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BURKHART: Elemental's MC

Page 14

by Alexi Ferreira

  “Shall we go?” I ask and all three men instantly go on the alert, I realize they all think that I sensed something. “Everything is fine; I just think we should get this over and done with.” I say as I stand and hug my mom and dad.

  “When will we see you again?” my mother asks with concern, I explained to them that the men that kidnapped me might still be looking for me that’s why it’s prudent that I stay at the compound.

  “You can come and visit her anytime you like” Burkhart says for the first time, “And I will bring her to visit anytime she wants.” I take his hand and smile up at his kind words to my parents, after saying our goodbyes Burkhart rides straight to where Paul and I used to live. When he parks outside and I’m standing on the pavement before our apartment block I can feel my nerves stretching.

  “Maybe I should go in with Caelius,” I say and see Burkhart scowl, his hands already fisted.

  “No, I’m coming in with you” he states and places his hand on the back of my back guiding me to the door.

  “Burkhart, what if he hugs me?” I ask and feel his whole body snapping, “You see, this isn’t going to work”

  “He touches you and he will stop breathing.” He states menacingly, “You are here to tell him you not coming back, not for hugs.”

  “Burkhart!” I snap and turn around placing my hands on his chest to stop our forward motion. “He hasn’t seen me in months; he most probably thinks I have died. He will more than likely rush to hug me.” I can see the rage in his eyes, his muscles snapping with tension. “Let me go with Caelius or Gunner, they will keep me safe and him alive.”

  “Fuck Saskia” he mutters as he turns and starts to pace before me, Caelius standing behind him his hands low on his hips.

  “I’ll go with her, brother, better this way” Caelius suggests, I can see the anger building in him and know that the idea of another man coming near me is messing with his head. I step before him and place my hands on his chest, he stops pacing and looks down at me.

  “I love you, nothing in this world is going to change that. Caelius will be there, so you know nothing will happen to me. I will be as quick as I can, I promise.” I lift my hands and place them on his cheeks, so that he can look deep into my eyes and see the truth of what I feel for him. We stand like that for a few minutes and then nods.

  “Go, but be quick or I’m coming in.” At his words I turn and hurriedly make my way towards the door of the building, Caelius right behind me.


  As soon as Saskia turns and makes her way towards the door of the apartment block I already regret my decision in not accompanying her. I’m about to follow when I feel Gunner’s hand on my shoulder, “Don’t do it brother, you need to give her this.” He says, and even though I want to punch his face for stopping me, I know he’s right.

  The thought of Paul putting his hands on her is getting my blood boiling, even though I know that Caelius will keep his hands off my woman I feel that I should be there. I start pacing again, I’m trying to contain my anger because I know that Saskia won’t be impressed with me if I walk in there and tear his limbs off, which is what I feel like doing.

  “Fuck Gunner, talk to me” maybe he can distract me from losing my shit, because I can feel I’m close.

  “Burkhart, calm the fuck down” Gunner grunts, “you know Caelius won’t let anything happen to her.”

  “I know, but its driving me crazy knowing that she’s talking to that fucker that she was in a relationship with.” Gunner places his hand on my arm to stop my pacing and then hurriedly pulls away.

  “Fuck man, you burning up” Gunner mutters, “Do I need to get a hose or something?”

  “No, I just need Saskia to hurry the fuck up or I’m going up.” I know I should keep my anger under control as my energy levels will be sensed by other Elemental’s and Keres. That is the last thing I want is the Keres to pitch up here now while Saskia isn’t with me. I take various deep breaths trying to calm myself but its not helping.

  I squat and punch the floor, trying to release some of my frustration and then punch it again. “Fuck” I hear gunner mutter as he looks around to see who might be looking. I know that I should stop this but if I don’t calm the hell down I’m going to rush up there and destroy everything in my way. I can feel my knuckles cracking, but still I can’t calm the fury in my blood at not having my woman next to me.

  “Fuck this” I mutter and stand making my way to the apartment block door. Suddenly Gunner is tackling me to the floor but if I have my mind set on anything no one will stop me. I have mastered every fighting skill under this earth; there is no man that can keep me down.

  “Damn Burkhart, don’t fucking do this” Gunner grunts when I elbow him in the stomach but I ignore him and stand taking the steps needed to open the door. The door bangs against the wall and I look around finding the steps to my left, climbing the steps three at a time I reach the landing and immediately know where my woman is. I walk towards the apartment door and ram my shoulder against the door which bangs back against the wall.

  I hear Saskia gasp and my vision starts to tunnel, I rush into the living room and see Saskia standing behind Caelius, Paul is standing before Caelius with a frown on his face.

  “Burkhart?” Saskia asks and steps away from Caelius towards me and places a hand on my chest, but then she gasps and pulls it back. “Calm down, its fine.” She whispers, but instead of looking at her my eyes are focused on Paul.

  “Who the hell is this now?” Paul mutters, “You really got yourself some unsavoury friends” at his words I take a step towards him but once again Saskia places her hand on my chest, my eyes snap down to hers and I see that the heat radiating from my body must be burning her but she continues touching me.

  “Let go Saskia” I grunt and take a step back when she doesn’t pull away.

  “Don’t do this” she whispers, at her worried look I still. I will do anything to please Saskia, even calming my anger.

  “Let’s go” I mutter and step to the side to let her walk past me to the door. Before we leave she turns back to Paul and my hands fist.

  “As I said, I’m sorry Paul but I can’t stay here any longer and we both knew this was happening. For a long time that this hasn’t been working.” With those words she turns and starts to make her way out of the room, Paul stretches out his hand and steps towards Saskia. Wrong move, I am before him before he can take another step.

  “I wouldn’t think about it” I growl

  “Move over, this is my house and this has nothing to do with you” he mutters as he looks up at me.

  “Saskia is my woman, therefore this has everything to do with me” at my words I see him frown and then a red tinge fills his cheeks at his anger.

  “So that is why you can’t stay, not all the drivel you were talking about” he yells as he looks to my left and without looking I know that Saskia is standing there. “You have become a whore for these. . .” I don’t let him finish his sentence. No one calls my woman names before me and not pay for it. My hand clutches around his neck and I push him back until I have him off the floor against the wall. I hear him gurgle and I know that I’m burning his throat; he will have burn marks around his neck tomorrow.

  “Brother, let him go” I feel Caelius arm around my neck chocking me, but the anger coursing through my veins at him calling my woman a whore has me losing my shit. “Fuck, Burkhart let him go.” Caelius mutters as he pulls me back but I don’t let go, and then Saskia is pulling at my arm and I hurriedly let go of him as not to burn her.

  “It’s okay, let him be please” at her words I take in a deep breath and look down at her. I can see tears in her eyes and know that this must be difficult for her. I step back and look over my shoulder at Caelius that has also stepped back, I nod to let him know to take Saskia and see him raise his brow in question. I know he’s asking if I’ve calmed down and I nod.

  “Let’s go Saskia” Caelius says and I see the hesitation in my woman’s

  “It’s okay darling, I’m not going to kill him” I promise, she looks at me for a few seconds and then nods before she leaves the room with Caelius following close behind her.

  I squat down where Paul is hunched over gasping for breath and holding his neck. “Listen here Paul,” I say angrily, “You still breathing because Saskia would be upset if I killed you, but don’t ever think to call my woman names again or even to try and find her. Saskia is mine, and no one is going to upset her.” I stand up and look down at him for a few minutes as he continues to gasp, and then I turn and leave the apartment pulling the broken door closed.

  When I walk outside I see Saskia twisting her hands before her as she stares at the door to the apartment block. When she sees me I see her relax and her hands lower to her sides. “Are you okay?” she asks and that fills me with a tenderness that is unlike anything I have ever felt. She doesn’t ask me about Paul but she is worried about me.

  “I’m fine darling, are you ready to go back home now?”

  “Yes,” she murmurs and then she’s standing on her tiptoes and kisses me gently on the lips, “thank you for doing this for me today” her eyes are glossed with tears which has my heart constricting.

  “What’s wrong? I thought you would be happy to have seen your parents and sorting things out with that prick upstairs” she shakes her head with a tremulous smile.

  “I am happy” she murmurs, “I just feel like a weight has been taken off my shoulders” I know that the heat of my body has lowered to the point where I won’t hurt her, therefore I place my hand on her waist and pull her against me.

  “Shall we go home” I ask and she nods, before helping her onto the bike I kiss her lips tenderly, “let’s go start a new life darling”

  “The minute I met you, my new life started, this was just the close of an old book.” At her words I nod and then I’m start the bike and we are speeding back to the chopper. We are a few blocks out when Saskia taps on my chest urgently.

  “I feel Keres close” she says urgently and I feel her head swivelling behind me as she looks around for them. Fuck, the last thing I want is for those motherfuckers to be after us when my woman is with me. I sign to Caelius and Gunner to let them know that we have company.

  “Do you know where darling?” I ask as I speed up, trying to get to the chopper before they get to us.

  “No but they are close” she says and then she gasps

  “What” I ask but she shakes her head, I feel a pain in my side that is unbeknown to me but I continue speeding as I try to beat those assholes. When I’m close to the hanger I feel Saskia’s arms sliding off me “Hold tight darling”. I let go of the handlebars and grab her hands tightening them against me with one hand as I take the handlebars again with the other. “Saskia?” I call as I feel the weight of her body against me, but she doesn’t answer. I try to turn my head but the helmet doesn’t let me see her. “Saskia” I roar but she doesn’t answer.

  I come to a screeching stop next to the chopper, my heart hammering against my ribcage at the fear that is overtaking me. “Saskia” I call again, but once again she doesn’t answer. Caelius and Gunner come to a stop next to me, the jump off their bikes and look over at us and then I see Caelius’s concerned face as he rushes towards us.

  I lean to the side and get off the bike, my hand still holding Saskia’s arm but Caelius is there and as I get on my feet he holds her up. “Saskia” I call again as I see her closed eyes and pale complection.

  “Fuck, motherfuckers” I roar as I see the red staining her white t-shirt under the black leather jacket that I gave her just his morning.

  “We have to go Burkhart,” Caelius says as I take her into my arms, my mind a jumble of thoughts none making sense. “Burkhart” he roars which has me glaring at him but I pull Saskia close to me and rush to the chopper. When we both sitting inside I pull her jacket off and look at the wound my heart hammering in fear. There is so much blood, “Saskia. . .darling open your eyes” I mutter as I put pressure on the wound.

  “Fuck Caelius, get us to Bion” I roar as I feel her shallow breaths. I hear Gunner talking to Bion and know that he’s updating him on what is happening and that we are bringing Saskia in. I shouldn’t have brought her here today, I knew it was dangerous, I shouldn’t have brought her. My head is a jumble of angry thoughts.

  I wasn’t able to protect Dara, and because of that she died. I will not let this happen to Saskia, I can feel tears fill my eyes at the horror of seeing my woman in my arms bleeding out. My hands are filled with her blood as I try to stop the flow, I know its twenty minutes until we get home, twenty minutes too long maybe.

  “How is she?” Gunner asks

  “I don’t fucking know” I mutter as I lower my forehead to hers, “come on darling, hang in there we are nearly there.”

  “Bion and Brielle know and they are ready for when we land” Caelius states, I just hope we make it on time because I can hear her laboured breathing, if anything happens to Saskia it will be the end of any Keres on this earth because I will execute every single one of them and if anyone tries to stop me they will find their end too. I will die, but I will take as many of them as I can with me.

  I kiss her forehead, “I love you” I whisper against her head, I know that I might be bruising her with the pressure I’m putting on her wound but I will rather have her bruised than dead. Every minute of the flight is torture and when we are finally landing my heart is so tight that I’m sure it will burst with pain.

  The doors to the chopper open and Bion is standing there, “Let me see” he mutters as he pulls my hand slightly away. “Start giving her blood” he orders as he pulls my hand completely away, tears her t-shirt up the side and starts to work on her. I tear at my wrist with my teeth and then place it over her lips coursing her to drink. Brielle has entered the chopper from the other door and is now holding Saskia’s hand. I know that she is healing her with her gift and I’m grateful that we got her in time for them to be able to help her.

  “Is she going to be okay?” I ask, and I can hear the despair in my voice. Bion doesn’t answer or look up at me as he continues to try and help Saskia and I don’t ask again as I’m afraid of the answer that I might get.

  “Okay, let’s hurry and move her to the infirmary. I’ve done what I can here but I need her there so that I can remove the bullet.” I don’t even realize I am moving until I’m standing over Saskia in the infirmary and Bion is pushing me away.

  I feel a hand on my shoulder and see Draco standing behind me, his eyes solemn. “Let Bion and Brielle work brother” he says as he guides me slightly back, “they will do everything that they can” he states. He let’s go of me and then I feel an arm around my shoulders and Brandr is hugging me.

  “She’ll be fine, fuck she has to be” he mutters, more than anyone Brandr knows the torture I put myself through because of what happened to Dara. He knows that this is killing me, knowing that I wasn’t able to protect her. He knows that if anything happens to Saskia, it will be the end of my life because there is no way that I can survive without the peace that she has brought into my life, the love that she has shown me.

  “Burkhart” Brielle calls and my head snaps up to hers, “I need you to take Saskia’s hand” she murmurs her eyes glossy from her healing. I don’t question her as I know that when it comes to healing there is no one that can beat Brielle. I hurry towards them and take Saskia’s hand in mine, her touch calming me slightly. Brielle takes both our hands in hers and closes her eyes again, I feel energy building around our clasped hands and then I feel what I know is my woman. I can sense her feelings, her emotions but I have never felt her like I am at the moment.

  “Hold onto her” Brielle says still maintaining her eyes closed, and somehow I know that she doesn’t mean her hand, but that she’s talking about her inner soul, the essence that I’m feeling deep within myself. We stand like that what feels like hours but finally I hear Bion tell Brielle to stop. I want to argue
but I know that she has done what she can and if Bion is telling her to stop it’s because he knows that she is becoming drained and needs to stop.

  Brielle pulls her hands away but I continue to hold onto Saskia, that feeling still there. My woman is a warrior and I know that if she can she will fight this to the end before she gives up.


  I can feel the heat coursing through my body, I feel myself floating through darkness there is such emptiness. I want to open my eyes and talk to Burkhart but my eyes are heavy and don’t want to open. Fear starts to overtake me, why am I feeling this emptiness? Where is Burkhart? I pull all my strength together and force my eyes open.

  At first they open only a slit and the light overhead makes them tear, and then I open them a little more and I see someone standing with their back to me. I turn my head and the movement makes everything start to spin, I shut my eyes for a little while again and when I open the spinning has stopped. There is a bed next to me which is empty, and the door out of the infirmary.

  The memory of what happened comes rushing through my mind and I remember the intense pain and me holding onto Burkhart, trying not to say anything because I was scared that the Keres would manage to catch, because I knew if Burkhart knew that I had been hurt he would have stopped the bike.

  Burkhart! Where is he? Did anything happen to him? My fears start to rise again and I feel tears filling my eyes. There is an intense pain on my right side, and I know that that is where I got hurt. Did they also manage to shoot him? I slowly turn my head again and see that the person I saw with their back to me is Bion, he is mixing something that I can see from this angle.

  “Bion” I whisper, but he snaps around, his eyes intense

  “Fuck, it’s about time” he mutters as he walks towards me, “how are you feeling Saskia?”

  “Fine. . .Burkhart?” I could ask him for something to relieve the pain, but I find that the emptiness I’m feeling at the moment is more intense than the physical pain. I see him tense and my fear intensifies.


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