Oy, Caramba!
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———. Feeding on Dreams: Confessions of an Unrepentant Exile. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2011.
Eichelbaum, Samuel. El viajero inmóvil y otros relatos. Buenos Aires: Paidós, 1969.
Feierstein, Ricardo. Cuentos para hombres solos. Buenos Aires: Instituto Amigos del Libro Argentino, 1957.
———. Cuentos de rabia y oficina. Buenos Aires: Stilcograf, 1965.
———. El caramelo descompuesto. Buenos Aires: Editorial Nueva Presencia, 1979.
———. Mestizo, 1994. Translated by Stephen A. Sadow as Mestizo. Introduction by Ilan Stavans. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 2000.
———. La logia del umbral. Buenos Aires: Galerna, 2001.
Fihman, Ben Ami. Mi nombre Rufo Galo. Caracas: Monteávila, 1973.
———. Los recursos del limbo. Caracas: Monteávila, 1981.
Freilich, Alicia. Cláper, 1987. Translated by Joan E. Friedman as Cláper. Introduction by Ilan Stavans. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1998.
Fuentes, Carlos. Cambio de piel, 1967. Translated by Sam Hileman as A Change of Skin. New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1968.
———. Terra Nostra, 1975. Translated by Margaret Sayers Peden as Terra Nostra. New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1976.
———. La cabeza de la hidra, 1978. Translated by Margaret Sayers Peden as The Hydra Head. New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1978.
Gerchunoff, Alberto. Los gauchos judíos, 1910. Translated by Prudencio de Pereda as The Jewish Gauchos of the Pampas. New York: Abelard-Schuman, 1955. Revised edition with an introduction by Ilan Stavans. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 2007.
———. Cuentos de ayer. Buenos Aires: Ediciones America, 1919.
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———. Pequeñas prosas. Buenos Aires: Manuel Gleizer, 1926.
———. Heine, poeta de nuestra intimidad. Buenos Aires: Babel, 1927.
———. Los amores de Baruj Spinoza. Buenos Aires: Babel, 1932.
———. El hombre importante. Montevideo/Buenos Aires: Sociedad Amigos del Libro Rioplatense, 1934.
———. La clínica del Dr. Mefistófeles: Moderna milagrería en diez jornadas. Santiago de Chile: Ercilla, 1937.
———. Entre Ríos, mi país. Buenos Aires: Futuro, 1950.
———. Retorno de Don Quixote. Prologue by Jorge Luis Borges. Buenos Aires: Sudamericana, 1951.
———. El pino y la palmera. Buenos Aires: Sociedad Hebraica Argentina, 1952.
———. Argentina, país de advenimiento. Buenos Aires: Losada, 1952.
Glantz, Margo. Las genealogías, 1981. Translated by Susan Bassnett as Genealogies. London: Serpent’s Tail, 1990.
———. El rastro, 2002. Translated by Andrew Hurley as The Wake. Willimantic, CT: Curbstone, 2005.
Glickman, Nora. Uno de sus Juanes. Buenos Aires: Ediciones de la Flor, 1983.
———. Mujeres, memorias, malogros. Buenos Aires: Milá, 1991.
Goldemberg, Isaac. La vida a plazos de Don Jacobo Lerner, 1980. Translated by Roberto S. Picciotto as The Fragmented Life of Don Jacobo Lerner. New York: Persea, 1976. Revised edition with an introduction by Ilan Stavans. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 2008.
———. Hombre de paso/Just Passing Through. Translated by David Unger and Isaac Goldemberg. Hanover, NH: Point of Contact/Ediciones del Norte, 1981.
———. Tiempo al tiempo, 1984. Translated by Hardie St. Martin as Play by Play. Hanover, NH: Ediciones del Norte, 1983.
———. La vida al contado. Hanover, NH: Ediciones del Norte, 1992.
———. La vida son los ríos. Lima: Fondo Editorial del Congreo del Peru, 2005.
Goldemberg, Isaac, and José Kozer. De Chepén a La Habana. New York: Editorial Bayu-Menorah, 1973.
Goloboff, Mario. Entre la diáspora y octubre. Buenos Aires: Stilcograf, 1966.
———. Caballos por el fondo de los ojos. Barcelona: Planeta, 1976.
———. Criador de palomas. Buenos Aires: Bruguera, 1984.
———. La luna que cae. Barcelona: Muchnik, 1989.
———. El soñador de Smith. Barcelona: Muchnik, 1990.
———. The Algarrobos Quartet. Translated by Stephen A. Sadow. Introduction by Ilan Stavans. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 2002.
———. La pasión según San Martín y otros relatos. La Plata, Argentina: Ediciones al Margen, 2005.
Lerner, Elisa. Vida con mamá. Caracas: Monteávila, 1975.
———. Una sonrisa detrás de la metáfora. Caracas: Monteávila, 1977.
———. Yo amo a Columbo. Caracas: Monteávila, 1979.
———. Carriel para la fiesta. Caracas: Blanca Pantín, 1997.
———. En el entretanto. Caracas: Monteávila, 2000.
Levinson, Luisa Mercedes. “El abra,” 1967. Translated by Sylvia Lipp as “The Cove.” In Short Stories by Latin American Women: The Magic and the Real. Edited by Celia Correas de Zapata. Houston, TX: Arte Publico Press, 1990.
Lispector, Clarice. Perto do coraçao salvagem, 1944. Translated by Giovanni Pontiero as Near to the Wild Heart. New York: New Directions, 1990.
———. Laços de familia, 1960. Translated by Giovanni Pontiero as Family Ties, Austin: University of Texas Press, 1972.
———. A maçâ no escuro, 1961. Translated by Gregory Rabassa as The Apple in the Dark. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1967.
———. A legião estrangeira, 1964. Translated by Giovanni Pontiero as The Foreign Legion. New York: New Directions, 1992.
———. A paixão segundo G. H., 1964. Translated by Ronald W. Souza as The Passion According to G. H. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1988.
———. Uma aprendizagem ou O Livro dos Prazeres, 1969. Translated by Richard A. Mazarra and Lorri A. Parris as An Apprenticeship, or The Book of Delights. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1986.
———. A hora da estrêla, 1977. Translated by Giovanni Pontiero as The Hour of the Star. New York: New Directions, 1991.
———. Soulstorm. Translated by Alexis Levitin. New York: New Directions, 1988.
Lubitch Domecq, Alcina. El espejo del espejo, o La noble sonrisa del perro. Mexico City: Joaquín Mortiz, 1983.
———. Intoxicada. Mexico City: Joaquín Mortiz, 1984.
Muchnik, Mario. Mundo judio: Crónica personal. Barcelona: Lumen, 1984.
Muñiz-Huberman, Angelina. La morada interior. Mexico City: Joaquin Mortiz, 1972.
———. Tierra adentro. Mexico City: Joaquin Mortiz, 1977.
———. La guerra del unicornio. Mexico City: Artifice, 1983.
———. Huerta cerrado, huerto sellado, 1985. Translated by Lois Parkinson Zamora as Enclosed Garden. Pittsburgh, PA: Latin American Literary Review, 1988.
———. De magias y prodigios. Mexico City: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1987.
———. De cuerpo entero (autobiography). Mexico City: UNAM-Ediciones Corunda, 1991.
———. Dulcinea encantada. Mexico City: Joaquin Mortiz, 1992.
———. Las confidentes. Mexico City: Tusquets, 1997.
———. El mercader de Tudela. Mexico City: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1998.
———. La sal en el rostro. Mexico City: Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, 1998.
———. Conato de extranjería. Mexico City: Trilce, 1999.
———. Trotsky en Coyoacán. Mexico City: Instituto de Seguridad y Servicios Sociales, 2000.
———. Molinos sin viento. Mexico City: Aldus, 2001.
———. Cantos treinta de otoño. Mexico City: Verdehalago, 2005.
———. La burlado
ra de Toledo. Mexico City: Planeta, 2008.
———. La tregua de la inocencia. Mexico City: Consejo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes, 2008.
Nissán, Rosa. Novia que te vea. Mexico: Planeta, 1992.
———. Hisho que te nazca. Mexico: Planeta, 1996.
———. Like and Bride/Like a Mother. Translated by Dick Gerdes. Introduction by Ilan Stavans. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 2003.
Orgambide, Pedro. Aventuras de Edmundo Ziller en tierras del Nuevo Mundo. Mexico City: Nueva Imagen, 1984.
Pacheco, José Emilio. Morirás lejos. Mexico City: Joaquín Mortiz, 1967.
———. Las batallas en el desierto, 1981. Translated by Katherine Silver as Battles in the Desert and Other Stories. New York: New Directions, 1987.
Perera, Victor. The Conversion. New York: Little, Brown, 1970.
———. Rites: A Guatemalan Boyhood. San Diego, CA: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1986.
———. The Cross and the Pear Tree: A Sephardic Journey. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1995.
Portnoy, Alicia. La escuelita, 1981. Translated by the author as The Little School. London: Virago, 1988.
Rawet, Samuel. Contos do imigrante. Rio de Janeiro: L&PM, 1956.
———. Os Sete Sonhos. Benfica, Brazil: Olive Editor, 1967.
———. O terreno de uma polegada quadrada Benfica, Brazil: Olive Editor, 1969.
———. Viagens de Ahasverus. Benfica, Brazil: Olive Editor, 1970.
———. Eu-tu-êle. Rio de Janeiro: Jose Olympio, 1972.
———. The Prophet and Other Stories. Translated by Nelson H. Vieira. Introduction by Ilan Stavans. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico, 1998.
Rozenmacher, Germán. Cabecita negra. Buenos Aires: Jose Alvarez, 1963.
———. Los ojos del tigre. Buenos Aires: Galerna, 1967.
———. Cuentos completos. Buenos Aires: Centro Editor de América Latina, 1971.
———. Réquiem para un viernes a la noche. Buenos Aires: Talia, 1971.
Rozitchner, León. Ser judío. Buenos Aires: Ediciones de la Flor, 1967.
Satz, Mario. Luna. Barcelona: Noguer, 1976.
———. Tierra. Barcelona: Noguer, 1978.
———. Sol. Translated by Helen Lane. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1979.
———. Marte. Barcelona: Barral, 1980.
Scliar, Moacyr. O exército de um homem só, 1973. Translated by Eloah F. Giacomelli as The One-Man Army. New York: Ballantine, 1986.
———. A balada do falso messias, 1976. Translated by Eloah F. Giacomelli as The Ballad of the False Messiah. New York: Ballantine, 1987.
———. O carnaval dos animais, 1976. Translated by Eloah F. Giacomelli as The Carnival of the Animals. New York: Ballantine, 1986.
———. Os deuses de Raquel, 1978. Translated by Eloah F. Giacomelli as The Gods of Raquel. New York: Ballantine, 1986.
———. O centauro no jardim, 1980. Translated by Margaret A. Neves as The Centaur in the Garden. New York: Ballantine, 1985.
———. Os voluntários, 1980. Translated by Eloah F. Giacomelli as The Volunteers. New York: Ballantine, 1988.
———. A guerra no Bom Fim. Porto Alegre: L&PM, 1981.
———. Max e os felinos, 1982. Translated by Eloah F. Giacomelli as Max and the Cats. New York: Ballantine, 1989.
———. A estranha nação de Rafael Mendes, 1983. Translated by Eloah F. Giacomelli as The Strange Nation of Rafael Mendes. New York: Harmony Books, 1987.
———. Os melhores cantos de Moacyr Scliar. Edited by Regina Zilberman, 1984. Translated by Eloah F. Giacomelli as The Collected Stories. Introduction by Ilan Stavans. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1999.
———. A condiçao judaica: das Tábuas da Lei à mesa da cozinha. Porto Alegre: L&PM, 1985.
———. O olho enigmatico, 1986. Translated by Eloah F. Giacomelli as The Enigmatic Eye. New York: Ballantine, 1989.
———. Minha mãe não dorme enquanto eu nõ chegar e outras crônicas. Porto Alegre: L&PM, 1995.
———. A majestade do Xingu. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 1997.
———. Histórias para (quase) todos os gostos. Porto Alegre: L&PM, 1998.
———. A mulher que esceveu a Bíblia. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 1999.
———. Os leopardos de Kafka olho enigmatico, 2000. Translated by Thomas O. Beebee as Kafka’s Leopards. Lubbock: Texas Tech, 2011.
Seligson, Esther. Otros son los sueños. Mexico City: Editorial Novaro, 1973.
———. La morada en el tiempo. Mexico City: Artífice, 1981.
———. Sed de mar. Mexico City: Artífice, 1987.
Shua, Ana María. Soy paciente, 1980. Translated by David William Foster as Patient. Pittsburgh, PA: Latin American Literary Review Press, 1997.
———. Los amores de Laurita. Buenos Aires: Sudamericana, 1984.
———. Casa de geishas. Buenos Aires: Sudamericana, 1992.
———. El libro de los recuerdos, 1994. Translated by Dick Gerdes as The Book of Memories. Introduction by Ilan Stavans. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1998.
———. La muerte como efecto secundario. Buenos Aires: Sudamericana, 1997.
———. Como una buena madre. Buenos Aires: Sudamericana, 2001.
———. Historias verdaderas. Buenos Aires: Sudamericana, 2004.
———. Quick Fix: Sudden Fiction. Translated by Rhonda Dahl Buchanan. Buffalo, NY: White Pine Press, 2008.
———. The Weight of Temptation. Translated by Andrea G. Labinger. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2012.
———. Without a Net. Translated by Steven J. Stewart. Brooklyn, NY: Hanging Loose Press, 2012.
Stavans, Ilan. On Borrowed Words: A Memoir of Language. New York: Viking, 2001.
———. The One-Handed Pianist and Other Stories. Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press, 2006.
———. The Disappearance: A Novella and Stories. Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press, 2007.
———. Return to Centro Histórico: A Mexican Jew Looks for His Roots. Newark, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 2011.
———. El Iluminado. Illustrations by Steve Sheinkin. New York: Basic Books, 2012.
Stavans, Ilan, and Marcelo Brodsky. Once@9:53am. Buenos Aires: La Marca Editores, 2011.
Steinberg, Alicia. De músicos y relojeros, 1971. Translated by Andrea G. Labinger as Musicians and Watchmakers. Pittsburgh, PA: Latin American Literary Review Press, 1998.
———. La loca 101. Buenos Aires: Ediciones de la Flor, 1973.
———. El espíritu inocente. Buenos Aires: Pomaire, 1981.
———. El árbol del placer, 1986. Translated by Andrea G. Labinger as The Rainforest. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2006.
———. Cuando digo Magdalena, 1992. Translated by Andrea G. Labinger as Call Me Magdalena. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2001.
———. La selva. Buenos Aires: Alfaguara, 2000.
Szichman, Mario. Los judíos del Mar Dulce. Buenos Aires: Galerna/Síntesis, 1971.
———. La verdadera Crónica Falsa. Buenos Aires: Centro Editor de America Latina, 1972.
———. A las 20:25 la señora entró en la inmortalidad, 1981. Translated by Roberto S. Picciotto as At 8:25 Evita Became Immortal. Hanover, NH: Ediciones del Norte, 1983.
———. Las dos muertes del general Simón Bolívar. Caracas: J. A. Catalá/El Centauro, 2004.
Tiempo, Cesar (Israel Zeitlin). El becerro de oro. Buenos Aires: Paidós, 1973.
———. El ultimo romance de Gardel. Buenos Aires: Quetzal, 1975.
———. Mi tío Sholem Aleijem y otros relatos. Buenos Aires: Corregidor, 1978.
———. Manos de obra. Buenos Aires: Corregidor, 1980.
Timerman, Jacobo. Preso sin nombre, celda sin número, 1981. Translated by Toby Talbot as Prisoner without a Name, Cell without a Number. New York: Alfred A. Knopf. 1981.
Vargas Llosa, Mario. El hablador
, 1988. Translated by Helen R. Lane as The Storyteller. New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1989.
Verbitsky, Bernardo. Café de los angelitos. Buenos Aires: Siglo XX, 1950.
———. Una pequeña familia. Buenos Aires: Losada, 1951.
———. Villa miseria también es América. Buenos Aires: Kraft, 1957.
———. Un hombre de papel. Buenos Aires: Jorge Alvarez, 1966.
———. Etiquetas a los hombres. Barcelona: Planeta, 1972.
Viñas, David. Los dueños de la tierra. Buenos Aires: Losada, 1958.
———. Dar la cara. Buenos Aires: Centro Editor de América Latina, 1967.
———. En la Semana Trágica. Buenos Aires: Jorge Alvarez, 1966.
———. Jauría. Mexico: Siglo XXI, 1979.
PINKHES BERNIKER (1908–1956), born in Belarus, helped start the first Yiddish newspaper in Cuba, Dos Fraye Vort.
MARCELO BIRMAJER is the author of Three Musketeers, as well as El Once, a travelogue through the Jewish neighborhood of Buenos Aires.
JORGE LUIS BORGES (1899–1986) is the author of Ficciones.
AÍDA BORTNIK wrote the screenplay, together with Luis Puenzo, of The Official Story, which won the Oscar for Best Foreign Film in 1987.
SALOMÓN BRIANSKY (1902–1955) immigrated to Bogotá in 1934. He published three volumes of fiction.
ARIEL DORFMAN is a poet, essayist, playwright, novelist, activist, and professor of literature at Duke University. He is best known for his play Death and the Maiden.
ALICIA FREILICH, an essayist and newspaper columnist born in Caracas, Venezuela, is the author of Cláper.
ALBERTO GERCHUNOFF (1884–1950) was an influential columnist and man of letters, as well as one of Borges’s mentors. He wrote The Jewish Gauchos of the Pampas.
MARGO GLANTZ wrote Las genealogías, about her immigrant family in Mexico.
ISAAC GOLDEMBERG is the author of The Fragmented Life of Don Jacobo Lerner.
ELISA LERNER is a Venezuelan writer and diplomat.
CLARICE LISPECTOR (1925–1977), a Ukrainian-born Brazilian writer, is the author of Family Ties, The Passion According to G. H., and The Hour of the Star.
ALCINA LUBITCH DOMECQ, born in Guatemala in 1953, is the author of The Mirror’s Mirror: or, The Noble Smile of the Dog. She lives in Israel.