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BURKHART: Elemental's MC

Page 2

by Alexi Ferreira

  I glance to my right where the other men are rushing to attack the ones that have been after us and I tense. I don’t need to see the fight to know that these men are superior in skill; I see the one that I saw earlier attack the one that pulled the gun on us and I freeze. Why does he have such a pull on me?

  “Where do you have to go?” my eyes snap back to the one before me and I shake my head angrily when I catch myself distracted. Concentrate Saskia!

  “Someone we know is sick, we need to hurry” I state pulling at Andria’s hand.

  “Maybe we can help, we have a medic among us.” The guy says as he raises a brow, his piercing blue eyes boring into me eerily. He smiles and I can hear Andria groan at his raw manliness, he has a dimple on each cheek that beg to be kissed. I can see the tattoos on his muscular arms as he crosses them over his chest. This man before me is dangerous in every way, I can tell that he knows how he affects us with his mere presence, but even like that I have to fight myself not to look over at the guy that for some reason has a pull on my senses.

  “Thank you, but we have everything under control.” I state as I yank at Andria’s arm, looking over at her I see her mesmerized with the guy before us. “Andria” I whisper to get her attention as I pull again finally getting her to start moving.

  “Can I at least get your names?” the guy asks in a deep raspy voice.

  “I’m Andria, this here is Saskia, and you are?” she’s been quiet throughout our interaction, and now when she should have kept quiet or lied she talks. Darn, I need to have a talk with her about being more careful. I met Andria and the other three women a couple of months ago, when we were all being held hostage by the guys that are after us. We managed to escape but have been in hiding for the last two weeks. We can’t go back home because we scared that they will find us there and take us back as we can identify them, but we also can’t carry on like we have been.

  “Draco” he says

  “Come on” I mutter as I pull at her arm and hurry away, when we a few feet away I look over my shoulder and see the man’s eyes following us. I don’t know what it is about these men, but there is definitely something different about them.

  “Maybe they could help us Saskia” Andria mutters as she hurries next to me, I look over at her and see her displeased face. Andria is nineteen years old and still a child in many ways; she’s also the youngest among us. We have Julie with twenty two, Suraya at twenty seven which is the oldest among us, Shania at twenty five and I at twenty three. We managed to outsmart one of the Keres MC guys a few weeks ago and escape, ever since then we’ve been on the run. I don’t know how they find us but they seem to know exactly where we are.

  Luckily I usually feel them approach and we manage to keep a step ahead of them all the time but for some reason today the others I didn’t feel anything. I noticed the name on the back of the ones Jacket, it read Elemental’s MC. I wonder if they are rival clubs, because they seemed to know each other before they started fighting. I shudder when I think of the violent way the one that I seem to have a pull towards attacked the Keres.

  “We can’t trust anyone Andria,” I state, stopping before the dilapidated house I look around to make sure there is no one watching us before slipping in through the opening on the fence. We were lucky to have found this house a few days ago, it’s not much but it’s a roof over our heads. The inside is just as dilapidated as the outside but at least we have water and Shania managed to find candles.

  “They helped us, and they let us go. I’m sure we can trust them.” She insists

  “It’s too late now,” I say as I walk around the side of the house to the back door, stepping onto the porch I pull the door open and walk inside. We encounter Julia and Suraya in the kitchen, at our entrance they tense but then relax.

  “What took you guys so long?” Suraya asks concern in her voice. From the women she’s the one I have the most in common with. The one thing we’ve realised about all of us is that each one has something unique about her. I sense people’s energies, Suraya has the power of attraction, Julie has the greenest finger I have ever seen, Shania is able to enter people’s dreams and Andria can talk to the dead.

  “We were attacked again” Andria reveals, which has the other two woman standing from their chairs at the table in a rush. I wave them back into their chairs as Andria continues explaining what happened since this morning. We had agreed on going to the convenience store to get some items that we needed when I felt the Keres approaching. I recognize their energy as it’s dense and oppressive like none I have ever felt before and to my amazement when we were captured all of them had the same dense energy. I thought that surely one or another would be better but I never encountered one the whole time I was captured.

  “Saskia?” I realize I wasn’t listening when Suraya calls me back to the present.

  “Sorry, what did you say?” I ask and see Suraya frown

  “Who were the guys that rescued the two of you?”

  “I don’t know, they also part of a bikers club as they were all wearing jackets with Elemental’s MC on them.” I reveal, “they seemed to know the Keres, I think they might be rival’s”

  “Great, maybe they will forget about us if they have something else to worry about.” Shania says from the doorway.

  “You must see these guys, they are to die for and they have some crazy skills.” Andria says excitedly, “did you see the way that guy charged the Keres when he pulled the gun on us?” instantly the image of that guy pops into my mind and I can feel my stomach flutter, I have never liked violence, why does the thought of him fighting the Keres have me breathless. I’ve had boyfriends before, but never have I been attracted to any man like I seem to be to that one.

  His rugged look, with that wavy rust coloured hair and his piercing dark blue eyes that at first I thought might be black but when he moved into the light I saw were a dark blue. When our eyes clashed I swear I felt a ripple move through my body, I wonder what kind of person he is? By the way he fought those Keres I can tell that he’s deadly, and unafraid. Instead of duking when the Keres pulled out his gun he charged him.

  “That just shows that we can’t trust them, they are violent men.” I state as I make my way around the kitchen towards the door.

  “How did they catch you?” Suraya asks with a frown, her beautiful blond hair pulled back in a ponytail.

  “That’s the strange thing, I didn’t sense them approach or even when they were close to me I still didn’t feel their energy.” I confess, “it’s the first time in my life that I can’t feel someone else’s energy.” I can see the surprise on the other women’s faces and then fear. I understand their fear, we have relied on our gifts to keep a step ahead of the Keres, if somehow they are able to block us we will be doomed, because then they will be able to capture us again. I can feel the fear start to choke me when I think of being taken back to that dingy little cell where we were held.

  The daily tests, the prodding, the questions it was a constant in all the months that we were captured. Other women were captured but then they were transported away, it was only us that they kept. I saw some of the other women being rapped and even killed, but for some reason we were not allowed to be rapped. Not that I’m complaining, the Keres energy is one of the densest energy that I have ever felt in my life. I never thought that I would come across human beings that were so evil, so dark. The nightmares of the screams and crying of the other women still wakes me up at night.

  “You think this other biker group is also after us?” Julie asks, her voice high with tension.

  “I don’t know, when they saw us and we ran they chased us. I thought they were, but then he let us go.” I can see the concerned look on the other women’s faces, and I know that they just as concerned as I am about them.

  “I still think they would help us against the Keres.” Andria states

  “We can’t take that risk, after all they also bikers look what the others are like.” Shania says with a shake
of her head. “What we must figure out is how they’re always finding us?” that is something that we have been wondering ever since we managed to escape. We can’t stay long in one place because they somehow seem to know where we are. I had thought that maybe one of us had something on us that they were tracking, but we have changed everything that we had on and still they seem to find us.

  “They find you by your energy levels.” We all tense at the voice and then snap around to see the guy that let us go standing by the door that leads inside to the bedrooms. How the hell did he get inside the house without any of us hearing him? I turn back towards the outside door and freeze when I see the guy that has been plaguing my thoughts enter.

  “You followed us?” I ask, still facing the outside door and see the guy that does crazy things to my body lean against the doorframe and fold his arms across his chest nonchalantly, and nod. “Why?”

  “We have been fighting the Keres MC for a very long time and know what they’re doing. We want to help you, they will continue after you until they get you back.” I look over my shoulder at the speaker and realise that all the guys that were at the fight must have followed us, there is no way out of here. “You can trust us, we won’t hurt you and help you in any way you want.”

  “I told you” Andria says with a smile as she looks around at all the guys.

  “Why should we believe you?” Shania asks, her body tense as she looks around her “You are also bikers and from where I’m standing you don’t exactly look like quire boys.” If I wasn’t so scared I would smile the last thing these men would be compared to are quire boys, they are anything but. One of the guys throws back his head of light brown hair and laughs, a roaring laugh that makes the others smile. His twinkling brown eyes turn towards Shania. One thing about all these men is that they all hot as hell, I wonder if it’s an entry requirement into their MC that you must be a ten out of ten to get in.

  The guy that is talking lifts his hands in the air, “my name is Draco, I’m the Elemental’s MC President and I can promise you that no harm will come to any of you while you under our protection. We will help you in any way you want.” At his words I look at the other women and find them also looking around.

  “Why would you want to help us? There must be something in it for you.” Soraya says as she faces Draco. He nods and then shoots his killer smile with both dimples flashing, I shake my head when I realise that the other three women are just as transfixed by him as Andria was. He sure knows how to work his assets, I find him attractive but it’s the one that has been staring at me ever since he entered that has me flustered.

  “Most of my men’s women were at one time or another captured by the Keres, they can vouch that we are nothing like them. You will be free to go anytime you want; we will even take you where you want once we make sure it’s safe.”

  “Can we talk about it?” Julie asks as she inclines her head towards us.

  “Sure, we will be outside” Draco says as he looks over at his men, as quietly as they appeared they leave. I look at the guy by the door and see him hesitate but then he straightens winks at me at leaves.

  “Did that guy just wink at you?” Andria says excitedly

  I shake my head, ignoring her question I look at Soraya and then the others. “What do you think?” I ask and see Shania shrug.

  “I don’t know, they seem genuine but what if they get us where they want and it’s a trick?” Julie says

  “I think that they could take us by force if they want without being all friendly about it.” Andria grumbles as she leans against the sink and looks out the window that faces the yard.

  “She’s right about that” I state which gets me a smile from her.

  “I think that we should try, we can’t carry on in this way. Sooner or later they will catch up to us; it’s just a matter of time.” Soraya says as she walks towards the back door, before opening it she looks back. “Are we in agreement?” she asks which has us all reluctantly agreeing. I for one am weary about this, not just because of the possibility of them turning out to be like the Keres but because there is something about that one guy that has me in knots.


  Now that I’m close to her I can’t think of letting her out of my sight, but if Draco says we wait outside then we wait outside. When I turned and didn’t see the women or Draco my blood started boiling thinking that we had lost them again but then Draco texted the directions for where to meet him. My woman is a beauty and she’s feisty, I can see the fire in her beautiful whiskey coloured eyes.

  “What we going to do if they don’t want to accept your offer?” I ask Draco as he leans against the wall of the dilapidated house while I pace before him.

  “They’ll come” He states

  “Don’t worry brother, you’ve found her. Relax” Brandr says as he places his arm around my shoulders. “Ceric and Bjarni are in front and Caelius is still keeping watch by the street, if they think of running they won’t get far without us knowing.” I know what he says is true but every fibre in my body is calling for me to be close to Saskia.

  When we joined Draco he told me her name, just her name has my muscles tensing. Now I know why my brothers will do anything for their woman. I can feel her pull and its taking everything in me not to rush into the house and make sure that she’s okay. “Fuck B” I mutter as I pull away and start to pace again.

  “Once you bond with her it gets easier as you will feel her in your every cell.” Brandr says comfortingly. My brothers all know that I didn’t want a woman because of what happened to Dara, I blame myself for what those motherfuckers did to my baby sister, but now that I have found my mate there is no way in hell that I’m going to let anyone get near her. Those fuckers that we caught will suffer for coming after her, and the one that pointed a gun at her will die.

  I stop when I hear the click of the door and tense, the one woman steps out and looks around until she finds Draco still leaning against the wall with a bored look on his face. “We accept your offer,” she says her shoulders pulled back in courage but I can hear her heart race in fear.

  “Good, I will ask one of the brothers to bring the SUV. Is there anymore of you?” he asks as he straightens and strides towards her. She shakes her head and takes a step back when Draco nears which has him stopping. “He will be here soon, collect whatever you want to take and we will help you.”

  “We don’t have anything to take, what you see is what we have.” She says which has my anger rising when I think of how my woman has been living because of those fuckers. Draco nods and takes out his phone to text Celmund, I take a step towards the door but feel Brandr’s hand on my shoulder.

  “You will frighten them, wait” He murmurs so that the woman won’t hear. I know he’s right but I have to see her, I have to know that she’s fine and then she steps outside with the others following. I take in a calming breath feeling my tense muscles start to relax. I feel Brandr pat my shoulder before he removes his hand. I know that no matter what Brandr will always have my back like I will have his, same as with the other brothers.

  “Draco are you going to introduce us?” the one that looks the youngest asks, as she smiles at him.

  “Looks like Draco has an admire” Brandr murmurs, “cradle snatching and all” he quips, I see Draco’s back tense before he places his hand behind his back and shows us the finger which has us both choking back our laughter.

  “That one over there is Brandr, he will escort you Andria.” I feel Brandr tense besides me when Andria smiles at him, “and the other one is Burkhart.”

  “This is Soraya, Julie, Saskia and Shania.” She says happily, I can see by the way the women look at her that they’re protective of her because of her age and innocence. I see Draco look down at his phone and know that the transport is here.

  “Let’s go” he states as he turns and makes his way towards where Ceric and Bjarni await. I see the women look at each other before they follow. Saskia glances at me when she walks past an
d I know that what I’m feeling she’s feeling too and it must be confusing her. I see Cassius behind the wheel his fingers tapping on the steering wheel as he looks at his surroundings. One thing about us Elemental’s no matter where we are or how secure we might think things are we are always on guard.

  “Burkhart, Brand and Ceric go get your rides so that you can escort them.” Draco states as we wait for the women to enter the vehicle. Without another word we take off down the road, our rides are about four blocks away which won’t take us long to reach. About fifteen minutes later we are riding behind Cassius and the women heading towards the compound.

  Once we arrive at the compound Wulf is waiting for us his arm around Jasmine’s waist as he holds her against his side. I park my bike behind the SUV and approach in time to hear Jasmine welcoming the women. “I’m Jasmine, this here is Wulf the Elemental’s VP and my mate.” She says not even considering that these women might find it funny her calling him her mate.

  I see the women relax at jasmine’s friendliness, “We have prepared rooms for you, please follow me so that you can get comfortable and we will bring you something to snack on until dinner is ready.”

  “Thank you Jasmine, we appreciate it.” Soraya says as the women follow Jasmine out of the garage

  “Which one is she?” Wulf asks as he leans against the SUV and looks at me with a raised brow.

  “She’s the one with the dark brown curly hair that’s up in that bun.” I’m itching to touch her hair, to undo that messy bun that she has her hair in and see how long it is. The curls that have escaped are tight and springy making me want to play with them. I feel my cock hardening, which has me taking off my kutte and holding it before me nonchalantly. I have never had such a strong reaction to a woman like I have to Saskia. She was made for me in every way, I like everything about her, from her petite hands to her perky breasts that I want to lavish with attention.

  Ceric walks past and punches me on the arm as he makes his way out of the garage, “the fun has just begun” he quips as he strides out with one of his shit eating grins. I know that my brothers are happy that I found my mate, and that they would do anything to help me keep her safe.


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