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Steamy Dorm

Page 182

by Kristine Robinson

  It wasn’t because I was naked and with my lover. There was also a mask and very specific instructions that included a whipping that left me begging for more. I was never much into the hardcore scene, but that man had the ability to convince me to do just about anything. My mystery tormentor had that same ability, but he was using that dangling carrot to make me bend to his will.

  I found a place to keep an eye on the café to see who came and went. There were a few possibilities, but there was no conceivable way that I could possibly know who was going to take my underwear. I was looking for the man with the chiseled good looks and the hair that made him appear to be one of those heroes from the covers of a romance novel. It was a cold day in February and everybody was bundled up in layers to keep the chill from getting to their bones.

  I waited for over an hour and then I couldn’t help myself. I dashed across the street and into the bathroom of that café to see that my underwear was gone. I ran through the several people that I’d seen and I had at least 10 possibilities. There was no way that I was going to get my hands on the video of this place without committing fraud. I couldn’t even believe that I was thinking about committing a crime.

  I was walking by the phone when it started to ring again. It was apparent that he was watching me. I had my own stalker and I wasn’t sure what to do about it. There was something flattering about the attention, but the way that he was going about it was rubbing me the wrong way.

  I was looking at the phone. I was frightened and excited by what he could possibly ask of me next. It was almost 11:00 AM and I had this rush of intense impatience that came from doing something totally out of character. It made me feel alive like my heart had begun beating like never before.

  I picked up the phone with shaky fingers, glancing over my shoulder to the window of the café to see if anybody was standing out there being obvious. There was a young mother with a baby carriage kneeling to make sure that the kid was warm enough for the weather. It reminded me of how my parents kept a watchful eye on me when I was a child. I was sickly and in and out of hospitals until I found a bone marrow transplant. I swore on that day that I would never let another day go by without enjoying it to the fullest. I had lost sight of that.

  “I thought that I would tell you that my name was Mitch. It would be a good idea for us to be on a first name basis considering that we are going to sleep together. You may think that is arrogant, but I know what I like and I rarely ever let anything stand in my way. I will have you and it’s only a matter of time before you drop this act.” I felt like I wanted to scream, but then I gritted my teeth and decided that it would be better not to antagonize him further.

  “That is a bold statement to make. I don’t think that you have the grapefruits to back it up. I don’t even know that I could even be friends with a man that has me dancing to his tune. Your endgame is to sleep with me. It’s interesting that you would mention that. I’m not opposed to getting physical, but I have to be selective about who I let enter into my life. I’m not just going to throw caution to the wind. I need time to get to know a person before jumping into bed.” I stood there with my voice low enough so that the other patrons could not hear what was going on.

  This matronly waitress walked by with a goofy grin on her face. “He told me to tell you that you had good taste in underwear.” Her words struck me across the face like somebody had slapped me with the back of their hand. “Just between you and me, I think that what he is doing is sweet. He wants something of substance and he thinks that you’re the one that’s going to give it to him. I hope that you can appreciate the lengths that he has gone to.” She was one of those waitresses that had been around the block too many times.

  “Don’t even think about questioning her. I frequent that place from time to time, but she really doesn’t know me from Adam. I told her that I was looking to fall in love and that you had caught my eye on the bus. She thought that it was romantic, but I believe that it was kismet. I’m sending you downtown. I want you to go into a secondhand clothing store and leave wearing a pair of blue jeans with nothing on underneath. The shirt has to be something flashy. That goes for the jacket as well. I think that you would look amazing in leather. Go into the furthest stall and leave the door unlocked. I want you to fear that somebody might walk in on you getting naked.” I felt like a puppet, but I didn’t feel that I had much of a choice.

  I found the place that he had mentioned with one of the letters burned out over the top. I stepped into where there were rows and rows of clothing on racks being thumbed through by those looking for a bargain. I got a sideways glance from the clerk with tats and piercings in her nose. I found a pair of jeans that would fit me and a black shirt that had a design of a scorpion on the back. The leather jacket was nearly $50.00. It was a good thing that I had credit cards.

  I could smell something in the air. It could’ve been desperation, but I think that it was something that they sprayed the clothes with when they received them for donation. I went into the last dressing room leaving the door unlocked and staring at it waiting for somebody to barge in. I had one pant leg on and one pant leg off.

  I turned my back on the door not wanting my junk to be the first thing that somebody saw when they came in without notice. I was struggling to get my pants off and then I felt that I wasn’t alone. I momentarily froze, paralyzed by fear and that adrenaline rush of not knowing who it might be standing behind me.

  I tried to turn to confront this individual, but he grabbed me by the hair and made sure that he could not be recognized. “I had to see it for myself. That ass is the kind that wet dreams are made from. I think that you have been hiding the person that you really are. That suit and that trench coat really did scream that you wanted help.” I felt my arms turning and then the click of metal on metal. I tried to struggle free from his grip, but he was strong and quite a match for my 160lb frame.

  “I thought you said that you were going to play a game. This seems a little off script if you don’t mind me saying so.” I could feel his hot breath on my neck making the hairs stand on end. My whole body trembled with this need that I never thought was possible. I’d never been in this position before other than when I was with ‘that man’. I wasn’t going to say his name. He was dead to me. My heart flat lined on the day that he walked out on me.

  “I was going to keep this up until I got you into a hotel room where I could have my way with you. It was when I got a look at that video that it opened up my eyes. You looked so damn good being taken from behind. I thought that I should enjoy the same position that that guy was in.” He stepped closer with my hands behind my back. I suddenly felt something more lifelike than a plastic animation of the male anatomy.

  “I was hoping that you wouldn’t see that.” He had his package moving between my fingers. It was quite the dish that I wanted to serve piping hot into my mouth. I was in a compromising position. His face was burned into my memory. He had brilliant white teeth and a style that rivaled my own.

  “I was a bit surprised by your willingness to drop your guard at the bedroom door. I thought what better way than to bring that part of you out again than to catch you in a public setting. You might not feel comfortable doing this, but I really don’t care.” I moved my head back and forth as he tried to situate a blindfold over my eyes. It wasn’t like I didn’t know what he looked like. There was an erotic flair to how he was treating me like a piece of meat. “You’re not usually the kinda guy that I find myself attracted to. I like a man that is butch, but I see no reason why I can’t be the dominant personality in this relationship.” I don’t know how he could call it a relationship. It was more like he had caught me with my pants down literally.

  The strength of his arms spurred me to my knees where something soft and pliable touched my lips. I opened my mouth and snatched onto that object with my tongue wrapped around it for good measure. I let it linger and drip with a savory explosion that had me wanting more than just an appetizer.

bsp; I was on my knees in the dressing room with this guy that I barely knew with his enlarged and pumping organ in my mouth. It was quite thick and demanding. There was no doubt that he had to be 8 inches and that was being conservative. I’d never been much of a deep throat artist, but he was proving that there were still some tricks that I could learn. I was barely in my thirties and I hadn’t even scratched the surface about what it was to let my hair down.

  “Your lips make me feel like I can’t last forever. You drive me to the edge of my own sanity. I can watch this all day and never get tired of it. Your enthusiasm is infectious and makes me wish that we had taken this to a private setting. I’m not going to be able to keep quiet with the way that you are doing that. I don’t think that it’s right for us to meet face to face. This is just a preview. Better things are coming.” It was an interesting choice of phrase. He was already close to that moment of truth. I only had to do something to push him until there was no chance of him coming back from it.

  My lips, my tongue, and my whole mouth were there for his pleasure. I could feel myself growing. There was something about doing this on my knees with him looking down on me that had me wanting to feel the same thing. I could’ve easily bit him and made quite the scene. It was what I should have done, but instead, I gave him the benefit of years of experience.

  “I thought that I was going to have to…ahh….coach you. It doesn’t look like you need anybody to tell you how to do this. My god, I’m falling apart and I don’t know how much more I can continue at this pace.” The pace that he was talking about was the way that he was holding onto my hair and letting me bob for his apples. I released him long enough to consume those orbs, letting him feel the fiery warmth of my mouth encompass him. I saw nothing, but I could feel everything so vividly that it reminded me of a blind man that had to compensate with his other senses.

  He was grunting and I didn’t have to be able to see to know what was coming. It was that feeling and the way the vein pumped against my tongue that had me waiting on pins and needles for the onslaught.

  I knew what he wanted, but I wasn’t going to give it to him without some kind of assurance. I pulled back with his love stick ready to explode. The knob had swelled and I thought for a moment that I had gone too far to make my point. I was afraid that I was going to have to duck. I stared at it willing it to hold back the flood. I wasn’t sure that it had anything to do with me. It could’ve been him trying to save face by being the big man.

  My past demons had come back to haunt me. That video should’ve been erased a long time ago. I just couldn’t do it. It was the last vestige of my relationship with that man. I couldn’t just expunge it and with it any of the good times that I had with him. It would have been like saying that I wasn’t even with him.

  “I’m not going any further until you give me back my phone.” I was in no position to negotiate. I had no leg to stand on. He could have told me to go to hell and I would’ve had no recourse.

  “I don’t know what words confuse you. I told you that I would give it back to you, but only under the condition that you play by my rules. I don’t know what is tripping you up about that. You had me where you wanted me. Opening your mouth was the worst mistake that you could have ever made.” He lifted me to my feet and he turned me with my head up against the wall. His legs were pushing mine out like he was going to frisk me.

  I felt his hands on me and then he was pulling those cheeks apart. I felt the slippery feel of his tongue as he made entry. This was something that I had never done before. I always thought that there was something wrong with it, but I was finding out differently. My rampant state was pressed up against the wall and I don’t think that I could’ve gotten harder if I wanted to.

  “I can’t believe that you’re doing that with your tongue. Do you not have any shame? Oh, my god… we are both going to go to hell for this.” I couldn’t even touch myself. He was building the dam until it was inevitable that it was going to burst. I think he understood the hold that he had over me. He got back into a standing position with his hands on my hips.

  I could feel the sponge-like mushroom tip and I heard him spit into his hand. I tried to move, but his legs between mine were keeping me a virtual prisoner. There was no need for quiet conversation. I started to reflect on my lack of a love life. My love life was dead on arrival. I couldn’t understand why I was even fighting this. It wasn’t ideal, but it was far better than getting hit on in a bar.

  “I’m going to do this, but I want you to tell me what you want. I need to know that we are on the same page. Do you want me?” I had to do what was right and my body was practically begging me for him to finish what he started.

  “I want you. Is that what you want me to say? I want you to take me right here and right now with the possibility of everybody outside the store hearing the way that I’m going to scream. I want to be filled and I want you to give me a reason to come back looking for more. Do you think that you can live up to those lofty expectations?” He applied pressure and that long serpent began to slither into my body.

  I think back on that time and I had this feeling that I could’ve easily gotten away if I wanted to. He rocked me back and forth on me for several minutes. It was so pleasing and desirable that I got lost in that feeling of complete bliss.

  “I knew that if I gave you a chance that you wouldn’t be able to turn this down. I love the way that you said that you wanted me. You can tell that I’m a little eager. It’s a good thing that I took the time to bring myself under control. Had I not, I’m sure that I would even be able to give you the first few inches without leaving you with the reason why we should be together.” I was listening to my body and I was out of time. He was at the perfect angle to make me moan. That gave way to a climax that left a pretty nasty mess in my wake.

  My senses were awakened and it left me speechless. I had my eyes closed and I didn’t realize that he had left me until I was able to move my arms without having the handcuffs to prevent me.

  He did not get off and for some reason that made me disappointed. I did put on those jeans and the flashy shirt with the leather jacket. I left the trench coat and my expensive suit on the floor of the dressing room. I had others where that came from. This was my time to step into the light and not be blinded by the unknown.

  The pants felt a little snug. I reached into the pocket to find that my phone was there. The smile that I couldn’t wipe off my face had turned into a frown. I wanted the games to continue. He had put an end to it by leaving me the prize like in a box of cracker jacks.

  Chapter four

  I didn’t know where I was and nothing seemed familiar. It appeared to be an old schoolhouse with that smell of chalk in the air. I was walking down the hallway with the sound of the clanging lockers banging together. I looked around to see what the source of the noise was but there was nobody there.

  The way that I had been taken in such a dramatic fashion in the dressing room was an easy way to excite all of my senses at once. I looked down to see that I was naked. It made me feel a little self-conscious about being that way in a public place. I tried to cover my shame with my two hands, embarrassed beyond words and a red flush on my cheeks.

  “I would like, to begin with, a living model. Everybody should pay close attention to how he becomes aroused by the sight of me. He thinks that I don’t know, but I am aware of how much he wants me to bang that sweet bread basket of his. He wants me to pull him apart and to wreck him for any man that comes after me.” I opened the door without even thinking about and he motioned for me to come closer.

  The way that he was talking made me believe that there was a class being conducted, but there was nobody in the seats.

  He walked around me with a ruler in hand and then smacked that against my bare backside. I jumped and squealed like a little girl that had been chastised for coming home late from her father.

  “As you can see the subject is vulnerable. This is exactly how you want him to be. The best way
to show dominance is by having your man with nowhere to hide. There has to be dominance over the weak.” He once again smacked me on the ass and the crack of the ruler really did echo in the enclosed space.

  “I don’t know what you want me to… OUCH.” I tried to say something, but he smacked me across the face hard enough to snap my neck to the side. I was angry and I needed to let it out in a constructive way. That man was going to learn quickly that I could be vindictive. He thought that he could train me. We would see who was going to do the training in this strange and fulfilling relationship.

  “The one thing that you have to understand is that being dominant means that you do not tolerate the victim talking back. They have to know their place.” He was unzipping his pants. He had on a pair of tight jeans that hid nothing of what he possessed underneath. He had them down around his ankles and there was no underwear to prevent me from seeing the hard salute that he was giving with this flag.

  He pushed me over the desk, clearing it off and having everything flying like it was in slow motion. I felt something wet behind me and I looked back to see that he was drizzling warm oil from a bottle. He applied his hands to my ass and began to massage that oil into my skin. His finger made contact with my rosebud. I cringed for a moment until it started to feel better as each inch of that finger began to find its place within my pulsating walls.

  “He’s very tight and when you have a subject like that you need to be extra careful about scaring them off. He has been an amazing student, but I think that it’s time for us to move onto a more advanced class. As you can see, he is winking at me with encouragement. He may profess otherwise, but his body is asking for it.” I heard the sloshing of the oil and I glanced over my shoulder see that he was liberally applying that same oil onto his cock.


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