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BURKHART: Elemental's MC

Page 15

by Alexi Ferreira

  “You will see him soon, trust me he needs to see you too” Bion states, and then starts to poke at my side which has me gasping in pain. “I think for now you need to relieve some of that pain,” he mutters as he turns and walks towards the counter where there are containers that look like they have some kind of transparent pills inside.

  “Is he . . . okay?” I find that talking tires me but I have to know if Burkhart was hurt.

  “Here, drink this” Bion states as he places a pill by my lips waiting for me to open, when the pill is in my mouth he helps me raise my head and places a glass with water at my lips helping me drink down the pill. I gasp at the pain the movement ignites but it quickly recedes as Bion places his hand over it.

  “Burkhart?” I ask again, frustrated that he still hasn’t told me how he is.

  “I will get the guys to bring him, I must warn you that it might take a little while as he kind of lost his shit when we had to resuscitate you.” At his words my heart races as I think of having died and them having had to bring me back, but what has me worried is how Burkhart is. Why will it take them a while to bring him? Did he leave, thinking that I had died?

  “We Elemental’s don’t do well with anything happening to our mates, so when you flat lined he lost his shit and we had to wrestle him to the floor and drug him. At the moment, Brandr, Draco and Bjarni are with him.” The tears that I felt earlier start to flow and that emptiness I felt explodes with pain.

  “No sweetheart, don’t cry he will be fine as soon as we show him that you are fine.” I can feel the darkness pulling me down once again but I don’t want to sleep until I see Burkhart, but the pull is stronger than me.

  I feel like I’ve been drowning in darkness for what feels like years when I hear deep voices. “You don’t fucking understand, he’s not listening to anyone. Even Draco is having difficulty holding him down.” I realize its Ceric talking, and from what he’s saying I suspect that they talking about Burkhart. I open my eyes and see that Ceric is talking to Bion.

  “Are you talking about Burkhart?” I whisper and both men quieten Bion throws up his arms before he approaches me.

  “Hi sweetheart, how you feeling?” at his words the pain in my side manifests itself but I can hardly notice it when the despair in my soul is so strong.

  “Are you talking about Burkhart?” I ask again and see Bion look at Ceric before he looks at me again.

  “Yes we were, but don’t worry he’s fine.” Bion states as he starts poking at me again, except I’m not taking any of that anymore. I want them to tell me what is happening to Burkhart, therefore I slap is hand away.

  “Tell me” I insist and see Ceric approach Bion and stand next to my bed with Bion.

  “Burkhart lost his shit when he thought you had died and now he’s not listening to anyone and is in a rage which we are having difficulty controlling. Your man isn’t the easiest warrior to keep down.” Ceric explains

  “Bring him here” I plead

  “We can’t do that until he calms down enough.” Bion reveals

  “Then take me to him”

  “Absolutely not, you’re still too weak and in no condition to be moved. Besides he isn’t calm enough to have you around him yet.” Bion says

  “Take me to him or I will get up and go look for him myself,” I try to be as forceful as possible but I see Ceric grin and then Bion is shaking his head and smiling.

  “Let me speak to Draco, I will let you know what he says” Bion says and then he’s pulling out his phone and dialling. I wait anxiously for him to talk and prey that Draco agrees to this, because if he doesn’t I don’t care about what they say, I will somehow get up and go look for him myself.

  “How is he?” I hear Bion ask, I see his tense features as Draco speaks.

  “Saskia is insisting on seeing him” Bion is quiet for a few seconds as Draco speaks, “no, she’s still weak but she says if we don’t take her to him or bring him here then she will go look for him herself.” My nerves are pulled tight as I wait to see what Draco’s decision will be.

  “Do we have any other option? You know Burkhart he’s in a rage but maybe seeing her he will be able to calm. It has happened before with some of us.” They talk for a few more minutes while my despair and pain engulf me to the point that I want to start screaming and crying.

  “So what did he say?” I realize that Bion has disconnected the call when I hear Ceric ask him the question.

  “He doesn’t like it, but it might be our only option at the moment. Besides, I doubt he will ever hurt her even in a rage.” Bion says as he once again looks down at me, “I will take you to see Burkhart, you need to let me know if the pain becomes too intense and I will stop to give you a breather. Saskia remember, he’s in a rage, a state that you have never seen him before, you need to try calm him but not touch him as his fire is controlling him.” At my frown Ceric takes my hand and squeezes gently.

  “What he is trying to say is that when we go into a rage, sometimes there is no return and that is how the Elemental’s turn to Keres. That isn’t a possibility with Burkhart as you two are already mated so you will always be able to bring him back from his darkness, but it might take a while for his rage, his fury to die down.” I squeeze Ceric’s hand back gently to let him know that I appreciate his explanation and then look at Bion and nod.

  “Please just take me to him, I can feel his pain and it’s killing me.” I reveal and see both men tense and a frown mare Bion’s face.

  “You can feel his emotions?” at my nod he grunts

  “Fuck, I’m sorry sweetheart” he mutters and then he is placing a hand behind my shoulders and one under my knees and picking me up against his chest. I gasp at the pain the shoots through my body and am sure I’m going to pass out but I force myself to take deep breaths until the pain starts to subside. I realize that Bion hasn’t moved giving me time to adjust to the different position. I won’t lie, the pain is intense but my drive to go and see Burkhart is stronger.

  “Has the pain started to subside?” Bion asks as he looks down at me, I nod not answering as I doubt my voice would be convincing.

  “You women are all so stubborn” Ceric mutters as he steps back so that Bion can walk past with me.

  “And you love it…” I whisper as I continue to breath in deeply to try and contain my grunts of pain.

  “Yeah, nothing like trying to change my hellcats mind” he quips with a grin, I can feel each one of Bion’s steps even though he isn’t jerking me and is being as gentle as he can but the movement is taking its toll and I’m sure if this movement takes long I won’t be able to stop myself from passing out. I hear steps hurrying towards us as we make our way.

  “Bion, what are you doing? She shouldn’t be moved yet” Brielle says worriedly as Bion comes to a stop and then I feel a gentle hand on mine and warmth flood me.

  “I have to beauty, she insists on seeing Burkhart and I think this is the only thing that will bring him down from his rage” Bion says

  “She’s in so much pain” Brielle says worriedly, but already I can feel a calmness overtaking me. I know Brielle is using her gift to heal my anxiety, my pain, my despair and I appreciate it because I need all the strength I can muster to be able to do this.

  “Thank you” I say as I look at Brielle’s worried features, she nods and smiles at me with concern.

  “Can I continue?” Bion asks which has me nodding in confirmation.

  I see that Bion is taking me to the area where the men have the cells, and my stomach tightens when I think that they have Burkhart in one of those cells. Tears fill my eyes but I fight them, I don’t want Burkhart to worry about me more that he already is. As we walk in to the holding cells I hear a roar, and then swearing, after that there is a crashing noise as if something was thrown against a wall. I turn my head and see Draco and Brandr approaching us.

  Brandr and Draco have tired looks on their faces and Brandr is looking distressed, in the time that I’ve been here I have come
to appreciate the bond that these men have for each other. It is a bond that is unbreakable, which is palpable, by how strong the men respect and care for the others. I know that Burkhart being like this is a worry to all of them, and by the look of these two they haven’t left Burkhart alone for one second.

  “How are you feeling?” Brandr asks as he reaches us, a tired look on his face.

  “I’m fine” I say, a roar comes from behind the men and I know it was Burkhart

  “Are you sure you want to do this now?” Draco asks, his intense blue eyes looking deep into mine as if he’s seeing into my soul.

  “I’m sure” I murmur and again Burkhart roars, my heart tightens to the point of pain at the sound of his anguish. “Please let me see him” I plead, as I can’t be another minute without seeing him, talking to him, touching him. Draco hesitates before he nods and then looks up at Bion a kind of silent communication passing between them before he steps back and lets Bion walk with me closer to the bars.

  “Burkhart” I cry when I see the man before me, he’s hair is loose, wild from his movements. His face is tense and angry but it’s his eyes that have the tears running down my cheeks. They are anguished, empty, a broken man stands before me and that rips at my insides. At me calling his name another roar is ripped out of him and he moves towards the wall and punches it with a strength that has a crack appear on the rock.

  “Fuck” I hear Ceric grunt behind us, only now do I notice the blood on the walls and his bloody clothes, blood is dripping from his hands and I know that this isn’t the first punch that he has taken to the wall because his hands are a mass of raw, bloodied flesh.

  “Burkhart, it’s me. Please stop hurting yourself.” I plead through the tears that are chocking me. He places his hands flat on the wall that he just punched and hangs his head. For the first time I can see his face and my heart breaks at his anguish. “Burkhart, look at me” I plead and can see that he hears me but he doesn’t turn. “Why isn’t he turning?” I ask, “Take me inside”

  “No” Draco states and I can see by his set features that he won’t budge in that. I groan in frustration, and look back at Burkhart and see that he has now turned and is staring at me but there is such a look of despair in his eyes that I don’t know how to heal that.

  “Burkhart please, come back to me don’t do this” I plead, and I see him shake his head before he roars again.

  “You not fucking real” he shouts and then picks up a piece of metal that looks like it belonged once to the frame of a cot and throws it at where I’m being held in Bion’s arms. Before the metal piece touches the bars I am surrounded by men.

  “Motherfucker” Draco roars and then Burkhart is being lifted off the floor and is suspended against the wall. Draco has some amazing powers that if I wasn’t so distraught about Burkhart I would be impressed. “Open the fucking Cell and take her in, he doesn’t fucking believe that she’s really here. Maybe, if she touches him!” Ceric moves towards the cell door and opens it back while Bion carries me through. I notice Brandr and Ceric entering behind us. When I’m close enough to Burkhart I see his laboured breathing and his eyes following me like a hawk.

  “I’m real, and I need you.” I murmur as I place my hand on his chest, at first he jerks and struggles against the invisible force that is holding him up but soon quietens when he isn’t able to release himself. “Burkhart, please” I lean slightly forward and groan as I feel the pain shooting through my side, a wetness announcing that I have opened my wound, but I ignore it and lift my hand to his cheek.

  At the first contact of my hand with his cheek he stills and closes his eyes, his head lowering in pain. “Burkhart, baby look at me” at my gentle words he looks at me, I can see a world of pain in his eyes. “It’s me, I’m here” I say quietly and see realization that I am actually here filter into his eyes.

  “Saskia?” he whispers, a tear running down his cheek. At that moment I know that he has come back to me.


  The fury slowly starts to recede as I look at my woman before me, the tightness around my heart calming. The red that had covered my vision slowly fades and before me I see Saskia smiling at me, the thought that my woman was dead made me insane, there was nothing that would have been able to bring me back except for her. I have never been so taken with rage, with fury like I did when I thought that once again I had failed a woman that I loved.

  Knowing that my woman is here before me, alive, has my heart racing. Where earlier there was only darkness now it bursts with light. I feel a tear course down my cheek but I don’t care if my brothers see it because at the moment I feel like crying like a baby at the relief I’m feeling at having my woman back. “Saskia” I murmur, awaiting with abated breath to hear her voice and know that in fact I’m not imagining her.

  “It’s me Burkhart” at those words I feel my tense muscles start to relax, and then I notice that Bion is holding her against his chest and the memories of why I lost my shit come rushing back. Fuck, she was hurt and she still looks as if she’s hurt but she’s here trying to bring me back from my pain.

  “Saskia” I call again and then see her grimace as she turns slightly. “You in pain” I grunt angrily and try to move to take her into my arms but Draco has me in one of his holds. “Draco” I call out as I look up at him that is still standing on the other side of the cell bars. He raises his brow in question and then nods and I am slowly being lowered to the ground. As soon as I’m able to move I am before Bion and Saskia.

  I’m about to take her into my arms when Bion steps back, immediately my anger rises and my eyes snap up to his. “Rather let me carry her back to the infirmary because the pain of moving her from my arms to yours will bring her unnecessary pain.” I want to wrench her from Bion’s arms, but knowing that she’s in pain has me nodding reluctantly but I still stretch out my hand and take hers in mine, only now seeing my cut knuckles and bleeding hands but I don’t pull away as the feel of my woman calms me like nothing else can.

  Bion turns to walk out and I hear her gasp, “Fuck, be careful” I say angrily which has her tightening her hold on my hand slightly.

  “It’s okay, don’t worry” she murmurs, but I can hear the pain in her voice. As soon as we walk out of the cell Draco stands before me his eyebrow raised.

  “Are you fine?” he asks

  “I’m calmer, thank you” he places his hand on my shoulder and squeezes, “go take care of your woman” and with that he steps back again for us to pass. When we step out of the cell area Brielle is waiting for us outside. As soon as she sees us she looks at my critically and then nods when she sees me holding Saskia’s hand.

  “Come with us Beauty, Saskia is going to need some of your healing when she’s finally settled” Bion says as he continues making his way to the infirmary. My priority is to get my woman comfortable and pain free, I should have been here with her but the moment I saw her flat line I lost my mind. The emptiness that engulfed me was overwhelming, my rage overwhelmed me. I now understand how the Keres see life and it’s soul destroying. Bion places Saskia gently on the bed but I can hear her cry out in pain and my stomach twists in powerlessness. Not being able to take the pain away from her has me feeling useless something that doesn’t sit well with me especially when it comes to my woman.

  Brielle stands next to the bed and places her hands over where Saskia’s wound is. I see her take a deep breath then she closes her eyes and starts her healing. “Burkhart” Saskia calls which has me bending down close to her face as I kiss her gently on the cheek.

  “I’m sorry darling that I wasn’t here when you awoke.” I apologise, feeling like I failed her once again.

  “Stay here” she murmurs as she closes her eyes, I snap my eyes up to where Bion is in a panic not knowing if she’s fine.

  “Don’t worry brother, she’s recovering now but no more saving you for a while.” He quips

  “Why did you take her there in this condition” I grunt as I look back down at now
a sleeping Saskia.

  “I didn’t want to, but your woman insisted. Said if we didn’t take her she would find you by herself.” At his words my heart fills with the love that I have for her. Even though I would prefer that Saskia stay safe and away from danger, I know that she will always try to help me in any way that she can because she won’t be able to help herself. That is just the type of person that she is, my warrior.

  “Let’s look at those hands” Bion states and I look down surprised to see them still open and bleeding. I don’t remember what I did in my rage, but whatever it was it wasn’t good as my hands are a mess. “Leave them, its fine” I mutter but Bion shakes his head and moves to collect what he might need to fix my hands.

  As he places antiseptic on my open cuts I hiss in pain but I don’t move away as I want to be as close as possible to my woman. “You had us worried asshole,” Brandr says as he walks into the infirmary, I know that I must have scared him and the others. “Stick his hands in the antiseptic, maybe he will learn never to lose his fucking shit again.”

  “I’m fine B” I grunt, knowing that he’s still worried about me, I see Brandr look over at Saskia and then at Bion.

  “She’s recovering, and everything will be fine” Bion states as he continues to clean the cuts in my hands. Brandr places his hand on my shoulder and looks down at my hands as Bion cleans them.

  “That wasn’t cool” Burkhart says conversationally, I know that he’s talking about me going into a rage, “but we understand brother, if anything had to happen to any of our women we would all have the same reaction. It’s just that you are a real difficult motherfucker to know out.”

  “Not my fault you all pansies and can’t stand the heat” I tease which has Bion and Brandr grunt, “but I know that you were all there for me, thank you”

  “Don’t get all soft on us now,” Bion teases as he takes his stuff away and starts to pack everything away. We talk for a little while longer and I know that they are keeping me company worried that I might lose my mind again, but knowing that my woman is fine has calmed that rage.


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