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Steamy Dorm

Page 66

by Kristine Robinson

  I began to tease the area around her panties with my fingers, kissing her neck now as I smirked at the sight of her panties practically dripping with fluids. “See,” I purred to her, “I can make you feel good. Just relax. I promise you, you will not be disappointed.” I swore to her.

  I slowly slid her panties down her thighs with one hand, my other hand caressed her folds. The fingers danced around her entrance, touched her clit with a feather light touch before refocusing once again.

  Was it cruel? Maybe. Was it unnecessary? Probably. Would I stop doing it every time we had sex? Never in a million years.

  I waited until she was soaking and begging me in that breathless tone. The tone of voice one gets where they would do anything to get the thing they wanted. I love it when she got to that point.

  Maybe I am a bit of a sadist? It’s entirely possible that I am. I do genuinely enjoy making the woman I love most in the world beg for me. Oh well, There isn’t any genuine harm to it.

  When she needed me, my fingers unceremoniously entered her, leaving her howling with pleasure. I smirked at her, “Shh.” I told her, slowing my movements to a torturous pace. “You don’t want the neighbors to know, do you?” I whispered to her. “Do I need to gag you?”

  She gives me the weakest glare, I think, anyone had ever tried to make. Like an inconvenienced week-old kitten. It seems that it’s really hard to feign anger – or even annoyance – when distracted to such a degree.

  I continued to tease her until she cried out. “Oh GOD! Oh GOOOD GOD! AH-H.” I couldn’t help the smug grin that painted itself over my face. I couldn’t help it. Being able to make her climax was such an ego boost.

  She spun us around and smirked after basking in the afterglow of her earth-shattering orgasm for mere moments. “My turn~” She purred in my ear.

  That was months ago, and nights like those, are definitely the good nights.

  But, other nights…. We struggle to pay the bills and I find my teeth grinding. I have to lower myself to ask Assad for money. He dumps 70,000$ into my bank account, and it gets frozen again. I’m glad they do that, but it’s really hard to deal with having no money right when I need money the most.

  I appreciate him so much but he goes waay too far. My ex-parents don’t even know he takes care of me. They just think he has a mistress. Which, somehow, is better than caring about his own flesh and blood to those two horrid people. Two horrible people that I used to wish I was more like.

  Everything is completely fine. We are happy. Even when it gets tough.

  Things will only get better from here.

  And I’d rather be happy with little, than miserable with a lot.

  The second-best things in life may be horrendously expensive, but I truly believe the best things in life are free.

  Virgin Beginnings

  ~ Bonus Story ~

  A First Time College Lesbian Romance


  I had always been a geek and never found it easy to make friends. Now I was starting at a big university and wasn’t sure what to expect. When I find another freshman that enjoyed sci-fi, I was glad to have a friend. And she was a girl. I started to develop strange feelings for her though, the more time we spent together and I felt confused. Why was I feeling attracted to another girl? I had barely dated men, let alone thought I was lesbian. Even though jealousy nearly drove us apart, I couldn’t get my green-haired fairy queen out of my head. I even trusted her with a secret not even my parents knew!


  I never thought I would fall for a cute geeky girl, but after I showed her what it was like to kiss another woman, I really wanted her. I knew she was innocent and didn’t want to take things too fast or do anything to scare her off. Unfortunately, my big mouth was always getting me into trouble, and it did with her too. Then she disappeared out of my life for three months. I didn’t know if I’d ever see her again. I had many opportunities to pursue other girls, but it was only her I wanted. My friends were supportive, but warned me about going for a baby dyke!

  * * *

  Chapter 1

  “Kaela, you need to stock up on water and emergency supplies!”

  “Yes dad!”

  “They said thousands could be killed and we’d have no electricity for a long time. We need to be prepared, honey!”

  My father had watched a program on the Cascadia Rising exercise, a massive tsunami and earthquake drill involving the whole Pacific Northwest.

  “I know, dad.”

  “There won’t even be any mobile phone service!”

  I had seen a few minutes of the news footage, with military vehicles delivering supplies to Vashon Island.

  “And I can’t believe they still haven’t reinforced your building since last time dad! It’s so dangerous!”

  “Yes, yes,” he replied, “I know. They keep saying it’ll cost too much!”

  “Cost too much! You could have been killed!”

  I wished my dad would find another job and stop working in the dangerous old brick building he had been, for longer than I’d been alive. And his building wasn’t the only one in Seattle that was a potential death trap. There were about a thousand more that were unsafe, if another earthquake struck! I could still remember the 2001 quake clearly, even though I was only four years old.

  It was my first year of school and one I would never forget. I first noticed my chair starting to shake and looked around. No one else seemed to have noticed. Then the roaring sound began, as a whistle and everything started to shake. The teacher looked around the room, confused. Everything was rattling, as the rumbling grew louder. The children around me started to cry.

  “Everyone under their desks!” the teacher shouted.

  The drone of the vibrations grew so loud, it nearly drowned out her voice. My whole class was crying, including me.

  “Get down on your knees and cover your head with your arms, like this.”

  I knelt down under my vibrating desk. I could feel the ground shaking beneath me. All I wanted was my mom, at that point. And, judging by the numerous other cries of “Mommy!” I wasn’t alone.

  Books fell down off the shelves and the clock, with the smiley face, fell off the wall.

  After the shaking finally stopped, the whole school, including our daycare, was led out of the building, onto the field. My class twin squeezed my hand as we walked out two-by-two. I felt braver for a few seconds.

  When I was older, my mother told me about how her building had shook. She had been 20 floors up! She could feel the whole building swaying with the force of the shock, but thankfully it was a new building and it stayed standing. The building my dad worked in was not so lucky. My mother had collected me from school already that day, when she found out about my dad. I could see the fear she had been suppressing for my sake come to the surface. The old brick building he worked in had sustained major damage. My father and ten of his colleagues were injured and had been sent to hospital.

  He had only suffered minor concussion from the incident, but I still hated him working in the same building.

  “Nobody was killed, Kaela. I’ll be fine.”

  I shook my head as I lay on my raised bed in my res. Beneath the bed, I had my study desk. I shared the room with another girl, who was luckily neater than I was. Her bed was crease-free and her desk was clear except for a stationery holder.

  My room at my parent’s home was even smaller, so res life wasn’t too much of an adjustment for me. But I was glad the scholarship had included on-campus housing, as much as I loved my parents.


  I woke up before my roommate on our first day of class. I had been awake since 06:00, but didn’t want to disturb her. When my alarm went off at 06:30, I sat up in bed.

  “Well this is it!” she said.

  She rolled over and looked at me.

  “Nervous?” she asked.

  She smiled at me. I raised my eyebrows.

  “Not at all!” I said.

  She tilted her head
to the side and started laughing. I sniggered and burst out laughing too. We would be fine. After my first two classes that morning, I had an hour gap. I hauled out my campus map, looked around sheepishly and found a coffee shop in a nearby building. I shook my head. It was going to take a long time to get to know where everything was on the huge campus! I passed by a fountain, with a pond which would be inviting in summer. I pushed my shoulders back. I could do this! As I watched the water spraying up into the air, I suddenly collided with someone. Their books fell to the ground.

  “I’m so sorry!” I said, “That was my fault. I wasn’t paying attention!”

  “Don’t worry about it,” they responded.

  Then I looked up and saw who I had bumped into. It was a girl. She had green hair tied in two plaits that hung down over the front of her top. Her eyes were blue and her skin pale. Her long, toned legs were covered by tights with a green dragon-scale pattern.

  I closed my mouth. She grinned at me.

  “Are you okay?” she asked.

  “I- I’m fine,” I replied, “Thanks!”

  She straightened her books, after I helped her pick them up and I watched her go, before resuming my search for coffee. In the afternoon, I had class in the Chemistry building. I pushed open the heavy lecture hall door. The room was much larger than the ones I’d been in that morning. As I made my way to the middle of the rows, I noticed there were a few familiar faces from my earlier classes, but many I hadn’t seen before.

  The lecturer began roll call. I would be right near the end. After the lecturer called out the second name on the list though, I thought the voice that responded, sounded familiar. I looked in the direction it came from and immediately recognized the head of green hair. I moistened my lips with my tongue. What a crazy coincidence, I thought. And now I knew her name - Jenna. I looked down at my laptop screen quickly, in case she caught me staring, again.

  Chapter 2

  Since my last class ended at 15:00, I had time to start studying for my first test on Friday. As I stepped onto the cement step outside my res, Jenna was coming the opposite way.

  “Hey!” she exclaimed, “You again! My name’s Jenna, by the way. What’s yours?”

  “I – err,” I began, “I’m Kaela.”

  She extended her hand and I took it in mine. Her skin was as soft as satin. As I breathed in deeply, her scent reminded me of Seward Park, close to my parent’s house. I had been hiking there with them and been twice with my karate group. The karate weekends were always brutal. Our sensei was a real sadist. We were up for a run each morning at 06:00, followed by a morning and afternoon training session. I loved training, though the few minutes of the long run I was alone among the tall green trees, I felt the most free. I had achieved my brown belt already, but wasn’t sure I would carry on training while I was studying, though the University did have a club.

  “Nice to meet you Kaela,” Jenna replied, “It seems we keep bumping into each other. Maybe it’s for a reason-”

  She stared at me for a few seconds and then began to giggle. I giggled too, still unable to take my eyes off her. I couldn’t understand why I was so intrigued by her.

  “You also staying here?” I asked.

  And then felt stupid for asking. She didn’t seem to notice.

  “Yeah!” she replied, “I guess I’ll be seeing more of you then!” she added.

  I certainly hoped I would see more of her. In our next shared Chemistry class, she spotted me when I walked into the hall and beckoned me over. My heart was beating twice as fast as usual by the time I reached the empty space next to her and pulled out the chair.

  “Hi Kaela!” she greeted.

  I looked at her pale arm next to mine on the desk. Though I was of mixed decent, my skin was not much darker than hers. Her accent sounded Canadian, but I was too shy to ask her where she was from. I hated talking about my family. My roommate laughed quietly every evening when my dad or mom would phone to check up on me.

  A week later, I bumped into Jenna again, but this time in the res bathroom! She was wearing a towel wrapped around her otherwise naked body. Her wet hair was sleeked back. Droplets of water dripped down onto her cleavage. I had to force myself to look away.

  “Sorry Jenna,” I said, “I’m always bumping into things!”

  She laughed. “I see so,” she said.

  Later as I crawled into bed, I couldn’t get her out of my head. Her slender neck, narrow shoulders and the tops of her breasts squashed up by her fluffy mauve towel. As I fell asleep her pale figure kept appearing in my thoughts. And then pervaded my dreams…

  Locks of her green hair wafted on the wind. She swept the stray strands behind her ear and smiled at me. Her hand pulled the towel loose and it fell to the ground. She turned around quickly, winked at me and ran into a forest. Light shone low between the trees. My feet trampled the dry red and orange leaves on the path as I pursued the naked nymph. I followed the sound of her giggling, over a rickety, moss-covered bridge and over a hill. I could hear the sound of water. I reached the top of the hill and looked down. The crystal blue waters of a river cascaded down over the rocks into a clear pool. The reflection in the pool made my skin tingle. Perched on one of the rocks beside the river, languidly stretched out and naked, was the luscious forest fairy, Jenna. Her pale legs crossed over at the ankles and her arms reached behind her, pushing her bare torso forward. Her green hair hung over her chest, with the beginnings of two teardrops exposed in the center. Her hand beckoned me nearer.

  I hurried towards her, as she dived into the clear waters of the pool below. I climbed up on the rock and looked down. She looked up at me.

  “It’s lovely!” she said, “Come and join me, Kaela!”

  Her green hair spread out around her bare shoulders and floated on the water like waterlily leaves. Droplets glistened on her pale skin. I stripped off my clothes and jumped in. It felt more like a warm bath than river water. Jenna paddled into the middle of the clear pool. I pulled my arms through the water and moved towards the siren.

  She grabbed me, brought me towards her and pressed her lips against mine. Her lips were soft and moist. They tasted like citrus fruit. I felt her breasts pressing against mine, my hard nipples grazing against hers. She reached up her hands and grasped my breasts. She squeezed them gently. I wanted to feel her full breasts too, but hesitated. I ran my hands down her back, into the curve of her lower back and onto her firm butt. I gripped her cheeks in my hand. She pulled away and swam towards the waterfall. She climbed up onto a rock and let the water cascade down her naked body. I tread water and watched her lean her head back into the cascade. The water streamed over her naked breasts, over her flat stomach and down between her legs which were crossed, one in front of the other. She moved her hand between her legs and stroked her pussy. As I swam closer, I could see her pussy had no hair! It was smooth. I wanted to run my tongue over the silky grooves. Her hand stroked down and up over her mound. Her fingers disappeared into the entrance to her divine pussy. She groaned as her fingers moved in and out and the water ran over her full breasts.

  There could be no more perfect picture. And it wouldn’t be the last time that dream came. Came indeed. In my sleep, I could feel an explosion of pleasure inside me and woke up with damp panties.


  I waited until the lecture hall was almost full before finding a seat. There was no space left next to Jenna. I avoided looking her way throughout the lesson and hurried out as soon as the lecturer was done. The dream kept popping into my head. I didn’t understand why I would be dreaming of another woman like that. I had not even had a serious boyfriend before. Let alone had sex. I must have been the only virgin in the whole university.

  The last time I had been out with a guy, was with one from my karate class. I hadn’t even thought of it as a date, until I suddenly found his lips against mine. I pulled away and stared at him, then down at the black and white checkered floor.

  “So-Sorry!” he said.

hadn’t thought about him that way before his sudden move, though he was kind of cute. A few seconds after the kiss, he spotted a group of guys he knew, went over them and never came back. He didn’t come to the next two karate classes either, but then reappeared and pretended nothing had happened.

  A month passed at the University. I had been home the previous weekend, but that Saturday, I’d decided to go for a run with a few girls in one of the University’s botanic gardens. When we returned to res afterwards, I ran into the one person I didn’t want to see.

  “Oh, Kaela,” she said, “I was looking for you.”

  The other girls went on to their rooms.


  “Yes,” she continued, “Do you want to study for the chem test together?”

  “I – err,” I began.

  I looked at her hair, at the student finance poster on the wall and at the students in the distance.

  “Err – sure.”

  “Oh great! Tomorrow night then?”


  “Come to my room. It’s number 3.17.”

  That evening I traced my finger along the wall as I hunted for her room. She was a floor above me, where the rooms were single occupancy. They cost a lot more and weren’t covered by my scholarship. I knew my parents couldn’t afford to pay the difference and didn’t even ask when we filled in the application.



  I stopped and stared at the door. I slowly raised my hand and rapped lightly on the standard white surface.

  “Is that you, Kaela?” Jenna called, “Come in.”

  I pushed the door open slowly. Her dorm was about the same size as mine, but didn’t have the extra desk and bed. There should have been more space in Jenna’s room. The one wall had a bright purple velvet two-seater sofa against it. Above the sofa, the wall was covered in posters, trinkets, fairy lights, hanging plants and a huge fern dominated the corner. Jenna was sitting cross-legged on her bed, in a pair of loose pants and short-sleeved t-shirt. When she looked up and smiled, I noticed she wasn’t wearing a bra. She patted her hand on the bed.


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