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Humbling the Spoiled Billionaire

Page 2

by Stephanie Street

  “Who do you think you are? Let go of me.” She tugged against his hold again, but he yanked and this time she almost lost her balance and his body was the only thing keeping her from falling flat on her face.

  Harley put her free hand against his chest in a vain attempt to create some distance between them.

  Suddenly, awareness washed over her. Not the kind of awareness a woman usually felt while pressed up against a handsome, virile man, but the kind that made her quiver with fear.

  Keeping her body perfectly still, Harley met Brent’s gaze and waited.

  When he finally spoke, he kept his voice low. Ominous. “I know Missy talked to you. I hope you don’t think this is some kind of joke.” He paused, his eyes smoldering. Anyone watching would think they shared an intimate moment.

  “I never agreed to Missy’s plan. That was all her.” Harley never took her eyes off Brent.

  Brent studied her, eyes narrowed. “You think you’re too good for me.” It wasn’t a question and it didn’t require an answer. Harley was certain one showed in her expression regardless.

  “You don’t want to create a scene do you, Harley?” Brent asked, trailing the back of his hand down her bare arm. “That wouldn’t be good for either of us now would it? Think long and hard about what’s happening here, because everyone at this party is watching.”

  Without her permission, Harley’s gaze shifted to the people around them. Several had their eyes trained on her and Brent. Harley forced a smile and turned back to him.

  “That’s right. Now, you can’t tell anyone. Not your staff. Not your best friend from high school. Your brother.” Brent turned his head, his gaze falling unerringly on Holt who still stood where they left him, carefully eyeing their exchange. Brent lifted his chin.

  “Definitely not Holt Fisher,” he said, facing her again.

  Mustering every ounce of strength left in her, body and soul, Harley pulled herself up and met Brent’s cold, calculating eyes. He’d surprised her just now. She heard he had a mean streak, but seeing it first hand, directed at her- Harley shivered again. What had Missy gotten her into? Whatever it was, her mother was going to get her back out!

  “Okay, Brent.” She spoke softly, not wanting to antagonize him further. Harley had no idea what to do about her current situation, but making him more angry wouldn’t help matters.

  Brent held her gaze for a long moment before rising to his full height. His grip on her elbow relaxed. Harley flexed her hand, but didn’t pull away completely like she wanted so she could shake it out. She was positive his touch had left a bruise on her delicate skin.

  “I’d like to meet someone.” He spoke as though he hadn’t just threatened her and left a mark on her skin. “Deacon Tate plays basketball for the Denver Rush. I’m a huge fan.”

  As Brent propelled her further into the crowd, Harley worked to school her features. It should’t be so difficult, she’d had years of practice, but she found it almost impossible.

  She knew for certain she’d failed when Brent stopped in front of a giant of a man who could only be the basketball player. But it wasn’t Deacon Tate’s expression tipping her off to her failure, it was the blue jean eyes of Carter Bragg.

  Chapter Three

  Carter had a sixth sense where Harley Stone was concerned. Like he’d been born with receptors that only came alive when she was nearby. He’d known the moment she walked into the room. Had been aware of her every move as she mingled with guests, all while tucked close into the side of a man Carter couldn’t abide.

  Brent James.

  What a tool.

  “They’re coming this way,” his ‘plus one’ murmured beside him.

  As a big fan of the Brave and Bold series and a recent business acquaintance of Stephen Berg’s, Carter had been pleased to receive an invitation to tonight’s party. He’d been given the option of bringing a plus one and when his new friend, Deacon Tate, heard about it, he begged to be Carter’s date for the evening.

  As dates went, Deacon kind of stunk. He’d been quietly ribbing Carter all evening about his obsession with Harley Stone. Distracted by his attraction for the blonde bombshell, Carter felt content to let Deacon have his fun.

  Harley was as beautiful now as she’d been the night they met. It had been almost a year since the opening gala for Homes for Warriors when Carter’s brother, Chris, had introduced him to Harley. Carter was already a fan of the famous actress who whether on screen or in real life, captivated him from moment one. Simply put, Harley Stone was the most alluring woman he’d ever set eyes on, he couldn’t keep them off her if he tried.

  Which was how he’d noticed the heated exchange between her and her new co-star.

  To the casual observer, the pair appeared to be sharing an intimate moment. Brent held her close, his eyes smoldering as they spoke. But Carter knew better. Harley’s entire demeanor screamed of her discomfort. Carter wished more than anything he could hear what they were saying.

  Carter’s jaw ticked as Brent led Harley directly toward the table where he and Deacon had taken up residence as soon as they arrived.

  They hadn’t had to move all evening. Eventually, everyone came to them. Having a lot of money came with its benefits and Carter had a lot of money.

  It didn’t hurt having Deacon at his side. As the starting forward for the Denver Rush, Deacon was about to begin his eighth season playing professional basketball. With one national title under his belt and a slew of endorsements, Deacon had his share of fans in the room. In addition, he’d built a successful name for himself off the court as the developer of a new performance material taking the athletic apparel world by storm. If Carter wasn’t mistaken, his friend would shortly be added to America’s growing list of young billionaires, if he hadn’t been already.

  Deacon smirked as he watched Harley and her date approach through shuttered lashes. Carter hoped the man would keep his cool, he had no desire to be provoked any further by his friend. The moment called for a menacing glare from Carter, but he couldn’t take his eyes off Harley long enough to deliver it.

  The woman was a vision. From the top of her platinum head to her stiletto clad toes, she called to him like a siren. Carter knew from experience if he were to take inventory of the room, his weren’t the only eyes trained on her. And it wasn’t just her fame.

  It was the way she walked, the toned muscles of her legs stretching and pulling at the clingy fabric of her dress, showing just a little bit more. Heat roared through his veins carrying it to all his extremities as Carter pulled his eyes from her legs. It was no good. Every part of her they touched, caused him almost physical pain. Her hips. Her womanly curves. Slender neck. Full, red lips. And fiery green eyes. Her beautiful face framed by almost white curls brushing her shoulders and exposed back-

  “You should take a picture, man. It’ll last longer,” Deacon mumbled quietly out one side of his mouth.

  Carter scowled, but otherwise didn’t acknowledge his friend’s teasing.

  They were ten feet away when Harley caught sight of him. It didn’t hurt his ego any when her lips parted just the tiniest bit as their eyes met and her cheeks flushed pink.

  He’d spent the better part of the last year since he’d seen her, convincing himself he’d misread the signals the night they met, but seeing her reaction to him had all cylinders firing. When she looked at him like that it would be easy to forget the way she’d turned him down that night and beg for a second chance.

  “Oh, ho. And here I thought you were full of crap.” Deacon jabbed Carter with his elbow.

  Carter frowned. Harley and Brent had almost made it to their table, but Brent stopped to shake hands with one of the executive producers of Brave and Bound. His hand stayed where he’d planted it on Harley’s hip, but her eyes never left Carter’s.

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Dude, if a woman like her looked at me the way she’s looking at you, there’s no way I’d let another man, especially a douche like Brent James
, lay his hands on her.” Deacon spoke softly, his lips hidden behind his glass.

  It was time to look away.

  Carter picked up his own glass, ice water with lemon since he’d given up drinking in college, and took a long swallow. He needed something to cool the blood in his veins.

  “I don’t have any claim on Harley Stone.” The words were like acid on his tongue.

  Deacon turned to face him. “For lack of trying?”

  “I’ve only met her once.”

  “Man, what are you thinking? You have the perfect in. She’s buds with your brother.”

  Carter opened his mouth to respond that he wasn’t in middle school anymore and didn’t need his older brother to tell the cute girl he liked her, but somehow Harley and Brent had reached their table.

  “Deacon Tate.” Brent lifted his hand from Harley’s side long enough to shake hands with Deacon. “Brent James. Good to meet you.”

  Carter might have snorted, knowing exactly what Deacon thought of the actor, but he’d been caught again by the eyes of the woman he couldn’t forget.

  Harley looked down as though suddenly realizing the messages she sent with just a glance. And like that, Carter was angry all over again. Why did she stare at him that way when she was the one who rejected him?

  Brent opened his mouth, probably to introduce Deacon to Harley, but she cut him off.

  “Carter. What are you doing here?”

  Her question, along with the tone of her voice, caught him off guard, but only for a split second. Calling quickly on the cocksure attitude he’d been perfecting since adolescence, Carter pulled his lips into a confident smirk.

  “I was invited.”

  Harley opened her luscious mouth and then closed it again, but Carter refused to be lured away from her eyes. Although, her eyes were just as beautiful and tempting.

  No one said anything for the space of two heartbeats.

  Deacon redeemed himself from annoying Carter earlier by filling the awkward silence with introductions.

  “Brent, do you know Carter? Chris Bragg’s brother?”

  Brent pulled back his chin. “Oh,” he said, extending his hand once more. “I haven’t met your brother yet, but I expect I will very soon.”

  “Really, why’s that?” Carter asked as casually as he could manage while shaking the man’s hand and carefully paying attention to Harley’s reaction at the same time.

  Carter’s father taught him early on a man’s handshake said a lot about him. Brent’s handshake confirmed what Carter already knew, the man was a snake.

  As for Harley, everything about her body language said she couldn’t get away from Brent’s side fast enough.

  “Since Harley and I’ve been dating,” Brent pulled Harley into his side in a move so possessive Carter clenched his fists to keep himself from knocking the man down. “I figure I should get to know her friends. Right, darling?”

  She’s not yours! Carter reminded himself. And she never had been.

  Still, Brent’s words were like a kick to the stomach. Carter had been expecting them with the way she’d been glued to his side all night, but that didn’t make them any easier to hear. What was Harley doing with this man?

  “And what better time for that than tomorrow.”

  All four of them turned to a blonde woman who Carter realized had been lurking nearby since Brent and Harley made their way over.

  Harley frowned. “Mom, what are you doing?” she asked.

  Mother? Carter took a better look at the woman. Harley’s mother? She barley seemed old enough to have a daughter Harley’s age and Carter knew for certain Harley had an older brother. She must have had him when she was very young.

  The woman stared at Harley, a silent message passing between them. Harley’s jaw clenched while her mother’s eyes gleamed.

  “I came to find you. Stephen’s been looking for you both. He asked you to find him when you get a chance.”

  “Missy, have you met Deacon Tate? He plays basketball for the Denver Rush,” Brent introduced Harley’s mom to Deacon. “And this is Carter Bragg.”

  Carter and Deacon both greeted Missy.

  “Carter, nice to finally meet Chris’s brother.” Carter got the feeling Missy didn’t mean what she said. But why? Then he noticed her eyes dart to Harley, who still watched him.

  “Weren’t you invited to a barbecue tomorrow, Harley? At Chris and Oakley’s? Brent could join you. What a perfect opportunity for you to introduce your new boyfriend to your friends.” Her emphasis on the word ‘new’ had Carter again watching Harley’s reaction, which could only be described as controlled rage. What was going on here?

  “That’s a great idea,” Brent interjected turning to Harley. “What do you say, darling?”

  What could she say under the circumstances?

  “Of course. That would be wonderful.”

  Harley’s expression said having Brent anywhere near the barbecue at Chris’s house would be anything but wonderful. Still, she agreed. Carter caught Deacon’s eye and knew the other man wondered the same thing Carter himself asked, why?

  “Good,” Harley’s mother said apparently pleased with herself.

  Deacon, who’d been watching as the scene unfolded, spoke up. “You guys are coming to Denver?” he asked.

  “Yes, we fly out tonight and filming begins Monday morning,” Harley answered before her eyes found Carter’s again. “Will you be there tomorrow?”

  Carter had been invited to his brother’s house the next day, but he hadn’t confirmed one way or the other. At this point, he’d have to rearrange his flight plans to make it on time.


  Harley’s jaw tightened. She’d been hoping he would say no, which made him glad for his impulsive response.

  “I didn’t get invited to a barbecue tomorrow,” Deacon pouted, once again drawing Carter’s ire. The man had no shame.

  “You’ll have to fly back tonight,” Carter told him.

  Deacon picked up an hors d’ oeuvre and popped it in his mouth. “Good thing I know someone with his own private jet.”

  Carter sighed. “It looks like we’ll both be there tomorrow.”

  Chapter Four

  Harley excused herself to find the ladies room. She was desperate to get away and furious with her mother. Once again, Missy had manipulated her by putting her on the spot in front of Carter and his friend Deacon.


  Staring in the bathroom mirror, Harley remembered the night almost a year ago when she first met him.

  She’d been waiting in her hotel suite for Chris to join her so they could arrive together to the gala for Homes for Warriors. Chris, she expected. His brother, not so much. She hadn’t been prepared for the attraction just the sight of him provoked in her. Harley spent her days surrounded by beautiful men, none of them affected her like Carter Bragg.

  She could say he flirted, but it would be a lie. The heat in his eyes. The almost touches. The things he said. None of them subtle enough to be labeled something so innocuous as mere flirting.

  After the gala, he came up to her suite.

  They talked for hours.

  Danced on the balcony.

  He made her feel things she’d never felt before.

  And then, he kissed her.

  Harley didn’t experience her first kiss until high school. Peter Zimmerman. In the school library, of all places. Kissing Peter Zimmerman taught Harley kissing wasn’t at all what her friends made it out to be forcing her to draw the conclusion kissing was highly overrated. She’d kissed a few boys since then, but none who’d changed her mind.

  Not until Carter.

  The moment Carter’s lips touched hers, Harley finally understood what all the fuss was about. Heat flickered in the center of her chest. Flames ignited, licking her whole body with fire.

  It wouldn’t have been so bad, except it wasn’t just her body reacting to Carter and his kisses, it was her heart, too.

  When the realization hit, s
he ran, afraid of her own emotions. Carter caught her, confusion darkening his eyes. He wanted to see her again. More than anything, she wanted him, too. But she couldn’t risk her heart.

  And now he was here.

  He’d be in Denver. Why hadn’t she considered that when she learned they would be filming there? She’d successfully avoided Carter for the last year. He made it easy by never attending any of the Homes for Warriors events, choosing to remain behind the scenes.

  Harley closed her eyes, breathing deeply. This was Missy’s fault. She should have expected her mother would do something like this to get her way. She wanted Harley to pretend to date Brent James and she’d probably been stalking them all night waiting for the perfect opportunity to announce their relationship publicly so Harley couldn’t get out of it.

  Sometimes, Harley hated her mother. Missy used people to get what she wanted. She used Harley. Nick, before he left for the Army. Men she dated. It didn’t matter.

  Harley swore she’d never be like Missy. But the only way to ensure that didn’t happen was to cut her mother out of her life.

  She’d also sworn never to be poor again. Never to return to the life they had before. She had a gorgeous home. Food to eat. Enough money she could share it with those who needed it, people just like her before she’d been discovered and made into a Hollywood superstar.

  She loved helping others. Giving to soldiers and their families filled her life with a light that had been missing for so long, a light she never felt when her mother was around.

  Nick told Harley she should fire Missy, make their mother stand on her own two feet. She always seemed to land on them anyway. But Harley was afraid. And she felt guilty. Not a day went by when Missy didn’t remind Harley of all she’d sacrificed to get Harley where she was today, that everything Harley had become was because of Missy.



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