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BURKHART: Elemental's MC

Page 16

by Alexi Ferreira

  “How long was I out of it?” I ask suddenly

  “Three days” Bion says as he walks around the bed and places his hands on Brielle’s shoulders.

  “Enough for today Beauty he murmurs as he lowers his head and kisses her neck gently.” After a long argument I finally convince them all to leave me alone with Saskia. Even though I appreciate their worry for me I want to be alone with my woman, I want to sit here holding her hand and breathing in her essence. I want to hear her breathing and lay my head next to hers.

  This woman has buried herself so deep in my soul that not even death will be able to wrench her away from it. “I love you darling” I murmur as I close my eyes.

  The next thing I know Saskia is gently stroking her thumb over my hand and my eyes are shooting open. I realize that I must have fallen asleep while sitting here holding Saskia’s hand. “Hey darling, how are you feeling?” I murmur and am pleased to see her face light up in a smile.

  “Great” she says and then winks at me cheekily which makes me smile

  “Are you lying to me woman?” I grumble playfully which has her start to laugh and then grunt in pain.

  “Maybe” she mutters

  “Do you want me to call Bion?” I ask feeling in my pocket for my phone I realize I don’t have it with me and suspect that they must have taken it away when I was placed in the cell.

  “No, I just want you here with me” she murmurs as she closes her eyes. I keep quiet thinking that she’s gone back to sleep but suddenly she smiles. “You calmer” she whispers as she starts to stroke my hand again.

  “Yes darling, when I have you with me you calm me.” I state


  “Yes darling?”

  “Do you want children?” at her question I tense, where is this coming from? I see her open her eyes and look at me. I have thought about having children before, but I have always been worried about the type of father that I would be, the same as what type of mate I would be. Now that I have Saskia I realize that even though I want to protect her and I will always do my best to be at her side so no harm befalls her, there are things that are out of my control no matter how much I try to keep her safe.

  “Yes darling, I want kids. Do you?” at my answer she smiles

  “Yes, but for now I want you to myself for as long as I can have you” at her words I chuckle

  “You are feeling better aren’t you if you are thinking about my body?” I tease but the worry is lessening, before I would sleep with whoever caught my interest, but it was only sex and as soon as I left I didn’t remember their faces any longer. I knew that if I ever found my mate she would rock my foundation that she would become my whole world, I wasn’t wrong, Saskia is my reason to breath and any child that we have will be part of that union, part of that love.

  Saskia grunts in amusement, “I always think about your body” she quips which has my body instantly awakening to her teasing. This woman is able to have me as horny as a goat just with one look or one word.

  “If you don’t stop, they are going to find me with my pants down, and then Bion is not going to be too happy about me taking advantage of my woman while she’s clearly still recuperating and in pain.” I tease

  “Aww. . .I’ve been told that woman are happier and heal quicker when their men strip and give them some loving.” She quips which has me chuckling with amusement

  “Is that right?” I say and pull my t-shirt slightly up placing her hand at my navel, “are you feeling better darling, because I can tell you that I am,” her fingers start to stroke my navel lovingly as she looks at me. I know that she can see my erection as my jeans are stretched tight around it, and I know that that please her knowing that I want her.

  “I always feel better when I’m with you” she murmurs and then her hand lowers over the front of my jeans and she strokes my cock just the way I need her to.

  “Fuck Saskia” I mutter as I lean against her hand, but then I hear footsteps coming down the corridor and I step back as I hurriedly sit down, groaning as my jeans strangle my cock in pain. I see her eyes widen in surprise when I step back but then realization enters them when she sees Bjarni and Caelius walking into the Infirmary and she starts to laugh.

  “Ow,” she moans trying to stop laughing but she can’t, “Ow, ow” she moans

  “Stop laughing, fuck” I mutter, worried that she’s going to hurt herself and undo all the healing that has been done till now. I stretch over her body and place my hand on her wound, “Is it sore, should I call Bion?”

  “I’m fine, trust me, it was worth the laugh” she whispers as she cringes in pain.

  “Are you supposed to be making her laugh?” Caelius asks with a raised brow

  “I’m sure she’s supposed to be resting” Bjarni berates with a frown

  “I’m fine guys” Saskia states as she looks at them, “It wasn’t him, I just found something funny” I glare at them as they stand over her bed like guardian angels. Do they really think that I would intentionally hurt my woman?

  “Anyway, we just came to tell you that we heading out.” Caelius states, “Bion and Celmund will stay behind too”

  “Are you going after Vercin?” Saskia asks with concern

  “No, we went after Vercin like planned but he wasn’t there.” At his words I tense, because of what happened with Saskia I completely lost my shit therefore I lost time and didn’t even realize that they went ahead with the attack. Fuck, we were all hoping that this was the time that we found Vercin.

  “Where you going today?” I ask and see them hesitate before Bjarni answers.

  “There’s a warehouse a couple of towns away that Vlad suspects the Keres to be hiding women in, also Celmund has found the name for my mate and he thinks that she might be there.” Caelius says, since finding the photo of that woman in the warehouse that Caelius has been moody. He insists that she’s his mate and for his sake I hope we find her.

  It’s not in Caelius nature to talk about his worries, therefore knowing that he has a mate out there must be messing with his head, I know how bad that can be because when I didn’t know where Saskia was it was driving me crazy, with Caelius he will be there for everyone but when it comes to himself he shuts down and doesn’t let anyone in.

  “What’s her name?” Saskia asks excitedly, when we found the photos of our mates in that warehouse we scouted every inch of our property and then the properties around us until we found the location of where they taking photos of our mates. Celmund set up sensors and cameras, but till now no one has been there again. The thought of anyone being able to have his eyes on our woman without us knowing didn’t sit well with us, therefore we have started to raise our outside walls and planted trees around the areas where there might be gaps for anyone to see into the compound area.

  “Alaia” Caelius says and there is gruffness to his voice that has me looking at him.

  “That’s such a pretty name” Saskia says happily, “hopefully you find her” which has Caelius nodding but not saying anything.

  “Well we off now,” Bjarni says and then he’s looking at Saskia, “I’m glad you feeling better,” and then he looks at me, “and that you back with us brother.”

  “I know you missed me, but please hold the tears.” I quip which has him grinning and showing me the finger as they turn and make their way out of the Infirmary.

  “I’m glad you back with us too, I felt your despair when I woke up and it was soul wrenching.” Saskia says solemnly.

  “Darling, you don’t understand” I say and lean forward to kiss her lips lightly before continuing, “when I saw you flat lining I did lose my soul, you are my direction, without you there is no path that I can take that would give me peace. I want to live a long life with you by my side and I want to see our children grow up and know the beautiful and strong mother that they have.” I see tears fill her eyes at my words but I continue. “I was broken when I found you; hate filled my every waking hour. You have brought peace and love to
my heart, to my soul. And now that I have found that I will never be able to live without it.”

  “Oh Burkhart, I love you so much. Thank you for coming after me, for finding me.” At her words I kiss her lips gently again being careful not to hurt her.

  “I love you to darling.”





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