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BURKHART: Elemental's MC

Page 8

by Alexi Ferreira

  “Oh fuck, she’s going to kill me.” He mutters with distress, which has me smiling at his thoughts

  “Don’t worry Ceric, she’s happy about it” Brielle comforts

  “She is?” he asks surprised

  “Yes, she is” I confirm

  “Don’t go getting cocky now” Nova mutters quietly which has him looking down and then he’s taking her from our arms into his while he holds her close to his chest.

  “We having a kid Hellcat” he states with a wide grin

  “Yes, I’ve realized that” She mutters, but there’s a smile on her face, Brielle stands and then inclines her head towards the door which has me standing and quickly following her out of the room. Ceric and Nova not even realizing that we left as they shared this very important moment in their life.

  “Is she going to be fine?” I ask and have Brielle smiling as she looks at me

  “She will be better once Ceric gives her blood, I don’t promise after the party though.” She quips with a wink which has me smiling. The women all believe that there will be repercussions because of this party, I don’t necessarily see why but I’m excited to be part of it. For the first time in my life I feel like I’m part of something bigger, and even though I’ve got family the connection I feel to these people is like having a whole new family, not to mention the feelings I have for Burkhart. If someone had told me a couple of months ago that I would meet someone and he would become my entire world I would have said he was mad, but Burkhart has buried himself so deep within my being, within my soul that I don’t know when he stops and I begin.

  I know he’s a loose cannon but I’ve realized that he’s the most protective and caring person I’ve ever met. He worries about his brothers and the other women, if there is any wrong done to anyone close to him he will go out with guns blazing. I worry at the danger to him but I also know that, that is what makes him the special and caring person that he is.

  As we walk into the bar I realize that Tor’s men and some women have arrived, I have never met him before but I have heard so much already about him that I feel like I know him. I also understand now why the women say his a sex god, all the men I’ve encountered since arriving at the compound are drop dead hot, but Tor has a magnetism that says virile. His muscular biceps with the gold arm bands around them like a Viking calls to his strength. His long hair that is mostly loose but has two plaits on either side of his face just builds to his manly features. I see that at the moment he’s glaring at Suraya and wonder what happened there.

  “Where’s Nova?” Gabriela asks as we approach the bar, Brielle goes on to explain what happened as I look around at everyone already here. I’ve never been one to attend many parties as when I met Paul I basically lost most of my friends with time, he didn’t like my friends therefore to prevent conflict I started to distance myself from them to the point that I never saw them again.

  “The party has arrived” a man yells from the entrance to the bar, I can tell he’s not Elemental mainly because I can feel his energy, I hear a few men groan around me at his exuberance which surprises me.

  “Who’s that?” I ask Talia which has her smiling as she takes my hand and starts to propel me towards the newcomer. “What are you doing?” I ask worriedly as we approach the man.

  “Saskia this is Sam,” Talia introduces, “Sam this is Burkhart’s woman” he frowns playfully as he pulls me towards him and hugs me tight.

  “Darn, I better hurry up all these men are being taken right under my nose,” he quips which has me smiling when I realize who he is. Nova had mentioned that her best friend was gay but I had forgotten what his name was. “Would you consider sharing?” he asks as he pulls me away from him and winks which has me laughing.

  “Nope sorry, that piece of candy is all mine” I tease which has him pouting playfully.

  “Be like that then” he says with a wink, I look behind him as I feel other human energies approaching. To my surprise five very well built men enter, and from the look of them I’m guessing they the friends Sam was bringing.

  “Hey guys, come meet some of the girls” Sam calls to them which has the men be lining towards the three of us. Once we have all been introduced, the one guy asks where the turntable is, after being shown to the equipment we soon have music blaring throughout the bar. Since arriving at the compound that my gift has been quiet as I don’t feel the Elemental’s energy, but now because of all the people around me my senses are in overdrive.

  Soon the woman that accompanied Tor and his men are dancing, there is another group of women that have just arrived, their attire provocative. The thought of Burkhart looking at them has me agitated, I’ve never been a jealous person where Paul was concerned but now I find myself ready to fight if they so much as look at Burkhart.

  Soon our men arrive, the first one to enter is Bjarni he looks around and then frowns as he makes his way towards where Gabriela is talking to one of Tor’s men. I smile when I see how he pulls her against his body when he reaches her, then glares at the other man which has the man smiling mischievously at Bjarni.

  Brandr, Bion and Caelius walk in next, there are shouts of birthday wishes when everyone realizes that Caelius has arrived. At that moment I notice Burkhart step in behind the men, I ignore everything else when I see him, our eyes meet and hold and then I see him scowl and he is striding towards me.

  “What’s wrong?” I ask when he’s standing before me, his arms stretch out and he is pulling me flush against his body.

  “Did I buy you that?” he grunts against my ear, which has me smiling when I realize what he’s frowning about.

  “Yes you did,” I murmur as I turn my head and kiss him on the neck.

  “Fuck, remind me to buy you longer dresses next time.” He mutters as his hands lower to the hem of my dress and he pulls gently which has me laughing. “It’s not funny woman, all these fucking assholes are looking at you.” I lean back and place my hand on his chest as I smile up at him.

  “No they not,” I state, “but even if they were it’s too bad because I only have eyes for one man.” I see his lips twitch at my comment and then he’s lowering his head and taking my lips in a gentle kiss, my arms lift around his neck and I entwine my fingers in his hair. There is a whistle from next to us and then I feel someone punch Burkhart playfully on the arm.

  “I can’t believe the notorious Burkhart has found his mate!” the guy says, turning my head I see a guy with hypnotising eyes grinning at us. One of his eyes is green the other is brown and he has a tattooed symbol on the side of his forehead, down his temple to the top of his ear.

  “Dane?” Burkhart says in surprise, “It’s about time brother” I can hear the deep emotion in Burkhart’s voice as he lets go of me and turns towards Dane. Now that I look at him closely I realize that even though he’s grinning his eyes are sad, there is a deep sorrow within this man.

  “It’s good to be back” Dane says with a nod, and then inclines his head towards me. “So, are you going to introduce us or are you afraid that she will like me more than you.” At his words Burkhart punches him in the stomach playfully which has Dane groaning dramatically.

  “Darling, ignore this big headed asshole he has a tendency to imagine things.” Burkhart says with a wink as he places his arm around my waist and pulls me to his side. “Saskia this is Dane, Dane’s my cousin.”

  “Imagine things?” Dane says with a raised brow, “which woman in her right mind would prefer a man with female hair and that looks like he’s dancing when he fights,” Dane teases. I laugh at Dane’s teasing and then lift my hand to shake Dane’s but am stopped when I see the surprise on Dane’s face and Burkhart’s growl from next to me. Burkhart takes the lifted hand and pulls it down keeping his around mine.

  “What?” I ask in surprise as I don’t understand what I did.

  “Elemental’s don’t like other men touching their woman no matter how innocent it might be.” Tor says as he approaches us.

  “Saskia this
is Tor, President of the Cape Town chapter and notorious womanizer.” Burkhart introduces which has Tor grinning at him and then winking at me.

  “Your jealousy is showing” Tor states, “not my fault that woman fall at my feet.”

  “Poor woman must be blind.” Suraya suddenly states from next to me, “Hi, I’m Suraya” she says with a big smile as she looks at Dane. I see Tor tense and then he’s saying something in a language that I don’t understand but it seems like Dane does because I see his eyes widen and then he nods. Burkhart throws back his head as he roars with laughter at whatever Tor said, I see Tor glare at him as he turns and walks away.

  “What an arrogant man” Suraya mutters as she too turns and leaves.

  “What did he say?” I ask and see Burkhart and Dane look at each other with a grin.

  “It looks like the great womanizer is going to be turned into a pussycat.” At Dane’s comment both men burst out laughing again, I’m sure I’m missing something but I decide not to ask. Just then a dense feeling surrounds me, I tense as I look around my instinct to run, but I stay. I have only ever felt this evil and oppressive energy when I was being held by the Keres.

  “Burkhart,” I call which has him looking down at me, a frown forming on his face when he sees my pale complexion. “There is a Keres here.”


  As soon as Saskia called my name I knew there was something wrong, when she says that there is a Keres close my fury ignites. How dare one of them try and come here when we all together. I see Dane tense and then he is looking around carefully, I realise that he doesn’t doubt Saskia’s words, which some might have doubted as we aren’t feeling the Keres energy. “Where is he darling?” I ask as I place my arm around her shoulders and bring her before me. I see her frown and then look up at me.

  “Let go of me.” She says which has my muscles tensing, but I do as she says and wait as she takes a step back. “You block it,” her eyes are surprised as she looks up at me, “when you touched me, I couldn’t feel it anymore but as soon as I stepped away its back,” I can see the surprise on her face, the knowledge that I can block evil from touching her pleases me.

  I look up and around the bar until I find Draco standing with Tor and Eirik one of Tor’s men, to his left is Wulf with Jasmine. “Draco” I call, just loud enough to get his attention. When his eyes encounter mine I can see that he realizes there is danger. He walks towards us until he is standing before me, not saying a word he waits.

  “Can you feel anything?” I ask him, which has him frowning and then shaking his head. “Saskia says there is a Keres nearby.” His eyes snap to Saskia and I can see him tensing as his eyes go a deeper blue.

  “Is he inside” he asks with a frown, Saskia takes another step away from us which has me wanting to pull her back against me where she will be safe.

  “I can’t pinpoint his energy with so many Elemental’s blocking me and I’m also feeling the other peoples energy.” Draco looks around and then he inclines his head towards the corridor that leads to the garage.

  “Let’s go” he states and starts to move towards the garage, I nod to Saskia so that she can follow Draco and I follow behind her keeping my eye out for any sudden movements. I see that our guys have realised something is up and are strategically moving their woman into safety. If this fucker is anywhere near here he must be one crazy son of a bitch. Coming so close to us is sure death unless he knows that we wouldn’t feel him somehow.

  When we enter the garage we encounter Gunner with one of the women that arrived earlier on, her skirt is bunched around her waist and her legs are around his hips. “On my fucking bike” I roar when I see where they are, “You gonna clean that bike until there are no marks on there,” I state angrily as they hurriedly move apart.

  “Leave” Draco states as we move towards the garage doors that are now closed. I see Gunner frown but he swiftly guides the woman back to the party. Draco stops and looks back at Saskia, “does this help” he asks with a frown. Saskia takes a few more steps away from us until she’s standing near the door, and then her head is snapping around.

  “He’s right outside” her face has paled as she looks at us fearfully. I rush towards her and pull her away from the door as I place myself before her.

  “Motherfucker” Draco mutters, “I want the women in the compound, now.” He states which has me rushing Saskia back towards the bar, as we enter I see most of the guys are on high alert. All I have to do is incline my head in the direction of the interior of the compound and they are quickly moving their woman towards me.

  “Go with the others inside, once we have caught the fucker I will come for you.” I state and then kiss her hard on the lips before I’m pushing her gently away and towards where I want her to go.

  “Be careful, this one’s energy is so much darker than the others.” She states before she leaves. If his energy is darker that can only mean that he’s older, I will have to tell Draco. I see him already making his way outside and I quickly follow him, Bjarni, Caelius and Wulf quickly follow us. When I step outside I see a motorbike roar to life, my eyes snap towards it just as Draco starts running. Now that I’m outside I can feel the fucker and Saskia is right he is powerful.

  We are all sprinting after Draco and the motorbike; I look at the motorbike and swear. If it was any other bike Draco would easily catch it but it’s a fucking Kawasaki H2, I doubt even he will be able to catch it with his speed. Soon we are standing by the main gates to the compound and see the bike speeding down the road, Draco is standing in the middle of the road his rage apparent. His hands low on his waist as he looks after the bike.

  “He must have some balls” Bjarni snaps, “or his plain stupid”

  “It was Vercin” Draco states, “the fucker is provoking us,”

  “How didn’t we sense him?” Wulf asks with a frustrated grunt.

  “I want Celmund to go through the camera feeds and see what he was doing here, I also want to know how he got in without anyone stopping him.” We make our way back through the main gate to the compound and look around.

  “The camera has been tampered with,” Bjarni states as he picks up a loose cable to show us.

  “Fuck, Cassius is going to lose his shit.” Caelius calls out from further ahead, “the kid has been injured” at that I rush to him as I see Caelius holding Kade up.

  “Kade” I call, and see that he’s dazed as he looks around. There is a deep gash at his temple, signifying that someone hit him. “There is someone that did this to help Vercin.” I state

  “Get Brandr to bring Aria, we going to have her read every humans mind at that party until we find the culprit.” Draco orders as Bjarni, Caelius and I make our way back while Caelius carries Kade.

  “What happened?” Kade asks as he looks around and then raises his hand to his head and winces when the pain shoots through his brain.

  “Someone hit you over the head,” Bjarni says, “did you see anyone” at Bjarni’s statement Kade starts to shake his head but then winces and stops.

  “No, I heard a noise when I went to see there was nothing. That’s the last thing I remember,” he states but then his eyes widen, “no wait, there was a perfume.” At that I grunt, perfume can only mean it was a woman. Vercin got a damn woman to come in and do his dirty work for him.

  “If you had to smell it again, would you recognize the smell?” Caelius asks

  “Yes, it was one of those cloying horrible smells.” He says as he closes his eyes.

  “Come on kid, don’t sleep now. Bion will have a look at you first.” I call, knowing from what Bion has said before that humans shouldn’t sleep if they have concussion. When we arrive Celmund opens the garage door for us to enter from there instead of the bar. Cassius is waiting on the other side, a frown marring his forehead. Since bonding with Scarlett that Cassius took in Kade her younger brother, we have all got a soft spot for the kid as he is a good kid always willing to learn and help wherever he can.

okay, just get Bion to check him over as he might have a concussion.” Cassius growls deep in his throat as Caelius and him walk away with Kade.

  “I’m going to get Brandr to call Aria,” I say as Bjarni makes his way inside to go and speak to Celmund. I find Brandr as I walk into the bar, his back is to the wall looking relaxed but I can tell his ready for a fight by the way his eyes analyse everything. I make my way towards him, making sure to look relaxed something that I’m not.

  Reaching Brandr I explain the situation and what we need, his features are tense as he nods. When he leaves to collect Aria I take his place looking closely at all the women that are at the party I try to see if any of them are showing any signs of nervousness.

  “What are you doing all the way over here by yourself?” I tense as one of the woman that I was looking at earlier on slides up against me. She places her hand on my chest which has me tensing; I take hold of her wrist and pull it away from me. Before I would have had her against the wall, but just the thought of touching another woman that isn’t Saskia has my skin crawling.

  “Oh, is that how you like it,” at her words I grunt, she thinks that I’m playing a game with her, well she better keep her hands to herself or soon she won’t be using them for a while. She starts to lift her face and sliding her body closer to mine, which has me letting go of her hands and pulling her back by the shoulders.

  “Not interested” I grunt, I see her eyes widen in surprise and then she huffs before turning and sauntering up to someone else. Aria and Brandr have returned and I notice that Brandr has placed Aria with her back to the wall while he stands before her in protection. I can see by the scowl on Aria’s face that she’s not happy about his overprotectiveness, but she knows that no matter what she says nothing will stop him from making sure that she’s safe.

  Sauntering towards them I shake my head when Aria looks at me and rolls her eyes. “Don’t you think one man standing before me is protection enough, do I really need two.” She quips sarcastically, “and how am I supposed to read anyone when you by me,” she argues as she looks up at Brandr


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