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Black Mercy (San Francisco Rock Romance Book 1)

Page 4

by Stacy McWilliams

  Mase leaned down and whispered in my ear, “you have spunk. I like that. And I like the fact that you stood up for yourself, but I would have rather that you didn’t need too. Please, just go.” I nodded at him, meeting his steely blue gaze and feeling a fluttering in my chest. I pinched myself and looked down. I wanted nothing more than to get away from him and his fucking band.

  Lexa was completely enamoured with Quinn, and as we walked by their table, Quinn dragged her down to sit on his lap. I froze.I was crashing at hers tonight. Ellis was having a date night with Kurt and I couldn’t interrupt. Fuck, it looked like I needed to use some of the money I had left to crash at a hotel.

  I turned away from them and began making my way through the outer part of the bar towards the door, when a hand shot out and grabbed my arm. I looked at the guy who was around my age, but something was off with his eyes.

  “Sweetheart, come join me for a drink?”

  His grip tightened and the first stirrings of fear became evident as my eyes widened, taking him in. “N… No thank you.” I stammered out.

  He glared down at me and tightened his grip. “Wasn’t a request, princess.” He pulled me closer to him and I whimpered as fear took over. I’d done self-defence classes, but everything went right out my head as I looked into his soulless black eyes.

  I pulled my arm away and stepped back from him. I was ready to sprint for the door when two large assholes appeared behind me, blocking my way back to the band, and out of the pub. They pushed me towards him and I sucked in a breath. I was about to scream when a loud banging noise made me jump.

  Another guy appeared. He stood with a few real muscle men. Their arms looked big enough to crush my skull. The guy in the middle took in the scene as he looked around. One of the men beside me moved a little and meathead one glared at him. Meathead two had his sights on the other guy who had his hand around my wrist.

  “Let the girl go.” He grunted out the words and a second later Mase appeared. “Amber, I thought you’d left.”

  “She was trying to, boss,” meathead one answered. “We were in Jimmy’s office and saw this fucker grab her. When she pulled away, these two cretins stood up and were pushing her towards him.”

  Jimmy looked at Mase and nodded at him, confirming meathead ones account. Meathead two had moved and somehow, without me feeling a thing, twirled me round so I was standing in front of Mase. Mase put his hand on my arm and moved me to the back while his guys cleared the place of the vermin.

  I was shaking like a leaf as Mase led me back to the table, his hand on the small of my back. “Amber,” Lexa sighed in relief as she spotted me, “where’d you go?”

  Mase looked at me and answered for me, “The ladies room, I met her as I was coming back from the men’s and I convinced her to stay with us for a few drinks. To toast her becoming another member of our team.”

  Helena’s gaze narrowed, but everyone else looked happy that I was staying. The boys ordered a round of tequila and I drank up, needing the alcohol to numb the panic that threatened to overwhelm me. Mase put his hand on my knee and squeezed until I looked at him. When I did he smiled and motioned to the table, where more shots had been placed. “Welcome to my world.”

  After a few hours sitting with the band, things started to get a little fuzzy. Mase announced we should go back to Quinn’s for an after party, but by this point I was too drunk. Lexa and Quinn had been sucking face for the best part of two hours and I just wanted to go to bed. Quinn’s place was on Green Street which was a few blocks away. Lexa lived on Sacramento Street which was only a few minutes from here.

  I was willing to walk, but they wouldn’t hear of it. I ended up in the back of a town car with a very drunk Lexa, Quinn and Mase. Lexa handed me her keys. After a few minutes of awkward silence, where I was thinking about how fucking hot Mase was, and how much I wanted to fuck him, we finally made it to Lexa’s. I had to clamber over Mase to get out. He smiled up at me. He wasn’t as drunk as everyone else, but he seemed more mellow than the tightly wound guy I’d met today, or was it yesterday now?

  He smiled over at me. “Text you tomorrow, sleep well.” He closed the door on my face and the car took off. I made my way drunkenly into Lexa’s flat. Luckily her flat mate, Kiersten, was out. That bitch hated me, but then again I had made out with her boyfriend in the fourth grade.

  I stumbled sleepily into bed, after drinking a quart of water, I took another full glass into Lexa’s room. I put it down on the side table and smiled as I thought about getting on with my life. This wasn’t what I envisioned a few weeks ago, after daddy cut me off and Henry dumped me. Guess having an heiress who wasn’t an heiress anymore for a fiancé, sucked.


  I dropped Quinn and Lexa back at his and asked Archie to take me home. I needed to be there for the kids. Helena was already giving me the stink eye about Amber. I didn’t wanna make it any worse. Although I really hadn’t had that much to drink. Amber had, but who could blame her after what she went through? I dread to think what could have happened to her if my guys weren’t there. Or if Jimmy had been distracted and not watching the cameras.

  Archie was a marine, until he was injured. I recruited him after he smashed a guy in the face in a club for forcing himself on a girl. He was fierce, but a good guy. Norry, my other security guy, was an ex-cop. He left after a few problems with booze. And when his wife left him for another man.

  I sat in the kitchen nursing a coffee and my mom came in, switching on the light. “Mase, Jesus, you gave me a hella fright there.”

  My mom was the sweetest lady ever. She was soft spoken, with curly white hair and a round face. Her large chest heaved as she took me in. I saw her blue eyes narrow as she watched me sitting at the counter. “Sorry mom, I’m not long home.”

  She walked by me and clouted me on the back of the head. “Next time you wanna stay out at night, you call me. You hear me Mason Alexander Michaels?” I nodded and she got herself a coffee cup, sitting opposite me. She smiled at me as I drank my coffee faster. I needed to get to bed. It was after two am. Then I heard Lucca cry and my mom busied herself with his formula.

  “I’ll do it, mom.” I moved towards her and took the readymade formula from her. I took over heating it up and checking the temperature.

  “Mase?” My mom spoke from the door.

  “Yeah, what’s up mom?” I asked as I turned towards her.

  “You’re a good man. What you’re doing for little Lucca, would mean the world to Cassie. I hope you know that? And you’re great with Sophia. I know this last week has been tough on you. Cassie has always been there for you and I know you must be missing her terribly, but these babies need you. I’m staying until Sunday and then I’m away home. Pops isn’t happy, but I need to know you’ve got this before I go home.”

  I nodded at her, unable to speak around the lump in my throat. She smiled sadly at me. “Love you son.”

  I nodded again and moved over to kiss her on the cheek. “Love you too, mom. Thanks.” It was all I could say and I rushed up the stairs, ready to feed Lucca and then hit the hay.

  I walked into his room and I could see he was awake. He didn’t really cry, just snuffled, but as I busied myself getting his nappy out and wet wipes he began crying. I walked over and gently picked him up, slipping my big hands under his delicate body. I walked him over to Sophia’s nursing chair, checking her out as I sat down. My beautiful girl was fast asleep and smiling. My heart thumped at how much I adored her and how much I never wanted to leave either of these two.

  Lucca was crying louder and I shushed him, slipping the bottle into his mouth and dribbling a little milk in, before he latched onto the teat and started feeding. I sat looking down at him and began humming the tune that’d been in my head for days. As I watched him, I could feel the words coming to me. I shifted slightly to one side and got my cell out my pocket, pressing voice record so I could keep track of the words I was singing.

  There once was a girl I loved,

bsp; She had everything she ever wanted,

  But the angels came and stole her away

  And my heart broke at what she left,

  She left her boy behind,

  When he was too young to know,

  But her friend would raise him right,

  And make sure he knew

  That she sacrificed her health for him

  And she’d never loved like that

  But baby was oh so sad

  And it broke her friend’s heart,

  Because he loved her and wanted her near,

  He missed her sweet smile and laugh,

  And he’d known her all his life,

  But he had to make a vow,

  That the baby would never forget.

  Tears filled my eyes and my voice clogged in my throat. I couldn’t go on. I broke Lucca’s wind, fed him the rest of his bottle and changed him. He was still awake, but content now. I began to tell him how I met Cassie.

  “I met your mom on my first day of fourth grade. We’d just moved across the state to be nearer my mom’s parents. Your mom was the first person to speak to me as I walked into the school yard. She waltzed over and said ‘hi’, before sticking out her hand. I shook it and I knew she was going to be my friend. Just like that. She smiled and pulled me away from my mom and Helena, introducing me to her friends. Your mom put her life and soul into everything she did. One day she told me, when we were fifteen and making out under the Bleachers, that she knew she could trust me that day, because a light shone on me and I looked like an angel.”

  My voice clogged up again and I spoke through my tears. “But in fact she was the angel. She fought through everything, giving up her life to make sure you arrived safely and she never gave up. She was tenacious and stubborn and I miss her so damn much. I don’t know how to do this without her. She’s been my rock. I know I wasn’t in love with her, but damn. I would’ve married her if she’d let me. I would have been there for you both, but she laughed at me when I asked her.”

  I took a breath and half laughed, half sobbed as I remembered her answer when I proposed to her, after she told me she was pregnant. “Don’t be stupid, I know you love me, but you aren’t in love with me. Don’t be such a doofus.”

  I glanced down at Lucca. He’d fallen asleep with his little hand curled around my finger. His blanket was near his feet and I picked it up, tucking it around him. Making sure he was comfortable. I leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to his head, whispering, “I might not be your biological daddy little man, but I love you and I will take care of you.”

  I moved over towards my princess and kissed her gently on the head. She reached up and wrapped her arms around my neck. I smiled as I gently tucked her in. “Love you, princess,” I whispered and tiptoed to the door of my room. I walked in, shedding my clothes and crawled into bed.

  I set my alarm, and as soon as my head hit the pillow I was wide awake. I was so tired, but my body wouldn’t wind down. I tried to figure out what caused it, when Amber’s face flashed into my mind. What the fuck was I going to do about that? I knew she was gorgeous and that I wanted to tap that, but I couldn’t. I’d need to keep it in my pants, but fuck it would torment me, especially if she took the room designated for looking after the kids. It was two doors down from here.

  I’d need to set something else up. I tossed and turned and couldn’t settle. My rock solid boner wasn’t going down and I knew I was going to suffer for not having brought her back here to fuck. I wanted to. So fucking badly. When I walked into that pub tonight and saw her, my heart skipped a fucking beat, but I had to make her leave. The boys would all want a shot of her, so I asked her to go and she went. But when I walked out the back for a whizz, seeing that guys hands all over her made me so fucking pissed I couldn’t see straight.

  She sat beside me the whole night and not once did she say anything to me. She spoke to the others fine. Even though my hand was on her leg, she ignored it and ignored me. As we left though, she stumbled into me. I thought my cock would break out of my trousers. He was desperate to touch her. I wanted her mewling and wet under me as I pounded into her.

  Not helping, Mase! I chastised myself as I rolled over again. I ran my hand over my cock. I needed to shoot this load, so I could go to sleep. I pictured Amber, in that grey sweater dress. I’d loosen the tie and her black lace bra would peek through. I’d run my fingers along the cup and slide them in, pinching her nipple before pushing the cups fully down and sucking her nipples one by one. I pumped harder. I’d then run my fingers and my lips down her stomach before ripping off her lacy panties, watching her face as I licked her. I bet she’d taste as sweet as pie.

  I’d run my fingers around her wetness, before slipping two fingers into her as I latched onto her clit. I’d watch as she writhed about, succumbing to me.

  I ran my finger over the tip of my cock as I imagined what she’d be like coming. After she’d finished I’d watch as she’d suck me into her mouth. I closed my eyes at the visual and imagined her sucking me all the way in. My balls tightened and I shot my load into my hand. I couldn’t believe that I’d been reduced to jacking off, rather than having someone do it for me. Fuck if it didn’t feel good though.

  The next few months were gonna suck. I’d be walking around with a permanent boner around her. Fuck, what was I thinking? Mase for fucks sake! I got up and stormed over to the bathroom, putting the shower on. I glanced at my cell after towelling off. It was three am. I needed to get to sleep. I was up at six with the kids and I didn’t wanna miss it. I was gonna be like a zombie tomorrow. God help anyone who crossed me. I’d rip their heads off and shove them up their asses.

  I moved back into the bedroom and grabbed clean boxers, pulling them on and almost falling into bed.

  After a few minutes I finally drifted off. My mom got up with the kids. I woke up at seven am hearing Sophia giggling as my mom played with her. I trudged downstairs after pulling some clothes on. She toddled towards me.

  “Dada, dada, dada,” she shouted. I scooped her into my arms and kissed the top of her head. God I missed her, but I needed to work too. The guys were relying on me. However I knew I needed some time off too. I decided to take the weekend off, spend some time with my mom before she left, and help Amber settle into her job here.

  I looked up and my mom was watching me. “Mom, I hired someone for the kids.”

  She smiled and I opened my mouth to tell her more, when Helena walked into the room. “Yeah mom, you should see this girl though. She looks about twelve and she has long blonde hair, big chest. Mase couldn’t keep his eyes off her.”

  “Oh Mase.” My mom looked at me sadly. “Please tell me you didn’t hire this girl because you liked the way she looked. She could be awful with kids’ hon.”

  I glanced between my mom and my sister and rolled my eyes. A hand smacked the back of my head as my dad walked into the room. “Don’t roll your eyes at your mom, Mason. It’s the height of bad manners.” I swallowed the retort I was about to make and checked my emails instead.

  Amber’s reference had come through. I ignored what was going on around me for a moment as I quickly read over it with a smile. The woman had said Amber would go above and beyond and that she still saw the children, letting the au pair have the night off once every few weeks while they were out of town. The children loved her and there was even a message from their eleven year old niece confirming that Amber was the best nanny ever.

  I looked up and my whole family sat watching me. My dad glaring, mom smiling and Hel’s looking pissed. “Amber’s reference came through. It’s the folks she nannied for while she was at college. She’s loved and very much missed by that family.” My mom nodded and smiled and my dad looked at the TV, ignoring me. Helena walked towards the kitchen and I made to go after her, but Sophia was snuggled into my arms. When I looked down at her, I knew I couldn’t have a go at my sister when my baby girl was in my arms.

  I looked across and made eye contact with my mom. She shrugged at me, wat
ching the news with my father. I watched them for a minute, wondering if my dad would ever forgive me for turning down Yale and not becoming a doctor like him. My eyes stung as I remembered fishing trips and camping. Just spending time together. We hadn’t done any of that in years and I missed it. I missed him.

  A hand touched my arm and I looked up in the lined face of my Pops. I loved him. He was skin and bones now, with little hair and glasses, but he was the funniest wee guy. He loved to sing and tell us stories of his time in Palestine after the Second World War. He gave my shoulder a squeeze and walked over to the sofa, plonking down beside my dad and mom. I glanced at my watch. I still had an hour before work, but I’d wanted to get in a little early.

  As I stood and passed Sophia to my mom, my dad spoke, “how’s it feel now being a mega famous rock star, who has to work every damn day of the week? You could have been like me and had time with your family and helped people. Instead you’re pissing your life away against a wall. Mixing with the wrong kind of people and ending up with a child who isn’t even yours to look after.”

  I rolled my shoulders to stop myself hitting him, even though I wanted to. So badly. But I couldn’t. I couldn’t do that to my kids, my mom and Pops so I moved away, cracking my knuckles as my mom spoke, “Rupert, apologise to your son.” He shook his head and stared stubbornly ahead.

  I looked at my mom and spoke because she was shooting daggers at my dad. “Mom it doesn’t matter, but Dad, if you keep that attitude up, you won’t get near my children. I won’t differentiate between Sophia and Lucca. He didn’t ask to be born and I certainly won’t punish him for the fact his mom wasn’t married. Or the fact that she died. If you are going to keep on like this, then stay the fuck away.”

  My dad shot to his feet and turned towards me. “That’s it. We’re done. Your mom will stay until your slapper starts, but no more. After this weekend she won’t be back. We’ve helped out with Sophia because she is your flesh and blood, but I’ll be damned if I’m gonna look after Cassie’s bastard son while you swan about, screwing everything that moves and blackening your soul.”


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