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Cinnamon Bear Buns: A BBW Bear Shifter Menage Paranormal Romance Novella (The Twelve Dancing Bears Book 4)

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by Sable Sylvan

  Jace and Gabe climbed up on the table and started riding the pole. Across the Bear Buns dance hall, the waiters, who were secretly strippers, got on any of the tables that had poles, and for the tables that didn’t have poles, the waiters had very special lap dances.

  While Kim watched as Jace and Gabe rubbed their bodies together, the only thing separating their bodies the metal pole, Tashia took the opportunity to scan the room for fresh meat…and what she saw was better than fresh meat. It was rotting, spoiled fish.

  “Kim, look over there,” ordered Tashia.

  Kim looked where Tashia was pointing. The group of girls from their dorm was sitting at a large table, one that only had one stripper, and they were scowling at Kim and Tashia who were receiving the VIP treatment in the VIP area.

  “They could at least pretend they aren’t jealous,” said Kim.

  Jace and Gabe got off the table but as they did so, Jace whispered in Kim’s ear, “The show’s not over yet…and we’re nowhere close to being done with you.”

  Jace and Gabe left the VIP area through the entrance closest to the stage, went down the stairs from the VIP section, and went back up the stairs onto the stage, along with the other waiters. There were twelve in all, so naturally, Kim assumed they must be The Twelve Dancing Bears.

  The DJ played the next dance track and the shifters started stripping down, hard. What they were wearing wasn’t the typical tearaway pants ensemble that many male strippers wore. No, they were wearing sexy costumes that could be ripped off into scraps, scraps that were thrown out into the screaming audience, leaving the shifters on stage in deep violet hot pants that were covered with sequins that glimmered in the light.

  “Are you ready for things to get hot and heavy?” asked the DJ. The crowded roared their approval. “Well, boys…you heard the ladies. Guess it’s time for you to give them a show.”

  At the DJ’s command, a set of stripping poles rose up from the stage and came down from the ceiling, six coming from below, six coming from above, and each of the twelve shifters grabbed a pole and started showing off their best tricks. There were guys that climbed the pole fireman style and slid back down the pole giving everyone a nice peek at their cute bear buns. There were guys that could spin around the pole faster than a plate spun on a rod. There were guys that could do tricks upside down. Kim, of course, was only focused on one pair of guys, Jace and Gabe, given they’d had a moment just minutes before.

  “Somebody’s got a crush,” teased Tashia.

  “Is it that obvious?” asked Kim.

  “I say go for it,” said Tashia. “You’ve seen the nerd-os that go to our school. Get yourself a real man or two, at least for tonight.”

  “You really think I should go for it?” asked Kim.

  “Tell you what,” said Tashia. “I’m gonna be around here with David after the show, to uh, ‘talk’. So if you wanna hook up and dish details after, we can catch a cab back to the dorm together.”

  “You know what? I might just do it,” said Kim. “I deserve a night of no-strings-attached, no-drama, fun. Is it still a one night stand if it’s with two guys?”

  “We’ll find out,” said Tashia. “Ooh, shh, the best part is coming up!”

  Another track started playing and the men dismounted their poles. The lights flickered again, but this time, it was between different color lights, cycling through rainbow colors in no particular order and when the regular lights went back on, what was on the stage was twelve men, all on all fours…

  …And then suddenly, all twelve men were shifting, right before their very eyes. The hot pants worn by the men burst into smithereens, the scraps fluttering over the stage like so much confetti, and women from the audience reached up to grab the scraps as they were tossed out into the crowd by the shifters using paws, claws, and teeth.

  Kim had been wrong. The only set of bears on stage was the pair of cinnamon bears. The other five species present were lions, tigers, wolves, cougars, and foxes. All five species started to put on mock fights in front of everyone, the crowd hooting and hollering and throwing singles at the stage.

  Kim had never seen a cinnamon bear. She had seen them on the poster, but had thought the images must’ve been faked via some computer graphics trick. After all, she’d heard of a golden honey bear, like the plastic containers of honey found at the grocery store, but a golden cinnamon bear? Next you’d be telling her that chocolate pandas exist (for what it’s worth, they do). However, she couldn’t deny what she saw before her very eyes: a pair of bears that had bright blondish red fur that could only be described as, well, cinnamon! The fur glimmered in shades of light brown, red, and blonde gold in the light, and she found herself wanting to run her hands through its silkiness and see if it smelled just like spicy cinnamon.

  Like any other species of bear, the cinnamon bears had a commanding presence on the stage. After all, they were the headlining act of The Twelve Dancing Bears, and the fact that they were sharing the stage with five other species didn’t take away from that. If anything, it proved that they were dominant males, even in the presence of other large and in charge predators! Kim finally understood the hype behind bear shifters.

  She could imagine those two protecting her from any threat…or at least, could imagine it, the keyword being ‘imagine’, because there was no frikkin’ way Kim was about to allow herself to

  a.) let any men into her life anytime soon for anything more than a one night stand or

  b.) let herself rely on anyone else ever again, no matter what.

  “Ladies, ladies, settle your asses down, this isn’t the Roman colosseum,” joked the DJ. “After all…our Roman themed set hasn’t been built yet. Put your hands together for the Bear Buns dancers, you can go and check’m out after the show in our other dance hall.”

  The ladies hooted and hollered again, and finally, ten of the shifters took a bow, still in their shifter and left the stage, leaving on the stage the two stars of The Twelve Dancing Bears, the cinnamon bears Jace and Gabe.

  “Watch carefully,” said Tashia. “This is gonna be the best part.”

  Jace and Gabe circled each other. Kim could tell which bear was which because Jace’s shift had light hair and deep eyes while Gabe’s shift had his dark hair and light eyes. All of a sudden, Gabe’s bear swiped at Jace’s face, and Jace had Gabe on the ground, back to the floor. For a split second, Kim thought the fight was real, until she realized the DJ had a song ready for the fight scene and the lighting people had cast the bears in a light blue light, like the light of the moon, with a dark green fake forest background projected onto the backdrop behind the fighting bears.

  Jace tumbled over Gabe, trying to keep him down, but Gabe was having none of it. He roared a loud roar that shook Kim, even from her seat in the VIP section, and he turned Jace over, pounding his partner to the ground. Jace slid out from under Gabe and ran up to hit his side with his head, headbutting him as if he were a bull. Gabe got knocked back but got back on his paws. He tried to run back at Jace, but Jace moved out of the way and Gabe ended up tumbling across the stage…

  …But it was all part of the act. Gabe walked off the stage, followed by a spotlight, and out into the audience, weaving his way through the crowd, letting women touch his gorgeous pelt as he stalked through the tables up to the VIP section, which the bouncer had already opened up for him, heading right towards one person: Kim.

  Gabe threw his head backwards, as if to look over his shoulder, but he kept eye contact with Kim.

  “I think he wants you to get on his back,” said Tashia.

  The bear roared in agreement and nodded his head.

  “When at Bear Buns, right?” said Kim. She got up and the crowd cheered as Gabe got down so as to let Kim get onto his back, before carrying her carefully back down the stairs, as if he was a horse and she, his Lady Godiva, a curvy voluptuous sex goddess nobody could keep their eyes off of. Kim caught site of her dorm mates, who, unlike Tashia, who was cheering and yelling louder than an
yone, were visibly jealous, their lips as pursed as cat’s butts, which only served to make Kim’s smile wider.

  Kim was brought onto the stage, where a large throne had been wheeled out. The throne was bright purple, the cushioning made of vibrant violet satin, tufted, with gold details. The bears circled the throne and walked towards the edge of the stage…and then, ran towards the throne.

  Kim knew she should be afraid of the titanic furry predators running towards her, but instead, she couldn’t help but smile and wonder just exactly how this would end up being part of their act. She had her answer in seconds.

  The bears ran toward her and just as they lunged, they turned and shifted out of their bear forms, back into their human bodies…and given that their clothes had been ripped off when they’d shifted into bears, they were stark raving naked on the stage, which meant that Kim got an up close and personal encounter with their pairs of bear buns.

  Juicy. Thick. Good enough to eat. These were words that described not only Kim’s body, but the bear buns in front of her…but, as she turned, she realized it described something else, something thick, hanging between their legs, throbbing with arousal that couldn’t be faked.

  Kim looked over Jace and Gabe. They looked even better than they did on the poster, covered in sweat that made their bodies glisten in the light. Their muscles were firm and taut, Jace tall and slightly slender, Gabe slightly shorter but more muscular than Jace. They had rippling abs and forearms that Kim could imagine tearing apart phonebooks with ease, and in the center of their chests?

  The marks.

  Mate marks.

  On Jace’s chest was a large sunflower, the center of the sunflower deep brown, the petals, a tannish yellow.

  On Gabe’s chest was a thin petaled white flower, unmistakably a jasmine flower.

  Kim had no clue what the heck that could mean, and frankly, didn’t care. What mattered was that she got to watch the show, up close and personal.

  A large cart was wheeled out by an assistant, a tiger shifter wearing all black.

  The tiger shifter whispered in her ear, “As the special guest selected by Jace and Gabe, you get to use any of these props in any way you want…but for the sake of the club? Do try and put on a good show. I’m sure you have it in you. My only tip…use the big prop last.” The tiger shifter left Kim to look over the items that were on the cart.

  The cart was mostly filled with items that would be perfect for making a sundae: cans of whipped cream, bottles of caramel, strawberry, and of course, chocolate sauce, and a plate full of maraschino cherries that look so delicious that Kim couldn’t help popping one into her mouth as a small snack, as she hadn’t been given the time to finish her cinnamon bun. There was actually a pair of cinnamon buns on the cart, and the large prop that the tiger shifter had been talking about? A giant plastic canister, with holes on the top and a handle on the side, the canister reading ‘Sugar, Spice, And Everything Nice’, the size of a small barrel rather than the size of a standard spice container.

  Well, it certainly was enough for Kim to have a good time with. There was no question about it: she’d need to start with the sauces.

  Kim took two cans of whipped cream and walked up to the two dancing bear shifters and sprayed them with whipped cream, leading from their chests down to their dicks. While she thought that’d be bold and shocking, what she didn’t expect was for Jace and Gabe to really be into it, to the point that Jace licked the long line of whipped cream off of Gabe and Gabe did the same to Jace! The crowd whooped and hollered, really into the hot, spicy man on man action.

  If that’s what they want, Kim could certainly give it to them!

  Kim used the sauce to draw designs on the bodies of the shifters, focusing on Jace first, and, after Gabe had cleaned up Jace with his tongue, his hands behind his back, she covered Gabe up with sauces! She then took the maraschino cherries and gave one to Gabe, stem on…and after Jace gave his partner a passionate kiss, a few seconds later, Jace took a tied cherry stem out of his mouth! When he kissed Gabe again, Gabe stole the tied stem out of his mouth…and Gabe managed to untie the stem! The crowd lost it at that point.

  Next, Kim took the two sticky cinnamon rolls and unrolled them into long, cinnamon coated strips, and wrapped them like sports bandages around the thick cocks. This was some shizz that had the Bear Buns staff watching, because they’d never seen anyone do that with the props, and they just had to know how Jace and Gabe would react!

  They soon had their answer.

  Jace and Gabe got down on the floor, and got into the sixty-nine position, with Jace’s crotch near Gabe’s face and vice versa…and slowly and carefully, they unwrapped the cinnamon roll strips off of each other’s dicks without breaking the strips, eating up the cinnamon rolls until all that was left on their cocks was the sticky cinnamon coating and some frosting, which of course, they licked off of each other.

  The crowd went nuts. Full wallets were emptied out and thrown towards the stage.

  This seemed like as good a time as any for Kim to do what the lion shifter had said and use the biggest prop. She took the giant canister and shook it out and up, towards Jace and Gabe who were now bowing to the crowd.

  Chapter Three

  Out of the canister came a storm of pure glitter. This was industrial grade stripper glitter, and it covered Jace, Gabe, and their adoring fans in the splash zone. A little even made its way over to Tashia!

  “Ladies, I don’t think we’ve ever seen something this erotic at Bear Buns before,” said the DJ. “Tonight, you’ve witnessed real Bear Buns history, real strip club history, no…real Seattle shifter history. Given the special circumstances, I’m afraid that our boys are too sticky to give you a floor show, but give it up for our next act…the panda shifters!”

  As the crowd whooped it up, Jace and Gabe led Kim backstage.

  “That was amazing,” said Kim. “I guess I’d better be getting back to the VIP area now…”

  “No frikkin’ way, “said Gabe. “We were serious when we said we wanted to have fun with you.”

  “Yeah, you didn’t think that counted, did you?” asked Jace. “That was work…but the real fun’s yet to come.”

  “Are you implying what I think you’re implying?” asked Kim.

  “I’m not implying shit,” said Gabe. “We want to go to the cocktail room with you…and we want to fuck. Hard.”

  “I’m game,” said Kim.

  “Give us five minutes, and we’ll be right back out,” said Jace. “We can’t go back there covered in all this.” Jace gestured over his body, which was now covered with a potent mix of sweat, dessert sauces, and glitter, a mix known to spontaneously cause pregnancy in the state of California.

  Jace and Gabe took quick showers and met back up with Kim, who was on one of the worn leather chairs that was kept backstage, drinking a bottle of water.

  “Come on,” said Jace. He and Gabe were wearing plain black hot pants. Jace scooped Kim up into his arms to carry her to a door, which led to a row of rooms, a dark plush carpet lining the corridor, leading to a bouncer manning a velvet rope, ensuring nobody that wasn’t supposed to be in the cocktail rooms found their way into the cocktail rooms.

  Gabe opened a door reading ‘J+G’, their initials, and what Kim saw had her jaw hitting the floor.

  The cocktail room was gorgeous. The walls were plush, a royal shade of purple like the throne on stage, with a warm cinnamon colored shag rug with golden threads, a rug that reminded her of Jace and Gabe’s gorgeous fur. What really caught her attention was the giant four poster canopy emperor sized bed, the headboard lying against the wall furthest away from the room’s entrance, with a chaise lounge style couch at the end of the bed, and a mirror hanging above the bed. A cart with beverages was sitting next to the chaise.

  “Care for a cocktail?” asked Gabe. “After all, this is the cocktail room.”

  “I can’t, I’m…I’m only eighteen,” admitted Kim.

  “We know you can’t drin
k,” said Jace. “We saw that you didn’t have any drinks in the VIP section. These don’t have alcohol.”

  “Then sure, I’ll try one,” said Kim. She took a cup. It had an amber colored liquid that was slightly warm and had a cinnamon stick in it. She sipped. It was warm apple cider, slightly spicy from the cinnamon, with a caramel flavor. “This is good…this is really good.”

  “It’s our signature cocktail,” said Gabe. “Well, part of it. Usually, there’s cinnamon whiskey added.”

  “I guess it’s a good thing that I’m not here to drink,” said Kim. “After all, you two must’ve invited me back here for a reason.”

  “Ooh, feisty,” said Gabe. “Me likey.”

  “I do love a girl who knows what she wants,” said Jace. He sat down on the couch next to Kim and brushed her hair off her shoulder before lightly blowing hot air on her neck. Kim leaned into Jace, letting him wrap an arm around her while he blew on her, arousing her every sense, before she pulled Gabe close.

  “I heard a rumor that you two like to share,” said Kim.

  “Oh, we do,” said Jace. “It’s the only way we play.”

  “Then you’re in luck,” said Kim. “I’ve been around the block a few times, but I’ve never had a threesome…so wanna show me what the appeal is?”

  “Trust me, you’ve picked the perfect teachers,” said Jace.

  Gabe chuckled. Kim didn’t get it: was it some kind of a joke? No matter. She didn’t need them to be funny, she just needed them to be sexy.

  Kim got up off the couch and undid her jeans, dropping them to the floor, kicking off her shoes, and taking her socks off. She unhooked her bra with one hand, threw it aside, and lay back on the bed.

  “Come on, don’t make me do all the work,” taunted Kim, pointing down at the panties that were still hugging her thick thighs.

  Jace pushed Gabe aside and got onto the bed, putting his teeth on the waistband of the panties, gently biting, and pulling the panties down. Gabe came up onto the bed and shoved Jace, taking the panties in his mouth and pulling them the rest of the way down, but while Gabe was occupied with the panties, Jace was occupied with something else…the honeypot between Kim’s legs.


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