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Humbling the Spoiled Billionaire

Page 3

by Stephanie Street

She had to get back to the party. Harley checked her makeup and hair, adjusted her skimpy dress and left the restroom.

  “What are you doing with that guy?”

  Harley gasped, clutching her heart. “Carter! You scared me.”

  Carter pushed himself away from the wall where he’d been leaning. “Hello, Harley.”

  They’d already said their hello’s. “What are you doing here, Carter?”

  He took another step toward her. “I told you, I was invited.”

  Harley lifted her chin. “You’ve been invited to all the Homes for Warriors events as well but you never went to those.”

  Carter shrugged.

  He was close, so close, and Harley’s eyes drank him in. He’d changed since she’d seen him a year ago. His body was different. Leaner. Harder. She wondered what he’d been doing. The man worked at a desk, for heaven’s sake!

  The body before her now wasn’t the body of a man who spent all his time in an office.

  “Why are you with him?” he asked again and this time when he stepped toward her, his chest brushed against her. The question hung in the scant air between them.

  Harley lifted her palms to rest against his chest, to create more distance or to pull him closer, she hadn’t decided yet. Her body tingled where it came in contact with his.

  She didn’t want to think about Brent.

  Only Carter.

  For the last year she hadn’t been able to forget him.

  “We’re seeing each other.” As soon as the words left her lips she wanted to pull them back in. Pretending was one thing, lying was another altogether.

  He didn’t say anything for so long, Harley lifted her gaze to find his firmly fixed on her. His jaw bulged with all the words he held back. She could only imagine what he was thinking. Probably something along the lines of why would she choose Brent when she could have had Carter? She’d hold the unasked question against the arrogant man, except Harley wondered the same thing herself.

  Then she remembered Missy, that she didn’t have a choice now.

  She straightened, pulling herself a more respectable distance from Carter.

  “Don’t look at me like that.” Suddenly, the expression on his face made her angry.

  Carter’s jaw relaxed, but only because he finally let his words loose. “You’re seeing each other? Casually? Professionally?”

  Harley sent him a withering glare. “Don’t ask ridiculous questions.”

  Carter sputtered a laugh. “Don’t date ridiculous men.”

  Harley’s indecisive hands came to a conclusion as they pushed him away.

  “Who do you think you are? You don’t tell me what to do.”

  He stepped closer when he should have stepped back. Her heart raced, betraying her. She gave him a warning look.

  “No, but I can tell who you want,” he said, his mouth only a breath away. How had he gotten so near? “And it’s not him.”

  “You don’t know me, Carter.” The words were barely a whisper, more of a whimper.

  “Don’t I?” His hands moved to her shoulders, pulling her in. He was going to kiss her. And heaven help her, she was going to let him.

  “Harley,” a voice at her side gave them both pause.

  Carter didn’t move. His eyes dared her. And oh, how she wanted to call him on it, but she couldn’t. She wouldn’t. She shouldn’t be here with him.

  “Let’s go.” Brent gripped her elbow, the same one he’d bruised earlier. Harley winced.

  Carter’s eyes narrowed. Did the man miss nothing?

  “Harley can decide for herself if she wants to go.” Carter’s jaw clenched again as his hard gaze settled on Brent.

  Fists balled up at his sides, Brent took a step toward Carter. “Who do you think you are?”

  The two men faced off while Harley watched, her mouth hanging open. Thankfully, no one was around to notice. The hall was nearly empty.

  Carter scared her. He made her feel things she didn’t want to feel. But Brent made her afraid. His existence threatened everything she’d worked so hard to accomplish.

  He’d also become the means of holding onto it.

  Carter clenched his fists at his side and Harley knew real fear. She couldn’t allow them to fight over her. Brent trained every day for his role in Brave and Bold, but something told her Carter could take him.

  Reaching out, Harley slipped her arm through Brent’s. His muscles bunched under her hand. “It’s fine. Brent’s right. We should go.”

  Brent wrenched his arm from her grasp. “You think you can take me, rich boy?” he said through gritted teeth and Harley wondered if she’d been sent back in time to high school.

  Just when she thought things were going to get out of control, Harley watched with amazement as Carter’s whole demeanor relaxed. Leaning back, he folded his arms over his chest, eyeing Brent almost lazily. “I think Harley could take you.”

  Oh, boy.

  Brent’s mouth gaped open as he processed the insult. “Why you-”

  “Mr. Bragg, you’re going to have to excuse us,” Missy appeared in the hall and Harley barely held back a groan. This party had become a nightmare.

  “I need to speak with my daughter.” Her gaze flicked toward Brent. “Mr. James, too. Perhaps you can catch up with them again another time.”

  Carter narrowed his eyes, but didn’t object. “Yes, of course.”

  Missy latched onto Harley’s elbow.

  Brent followed behind as Missy led them into an empty room, closing the door behind them.

  Harley whirled around on Brent. “What in the world are you thinking?”

  Brent’s hard eyes snapped to her. “You were practically making love to him where anyone could see.”

  Harley’s hand whipped out before she could think better of it and connected with his cheek.

  For a moment neither of them moved, but then just as quickly, Brent yanked her to him, gripping her face under her chin.

  “How dare you-” he started to say, but he was interrupted by Missy.

  “That’s enough!”

  Brent closed his mouth, staring angrily.

  “Brent, darling, why don’t you head back down to the party. Harley’s feeling a little unwell, I think we better leave so we can get ready for our flight. She’ll see you tomorrow at the hotel before you both go to the barbecue.” Missy’s eyes challenged Harley to disagree with her.

  Harley clenched her jaw and looked away.

  Brent glanced between the two women. “Okay. But this better work, Missy. We had an agreement.”

  Missy’s eyes shot to Harley before she placed a hand on Brent’s arm. “Yes. Yes, I know. Don’t worry. Everything will be just fine.”

  As soon as the door closed behind Brent, Missy whirled to face Harley.

  “Just what do you think you’re doing?” Missy asked.

  “I told you. I don’t like him.”

  “I don’t care if you like him-”

  “This doesn’t make any sense! Why do you care? Why are you pushing this?”

  Missy threw her hands up. “Wake up, Harley! You aren’t going to be twenty-five forever. Someday, the next young thing is going to come along and steal your roles. Then what? Where does that leave us?”

  “What are you talking about?” She wasn’t making any sense.

  “Brent! I’m talking about Brent. He’s young, handsome. He’s our ticket, Harley. I’ve already signed a contract to represent him. And you’re going to help him get to the top or else.”

  Missy took a threatening step toward Harley. “That means no more cozying up to Carter Bragg.”

  Chapter Five

  During the flight back to Denver, Carter couldn’t stop thinking about Harley and their almost kiss. What would have happened if Brent hadn’t found them? Would Harley have let him kiss her? And if she had, what did that mean about her relationship with Brent?

  Carter’s head ached thinking about it.

  “I thought so, too,” Deacon said, out of th
e blue. The other man had been scrolling through his phone for the last fifteen minutes while Carter stewed.

  “What are you talking about?”

  “That Harley girl. And Brent. Something’s not right. You know you were thinking it. I’m just agreeing with you.”

  Carter snorted. Deacon was a little strange. The two men had become friends after meeting at the MMA gym where Carter worked out. Deacon liked to work out there during the off season and Carter had been a regular for the last year or so.

  Rather than discuss Deacon’s weird conversation tendencies, Carter decided focus on what he said.

  “And her mom. Tell me that lady’s not out there.”

  Deacon nodded. “You were too busy staring at Harley, but the mom had been following them all night. It was almost like she was waiting for Harley to do something wrong so she could swoop in and I don’t know, it was just weird.”

  Carter agreed. It was strange how Brent and Missy both showed up in the hall, too.

  “Anyway,” Deacon continued. “Sorry for inviting myself over to your brother’s. Especially since I won’t be able to make it. I have a date.” His pumped his eyebrows.

  Carter shook his head. “Dude, you are so messed up.”

  Deacon just laughed as he put a pair of wireless earbuds in his ears and settled in to watch a movie on the large flatscreen television hanging on the wall across from them.

  Carter thought about watching the movie but then he remembered the conversation he’d had with Stephen Berg and decided to call his assistant, Claire.

  “Has anyone ever told you how annoying you are?” she asked, her voice sleepy.

  Carter glanced at his watch and grinned. He’d forgotten how late it was. “Not as often as you have.”

  If Carter ever started thinking too highly of himself, all he had to do was call his assistant. Claire had a knack for bringing him down a peg or two. Or ten.

  “I find that impossible to believe. I’ve only known you for three years.”

  “Has it really been that long? Seems like just yesterday.” In fact, Carter remembered the day he met Claire Hedges very distinctly. He’d been screening applicants for weeks, and hadn’t found one he’d been willing to hire.

  Carter was often difficult, usually demanding, and he desperately needed to get things done. In short, he needed someone who could read his mind. Or at least, be motivated enough to figure out what needed to be done without explicit instructions.

  The moment Claire stepped into his office, he knew she was the one. Upon first glance, she wasn’t an obvious choice. Her work attire, a boxy violet blouse with shoulder pads and a knee length faded black skirt that seemed at least two sizes too big, was much less impressive than her resumé. But Carter wasn’t looking for work place eye candy. He needed someone to fix…everything. The first words out of her mouth had been to reprimand him for being ten minutes behind on his interviews.

  Claire snorted and Carter pictured her her gray eyes rolling behind a pair of too large for her face glasses. “That’s because I make your life so easy, you just float through the days. Now, tell me why you’re interrupting my sleep.”

  “I apologize for that. I lost track of the time.” He hadn’t really, but an apology seemed appropriate especially considering he called to ask her a favor.

  Claire made a noise on the other end of the line that could only be described as the sound of pure hate. Carter grinned to himself again. It was absurd the amount of pleasure he got out of teasing his assistant.

  “As you know, I went to a party tonight at the home of Stephen Berg. We were talking and he invited me to spend the week on set-”

  “Carter! Are you crazy? You have appointments all week!”

  Carter kept talking as though she hadn’t interrupted him. “He knows I’m a big fan of the Brave and Bound series and since they’re using my buildings for their location, well, in short, I’m not coming into the office next week.”

  “I hate you.”

  Carter laughed as silently as he could manage. “You love me and you know it.”

  “If you call me again the rest of the weekend, I’ll turn in my resignation.”

  “Aw, come on. Don’t be like that. I promise I’ll make it up to you. And I’ll even call Mr. Malone myself.” Since the man was a misogynistic jerk.

  “Gee, thanks for that.”

  “Claire, all joking aside, I appreciate all you do for Bragg and for me personally.”

  Claire sighed. “I want flowers. And cupcakes from that bakery I like.”

  Carter sputtered out a laugh. He shouldn’t be surprised she’d make her demands known. “You got it. I’ll order them now.”

  “Roses, Carter. Nothing cheap. I know you can afford it.”

  He really did laugh, then. “Roses. Done. Anything else?”

  “No. I’ll save up my other requests for the next time you call me after midnight. Goodbye, Carter.” She disconnected the call before he could reply.

  He’d shoot her at text.

  Carter: Thank you! You really are the best.

  She responded immediately.

  Claire: Leave me alone!

  Still grinning from his conversation with his feisty assistant, Carter pressed the buttons on his phone screen to call his brother.

  “This better be good.”

  “I can’t just call my favorite older brother for no reason?”

  “Not after midnight. And I’m your only older brother. Actually, I’m your only brother.”

  “That’s why you’re my favorite.” In all reality, Carter loved Chris more than anyone else in the world.

  “What do you want, Carter?”

  “I thought marriage would make you less cantankerous.” Chris and his wife, Oakley, had been married for almost a year.

  “Carter, it’s late and I’m tired.” Something in Chris’s voice alerted Carter that maybe something was wrong.

  Carter frowned. “What’s the matter? Is it the baby?” He pictured his sister-in-law with her slightly distended six month pregnant belly.

  “Hang on.” Chris’s voice became muffled, but he heard his brother say, “It’s just Carter. I’ll be right back.” Which made Carter feel bad for calling so late.

  “The baby’s fine. It’s nothing. At least, nothing out of the ordinary. That’s what Oakley keeps telling me, anyway. She’s just tired. And uncomfortable. It puts me on edge seeing her like this.”

  Carter listened, hearing the concerned edge to his brother’s voice. Chris wasn’t used to problems he couldn’t fix. The last two years since he’d injured his shoulder and been forced to retire from professional football had been difficult for him that way. Prior to his injury, Carter felt certain Chris believed himself invincible. Adjusting his thought processes hadn’t been easy. He was lucky to have Oakley and her small son, Kaden, in his life, but relationships had a way of throwing all your weaknesses right in your face. Chris might be one of the strongest men Carter knew, but he was still just a man.

  “I’m sorry. Is there anything I can do?” Carter would do anything for his brother and that meant loving and accepting his wife and their children. Oakley and Kaden made it easy. Carter adored them. He was thrilled Chris and Oakley were about to have a child together, but he could understand Chris’s frustration and worry. At least, theoretically.

  Chris sighed. “No, but I appreciate the offer. Now, you wanna tell me why you’re calling me in the middle of the night.”

  Honestly, Carter wasn’t sure why he’d called his brother other than the fact that somehow talking to Chris settled him. Seeing Harley had thrown him for a loop.

  “It was a weird night,” he finally said. “I saw Harley.”

  Carter hadn’t told his brother what happened that night a year ago with Harley, but he figured Chris knew something. Carter hadn’t been at all subtle in his admiration of the beautiful actress. It probably seemed conspicuous for Carter not to attend any more Homes for Warriors events after the first one.

bsp; “And?”

  “She’s dating her new co-star. Brent James.”

  Chris made a sound in his throat. “Haven’t I heard of him? Didn’t he get arrested? Or pulled over for a DUI?”

  “I don’t know. It was just- there was something off about the whole thing. They’re both coming to your house tomorrow.”

  “She’s bringing him? I’ve never even heard her talk about this guy. Or any man.”

  “Yeah,” Carter sighed, needing to change the subject. “How’s Kaden?”

  “He’s good. Are you coming tomorrow?”

  “That’s why I’m flying home right now.”

  “Kaden will be glad. He’s been asking about you.”

  “Go right for the jugular, why don’t you?” Carter’s life had changed in the last year, all for the better, and mostly because of a cute pre-schooler who’d become his nephew when Chris married Oakley.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow. And Carter?”


  “I can hear it in your voice, you have a beef with this Brent guy. No starting anything and upsetting my wife while you’re here.”

  “Chris-“ Carter started to say something, then thought better of it. “You don’t need to worry about that. Listen, I better go. See you tomorrow.” Carter disconnected the call and tried not to be annoyed with his brother. Carter loved Chris, but he’d be lying if he didn’t say he held onto a certain amount of resentment.

  He’d done his due diligence. When Chris refused, Carter had been the one to follow in his father’s footsteps by going to Stanford, Martin’s alma mater, and studying business. He’d gone to school five years straight and earned his MBA in record time. For the last eight years he’d been working eighty hours a week for his father, pouring everything he had into Bragg Enterprises, and all he’d come away with, besides a hefty bank account, was the realization nothing he ever did would be enough for Martin Bragg. All while Chris pursued his dreams.

  Carter felt pride in his work. He’d done a lot to build Bragg Enterprises since he’d begun working there, but he was still just one of his father’s employees. A well paid, high ranking employee, but still, Martin was the boss and everyone knew it. Sometimes, Carter wondered if he should branch out on his own. He’d always had a desire to do more than buy and sell, like maybe develop some land and build things. But first, he’d have to come to some kind of terms with his father.


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