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BURKHART: Elemental's MC

Page 3

by Alexi Ferreira

  “Have you thought about how you going to tell her that she’s yours?” Wulf asks, which has me shaking my head. I was too preoccupied in finding her to think about what comes next, but now that we have found her I need to think about how I’m going to make her mine. I will have to explain everything to her at some stage but I think I should just show her how good we’ll be, there is no way she can dispute it afterwards.

  I take off after the women, and hear Wulf and Brandr sigh. I know that I’m rash in the way I do things and sometimes I should think about things before acting, but she’s my woman what else is there to do but to take her. As I walk out of the garage I turn towards the bar area and where the empty rooms are. These rooms are only used for guests or brothers from other chapters when passing by, we used to have Jezebel’s in these rooms but the women had a problem with it and we all decided that the best form of action was to let them leave to avoid problems between the brothers and their mates.

  I must be honest, for me it wasn’t a big issue as I like to find my women instead of having them fall into my lap, and it made everyone’s life easier. I hear the women talking before I reach them, I see that Andria and Shania aren’t with them, that means they must already be in one of the rooms. Jasmine sees me approaching as she’s the only one facing me and smiles. “Burkhart” she calls which has Saskia snapping around to face me.

  “Jas” I approach keeping my eyes trained on Saskia, I see her tensing the closer I get and then she’s moistening her lips with her tongue which has my already hardened cock straining to be released from my jeans. Fuck, all I need is for one of them to know that I’m aroused and they will think I’m a perv. I clutch my Kutt tighter as I stop a couple of feet away, “Saskia come with me.”

  I see her eyes widen and then her hand is lifting to her chest, a tick at the side of her neck as she faces me. I know she’s afraid of me, but she’s fighting her fear and is facing me as if for battle. “Why?” she asks, her voice breathless. I stand there looking deep into her eyes only realizing that I didn’t answer when I hear Jasmine.

  “Oh, we only have one other room here. Burkhart will be showing you were you will be staying. Won’t you?” Jas asks with a cheeky smile. Jas knows that I would never let Saskia sleep in the front of the compound, I will have her at the back in my room where I know she’s safe.

  “Oh, umm. . .okay.” Saskia says reluctantly as she takes a step towards me. I incline my head towards the corridor so that she can step ahead of me. We make our way down the corridor to the interior of the compound, when we come to the courtyard that leads to the sleeping rooms, kitchen, computer room and entertainment room I hear Saskia gasp before she stops and looks around.

  “This is beautiful, are we in the mountain?” she asks as she looks over her shoulder at me and then gasps again when she realizes how close I am.

  “Yes, we are.” I confirm, “are you scared?” I see her eyes widen at my question and then she shakes her head.

  “No, why should I be?” she asks as she steps forward into the courtyard and away from me.

  “Next entrance to your left,” I direct as I follow her towards my bedroom. I can see her hands fisted as she tries to stay calm. My lust for this woman is a raging inferno, boiling in me like a volcano. If I don’t touch her soon I’m going to combust, I can feel the pounding of my heart as I listen to her heartbeat as she walks before me. “Next door” my voice comes out in a raspy growl which has her snapping around to look at me.

  When I see her passion filed eyes staring up at me I lose all control, taking the last few steps towards her I place my hands on her shoulders as my head lowers and I take her lips in a blistering kiss, her essence surrounds me as I kiss her, her taste penetrates my every cell. One minute we kissing the next minute I have her against the wall of the corridor and I’m devouring her mouth like there is no tomorrow. My hands are flat against the wall, hers are around my neck. Her perky breasts are rubbing against my chest every time we move making my cock weep in anticipation. I push my hips against her letting her feel how she affects me and hear her gasp of pleasure.

  Finally lifting my head I look deep into her passion filled eyes, our breathing laboured with our lust. “I want you” I grunt, her hands lower from my neck to my chest.

  “Do you always get what you want?” she asks in a whisper

  “Yes” I mutter as I lower my head again, but before I can take her lips once again she ducks under my arm and then turns to look at me.

  “Well, I don’t think this was a good idea.” She says as she points at herself and then me, what the fuck does she mean this isn’t a good idea?

  “Why not?” I ask, I’m sure she feels the same attraction and pull that I feel so why would she be denying us this? She leans against the door to my room, a hand moves over her face as she shakes her head.

  “I’m sorry, but this is just a very bad time for me” she states her hand behind her looking for the handle to the door. When she finally finds it she turns it and steps inside still facing me, “I hope you understand.”

  Understand? What the fuck is she talking about? “It’s too late for that, you’re mine now.” I state just as her eyes flutter. She shakes her head in confusion, as she looks up at me her hand once again rubbing her forehead.

  “What do you mean?” she asks and before I can answer she starts to collapse her body convulsing.

  “Fuck,” I grunt as I rush to catch her before she crashes to the ground. “It’s okay darling, I’ve got you now.” I pull her up against my chest and step inside my room shutting the door with my foot as I step inside and walk towards my bed. Reaching the bed I sit with Saskia still clasped against my chest I bring my wrist up to my mouth and tear at it until blood is running down my arm. Placing my wrist over her lips I wait while the blood dribbles into her mouth. She stops convulsing after a minute but I continue holding my wrist over her mouth until I know that my wound has closed and there is no more blood running into her body.

  I hold her close against my chest feeling contentment, something I haven’t felt in a very long time. I also feel a semblance of peace, something that I had already forgotten what it felt like. I lost every vestige of peace the minute I found out what had been done to Dara. She was a beautiful, carefree girl that didn’t deserve to be raped and tortured the way that she was.

  There were two Keres responsible for her death, one of them I have and the other I was told has died. The one that I hold has been suffering for what he did to her for the last two years. None of my brothers know that I have him except for Cassius and Brandr. They have tried to convince me to kill him off, but I’m not ready to let go of my revenge.

  I feel like I failed Dara, she needed me, needed my protection and I wasn’t there. I will not fail Saskia, she will be safe, protected, I will let no harm come to her. Looking down at her flawless skin with a smattering of freckles over her nose I lower my head and kiss her closed eyes. “You’re mine, and I will always keep you safe.” I promise


  The first thing I feel when I start to awaken is the heaviness, what happened, have the Keres found us? I struggle to open my eyes, I remember feeling faint, my head swimming and then it all comes back and my eyes snap open but I don’t move.

  He kissed me! No wonder I felt faint, that wasn’t a kiss that was a revelation. I have no idea who Burkhart is, but one thing I do know is that man can kiss. With his looks I’m sure he’s had lots of practice, the thought of him kissing other women has my stomach knotting and my anger rising. I turn my head and encounter dark blue eyes staring at me, his wavy rust coloured hair has been tied back in a bun and for the first time I can see his chiselled unshaven jaw clearly. I see his teeth bite down on his bottom full lip and an image of him lowering his head and kissing me flashes through my head.

  “How are you feeling darling?”

  “Still a bit woozy but getting better” I confess, “Why are you lying in bed with me?” I ask when I realise that we’re both in
what I’m guessing is his room and on his bed.

  “I couldn’t leave you on your own, you passed out.” He says as he sits up, his back towards me, and for the first time I realize that he hasn’t got a t-shirt on. Holly cow, look at the muscles on this man, his body is chiselled to perfection and the tattoos covering his back have me hypnotized with their beauty. I want to stroke my fingers over every inch of his back, feeling the muscles flex under my touch but I stay my hand.

  “Why haven’t you got a t-shirt on?” my voice is breathless when I speak, evidence of my thoughts. I see him shrug as he turns slightly until he’s facing me.

  “I was hot” I feel my breasts tightening when I look down over his chest and see his nipple piercings. Oh my gosh, I feel the muscles in my stomach fluttering. I fist my hands so that I’m not tempted to stroke those hoops that are calling to my baser instincts. I want to place my lips over his piercings pulling gently with my teeth until he gasps in passion. I have never been so close to such a raw specimen of manliness like I am now. He’s everything a woman dreams of, his muscular strong arms tattooed with such beautiful patterns that I find it difficult to glance away. He says he was hot. . .he has no idea!

  “You said our kiss was a mistake, why?” at his question I finally move my eyes back to his and see a look of scorching passion in his which I’m sure matches mine.

  “We just met” I reply distractedly as I look at his lips

  “I know you can feel the pull between us, this is not a mistake. This is meant to be” he growls as he suddenly stretches out and places his hand next to my head, and then he’s stretching out over me. His weight on his elbows as he lowers his head and is kissing me again, not giving me a chance to disagree or refuse, not that I would because as soon as this man touches me all thought leaves me.

  His unshaven chin scrapes mine as he kisses the breath out of me, his lower body rubbing against my heat building an inferno that won’t be denied. I have never felt this much passion for any of my previous boyfriends, how does this man take me to this state of blinding passion so easily?

  His right hand moves down my body until he has his hand under my shirt and he’s stroking up my stomach until I feel the heat of his fingers under my breast. I can feel the tightening of my breast, my nipples hardening in anticipation, and then his fingers are moving under my bra and suddenly he yanks up. The clasp snaps and the buttons of my shirt pop open, I gasp in surprise but instead of being scared it has made me want him even more, my pussy wet with anticipation.

  There is no saying no to this man; he is a force to himself. His raw masculinity overpowers me, driving my passion. He pinches my nipple and I groan, his lips cover my other breast and I forget everything except what he’s doing to me. I bring up my hands and entwine them in his hair feeling the knot that he hand come undone, his hair falls over my hands and down over his face as he continues to worship me.

  I hold his head close to me as I lift my hips to feel his hardness against me, his head snaps back as he groans when I rub against him. I want this man, I want him now. Pulling my hands out of his hair I glide them down his back and around his torso until I’m at his waistband and pulling at the button of his jeans.

  “Saskia” my name comes out in a growl as he brings his hand away from my breast and snaps open the button of his jeans and then he’s pulling down the zipper. My hand glides inside and to my surprise I realize that he’s not wearing underwear. My hand encounters his stiff and erect cock that twitches against my hand when I touch it. I never thought I would be doing this with someone I just met, but no matter what I’m definitely not going to stop now, this is the best sex I’ve had and we only starting.

  I feel his hands on my tights and then they are being pulled down, my panties following the same trajectory. I feel the cool air on my legs and my pussy as he stretches down and pulls them off me, but before I can feel any embarrassment or awkwardness he is back to worshiping me. His lips trailing up my calf, to my knee and then up over my thigh until I feel his hot breath where I most desire it.

  “Burkhart” I gasp as I finally feel his tongue swipe over my clit, soon I’m mindless with want as he drives me crazy. I can feel that I’m close, his tongue slips into my heat and I explode everything stops as my body convulses in pleasure. I feel him moving, opening my eyes I see him kneeling between my legs his eyes trained on me. And then he is sliding into my body, stretching as he moves slowly deepening, penetrating until I’m I don’t know where I start and he ends.

  “You’re mine” he grunts as he starts to move, I am so overwhelmed by the feelings and sensations coursing through my body that I can’t reply, all I can do is hold onto the sheet as he takes me on a ride of a lifetime.

  I can feel my body start to lose control and by the faster and deeper thrusts he is too, and then I’m exploding once again but this time it feels like my very soul is floating. “I join us forever and always, where one goes the other shall follow. I will hold you above everyone and everything else. I will protect you until my last breath. My body, soul and mind are forever yours and yours is mine.” I hear his words, they are deep and beautiful but I feel like they have some deeper meaning that I can’t understand and then I’m feeling Burkhart’s energy and my body starts to tingle with the power of it. How can one man have such a strong energy, it isn’t evil but there is something different about it, it overwhelms my senses my very mind and then it’s gone again and I hear him roar with his release.

  I don’t know what just happened but whatever it was, it touched me right down to my soul, and what did I feel just before Burkhart came? Our breathing is laboured; he has stretched out next to me on his stomach his arm around my waist his eyes trained on my face. I place my hand over his arm to try and feel his energy but there is nothing. How is this possible, how don’t I feel his energy?

  His arm moves from under my hand, up over my breasts to my forehead as he strokes the frown away. “What did you mean with what you said earlier?” those words are still floating around my head, it feels like somehow they changed something but that’s silly, how could it?

  “I meant exactly what I said, you are mine.” What? I pull his hand away and sit up pulling the corner of the Duvet over me, I face him and see his eyebrows raised.

  “What do you mean I’m yours?” I ask, I can feel my heart racing and my stomach knotting when I think of all the possibilities. What if this was all a trick and they just wanted to get us here and now won’t let us out. What if they just as bad as the Keres, and they’re planning on trafficking us to the highest bidder. This was so stupid, I need to get the others out of here.

  “Relax darling,” he says as he turns on his side supporting his head with his hand. “I know you can feel the connection between us, as time passes I’m told that it becomes even stronger.” My eyes travel down his neck to his torso and then I hurriedly snap them back up and see his smirk. Ass, he knows that his body distracts me.

  “What are you talking about? It was just sex, nothing more.” I snap and see his muscles tensing, maybe it’s not a very good idea to upset him but I can’t pretend that I agree with whatever fantasy he’s got going in his head.

  “So, you think what we just shared was mere sex?” his voice is quiet but there is a undercurrent of steel in his voice.

  “Well what would you say it was? It was good but not enough for you to call me yours. You don’t even know me, until a couple of hours ago you had never seen me before.” I state which has him sitting up and leaning forward until his face is a mere inch from mine.

  “Have no doubt, you are mine.” He states, his eyes boring into mine with intensity that I find overwhelming “I might not have seen you before today but you were born for me, this that we shared was not just sex and you know that. We bonded and that no one can undo.” With those words he pulls back and then he’s standing and bending down for his jeans.

  “I don’t understand what you are saying, what do you mean no one can undo?” my heart is racing at hi
s words. I loved the sex, it was mind blowing but there is no way I’m going to tell him that especially when he already has this mad notion that because we slept together we are now bonded, whatever that means to him.

  “I’m Elemental not human, we only have one mate in our lives and you are mine. You were born for me.” He states as he turns towards me once his jeans are buttoned, his hands low on his waist as he stares at me with an intensity that has me afraid that he might be mentally unstable.

  “You’re not human?” I ask tentatively to see if I heard him right, and then he’s nodding to confirm my suspicion. Darn, I knew he was too perfect. He is absolutely out of his rocker, I wonder if the others are also like that or just him. I feel a piercing heat on my left arm but I ignore it as I slide carefully out of bed holding the duvet around me.

  “Well, that is interesting Burkhart.” I say as I look around for my clothes, I need to get out of here as quickly as possible. Darn, I gasp as my arm starts to burn as If a flam has been set to it.

  “What’s wrong?” he asks with a frown as I clutch the Duvet tighter with one hand so that I can rub the top of my arm with the other. Looking down I see the top of my arm flushed with heat, the pain is piercing as if a hundred needles are piercing into it.

  “Don’t know, its sore” I reply as he take my arm in his hands, pulling my hand away from it he looks at it.

  “Relax darling the pain will go away soon, it’s my mark.” With those words he places his hand over my arm and then bends down to kiss my forehead.

  “Aww,” I groan, “what do you mean your mark” I swear if he did something to me I’m going to clobber him. Looking at my arm I see a darkish brown mark appearing just over where his hand isn’t covering. “What the hell is happening?” I ask angrily trying to pull away from his touch much he’s adamant and won’t let go. I can feel the pain starting to ebb and the heat is diminishing.


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