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Page 10

by Shakir Rashaan

  I slowly suspected that maybe Korina was right.

  No one was immune to seduction…not even me.

  “You will leave Me now and wait for Me in Your cabin. I’ll claim You when I get out of here.” My stare penetrated the windows to her soul, causing her to tremble. This wasn’t about what she wanted anymore. This was about using her to erase the hurt in my heart that my entire family was elsewhere. There would be time to deal with the pain later, but right now I was going to get this out of my system so I could deal with them all. “You will be at My mercy and My control until I deem otherwise.”

  A mixture of genuine fear and unbridled arousal spread across her face. I didn’t care if she was ready or not; if she wasn’t ready, she wouldn’t ever be ready. She awoke the beast within me, and as its prey, she had no choice but to absorb the brewing storm, and the tempestuous and carnal nature that came with it.

  “Yes, Sir, I will do as You ask.” Korina got up from her chair and left the room without another word. She was smart not to ask questions or offer any rebuttal, lest she find out the depths of which I could derive my sadistic nature.

  The nurse walked in moments later, taken aback by the fact that I’d gotten dressed and was heading toward the door. “Sir, You cannot leave in Your condition.”

  “And what condition might that be, nurse?” I moved my arm around her waist, physically removing her from the doorway. She tried to grab my arm, holding me in place for a moment or two. The icy glare that greeted her when I turned my head in her direction scared her into releasing her grip. “As you can see, I am fine now. When My family comes by to check on My condition, tell them I have recovered and I will see them after I have taken care of a pressing issue. Am I understood?”

  “Yes, Master Ramesses, You are understood.” There was nothing else she could say that would appease me. I was sure she would radio to security to alert them of what I’d done, but by the time they would be able to respond to confront me, I would be where I needed to be. “Sir, there is something You should know. It’s about Lady Neferterri—”

  I was out the door and down the hall before she could finish her statement. I’d deal with her later.

  Right now, a wanton slut awaited my arrival.

  “Hurt Me! Oh, God, it hurts so good!”

  She was on all fours, wide open, and taking every inch of my girth inside of her other pussy.

  She never had a chance to offer resistance. Not that she wanted to.

  “This is how You wanted it, whore, so take it like a good slut.”

  “Yes, baby, give it to Me! Make Me Yours! Take it all out on Me!” A flash of understanding washed over her, and she knew she would never have the chance to take control of the situation. Her body made it clear she didn’t want to be in control, and I was going to pound her into submission whether she wanted me to or not. “I want to be a good slut for You!”

  I noticed the developing redness on her right cheek from my hand slapping her ass incessantly, grinning at the palm print shaping quite nicely on her skin. There would be no doubts who took her on this day, and I would not deny it if anyone asked.

  “Shut the fuck up!” I growled as I pulled her up to place my hand over her mouth. I didn’t want to hear her talk dirty to me. All I wanted was to exorcise the demons that threatened to spread through my mind like a cancer, poisoning any good thoughts I might have had before she brought my world into chaos.

  Her body exploded with each thrust inside of her ass, my shaft resembling a piston inside of her hole, each stroke attempting to open her further without a care of whether I was causing any damage. I was going to make her pay for the pain she caused me, all so she could be fucked.

  Her pussy, her ass, and her mouth would remember me for weeks to come; I was going to make sure of that.

  I smelled the heat of her sex and needed to get back into her pussy, so I pulled out of her ass and slid inside of her pussy in one smooth stroke, sliding my thumb inside her ass again to feel my dick sliding inside her pussy. I took my thumb out quickly, sliding two fingers inside, listening to her scream out as I continued pounding her into the floor.

  Her dirty talk was reduced to nothing more than grunts and moans now, her body taking over and getting what it wanted. I took my fingers out of her ass and grabbed for her arms, pulling them behind her back to finish her off. I felt my own climax on the horizon, and I wanted her to do nothing to disturb the tsunami that awaited to consume and wash away everything in my mind.

  “Oh, God, I can’t take any more!” she begged as her body convulsed and twisted, trying to get away from me. “It’s too much! Please, I beg You! You’re making Me come again!”

  I had her tuned out, concentrating on my own pleasure, gritting my teeth as tunnel vision took over. I ignored her pleas to stop, neglecting her cries that her orgasms had turned into multiple streams of pleasure, rendering her speechless. All I cared about was releasing everything I had into the universe, praying to the gods that the hurt would leave with it.

  I pushed her head down into the floor, pressing her face against the hard floor, feeling it coming on strong. I pulled out, taking the condom off my pulsing manhood and flipped her onto her back, holding off from shooting until I leaned over her mouth.

  “Open wide, bitch!” I sneered as I jacked off and felt my explosion heading into her waiting mouth. I grabbed the back of her head and forced my length deep inside, shaking as I felt the back of her throat taking all I had to give down her throat. “You better not spill a drop, either!”

  She took it all, licking around the head, trying to suckle me back in while I was still hard. I didn’t want her to try to turn this into some sort of pseudo-romantic moment where sucking my dick became a sensual experience where I would want to cuddle afterward. I pulled away, leaving her writhing and quivering on the floor, trying desperately to have me close to her again. “Please, I want to suck You…I need it in me, I don’t care where! Don’t leave Me!”

  I was done with her and bored with the routine. I felt like a new man as I gathered my clothes and walked out the door as I heard Korina whimpering and trying her best to crawl after me. Before I did, I took the video camera with the information I needed to handle the situation in front of me.

  Korina continued to crawl toward me, screaming out her desire for me and her need to be devoted to me. I never bothered to look back, satisfied that I’d taken her ability to walk away from her. I dressed in the doorway and walked into the warm morning sunlight.

  The sun felt good on my skin, but inside I felt hollow, without the ability to feel anything other than quelling my desire for answers. Once that was done, maybe there might have been room to heal and figure out the next step.

  It was a damn shame the day would be so bright and sunny.

  A storm was on the horizon. A tempest no one would ever see coming.


  “What do you mean, you can’t find Him???”

  Dominic was angry, and I couldn’t blame him.

  How do you lose track of the owner of the island without any idea of where he might have been located?

  I wanted to strangle the security officers myself, but Dominic was doing a good job of that without any help from me.

  The whole island was frenzied with the news of Ramesses’s disappearance. The nurse on duty was inconsolable, wondering if she’d simply called security before he left the medical tent rather than after she’d tried to stop him. This wasn’t like my Beloved at all to have acted in such a threatening manner, but the way the nurse recounted how he’d behaved, something had gone wrong. I felt it.

  “Sir, we got here as fast as we could when the nurse called us to the medical tent, but He was nowhere to be found, and He covered His tracks well.” The officer who had enough guts to talk to Dominic tried to explain the aftermath of Ramesses’s absence, but it wasn’t enough to pacify me.

  “Find My husband or there will be hell to pay!” I yelled as the other officers scrambled i
n different directions, interviewing anyone in sight that might have seen which direction he could have traveled in.

  shamise, sajira, and amani were in shock. The cryptic tone of his message meant for all of us to hear had them all shaken up. In their haste to make sure I was okay, they didn’t check with the medical staff to find out how long Ramesses would be sedated, or if he might come out of it quicker than expected. My emotions were split between worrying about his safety and dealing with the attempted rape hours earlier. I prayed he would turn up soon so I could find out what happened to him.

  “Is He that upset with us, Goddess?” sajira’s eyes were soft and needy. This was the first time she’d dealt with his anger, and it left her distraught. “He wouldn’t leave us like this, would He?”

  shamise tried to calm her as best she could, but she had her own reservations about this recent chain of events. Yes, her Daddy’s temper was legendary, but it had never been directed at any of us, including me. “Let’s just hope the officers are able to find Him in one piece. We can work on what to do afterward once that happens.”

  amani focused on making sure I was stable, ensuring the incident didn’t overtake my emotions. “Goddess, they will find Him. He can’t go too many places without someone seeing Him.”

  Dominic nodded. “He might think He knows all the security protocols to avoid being seen, but He has another thing coming.”

  “Don’t be too sure about that, Dom.” Our attention immediately shot in the direction of Ramesses walking up behind Dominic. The expression on his face was stoic, as though it were made of stone and couldn’t be shattered.

  Now I was really worried.

  I was the first to approach him, and when I tried to hug him to connect with him again, he pushed me away. I tried to blink the shock away because he’d never refused me. “Beloved, what happened? The nurse said You just walked out of the tent without Your detail.”

  “Don’t Beloved Me, Mercedes.” His curt and emotionless reply chilled me to the bone. I knew he was angry because he never called me Mercedes unless we were at home and away from any of the compounds. “I needed away from You, all of you, so I could think a little bit. Now that I see things a little more clearly, I can deal with the fact that you abandoned Me to deal with whatever the fuck you wanted to deal with.”

  My eyes widened, trying to make sense of what the hell he was talking about.

  shamise rushed to my side, with sajira in tow. “Daddy, we’re so glad You’re okay.” sajira tried to move toward Ramesses, but she was rebuffed also.

  His eyes were still transfixed on mine, searching them for something. I was more confused than ever. “Beloved, please tell Me what’s going on?”

  The answer to my question came in the form of a small video camera. He clicked the machine on, and played the footage. I looked in horror as the events of what happened between Lyrical and me played out on the screen, triggering my trauma, unbeknownst to him. “Care to explain this?” he asked.

  I was speechless. I couldn’t mouth a word. I was reliving the event in my mind all over again. Tears began to fall from my eyes; I didn’t have the strength to answer his question.

  “Sir, it’s not what You think,” amani interjected for me. “Goddess was—”

  “Fucking another man while I was laid up in the medical tent, right?” Ramesses’s fury rose to the surface, threatening to destroy anyone in its path. “Save it, amani; Domina Korina took the footage. Besides, none of you were around to at least let Me know something, were you?”

  I was still reeling, my eyes glued to the screen as it finally went black at the moment before all hell broke loose and Lyrical turned the tables on me and tried to rape me. It was then I realized that Korina had played him, and my despondence turned to anger.

  By the time I could reason with him, he was at the point of no return. “Baby, listen to Me. I didn’t do what You’re accusing Me of doing. You have to believe Me.” I pleaded as best I could, but his eyes were cold and there was no way to get through to him.

  “I’ll be at the main building for the remainder of the week.” He turned and walked away, leaving us in further confusion and hurt. “Until I can figure out what the fuck is going on, I don’t want to see any of you.”

  The girls were devastated, and I wasn’t able to process what he’d said because I didn’t want to believe it. The anger in amani’s eyes was evident because he knew the truth, and Ramesses shut him down before he could get it out.

  Dominic didn’t flinch. He radioed to one of his officers. “Call off the search; Ramesses has been located. Get a message to His cabin, there’s something He needs to help with. He may be the only one who can get through to Ramesses.” He turned to me and offered a consoling shoulder. “He’s hurting right now. He doesn’t know what happened, and You know how He gets when He doesn’t allow anyone to get a word in edgewise.”

  “Yes, I know, but it still hurts.” I buried my face in his chest, trying to find some refuge in his arms. “None of this works without Him. Bring Him back to Me, Dom, please? He needs to know the truth.”

  “Consider it done, My Lady.” Dominic took a hand towel from amani and wiped the tears from my eyes. “I called in the heavy artillery for this, but we’ll get it done.”


  “There’s nothing You can say, so, save Your breath.”

  I guess I should have known Dominic would call Amenhotep to try to talk me off the ledge, but this is something even He couldn’t fix. My wife had breached the trust between us, and that’s not something you can get over in a few hours’ time.

  I had already downed half a bottle of whiskey by the time they got to me, and my inebriated state would be another obstacle for them to overcome, not that it would matter much. I mean, what could they say? It’s not what You think, Ramesses?

  “You know, I remember a couple of years ago when a youngster, a man who I regard as a son to Me, did something I never thought He would do.” Amenhotep sat down next to me and poured a shot of whiskey, downing it in one gulp. “He got Me to remember that regardless of the situation, You should do no harm to those in Your charge.”

  I was incredulous and irritated beyond measure. “My wife was caught on tape committing a sex act while I was out of it in the medical tent, basically cheating on Me, and You want me to remember, ‘Do no harm’? Get the fuck out of here with that, Sir,” I slurred.

  Dominic commented, “Is that what Korina told You?”

  “She didn’t have to tell Me shit, Dom! It was right there on tape, dammit!” I yelled.

  Amenhotep grabbed my shoulder and turned toward me. “And You believed a total stranger over a woman who has been devoted to You for over a decade? Do You really hear Yourself right now, youngster?”

  “Fuck You!” I tried to take a swing at Amenhotep, but Dominic caught my arm before I connected. Amenhotep never moved a muscle, confident I would have never made contact in my diminished state. “I don’t need to make sense right now! The cameras don’t lie!”

  “Oh, You mean like this camera?” Dominic pulled out his tablet and raised the surveillance cameras that were in the kitchen area. I tried to look away, dismissing it as something I’d already seen. Dominic forced my head in front of the camera. “Oh, no, You’re going to watch this…all of it. The truth never lies, either.”

  I watched as the scene moved past the point where Korina stopped taping and saw what happened after. My eyes narrowed as I saw Lyrical force himself on my Beloved, calling her a whore for teasing him. I turned my eyes away, tears flowing freely, as I realized the mistake I’d made in drawing the wrong conclusion.

  I wanted to scream.

  “We interviewed Lyrical after we peeled amani off of Him,” Dominic said. “It seems He and Korina had designs on splitting You two up so He could have Her, and Korina could have You. The only thing that went wrong was when She turned the tables on Him after He began trying to humiliate Her during the encounter. If amani hadn’t gotten there—�

  “He’s a dead man before He’ll ever get the chance to tell a jury anything.” I threw the shot glass against the wall, shattering it into pieces. “Where is He now, and don’t tell Me I can’t see Him, either, Dominic.”

  Amenhotep kept His hand on my shoulder the entire time I ranted. “Kid, listen to Me. I know You want to handle this and protect Your Beloved’s honor, but all things in due time, understood?” He waited for me to nod my head before He continued. “You need to make things right with Your Beloved, first, and then the rest of Your family. They are hurting because You didn’t give them a chance to explain things to help You to understand what happened.”

  Tears still flowing, I dropped my head. “I fucked another woman without My Beloved’s consent based on a lie, Sir. How in the hell do I reconcile that? She wasn’t the one who betrayed Us, I was.”

  “You two are the closest thing to family I have left on this planet, and I’ve seen You both go through ups and downs and survive a lot to get where You are right now.” Amenhotep grinned for the first time during our conversation. “You will find a way to reconcile; I have faith in that. You two aren’t done yet. In life, everyone is going to hurt You; I have been around long enough to know this for a fact. The key is to figure out who You are willing to suffer through the hurt for. I think You know the answer in Your heart by now.”

  I took comfort in His words. He was always a balancing influence on me, and having Dom there to beat me over the head with the cold facts was sobering enough to make me put down the bottle and shot glass and look for a pot of coffee. “You’re right, both of You. I need to set things right before My family thinks I don’t want them anymore.”

  “Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, Sir, what do we do about Korina?” Dominic asked, trying to get me back into business mode. “She’s basically an accessory to the crime, but it really won’t stick in court because She didn’t know Lyrical would take things to the extreme.”


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