Book Read Free


Page 9

by Shakir Rashaan


  “Are you sure this will work? I’m flowing a little heavily tonight.”

  I was in the medical tent talking with the nurse about something that I’d never heard of before because I didn’t think I would ever have the need to use it. I wasn’t exactly embarrassed or anything about wanting to use it, but I didn’t realize that a company had made the product.

  “Yes, m’Lady, it will work. i’ve used it myself, and once You get through the initial discomfort, You won’t feel a thing, and You won’t leak.” anissa, my nurse, held the diaphragm-looking cup in her hand as she prepared to insert it inside of my walls.

  I hated to sound like a teenager who didn’t know anything about anything, but I was honestly curious because I’d never needed something like this before. Before I married my Beloved, whenever I was “on,” I never bothered to want to have sex, and most of the men were too grossed out to attempt it. But Ramesses was nothing like the other men. On occasion, if I was horny enough like I was tonight, we just grabbed towels and did the damn thing. It wasn’t like he was scared of blood or anything like that, or if we didn’t do that, we simply went anal and kept fucking from there until “Aunt Flo” had left from her visit.

  I was on the gynecological table with my feet in the stirrups, and I was amazed at how many other women on the island were suffering the way I was. All of these sexy-ass men and being completely plugged up was never fun, but it put my mind at ease to see other attendees having this thing inserted to get their fuck on.

  If anything, it turned me on even more and intensified my desire to find him and fuck him into the mattress.

  “So, how long would I be able to keep this thing in here?”

  “About twelve hours, m’Lady,” anissa answered. She had me lubricated pretty good, and I could have sworn she had my clit engorged because the moment she started slipping it in, I moaned and started shaking. “Don’t worry, m’Lady, You’re extremely sensitive during Your period, but i’m sure You don’t need me to say that. i wouldn’t be surprised if You came almost as soon as He slides in.”

  The devilish grin on my face inspired a similar one on hers as we looked like co-conspirators to the orgasmic death of my Beloved’s primary weapon of ass destruction.

  “If i may say so, m’Lady, You are able to be as rough as You want to be. It won’t get lost or be hard to pull out when You’re done.” anissa looked as though she were having a flashback moment of her own as she explained things to me. “You’ll even be able to get some in the morning before you come back to have it removed.”

  “I like you a lot. I see why My Beloved and My baby boi picked you as a part of this staff. you’re a freaky little slut, aren’t you?”

  She blushed at my assessment and cast her eyes downward. “It is my desire to serve and please as i am directed, m’Lady,” she whispered as she moved closer to me. She hesitated for a moment before she planted a soft kiss across my lips. She blushed again at her actions, trying to find the words while figuring out if I was upset or not. “i’m sorry, m’Lady, i couldn’t help myself. It’s been a long night and I’ve been trying to keep my lustful desires in check until I’m done in twenty minutes.”

  I placed my hands over hers to calm her before taking one hand to lift her chin to meet my gaze. “you are a lovely woman, and quite sexy, too. If I weren’t already on My own mission, I would ravage you before you could clock out and leave this tent to get back to your hut. In fact, I want to give you a gift, especially when he has been a good boi also. I want you to present yourself to amani, and I want you to tell him you are a gift from his Goddess; do you understand?”

  “Yes, m’Lady, i understand.” Her grin had her glowing as I guessed the thoughts in her head. “he is a gorgeous-looking man, as is Your Beloved. All of the women on the island that have come here can’t stop raving about Him.”

  I laughed quietly as to not disturb the others. She was a stunning woman, and her features gave me the idea she was recruited directly from the Bahamas. Her eyes gave her away the moment a naughty thought came to mind. She would be exactly what my boi needed for all the hard work he put in this week.

  Once she finished with the insertion, I headed out with part of my mission completed. But I had one more stop to make before I went on the hunt for my Beloved.

  He wouldn’t know what hit him.

  “I thought I might catch You here, gorgeous.”

  I managed to convince another person to cover for me as one of the dungeon monitors because I was so horny I couldn’t see straight. I had to have my Beloved inside me by any means necessary. Thanks to the stop I’d made to the medical tent and the sleight of hand of anissa, I had an Instead Softcup® inserted and was stocked up on plenty of lubricant to make sure I put him to sleep.

  The next stop I was in the process of making was to the main building to raid the kitchen of fruit and water. The way I felt, we were going to need it!

  Seeing Lyrical standing there both startled and aroused me at the same time. I saw the way he kept his attention on me, and while the other men were doing the same thing, he was the first on my hit list. I didn’t care if he simply shut the fuck up and let me get it, I was in blind heat and I needed it to be put out.

  I didn’t get greedy often, but I knew my Beloved would finish me off. That was a guarantee.

  “So, now that You’ve caught Me, can You handle what I have for You?” I teased as I moved toward him and grabbed for his shorts.

  The surprise on his face let me know he thought this was going to go a little slower, but I was already in third gear and needed him to get on my level ASAP.

  He quickly adjusted, grinning at my anxiousness, thinking he was the reason I was wetter than Victoria Falls. “Oh, so You want it like that, huh? No warm-up, just straight, no chaser?”

  “Quit acting like You don’t want this pussy,” I challenged him, pushing him against the island in the middle of the room. “Be a man and get this pussy!”

  Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a figure watching us, but I dismissed it quickly, focusing on the prize in front of me.

  Lyrical switched up, spinning us around and had me bent over the island before I knew what happened. Finally, I would get fucked properly by someone other than Ramesses. I purred as he whispered in my ear, “Okay, since You like it rough, bitch, I’m gonna give it to You rough.” He gave my ass a hard swat for good measure, pulling his dick out and trying to slide in before I had the chance to figure out if he’d put on a condom or not.

  I stopped dead in my tracks. Bitch?

  And he’s trying to enter me raw?

  What the fuck was on his mind?

  “Get off Me!” I tried to push away from the table and from him, but he had a full head of aggression and lust and wouldn’t relent. That only served to piss me off more.

  “Muthafucka, get off Me NOW!!!” I screamed louder. I only hoped someone at least heard me to get help and realize this was not some scene being played out. “You’re hurting Me, You bastard!!!”

  “Oh, no, You’re gonna give Me this pussy now!” he growled, seemingly more aroused by my fear. He fought with my hands, trying to rip my bikini briefs off, with this wild look in his eyes. I didn’t know who this jackass thought he was, but he was not about to get over on me. “All this teasing You been doing, who the fuck do You think I am, one of Your bitch bois or something?” He raised his hand in an attempt to slap me when his eyes darted away from me, focusing on a figure moving in his direction.

  “I got Your bitch, boy!” I heard someone yelling from behind us. The next thing I knew, Lyrical’s weight was off me in a flash, and I had a chance to breathe a little.

  By the time I got my bearings, I saw amani on top of Lyrical, raining elbows and fists at his face and ribs. I thought he would beat the man senseless the way he continued his onslaught.

  “amani, stop! That’s enough!” I yelled in his direction. I wasn’t sure to try to grab him when he was only protecting me, bu
t I needed him to stop before things got out of control.

  Before I made my move, Dominic and two security officers moved in. Dominic rushed amani, while the other two restrained Lyrical, who was yelling profanities in amani’s direction along with threats to kill him for breaking his nose.

  “Get them to the cage, immediately!” Dominic barked as the zip cuffs were applied to both men.

  What a way to end a night.

  But I would soon find out the morning was only beginning.

  After Dominic checked me over to make sure I wasn’t bruised or hurt, he dropped another bomb on me that I didn’t see coming. “Ramesses is in one of the medical tents. Something went wrong after the demo scene. I need to get You there as soon as we get this mess sorted out.”

  FIFTEEN amani

  “Let me out of this cage and i’ll make sure i finish beating His ass!”

  Lyrical picked the wrong one tonight!

  I happened to hear the commotion while I was in the main building heading back to the medical tent. I was frustrated because no one was able to locate my Goddess, and I checked all of the locations I thought she might have been. To say it was luck I happened to be walking past the kitchen when I heard her screaming.

  I rushed into the room and I couldn’t believe my eyes.

  Protective instincts took over, and I saw nothing but red. The next thing I knew, I’d tackled him to the ground, and the fists went flying.

  He still had aggression on him because he was still trying to fuck my Goddess against her wishes, which only fueled my desires to rearrange the features on his face.

  The first punch landed square across his jaw.

  The second punch landed flush on his nose. I grinned when I saw blood gushing from it.

  There would be no third punch because Dominic rushed me from the side, yelling at me the entire time.

  “amani, chill!” he yelled in my ear, trying his best to restrain me. I felt more weight on my back before I felt the zip cuffs closing on my wrists behind me. “you’re not doing yourself any good struggling!”

  “Let me up!” I yelled back, straining against the cuffs as I saw them cuffing Lyrical. “He tried to rape my Goddess! Let me go!”

  “amani, calm down!” Dominic tried again to get through to me, but I was still in a rage. He kept his knee to my neck, which would have put me in a different headspace under normal circumstances. He leaned in, putting more pressure against my neck to close off my airway. “I don’t want to put you to sleep, but I will if I have to!”

  “Dom, let him go!” I heard my Goddess yelling in our direction. “he didn’t do anything; he was protecting Me!”

  Dominic yelled out once more, “Enough! We’re taking this to the cage so we can sort all this out!”

  “Good! I want to press assault charges!” Lyrical tried his best to sound like he were the victim while being escorted out of the room. “We were having a private moment and he accosted Me for no reason!”

  “I got Your no reason, jackass!” I shouted in his direction once Dominic got me on my feet. “You better hope they put us in separate cells, or I’ll show You again how much reason I had to beat You to sleep!”

  “That’s enough, amani!” I heard my Goddess’s voice, instantly shutting me down. “you’ve done what needed to be done; don’t ruin it by talking shit!” The look in her eyes was hot enough to melt metal, and she forced me to stare at her, recognizing the intensity in her eyes. She knew I wouldn’t refuse her, no matter how angry I got or how intent I might have been to rip Lyrical a new asshole.

  “Yes, my Goddess.” I relented immediately.

  As Dominic walked me downstairs to the “Cage” and placed me in my holding cell, I cut my eyes in Lyrical’s direction. He was holding a towel over his nose, and I couldn’t help but sneak in a few jabs while she wasn’t looking.

  “Damn, that must really hurt, partner… i wonder how the other dude looked.”

  “you snuck Me from behind. There’s no way you could take Me in a fair fight.”

  I couldn’t contain my laughter. “Care to put that to the test? i would love to finish with Your ribs what i started with Your face.”

  “That’s enough, gentlemen.” Dominic interrupted my attempts to intimidate him further. “amani, according to Sir Lyrical, you assaulted Him in a fit of jealousy because He was intimately involved with your Goddess. Care to tell Me your account of the situation?”

  “Well, well, well. Dude gets His ass whipped by a bitch boi—i believe was the term used to describe male submissives—and now He wants to play victim?” I rhetorically asked, looking in Lyrical’s direction before returning my focus to Dominic. “my Goddess can fuck whomever She wants. i am Hers to command, and i will protect my Owner, period.”

  “So, you’re saying that Sir Lyrical’s account is incorrect?”

  “Yes, it is.”

  “Would you like to give Me your account?”

  “Yes,” I flatly answered. “i was searching for my Goddess because there was a matter that She needed to be aware of, and She was not in the location we thought she would be. i went to a couple of different areas, hoping to find Her. I took the chance that She might have been in the main building.”

  “Go on.” Dominic scribbled notes.

  “i heard Her screaming, but i know Her tone when She’s in the throes of passion and when She’s in trouble, so i rushed toward the sounds.” I continued to recount, feeling my anger rising again. “When i entered the kitchen, i saw my Goddess bent over the table, fighting off His attempts to take off her briefs. i distinctly heard Her yell out for Him to get off Her, and when He made the reference to being compared to one of Her bitch bois, i’d heard enough and rushed Him.”

  “You heard him! he admits to assaulting Me!” Lyrical shouted.

  “And You just admitted to attempted rape and sodomy, Sir,” Dominic replied as he opened the door to my holding cell. “Lady Neferterri has sought to file charges against You. You might want to call Your attorney; it doesn’t look good for You.”

  “What the hell? She’s been teasing Me this whole damn time!” Lyrical was beside himself with anger. He glared at me, yelling, “If You’re going to charge Me with something, let Me out of this cell so I can beat him to sleep!”

  “Kinda hard to do when You’re still holding Your nose, playa,” I quipped, still grinning at the site of blood in the towel. “You might wanna get some ice on that soon, too, before it swells up and have You looking like the Elephant Man.”

  We walked out of the Cage and back to the main level of the building, and Dominic gave me this look. “For a minute there, I hesitated.”

  “Why was that?” I inquired.

  “I really never trusted that prick,” Dominic confessed. “There were some complaints about Him from different women on the island, but we never could really pin anything on Him. I guess I saw you beating Him senseless as a sort of Karma. Once we get back to Nassau, we can report the incidents to the proper authorities.”

  Honestly, I didn’t want him to suffer in the courts, at least not yet.

  He needed to feel the wrath of a Pharaoh I served. That would be worth the price of admission once he found out what happened to his Beloved.

  I couldn’t wait.


  “I don’t believe My Beloved would betray Me like that.”

  I didn’t want to believe the images I saw in the video playing in front of me.

  I wanted to believe they were untrue, but my Beloved was nowhere to be found to explain her side of things. In fact, none of my girls were anywhere near me, and that bothered me more than I wanted to admit.

  The meds had me a little disoriented and the lateness of the hour found me a little sleep deprived, but my eyes could not tear away from the scene that unfolded.

  There was no way this could have happened.

  “Sir, the video doesn’t lie, and I would have no reason to lie to You.” Korina sat next to my bed, looking as though she d
idn’t want to show me what she’d captured. I couldn’t understand why she felt the need to, but my reasoning and logic were being overridden by anger.

  I closed my eyes. “She would never do this to me.”

  “I know You love Her, Sir, but the allure of the island can turn even the most faithful into something they don’t recognize.” She touched my hand for effect. I didn’t pull my hand away. I was in too much shock. “No one is immune to seduction, Master Ramesses…not even You.”

  “So, is that why You wanted to show Me this video, Korina?” I got up from my prone position and grabbed her by her throat. I didn’t pay attention to the fact that she didn’t budge or move her hands to try and remove my grip. My rage was building by the second. “You already knew the attraction between us was evident. You didn’t need to show Me this to get Me to fuck You.”

  I squeezed tighter, watching her eyes glaze over, but she never broke eye contact with me. If I were a little more lucid, I would have sworn she were in a euphoric status, on the verge of orgasm from the touch of my hand alone.

  “I…wanted…You to see…You’re choking Me, Sir.” Korina began to see her original plan wasn’t working, and she moved her hands to try to get me to loosen my grip.

  I released her without further incident. She gasped for air, her chest heaving to get as much into her lungs as possible. “Sir…I…this was not meant as some ploy to get You into bed. I …I wanted to give Myself to You before this incident with Your Beloved happened. You have to believe Me. I only had Your best interests at heart.”

  I placed my hands over my eyes in a desperate attempt to remove the images now etched in the recesses of my memory. Lyrical would pay dearly for his part, but my Beloved would not escape my wrath, either. I was irate that neither of our girls were here when I awoke to be here with me, and I thought at least amani would be nearby to keep abreast of my situation.


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