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Black Mercy (San Francisco Rock Romance Book 1)

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by Stacy McWilliams

  “Mase.” Her voice was high. I could hear the lust in my name as it shook. I met her eyes and smirked at her and she stumbled into the room. We had done this over the past few months. Not caring about the consequences, but since I was the boss I could make the rules. And she’d signed a contract stating that she was happy if I fucked her and wouldn’t come after me professionally.

  Kitty knew how much I hated to be kept in the dark. Her eyes darted between me and the table. I fingered my belt as I watched her move towards the table. She swallowed, and my cock hardened. I moved towards her, pushing her over the table. I ran my fingers gently over her ass. She moaned as I smacked her once with her ass covered. I rolled her skirt up and saw she was naked, ready for me to fuck her.

  I rubbed over her ass and smacked her again, watching as the skin turned a light shade of pink. Her groan made me smack her again. Every time I hit her, I thought about Amber and my hard on increased. I watched in satisfaction as her ass turned a deeper pink with every smack. I licked my lips as I thought about ramming my cock into her.

  I leaned over her. I rubbed my cock along the crack of her ass as I leaned down to whisper in her ear, “Kitty, I’m not gonna let you come tonight.” She groaned again as I ground myself against her but I moved back. I ran my fingers up and over her dripping wetness. She gasped as I dropped to my knees behind her, licking from her ass right up to her clit. I took her right to the edge, then stopped and stood up, wiping my face as I stepped back.

  She turned towards me and I dropped my pants, letting my cock spring free. She licked the tip and sucked me into her mouth. My tone was commanding as I told her what I wanted. “Suck harder.” I pounded into her hard and fast, groaning as she slipped a finger into my ass and pressed down. My whole body shook, and my balls tightened as I came hard and fast, shooting my load down her throat. She swallowed hard and rocked back on her heels pressing her legs together. She gazed up at me.

  “Stand up and face the table.” My tone was cool as I ran my hand over my cock, pumping hard. I closed my eyes for a moment and pictured wrapping my hands around Amber’s head as she went down on me. Suddenly I didn’t have to pump so hard. I opened my eyes and glanced at the girl before me.

  Her smile was dazzling as she stood, brushing her rock-solid nipples against my chest. She was biting her lip and I leaned close to her. I licked her neck and sucked the skin into my mouth before biting down on her earlobe. “I’m not gonna let you come, but I am gonna fuck you. If you come, you know I won’t fuck you again until I am sure you’re sorry. You know from last time that could take a while.”

  I spun her around, slapping her ass at the crack and slipping my finger into her wet heat. I reached down and grabbed a condom from my pants, ripping the wrapper and rolling it on. Her body tensed as I slammed into her. I pounded her from behind, savouring the fact that she was struggling to hold her orgasm off.

  When I felt my balls begin to tighten, I pulled out of her, ripped off the condom and came all over her ass cheeks. I ran my finger through it and slipped one of my fingers into her ass. She mewled, and I pushed two fingers from my other hand into her. She moved against my fingers, whispering, “please Mase.” I laughed and pulled my hands away. I smacked her ass.

  “Nope. Be here at nine am. I want you in the same position. Don’t let him get you off. I want you frustrated and horny tomorrow. If he gets you off tonight, I’ll make you wear the balls all day in the office for the next four weeks and I won’t relieve the ache.”

  She looked at me pleadingly, but nodded. This was how we worked. She knew better than to question me. As she left, she turned back at the door, watching me as I leaned on the table. I needed a fifth tonight, but I had to get home to the kids. Both my mom and Helena had text. My sister was like an angry bulldog. She had ranted about the fact that mom had the kids since yesterday morning.

  I walked out into my office. Kitty was sitting beside my desk, my office phone in her hand as she took notes. It was the A&R department. She filled in a slot on the calendar on my desk. Fuck, I didn’t want to meet with these idiots. The new guy kept trying to show me who was boss. My majority shares in the company had been kept quiet. Only the band knew that I was in control. But this little fuckwit was trying to mess with me. Trying to exert his authority over us.

  As soon as she was finished she turned and left. She closed the door after her and I sat, staring at my eleven am slot tomorrow. I was supposed to be going to the studio, but now these fuckers were getting in my way. The band wouldn’t be happy. I had to let them know that they wanted a meeting. I picked up my cell and debated what to say to them. I couldn’t deal with the drama, so I text Harris and asked him to fill in the other two.

  Lewis had just got out of rehab, Quinn was a complete dog who only cared about where his next lay would come from and Harris was the joker of the band. Never serious, but he had supported me when Jackson had come to me with the option of buying him out. He was fifty-six and was sick of the rock and roll life. He had been the majority shareholder in the company since we had started, with the rest of us having forty percent in shares.

  When Jackson spoke to me about selling up, I thought he was joking at first, but he wanted to step back and enjoy time with his new wife and his kids. He did hold ten percent of the shares though and, as far as most within the company knew, he was still the main man. I knew I’d have to call him. As I picked up my cell to dial, it beeped with a message from the front desk.

  “Mase, there’s a girl here claiming to be your sister,” came the voice of Frank, the security guard at the desk.

  “I’m not claiming anything,” Helena’s voice sounded over the line, “I’m fucking telling you.”

  “It’s okay, Frank. You can let her up. That’s my sis.”

  The line went dead and I glanced around the office. The door to the meeting room was closed, and I fixed my pants and shirt. I still had to dial Jackson, but he’d have to wait until I’d dealt with my sister. I decided to text him. As soon as I did, he text me back, saying he already knew. Apparently, the little fuckwit had called him first. My rage kicked up a notch.

  My door sounded, and I stood up as it pushed open. Wendy poked her head in and grimaced, but I smiled at her as my sister barged into the room, sitting on the sofa. She turned back to Wendy, and barked at her, “Get me a tea. Milk, no sugar. Leave the teabag in the cup. Get him a coffee. Black, like his soul.”

  I laughed and smiled at Wendy. She nodded and smirked at me. She was used to me barking orders, but not my sister. Helena never came by the office. I walked over and sat down on the sofa across from her.

  “What’s up sis?” I asked her, trying to hold back the smile as she scowled at me.

  “Don’t fucking ‘what’s up sis’ me. What the fuck is wrong with you? Mom can’t look after those two on her own. She’s knackered, and you’ve been MIA for two days. Dad wants your ass.” I knew better than to interrupt when she got started, so I let her rant at me. If my dad wanted my ass, that was bad though. He didn’t usually get involved with anything to do with me. He’d hated me since I turned down his offer when I was eighteen. He told me I’d never make it as a musician and that I’d fail, but when I did he wouldn’t offer again.

  “I’ve sorted it.” I spoke slowly to her and her eyebrows lifted. She smirked.

  “Really, Mason? You’ve sorted it?” Her tone was derisive, and I wanted to smack her. “You’ve ended up with two bastard children and only one of them is yours. Unless Cassie’s wee bastard is yours too?” My parents were conservative and hated anything that didn’t conform to their Christian view of how life worked. I guess Helena had the same stick up her ass too.

  My body shot up and I stood towering over her, shaking with rage. “Shut your fucking mouth. He’s a tiny baby and he’s just lost his mom. Fuck sake Hel. What’s wrong with you?”

  She laughed and looked at me. “If you care that much about him, how about being at home and looking after him? Mom helped with Soph, but s
he won’t help out this time.”

  I let my tough guy façade fall for a moment, and let her see how much pain I was in. I was drinking and screwing because I loved Cassie. It hurt that her poor baby was gonna be raised by me, but damn! I’d do right by him.

  “Mase, I know you loved Cassie. I did too. She was like a sister to us, but you can barely cope with Sophia and now you have another baby to take care off. How are you gonna keep this place and the band going with a new born and a one-year-old?”

  A knock at the door interrupted us. My glare was glacial as Wendy entered, bringing our cups in. I slipped her a fifty, and told her to take off for the night. She was supposed to be in until ten, but I didn’t need anything done. She could knock off half an hour early.

  “Are you sure, sir?” She asked her blue eyes lighting up and her lips lifting in a smile. I nodded at her and she backed out, closing the door. I grabbed my coffee and sipped the nectar of the gods, while Helena watched me.

  “Hel, I hired an au pair.She starts in two days.” Helena nodded at me and I nodded back. Our conversation was interrupted by the buzzing of my cell on the desk. I moved towards the desk and looked at my little sister. Her big brown eyes were wide, and she looked so grown up for twenty one. I wanted to catch up with her and I was tempted to ignore the call, but I saw it was Grey and I needed to take it.

  “Hel, I gotta take this call. How long you in town for?” My finger hovered over the connect button, as she answered, “I’ll stay until Friday.” She stood up and rushed out the door after dumping her tea cup on my drinks cabinet. I answered the call.

  “Michaels speaking.”

  “Hey dude, it’s done. The fucker signed over his parental rights for a measly ten grand. I didn’t tell him who was looking after the kid and he didn’t ask.Didn’t want him either. I also got him to sign a document saying he won’t ever come after the kid.”

  I breathed a sigh of relief as I sat down heavily on my chair, putting my head on my hands. Some of the tightness in my chest eased. It was one less thing to worry about at least.

  I checked my calendar and saw that Cassie’s funeral had been confirmed for the following Monday. Tears filled my eyes as I thought about burying her. We’d been friends forever. She was my first kiss, first time and first love. But we’d grown in different directions. She’d been there when Ollie walked out and she’d looked after Sophia with my mom. I’d been at her scans and I was there when Lucca was born.

  The pain radiated out from my chest and the tears started as I thought about how much I was going to miss her. I couldn’t do this. How could I bring up her baby without her?

  My office door opened and Hel’s voice called out, “Mase, I left my cell…” Her words died as she looked over at me. She moved towards me, putting her hand on my shoulder as I broke apart.

  “Ssshh, Mase. It’s okay.” Her hand rubbed my back and I turned around, burying my face in her stomach. Letting the pain and grief overtake me. After a few minutes, I swallowed and composed myself. I looked up at her. She was crying too.

  “Mase. I’m sorry. I know you loved Cass.” I nodded at her, and she glanced down at me, before looking back to her cell on the table. “Let’s go get a drink. Mom’ll have settled the babies now and you need this. Text the guys to meet us at O’Connells and we’ll get a table in the back.” I nodded at her, smiling at how in control she was. Every one of the guys text back saying they’d be there in twenty minutes. They’d all loved Cassie too, especially Harris. They’d been a thing for a while, back when the band started to take off. I think he always wanted her back, but was scared to ask.

  We left the office and made our way to the bar. Hel called mom and explained how she’d found me. My mom told her to make sure I had some food, but that we didn’t need to rush. Both babies were settled and my Pops was over keeping her company.


  We ended up stopping at a bar for some food, since our foray into Mercy Industries interrupted our dinner. We were sitting at a quiet table in the back, eating burgers and fries when a guy I recognised walked in. He was tall, blonde. Muscled, with tats all the way up his arms. His grey/blue eyes swept around and he lifted his lips in what was either a smile or a smirk. It was difficult to tell.

  “Who is that and why is he familiar to me?” I asked Lexa in an undertone as she smiled at him. She pushed her chest out and sat up straighter. His gaze floated from me to Lexa and I could tell he liked what he saw. He moved towards us as another familiar face walked over and clapped him on the shoulder, speaking in his ear.

  The newcomer had long, brown hair, pulled back with a hair tie. A toned back with a winged tattoo poking out the top of his shirt. And his ass was something else, encased in leather pants. He turned to look at us and his cobalt eyes met mine with a heat that was alarming. His eyes raked over my body. Then he turned his attention to Lexa and his smile widened. He had perfect teeth. His shirt was see through at the front, showing off a washboard stomach with abs most guys would kill for. As he watched us, a girl in nothing more than a bra and some hot pants slid her arm up his chest. He kissed her, slipping his finger into the cup of her bra and fingering at her tightening bud.

  I closed my legs, trying to ignore the throbbing of my clit. I looked over at Lexa. She was watching. Fascinated. The door opened and a few more people walked in. I looked at the table and picked up my diet coke, taking a sip as Lexa smiled and waved at one of the newcomers.

  I followed her gaze and saw Mase Michaels with a girl. He was holding her arm and laughing with someone behind him. As he moved forward the person behind him moved to the side and into the light. I saw spiked black hair, tanned skin and luminous eyes that lit up the room. They were bright blue and crystal clear. His gaze settled upon me and he moved towards me like a predator.

  I shrank back against my seat and watched as Mase turned round. His eyes widened as he took me and Lexa in.

  He placed a hand on the chest of the guy moving towards me. He whispered something in his ear, before stepping around him and moving towards me.

  “Ladies, can I suggest you leave before I have to start beating my band mates off with a stick.” His smile was friendly, but his tone was cold as he stared at us. I shivered under his gaze. One of the guys, the blonde who’d arrived first, came over and leaned around him.

  “Well, well, well, Mase. Aren’t you going to introduce us to your friends?”

  Mase rolled his eyes and glared at me. I could see he wanted to get us out of here, but Lexa wasn’t picking up on it. Or if she was, she was enjoying watching me squirm. “Quinn, this is Amber, my new au pair and Lexa. I’m sure you’ve met Lexa before, she’s one of Kitty’s friends.”

  Quinn Forester leaned towards me and picked my hand up from the table, kissing it gently as he muttered against the back of my hand. “Delighted to meet you Amber.” His eyes undressed me and I squirmed under both their gazes. “Won’t you join us for a drink?” I looked at Mase and he shook his head. Lexa smiled as Quinn’s gaze moved towards her. She squared her shoulders.

  Mase leaned down to me, whispering in my ear, “fuck Amber. Please take off. Go home. I won’t be able to relax with you here.”

  Another girl came over and looked at me in disdain. “Seriously Mase? We’ve been here all of two minutes and you’re chasing tail already.”

  He turned round and glared at her, then glanced back at me, shrugging. “Hel’s, it’s not what it looks like. She’s…”

  Hel’s, or whoever she was, held up a hand, stopping him in his tracks. “Save it Mase, I’m not interested.”

  She went to walk away when Quinn snaked out and grabbed her around the waist, “Hells bells it’s Hels.” He laughed at his own joke and smiled at Hel’s annoyed face. “Seriously. You look pissed already. What has your dear brother done now to fuck you off? Come on. Tell me.”

  I chanced a glance at Mase. He was watching me with his mouth in a thin line. As I caught his eye, I saw him shake his head as he heard Hel’s answer.
“He’s not even been here five minutes and he’s already chatting up the local sluts.”

  I bristled at her words. I was no slut. I’d had a few boyfriends and a fiancé, but I never slept around. Mase put his hand on my shoulder. Holding me down as I tried to stand. “Helena, come here.” His tone was commanding and I jumped, but so did Helena. She turned to face us, noting his hand on my shoulder and the fury on my face.

  “Helena, this is Amber. I’ve told you about her already. She’s the new au pair.”

  Helena’s mouth dropped open as she looked at me. She shook her head at her brother. “You can’t be serious? She’s too young and she’s obviously gonna want to fuck you. You’re losing your fucking mind if you think she can handle the kids, the fans, the band and the parties. As well as how hot you all are. If she doesn’t sleep with you, she’ll definitely sleep with one of these fuckers. Or she’ll screw you over and take off with your money. Or photos of the kids.”

  Mase opened his mouth to speak, but I spoke first, not intimidated by her. “Excuse me, who the fuck do you think you are? I don’t need his fucking money, and I would never sell pictures of children. I won’t, nor will I ever be sleeping around. There’s even a fucking clause in my contract,” Mase’s hand contracted on my shoulder. He might have thought I didn’t read it properly, but I was a really fast reader. “So get off your high horse. I’ve just came out of a two year relationship and I’m certainly not gonna look for one with a fucking rock star. I have more fucking sense.”

  Mase stepped in front of me, moving towards his sister as the other two band members came over to see what was going on. Lewis Daniels had a bottle of water in his hand. He was sipping it as he looked around. He stepped over to Helena and gave her a hug. Quinn watched from beside Lexa open mouthed, but was also eyeing up her fries. Harris walked over last and put his hand on Mase’s arm, speaking into his ear before walking away.

  Mase nodded at him and he motioned for the band to follow him. Everyone did. Leaving me, chest heaving, facing off with Helena, Mase and Lexa. I picked up my soda and took a sip, wishing it had some vodka in it.


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