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Slate's Mistake

Page 4

by Tigertalez

  Seamus looked at him with sympathy. He didn’t bear a single mark from their scuffle and didn’t even look rumpled. The man always seemed pristine. “I accept your apology. Please excuse me now. I have a patient to attend to.” Seamus ducked past the line of men and entered the quiet room. Slate held his eyes shut tight, to keep them from looking back into the room before it lightly closed shut. He was certain if he had looked, he wouldn’t be able to walk away.

  A heavy hand with a firm grip patted and clasped his shoulder. He looked up to see his alpha’s concerned face. “Whatever you need, let me know. I’ll do whatever I can to help. Just so you know, that shifter in there is the man who raised her. Their relationship is platonic.”

  Slate felt only slightly relieved at the news. With his emotions so enflamed, he could only nod at his alpha and friend. Alphy turned and headed down the hall, most likely going back to his own mate. The thought caused a deep pain in his chest. He wanted his mate, and she refused him. He rubbed his chest. “Ryker.” Looking over at the smaller red headed man, Slate was grateful to see he wasn’t mad at him for attacking his brother. “Do you have some paper I can use? I’d like to leave her my number.”

  “Sure do, I’ll write it down for her. Be right back.” The lithe man trotted down the hall.

  Slate turned to the last man in the hall. Kace gave him a lopsided grin and leaned over, tapping Slate heavily on the shoulder. “Congrats, man, it’s awesome you found your mate. Don’t worry about your dramatic entrance. Things will turn out in the end, and it will be a great story to tell your kids.” With another heavy pat, he left Slate alone.

  Slate leaned against the wall and listened to Seamus, through the door, telling his mate what tests he’d like to run and that he’d like to see her after the mandatory pack meeting they were to have tomorrow. He was relieved to know he would see her again, but no matter how much he looked at the positive, he couldn’t settle his stomach. He’d really messed up.

  The door to the room opened, just as Ryker came trotting back. He handed a note page to him. Slate noticed more than one number on it, but he didn’t let his eyes linger. He held it out to his mate. Relief filled him when she took the paper, but he could smell her mixed emotions. He stepped aside and watched as she and the other shifter passed. Her unique smell wafted to his nose, and he couldn’t help but breathe it in and savor it. She smelt so good to him, but there was a slightly odd smell attached to her that he felt wasn’t right. It made his heart hurt more to know she wasn’t well.

  Slate followed the doctor, who escorted the two to the front door. Once he saw them drive away, he turned to Seamus, who was already shaking his head. “I can’t discuss anything with you.”

  A growl escaped. Slate wanted to rip something or someone up. Ryker stayed behind as his brother went back to the room to no doubt get it ready for the heavy stream that would visit in the morning. “I gave her your number, Alphy’s number, my brother’s number, and my number.”

  Slate looked at the smaller man and gave him a grateful smile. “Thanks, man. That was thoughtful.” Slate didn’t feel like going to bed. He was too upset. “You need any help with anything?”

  “Nope, everything’s good ‘til the morn, so I’m heading for some shut-eye. Night, Slate.”

  Slate watched the head of bright red hair disappear around a corner. He didn’t know what to do with himself.

  “You can help me of you wish.”

  Slate looked around to see Seamus standing close. “Huh?”

  “I said, you can help me if you wish.”

  “Ok,” Slate was thankful for anything to do at this point. “What do you need?”

  Seamus looked as though he was actually relieved Slate had accepted to help. “I need these blood samples run to the local hospital. I called earlier before Katie arrived, and asked if they would run some tests. They’re willing to, but they want someone to stay there while it’s being processed, and I need to stay here and finish setting up for the morning.”

  “I can do that. Where’s the hospital?”

  The house was so very silent now that he could hear the scribble of the pen as Seamus wrote out the directions. Then giving him the vials of blood, the doctor sent him out the door. As he drove to the intended destination, he actually felt slightly better. He was still helping his mate by doing this.

  Several hours later, Slate’s back and legs were cramped, and his butt felt so numb he swore it stayed in the seat when he finally stood up. The hospital had him waiting in a hard metal chair, and several emergencies had come in, pushing their tests back a few hours. He was able to settle enough to get a power nap of a whole twenty minutes before they chose that time to wake him with the results.

  He got back to the house just as members started to arrive for the mandatory check-up. Tom greeted people at the door and helped with handing out paperwork for them to fill out. He saw Gale acting as Ryker’s assistant, writing things down, filing things, fetching things. The little scamp had her pretty busy. He saw Connie rooting around the kitchen, making food for everyone, and offering a friendly and warm welcome to the arriving guests, trying to reassure them and raise their spirits. This left Kace with the job of assistant to the doctor. Slate wasn’t able to hide his smile from the disgruntled wolf.

  After dropping off the paperwork to a haggard Seamus, Slate followed his nose to the kitchen. Connie sat him down at the breakfast bar and placed before him a heaping plate of bacon, scrambled eggs, hash browns, toast, a bowl of fruit, and finally, a glass of orange juice. The meal looked mouthwatering, but Slate’s stomach still felt ill from his debacle. He sat there for a moment, contemplating what to do with the meal.

  “It’s not that complicated.” Slate looked up into the playful look his alpha gave him. “Need me to make plane or choo-choo noises for you?”

  Slate gave a slight smile. “So what’s the plan for today?” He really appreciated his friend trying to cheer him up, but he wanted to switch the focus.

  The same feast was placed in front of Alphy as he sat down next to him. “First thing we are going to do is enjoy this food. We’re going to need our strength.”

  Slate caught his eye, the message loud and clear. He picked up a piece of bacon and bit down on the warm, crunchy goodness. The flavor filled his mouth with comfort. His appetite perked up a bit, so he took the opportunity to feed his strength. Alphy was right. He would need it to protect himself, the others, and his mate, whether she wanted him around or not.

  “We are going to investigate those houses that belong to the five missing members,” Alphy continued.

  “Are we looking for anything in particular?” Slate spoke around a mouth full of fluffy, buttery eggs.

  “Ryker froze their assets, so first thing to watch for is their return.”

  “Psh, yeah, they’re gonna be pissed. I’d imagine it won’t take long at all for them to find out and return, unless they have money hidden somewhere else.”

  “Maybe if it’s buried in a field or something. Ryker’s skills are impressive. Even Matteo says so. He also sent a formal message to the council about what we have found out so far. He’s waiting back for their response, but it looks like we should be able to legally add their money to the main total under restitution.”

  “Nice, so they can’t go to the council. They obviously can’t go to the human authorities, and unless they have a rich buddy they can shack up with, they can’t go anywhere but back here.” Slate washed down some of his breakfast with the cold sweet orange juice. The tangy flavor mingled with the flavors from the others foods, nearly making his lion purr with comfort. “But, that doesn’t answer my original question. Is there anything specific we’re looking for?”

  Alphy gave a slight shrug while he finished chewing his bit of hash browns. “They may have taken everything of value, but it might be a good idea to look for any names or whatnot that could lead us to them or give us clues to any other hidden secret. I want to put their houses up for sale and add that to th
e pack pot, so maybe we could try to evaluate the homes’ worth.”

  “So, does that mean we’re taking Kace? He is a contractor. He’d be the best one to give you a quote.”

  Alphy’s body bounced with his silent laugh. “But then who would help Seamus?”

  “I heard that.” Kace and Alphy looked up at an approaching shifter. His expression was a mix of retribution and hope of escape. Slate couldn’t stop his own laugh.

  “Heard what?” Alphy tried to ask innocently, but it really was an admission to his impending torment he was about to drag Kace through for his own enjoyment. But if Slate happened to enjoy it, too, all the better.

  “I can ask someone else to be Seamus’s assistant. When do we leave?”

  With a heavy sigh, Alphy seemed to be contemplating his options. “I need someone to stay here with the girls.”

  “Aw, come on!” Kace whined, “Then have Slate stay, I’m the logical choice to go. And Tom, Ryker, and Seamus are all here for the girls, along with a steady stream of herd members.”

  “Ok first.” Alphy grew a little bit serious. No matter if it’s was just in play, Slate knew Alphy and his bear usually didn’t like whining and begging or arguing. Alphy kept his voice low. “These people are in no shape to take on anyone, let alone a stranger, no matter what rank they are. Second, man-up, man, grow a set. Don’t throw Slate under the bus.”

  Slate watched as Kace’s shoulders slowly lowered, and then his sight along with his head.

  “I’ll stay,” said Slate. Both men turned to look at him with a surprised look on their faces. “What? It’s the logical choice. Kace would be the best one to evaluate the homes, and he can protect you, for what little protecting you need, and I’m not as allergic to the doc as the pup.”

  “Hey! I’m not a pup.” Kace nearly sulked but was too excited to hold back his look of victory.

  “Yes, you are,” Alphy playfully growled. Ignoring Kace’s indignant huff, Alphy turned back to Slate. “I was actually going to ask you to stay, but are you sure?” At Slate’s nod, Alphy conceded and Kace whooped. “See?” Alphy teased, “You are such a pup.” Kace responded by sticking out his tongue.

  After watching them leave, Slate reported to Seamus. He was talking to a couple, so Slate waited for them to leave. Seamus looked up when he entered. “I can’t discuss anything further with you about your mate’s condition, if that is why you are here.”

  “No, I’m replacing Kace. He and the alpha headed out to evaluate the homes of the missing members.”

  Seamus snorted in apparent amusement. “Ah yes, the whoop I heard a few moments ago. What a shame. I do so love to pick on him. Here, give these to Ryker,” Slate took the folder Seamus handed to him, “and bring in the next member.”

  The house was crowded and active, and Slate was kept busy throughout the morning. After leading an older elk shifter back out to the living room, his nose picked up the scent of his mate. Turning to the door, he spotted her standing with unease, just inside the door, with her eyes fixed on him. That she was afraid of him hurt more than if she was mad at him. He kept his body relaxed as he crossed the room to her. Drawing nearer he could smell she wasn’t afraid so much as she was nervous.

  “Hi, Katie, I’m happy to see you. I didn’t expect to see you until tomorrow at the meeting.” He couldn’t refuse his intense desire to touch his mate. Reaching down to take her hand, he breathed a sigh of relief when she let him hold it. “Is everything all right?”

  Katie didn’t speak. She just shook her head. Slate was concerned what could be wrong, but at least he could smell that her anxiety was ebbing.

  “Would you like something to eat or drink?” Again, she didn’t verbally respond, but this time he got a nod, so he led her by her hand, through the busy house into the kitchen.

  Connie looked up at them from the couple she was currently talking with, as they entered. Seeing them, she smiled. “Hi, would either of you like something to drink? I have a casserole in the oven if you’re hungry.” Her warm greeting had an effect that appeared to further calm Katie.

  As Slate looked down at his mate, he watched as she just shrugged, so he took this opportunity to take care of her. “Yes, thank you, Connie. Can we also get some of that peppermint tea I smelt earlier?”

  “Comin’ right up,” she cheerfully answered and went about grabbing plates and cups. Slate sat Katie at the breakfast bar and took the seat next to her for himself. He sat facing her while he continued to hold her hand. “Did you get any sleep?”

  He could see her looking over his body from the corner of her eyes. His body heated with her visual appreciation. “Uh, not really.” Her voice sounded slightly deeper and came out as a rough breathy whisper. Her cheeks pinked. “Uh.” She cleared her throat. “Dad and I talked a bit after we left.” She cautiously turned to face him straight on. Her smell of fear was completely gone, leaving only a wonky scent of apprehension.

  Connie placed two mugs with tea bags draped inside of them, on the counter in front of them and filled them with hot water.

  “Thank you, Connie,” he said. Turning back to his mate, he asked, “What did you two talk about?” Slate usually didn’t like to intrude, but this was his mate so he and his lion both felt anything involving her was their business, and she also was the one who brought the subject up, so perhaps she wanted to talk about it.

  “M-mates.” She huffed out a breath like she was irritated with herself. “We talked about mates. I know a lot about shifters because I was raised by my dad for most of my life. He almost always involved me whenever he did or taught anything to my sister. Pretty much the only thing I can’t do is shift and run with them.”

  Slate casually bobbed the little tea bag in the water. “How is it you were adopted by a shifter?”

  Katie took a moment dipping her tea bag into the water before pulling it out and placing it on the little saucer beneath her cup. “I was an accidental pregnancy. My biological dad didn’t want anything to do with me. Henry had a one-night-stand with my mother that also turned into an unplanned pregnancy with my sister, Sara.”

  Slate pulled his little tea bag out of the steaming cup then sipped his tea has he watched and listened to her reveal her story.

  Katie blew away the steam from her cup of tea before taking a sip. “My mom tracked Henry down and told him he was a daddy. He’s a good man. Not only did he insist on being a big part of his daughter’s life, he cared for and involved me as well.”

  Connie placed a steaming bowl of a macaroni and cheese casserole in front of them and walked over to speak with another couple just arriving. Slate was still unwilling to let go of his mate’s hand just yet. He was pleased she hadn’t insisted on pulling it away. He watched her emotions play over her face as she continued her tale.

  “After our mother died, Henry took my sister and me in without question. He became my de facto father. Even though I’m not his blood, he has loved and cared for me just as much as he has my sister. In every sense he is my dad. He’s always been more protective of me, I think, than my sister. I think it is because I can’t heal like they can. I was always getting sick, and I took so much longer to heal from everything than they did.”

  “When did you learn about shifters? Did your mother know?”

  “No. Henry was still trying to figure out how to explain to her that their daughter was going to turn furry one day when she got sick. I didn’t learn about shifters until after Mom died and Henry took both of us in.” Katie stared at her untouched plate as she reminisced with obvious fondness. “It took a little bit of time to get used to the shifting thing, but strangely enough, it took much longer to get used to the heightened senses. He always knew what emotion I was feeling.” A smile played on her lips. “I thought he was telepathic for a while.”

  Slate chuckled. “How old were you?”

  “He took us in when I was ten and my sister was five.”

  “Sounds like he loves you very much.”

  She shrugged a
shoulder. “I really don’t know why. I’m not even his biological daughter, but he has never treated me like I wasn’t. He and my sister are all I have, and they mean everything to me.”

  Hearing her not include him in that admission caused his heart to ache, and inside his head, his lion gave a pained growl. He used his free hand to rub the ache in his chest. “You have me, now, too.” He wanted to remind her he was now a permanent part of her life.

  She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “Yeah, Dad seems to have taken your side.”

  His shock gave way to a smile. “Then you know what a mate means to a shifter?”At Katie’s nod, Slate continued. “Then you should know that I want to claim you.”

  Katie looked uncomfortable, and she started to fidget. “Both the doctor and Dad said if I let you mate me, then I might get better.”

  “It’s possible. Your immune system wouldn’t ever be like a shifter’s, but it gets a major boost from the mating bond.”

  Katie slightly tilted her head. “But I also know that if it doesn’t work, and I die, then you would die, too.” Slate was about to argue his case further, but she held up her hand. “And I don’t want to mate for any reason other than the right reasons.”

  Slate let out a heavy sigh. He brought up his free hand and cupped the side of her face. Her soft skin warmed his fingers. “I respect that. Just so you know, I don’t want to mate you just to heal you. I want to mate you because you are important to me.”

  “But you don’t even know me.”

  “Fate wouldn’t give me a mate that I would ever have a chance to want to walk away from.” He dropped his hand and took her free hand. Holding both hands, he looked deep into her blue eyes. “If you want to get to know each other more, first, I’ll respect that. How about you let me take you to dinner tonight?”

  Katie looked up at him and smiled. “Ok. I’d like that.” She withdrew her hands, turned and started eating her food.


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