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BURKHART: Elemental's MC

Page 9

by Alexi Ferreira

  “I’ll take over brother” I offer knowing that it will be hard for Brandr to leave Aria’s protection to anyone, but because of our closeness it will make it slightly easier. His eyes snap to mine and hold for a few seconds before he nods and steps back. I take Brandr’s place and smile down at Aria’s head shake.

  “That’s the best you going to get,” I tease which has her rolling her eyes again and then I can tell that she’s listening to someone, we stand like that for a couple of minutes as she looks around the bar.

  “The woman by the bar with the red dress” at her words I look over my shoulder and see Brandr already making a beeline for her.

  “Thank you sweetheart, shall we go in.” at my words her shoulders sag

  “I guess the party is over for us,” she mutters which has me smiling. The women all think that we didn’t know what they were planning but we have known all along and Celmund has put a stop to it.

  “I’m afraid so, but I’m sure Brandr wouldn’t mind a lap dance from you in your room.” At my words she tenses as her eyes widen.

  “You knew didn’t you?” she accuses, at my nod she huffs and then turns to make her way inside. The woman had planned on sitting us down and giving us lap dances, and even though all of us were more than willing to get lap dances from our woman we will not have them performing in front of other men. When Celmund intercepted the clothes they were planning on wearing, or lack of, we decided to let them carry on believing that their plans would materialize.

  I follow her inside, and know that Brandr will take care of the woman and persuade her to move to an area where we will be able to question her. “Aria” I call, catching up to her when she stops, “we might need you to listen to her thoughts while we ask her some questions.” I see her frown and then she’s nodding.

  I know Brandr won’t take the woman into the compound as only our women and us go beyond the doors to the back. Therefore he will take her into the garage where it will be easier to be alone and still ask her the questions we need answers to.

  “Where do you want me?” she asks already turning towards me, I incline my head towards the garage door and she nods before she starts to make her way there. I guide Aria behind one of the vehicles so that the woman doesn’t see us when she walks in with Brandr. A few minutes later Brandr guides the woman into the garage area. “You’re a handsome one aren’t you,” she says as they stop, I see her hand move over his chest and then Brandr is holding her wrist.

  “I didn’t bring you here for this” he grunts

  “Oh, why did you bring me here then?” I can hear the nervousness in her voice as she looks up at Brandr and then around the garage.

  “What is your name?” Brandr asks instead of answering her

  “I’m Trace, what about you big guy do you want to get to know me first, is that it?” at her question I nearly grunt in amusement when I think that that will be the last thing Brandr would want.

  “Tracy, how were you invited to this party?” Brandr asks and I see her tense

  “Why? I wasn’t aware this was by invitation only” she mumbles as she turns and starts to make her way back towards the bar but before she takes more than a few steps Brandr has his hand on her upper arm and is stopping her.

  “Not so fast, answer my questions and then you can go.” He states

  “You can’t hold me here” she argues as she tries to pull free from his hold

  “I can and I will, now answer the question.” He insists

  “A friend of mine mentioned it to me, I thought it would be fun so I came” She says angrily

  “Is that friend here?”

  “No, I came by myself. Why, is it a crime to go to a party by yourself?” she says sarcastically

  “Where do I find your friend?” Brandr asks not giving an inch to her anger and keeping her still as she tries to pull away once again.

  “Leave me alone or I’m going to scream.” She threatens which has me grinning when I see Brandr’s grimace.

  “I know where he is,” Aria whispers to me which has Brandr looking over at where we hiding with a raised brow. “Apparently he’s staying at her apartment; it’s near the city centre.”

  “Well it looks like for the moment I won’t need any other information from you, as I already know that he’s staying at your apartment.” Brandr says as he lets go of her arm, “You can go back to the party, but don’t go far as I’m sure Draco will want a word with you.” She huffs as she turns and makes her way back to the bar. We both know that she’s going to try to bolt, but she won’t get far.

  We make our way around the car towards Brandr, he holds his hand out to Aria and then pulls her against him. “Thank you Sunshine” Brandr says as he kisses Aria on the forehead. I stride out making my way inside, I want to find Saskia before I leave to go and find Vircin.

  We have tried to catch Vercin for centuries but he always manages to be a step ahead of us, if we are able to put an end to him the Keres will scatter as he is their leader, Vercin isn’t like the other Keres that are driven by blood, he has only ever taken what he needs so that he doesn’t become fixated on killing and blood and even though he has turned Keres he has maintained most of his sanity.

  By Vercin coming here he is calling Draco out, it’s the first bold move of this sort that he has ever done. Vercin usually hides in the shadows, ordering his minions around without being in the way of danger, for him to come out into the open and to our doorstep it means that something must have changed.

  As I walk into the courtyard I see Saskia, Talia, Scarlett and Brielle, two are sitting on the bench the other two are standing before them talking. As I approach Saskia looks up, I can see the worry on her face as she looks at me. I have gone through most of my life with revenge in my heart because of what was done to Dara, hate filling me every time I thought of the Keres. Now even though I still feel hate for them, I don’t feel that unrelenting need to kill every single one of them. Saskia calms me, and even though she doesn’t know this she has given me my sanity back.


  It has been hours since most of the men left to go and find Vercin, Burkhart came to tell me what was going on before they left. The women updated me on Vercin, I didn’t need them to tell me how evil he is because I could feel it by his energy alone. Suddenly I tense, why didn’t I think of this.

  “Gabriela” I call as it’s just the two of us in the kitchen. Nova and Brielle have taken the twins while Gabriela bakes, all the women are to anxious to sleep so therefore we all going to sit in the entertainment room, watch movies and eat Gabriela’s famous brownies. Gabriela looks back at me from the pot she’s stirring.

  “I might be able to find him” I say and see her frown in confusion, “Vercin, I might be able to find Vercin.” At my comment she pulls the pot off the heat and turns fully towards me. “I felt his energy when he was outside, sometimes strong energies like that have a pull that I can follow” I reveal and see her eyes widen in understanding.

  “What the hell are we waiting for, lets go tell the others.” Gabriela says as she takes my hand and starts to pull me behind her.

  “Umm, Gabriela” I say as I stop in my tracks, “don’t you want to put the pot down first.” I see her look down at the pot in her hand as if she had completely forgotten about it and then she’s turning and placing it on the table before once again hurrying out of the kitchen as she pulls me behind her.

  As we enter the entertainment room I see that the children have all been put to sleep as their baby monitors have been placed on the pool table. “She can find Vercin” Gabriella says excitedly as soon as she enters which has all the women instantly quietening.

  “What do you mean?” Aria asks as she turns on the couch to face us

  “When it’s a strong energy I can usually follow it, but I can’t wait to long as it starts to fade with time.” I explain

  “Well the party is still ongoing; I can get Sam to smuggle us out” Nova says excitedly

ah, I don’t think you should be going anywhere.” Scarlett says to Nova which has her frowning

  “I’m not sick, just pregnant. Besides there won’t be any danger” she says with a naughty smile, “after all Saskia is just going to follow the energy and then we’ll phone the guys as soon as we find him.” I see Talia shaking her head with a grin at Nova’s enthusiasm

  “Well then, I’m also coming as you never know if you might need someone lifted into the air and pushed against the wall until help comes.” Talia quips

  “Tell me you’re not really thinking about doing this?” Brielle says with a frown, “It’s too dangerous, we talking about Vercin not one of the other Keres.”

  “If she can find Vercin all of this will come to an end. I heard Wulf say that Vercin is the only one holding the Keres together. He said that if he’s gone then the Keres will scatter and it will be easier to keep them under control.” Jasmine reveals

  “You see, we need to do this” Nova quips as she pulls out her phone and starts to text.

  “We can’t go by ourselves, maybe we can get help from Tor” Scarlett suggests, “unless you think that he will tell Draco before we can actually make it to wherever Vercin is?”

  “I will talk to him” Gabriela says and immediately turns and makes her way out again, now that things look like I’m going to be doing this I’m getting nervous. What if I got everyone excited about me being able to find Vercin and then I can’t. I feel a hand on my upper arm, turning my head I see that Aria has walked to me and is now smiling.

  “Don’t worry, you will do fine. If you don’t find him at least it was worth a try and most probably the spanking you might get.” At her words I blush, would Burkhart really spank me and then I smile when I think of the possibility. “Eww, Ill skip that thought” Aria teases which has my face flushing hotter.

  We are all planning when Gabriela walks in with Tor towering behind her a frown on his face. “Now I know why Draco has been visiting me so often lately, you ladies must be driving him crazy” he quips with a menacing scowl. “You ladies do know that your men are going lose their shit when they find out what you doing, don’t you?”

  “But you not going to tell them are you Tor?” Nova says as she approaches him, I see Gabriela place her hand on his arm lightly and then Nova touches her, but before Nova can persuade him with whatever she was thinking he steps away quickly and grunts.

  “No funny business,” he states with a scowl as he looks at Nova and Gabriela, “Draco has confided in me how your gifts work on us.” I see Nova pout but then she’s grinning, as she shrugs.

  “Okay, no funny business,” Nova promises, “I arranged with my friend Sam to help us get out, we will meet you outside in about fifteen minutes.”

  “How many of you are coming?” Tor asks as he looks around at all of us

  “It will be Nova, Scarlett and myself” I say which has Tor’s eyes on me.

  “You do know that your man isn’t known for his listening skills, don’t you?” Tor states, “as soon as he finds out that you out he’s going to come at me like a blaze.”

  “I thought you were invincible,” Talia teases as she pulls up her arms and makes as if she’s flexing. Tor flashes her one of his smiles and winks as he lifts his arm and flexes his bicep.

  “Okay, okay enough of making us drool,” Brielle quips, “you better get started or the men will be back soon and then you won’t be able to get out of here.”

  “Okay then, I will wait outside bring your helmets and kutts” he states as he turns and leaves.

  “I don’t have a helmet or a kutt” I say worriedly as I look around at the women

  “I’m sure Burkhart has already ordered your kutt,” Jasmine states, “but for now don’t worry you can wear mine” she hurries out of the entertainment room, a few minutes later she’s walking back in with a black full face helmet and a leather jacket. “Here you go” she says with a smile

  “Thank you” I state as I try on her jacket and then take the helmet from her. Nova and Scarlett had also gone to collect theirs and are now waiting for me.

  “You shouldn’t be going Nova, Ceric is going to lose his mind when he knows you have put yourself in danger.” Gabriela says with a worried look on her face

  “I will be fine” she quips as she takes my hand and starts to walk, when we arrive at the entrance to the garage I see Sam standing there with two of his men friends.

  “You are going to get me into so much trouble, one of these days that sexy man of yours is going to skin me.” Sam complains as he takes off his long jacket and places it around Nova, the other two men do the same with Scarlett and myself. “Let’s get you out of here through the garage,” Sam states as he starts to guide Nova forwards, “if your men ask, we didn’t help” he says a frown on his face.

  “You better be safe sweetheart or I’ll never forgive myself,” Sam says as he looks around.

  “I will open the door, then we will have to hurry up before Celmund notices that the doors have been opened because even though he isn’t here he will be notified on his phone.” Talia states as we walk towards the garage door. As soon as we at the door she types in a code on her phone and the door clicks open. “Let’s go” she calls

  We slip out of the garage door and immediately I see Tor on his motorbike with two of his men sitting on their bikes too. When they see us they start up and wait for us to approach, Tor holds out his hand to me so that I can get on behind him. As soon as I stepped outside I could feel the evil hovering in the air.

  “Hold on sugar” he says as he pulls away, the other two men following close behind. When we reach the main gate to the compound I feel the evil to my left.

  “Turn left” I say, which has Tor heading in the direction of town. The evil feeling is still so strong that it’s easy to follow. Just before we enter town at the intersection I frown as I feel that he went to the right hand side instead of straight ahead into town. That means that the men are looking in the wrong place.

  “Turn right” I state which has Tor looking over his shoulder and then nodding as he follows my instructions.

  “Remind me to get one of you for myself, you come in handy” he quips playfully but I can hear the tension in his voice. About five miles down the road his energy moves off the road and up a hidden path among pine trees.

  “Tor, he turned in here.” Tor stops the bike before turning into the path and looks around.

  “I don’t like this” he states, “this is too secluded, I’m not comfortable in taking you women up there. I will contact the others and let them know where we are.”

  “They might take too long Tor and then I might not sense him anymore.” I argue

  “That’s just too bad; I’m not having the three of you in danger even if it’s our best chance to find that bastard.” Tor pulls out his phone from inside his jacket pocket and grimaces, “this will be fun” he grunts

  “Draco?” he answers, I can see him tensing as he listens. “Are they on their way?” he asks, “Okay, see you soon.” He places the phone back in his inside pocket, and gets off the bike, “Draco is coming” he says which has his men also parking and stepping off their bikes. “Prepare yourselves ladies because your mates know you here and they aren’t happy.” I hear Nova grumbling from behind me and Talia is getting off the bike.

  I wish they wouldn’t stop as I can feel Vercin’s energy is strong here, the area reeks of evil, even the bushes and trees are looking unhealthy. “Can’t they catch up to us? If they are on their way it wont make a difference if we continue on our way.” I plead looking towards the source of evil that I can feel. Just as I say this we hear bikes speeding towards us, looking back I see the men approaching. I know which one is Burkhart even before he skids to a stop next to me. His face is covered by his black full face helmet not allowing me to see his expression, his leather jacket covering his tattooed and muscular arms. Even though I can’t see his eyes I can feel them boring into me before he looks away towards To
r as he dismounts off his bike.

  I hurriedly get off the bike as I don’t need to sense his energy to clearly feel the violence radiating off him as he makes his way towards Tor. Before he can reach Tor I step before him, placing my hands on his chest I look up, his muscles are tense under the jacket straining with tension. “Burkhart” I call but he doesn’t look down as he places his hands on my shoulders and tries to move me to the side.

  “No you don’t,” I state as I hurriedly place my arms around his waist and hold on. From the corner of my eye I see Draco and Bjarni walking past us towards Tor, I can hear Ceric and Nova arguing and Celmund as soon as he arrived by us he was off his bike and carrying Talia to his own before Burkhart even got off his bike.

  “Saskia, let go” Burkhart mutters as he places his gloved hands over mine behind his back and starts to pull them loose.

  “Don’t do this, he was trying to keep us safe. If he hadn’t come with us we would have come alone.” I argue

  “He should have kept you at the compound.” One of his hands lets go of my hand and moves up to his visor as he pulls it back. I can see his eyes smouldering as they look down at me.

  “We already had a plan to leave without him, besides we are all fine. Burkhart, you can get angry with me afterwards but now we are wasting time, we need to go now so that we can catch him.” I plead

  “You do not place yourself in danger, ever” he states angrily, “I will not allow for anything to happen to you, you don’t understand, you have to be safe.” Even though his words are angry I can hear a tone of pain beneath the anger that has me looking at him closely. I see a world of pain below the anger in his beautiful dark blue eyes. This man that can fight like a demon, which is fearless in everything he does, is standing before me with fear in his eyes, fear for me.


  We were scouting town looking for Vercin when Celmund pulled up to a curb and checked his phone. I could see his face clouding with anger as he checked why it vibrated. “Fuck” he roars as he looks up and around at all of us that have also stopped to wait for him. “The garage door has been opened.” He states


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