I want to curl in a ball and cry for hours. At this moment I would be perfectly content to curl up on Adam’s lap and let him sooth me back to a place where monsters don’t exist.

  The irony does not escape me. I’m willing to curl up with one monster to forget all the others. Adam could be the biggest, baddest monster on the block. So glad he seems to be on my side.

  Gabe chooses this moment to walk around the corner.

  Of course he does.

  I’m so happy to be alive I want to scream, but the awkward situation before me calls for some immediate attention. Aware of the scene we must make, I push away from Adam reluctantly, and turn toward Gabe. He seems to be waiting patiently for an explanation. He’s pretty cool headed for a guy whose date was in the arms of another man.

  “Gabe, it’s not what it looks like. I can’t explain it, but whatever you think it is, it’s not,” I say, and straighten my dress.

  Adam retrieved my clutch from the floor, and hands it to me. “Excuse me,” Adam says, and walks past Gabe.

  They eye each other in passing. Neither man looks intimidated by the other, but Gabe has no idea what Adam is. He should be intimidated.

  It’s only the two of us, and an awkward silence as we stand there looking at one another. I should write a book called How to Stay Perpetually Single.

  Gabe pulls a white handkerchief from his pocket and hands it to me while motioning toward my neck. Embarrassed, I accept the handkerchief and walk into the lady’s room to clean off my neck.

  When I come out Gabe gives me a small smile while offering me his arm and says, “Our food has arrived.” I blink at him, and then take his arm and let him lead me back to our table.

  I’m surprised he hasn’t asked about the blood on my neck. Maybe he thinks it’s a private matter. I hope he doesn’t think Adam did this, but he most likely does. I guess we will discuss this later.

  Neither of us says much through dinner. He asks how I like the food, and I tell him it’s the best I’ve ever had. It is. I know that I didn’t do anything wrong, but I feel guilty all the same.

  I polish off two whole glasses of wine with dinner. Counting the one I had at home, I’m going to pay for it tomorrow. Hopefully, I don’t fall in these heels. I needed to take the edge off the intensity of the situation. Between the food, adrenaline rush, and the wine, I’m feeling pretty sleepy and relaxed in a short time. Adam must have left the restaurant because I don’t see him. I’m sure he’s still near. At least I hope so.

  “Gabe, I would like to explain that scene in the hall earlier, but it’s extremely complicated. I want you to know I wasn’t being disrespectful to you. I hope you can believe that. I am happy to be out with you tonight.” I reach for my water to start hydrating, even though it’s too late for that.

  “I do believe you, Samantha. When you are ready to talk about it, I’ll be ready to listen. I was hoping to go for a drink after dinner, but you seem tired. Would you rather go home?” he asks.

  “Thank you. You’re handling this much better than most men would. And yes, I think I should go home. I hope you don’t mind.” I’m ready to slide off my seat by this time.

  I manage not to fall on the way back to the car. Thank goodness Gabe gives me his arm to lean on. I should not have had that last glass of wine. That was stupid of me. Now I look like I have a drinking problem on top of everything else.

  We drive home in silence. After we park the car, Gabe helps me out. He offers me his arm and places his other hand over mine. It’s a sweet gesture under the circumstances. He walks me to my door and waits while I pull out my key and unlock it.

  I turn toward him, and say, “Thank you for taking me out tonight. I hope you’re still speaking to me tomorrow.” I slip off my heels, and hold them in one hand.

  What he does next blows my mind. He reaches one arm around my waist and pulls me to him while his other hand slides into my hair as he guides my head toward his lips. What follows is toe-curling, hot passion as his lips claim mine in one of the most romantic kisses of my adult life.

  Wow—was not expecting that.

  Gabe gently releases me, and I instantly miss his warmth. I can’t even speak. I stare at him with my lips parted. He steps back and gives me a mischievous smile that matches the passion in his eyes.

  He turns and walks to the stairwell door. Before he disappears he turns to me and says, “You should take care, Samantha. Vampires are not good company to keep.” And with that the door closes behind him and he’s gone.

  What the…?

  Chapter 14

  I might have been standing in that hallway another five minutes trying to rationalize that kiss and what Gabe said to me, but the room has started to spin, and I realize I’m a bit drunk. I guess it could have been that little brush with death that caused me to ignore my usual drinking limits. And if that wasn’t enough, that little bombshell Gabe dropped on me would do it.

  How does he know about vampires, and that Adam is one? My head is foggy, and I have too many unanswered questions floating around my brain at the moment.

  I close and lock the door behind me as I walk into my condo carrying my shoes and handbag, my feet making a soft padded sound on the wood floor. I’m not surprised to see Adam standing at the patio doors, looking out into the night.

  When I enter the room he doesn’t turn from whatever it is he’s watching. It’s just as well. I probably shouldn’t be looking at him right now. Especially when the room is swaying and I’m in need of a hug.

  Tonight I feel the loss of my parents like a fresh wound. Just to hear their voices on the phone would have been enough to reassure me that everything will be all right. Tonight, I realize how alone I truly am. I could call Russell, but I don’t want to risk dragging him into something that he knows nothing about. I wish I didn’t know what I know. Would I rather be blissfully ignorant of these things? I don’t have an answer to that question.

  Instead of acknowledging Adam, I toss my shoes and purse on the floor by the closet and head to the kitchen to pour yet another glass of wine. I’m pretty sure the red liquid in this glass is the only reason I’m not a complete sobbing mess on the floor—yet.

  Better to keep that Band-Aid on until sleep claims me. I’ll deal with all my monsters better in the morning light.

  With my liquid courage in hand, I walk over to the sofa and stretch out, setting my glass down on the coffee table carefully. This is me, not caring what I look like or who is around to see. I did almost die tonight. And according to Adam it would have been a slow, painful death at that. Chills crawl through my body, and I can’t hide a shiver before curling into a ball on the couch.

  Adam, as if sensing the change, pulls his gaze away from the darkness and walks over to me. He reaches past me for the throw that I keep on the sofa and covers me with it. I give him a weak smile, but, against my will, tears begin to fill my eyes. I hate crying, and I’m afraid he’ll see it as weakness.

  Adam reaches down and scoops me up as if I were light as a feather, and then sits with me cradled against his chest. My tears are silent as they roll down my face and land on his shirt. I don’t resist him, and even wrap my arms around his back, as if he were a huge teddy bear.

  Thinking of Adam as anything remotely harmless makes me giggle through my tears. He ignores this, and continues to stroke my hair and back in a soothing rhythm. There is an unspoken truce between us.

  This physical contact is what I’ve needed ever since Zac laid his hands on me. Without words, Adam is telling me I’m safe in this moment. I’ll take his comfort because I so desperately crave it right now.

  After a few minutes of my sniffles and his silent comfort, I pull away and look at him shyly.

“Thanks for…that,” I say as I untangle myself and crawl out of his arms.

  It’s hard to pull away, but I force myself to pick up the fragments of my dignity. He simply watches me, but says nothing.

  This is uncharted territory for me. I think I’m more comfortable fighting with him than this. I don’t know what this is, and it’s starting to make me feel uncomfortable.

  I walk to the bathroom to splash water on my face and blow my nose. When I return Adam is staring out into the night again. His back looks broad and strong. I can see the muscles in his shoulders and arms straining against his knit shirt.

  Adam is the embodiment of all things male and he looks like a gift that needs to be unwrapped. I can’t seem to keep my thoughts from going there.

  Most of my carefully constructed walls have toppled over, and lay in ruins at my feet. I don’t even care.

  I make my way over to the coffee table and pick up my wine. Two large swallows and it’s gone. Am I drinking for courage tonight? What am I doing here?

  Adam turns his head, and catches me watching him. I’m not sure what he sees, but his eyes begin to glow with their unnatural blue light. This time I don’t flinch or look away. I can barely stand, but in this moment he looks so incredibly sexy. What am I talking about? He’s always looked this good. I’m the one who always has my guard up, keeping him at arm’s length.

  He isn’t human, right? Do I care?

  Not tonight.

  I sway a little. This makes me giggle again. Adam hasn’t moved, but he doesn’t look away either. I’m thinking I look pretty good right now. Feeling the confidence and courage that too much wine provides, I walk over to him and slip my arms around his neck. His hands find my waist, but he isn’t making any moves beyond that. I’m disappointed. I feel reckless, and somewhat determined.

  I recognize passion burning in his eyes. Feeling encouraged, I raise up on my toes, and trail kisses along his neck as I slide my fingers into his hair. I think I’ve secretly wanted to do this since he first touched his lips to my neck that night.


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