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Slate's Mistake

Page 5

by Tigertalez

  Slate didn’t let the sudden loss of her warmth affect him. He was flying high with the smile she had shot him, so with a renewed appetite, he turned to his food and devoured it.

  She looked over at him and raised a brow. “Hungry much?”

  Slate let a full smile broaden across his face. “Yes, I’m a shifter. You should know we are always hungry. So where would you like to go? Choose any place you want.”

  Chapter Four

  Katie felt ambiguous as she paced her living room floor waiting anxiously for him to arrive for their date. Could she really entertain the idea of letting this hot, beefy, sex on a sugar stick shifter claim her? Should she encourage it? She didn’t want to let him mate her if it would put his life in jeopardy. Her feet shuffled over the carpet as she continued to pace.

  Most shifters didn’t know humans could feel the mating pull, too, but she knew. Oh boy did she know. When she had first left the alpha house with her dad, she had felt a mix of guilt and longing so intense, it was one of the hardest things she ever had to do. She had wanted to let Slate hold her in his big canon sized arms, and her imagination had flashed all sorts of other blissful things she wanted to let him do. But she had still been unbalanced from the severe fright and then anger, and she had wanted to keep some distance because of her suspected illness.

  However, her father had taught her, and reminded her, just how much a shifter pines for his mate, so after her talk with her dad, she couldn’t stop her guilt from robbing her of her sleep. That was why she returned later that morning. She didn’t know exactly what she wanted, just that she wanted to be near him, and yet she was still slightly scared of giving in to him. Silly girl, she admonished herself.

  Her heart jumped into her throat when the chimes from her doorbell rang into the room. He’s here. A heavy flutter of anticipation crowded her stomach. She knew he thought she was afraid of him, like he would hurt her, but she knew he wouldn’t. She was afraid of letting him down, or hurting him or worse.

  I mean really, what would happen if I mated him and it didn’t cure me? But when she had accepted his invitation to dinner, he’d lit up like the sun. That one smile, and she was already hooked.

  The snit-click of the deadbolt sounded through the tiny entrance hall as she unlocked the door, and then she cracked the door and peered through the small slice of light. One look at the man lit by the apartment hall lighting stole her breath and damn near made her swallow her tongue. Slate’s black cowboy boots were tucked under the black denim jeans that bear-hugged his muscle-curved legs. He wore a dark red button up shirt that perfectly fit his broad shoulders and tapered down his waist as if it was tailor-made. He kept his hat in his hands, showing his unique short blond hair that went darker until black at the tips. When she finally settled on the look he had on his face, she felt her legs go jellied, and a quiver of need pulled at her lower stomach.

  Shitfuckdamn, what the hell in this life did I do right? This kind of man-candy would send anyone into a diabetic coma.

  Slate’s rich chuckles, no doubt from the expression on her face she was sure to have, only added to her panty-soaking dilemma. She stood there, struck dumb, watching as he stepped closer, pushed the door open further. Then, leaning down, he brushed his moistened lips against hers. She could smell his natural ginger smell that did nothing to calm her rapidly beating heart. She felt a warm calloused hand brush her cheek and felt the heat of his other hand wrap around her curved waist, tugging her against his hard body. She had no idea when the door had been fully opened. Once she was flush perfectly against the ribbed planes of his abs, his lips sealed securely to hers.

  Katie’s eyes shut, and all she could do was feel, and oh what feelings! She completely forgot where they were and could only, barely, process the sensations he was eliciting through her body.

  A slick tongue traced her lips and dove deep into her mouth once she opened to it. She couldn’t describe what he tasted like because it was a taste all his own, but it pulled a whimper from her, a sound he seemed to have fed on because his kiss turned from gentle to feral in that brief moment.

  A pained groan filtered into her lusty daze, and she opened her eyes as Slate drew his head slightly back and leaned his forehead against hers, trying to catch his breath while still cupping her face and hip. She didn’t need to ask him what the matter was. She felt it painfully digging into her lower stomach.

  “You look beautiful, Baby-Kate. You ready to go?” His voice was low and slightly strained, a sound that sent a shiver of pleasure down her spine. She hadn’t quite caught her breath yet to voice her answer, so she settled for just a nod. After another few breaths, Slate engulfed one of his large hands over and around one of hers, then started leading her down the hall.

  It took her a few steps for her brain to click in. “Oh! Wait-wait-wait.” She tugged him to a stop. Slate turned and gave her a questioning look. “I forgot my purse, and I need to close and lock the door.” She felt a bit silly when she remembered. I mean really, who forgets to close their front door? He chuckled as he let go of her hand. Katie rushed through her door, grabbed her purse, keys, and cell, which all sat on a little table just inside the door, and rushed back to her date after closing and locking the door in near record time. All the while, her mate looked on with amused mirth teasing his lips.

  “Shut up,” she said, after they were on their way again. Only that broke his restraint because he started laughing and she couldn’t help but join in.

  The restaurant she chose was across town. It was right near a construction site they had to walk past after they had parked down the street from it. She and Slate were just walking past it when three men stepped from the shadows, each holding a tool as a weapon. “Hey, cat,” one spat as if it was a filthy word to say. “You aren’t welcome in this territory.”

  Slate had placed his body in front of hers so she couldn’t get a good look at the threat. His body was tense and his muscles coiled, readying to fight. “All right, how about you let the woman leave and we can discuss territory rights?” Katie shivered with lust from the cold dangerous sound his voice held. She suddenly felt like these thugs had just bitten off more than they could chew.

  “Ha! Not gonna happen, she’ll bring you back-up.” The men forced them into the construction lot and into the partially built building. It was three stories high and many walls were up, but construction materials and plastic tarps were strung all around, and everything was dark. Katie’s lust turned into alarm.

  They made it just a little ways when Slate pushed her into a U-shaped corner, with two cement walls and one wall being made of a load of lumber and bags of cement. She ran to the end and crouched as she listened to the unmistakable sounds of a shifter shifting. She had heard her dad and sister do it enough, and being a nurse, the sounds usually didn’t affect her, but under these strained circumstances, she jerked and cringed with the snapping and popping sounds. It only took the amount of time it took for her to reach the wall and crouch for the sounds to stop, replaced by new sounds. Growls and panicked shouting echoed against the walls.

  Katie crept to the end of the aisle and peeked around the corner. A light from the street reached them enough for her to watch as one man stumbled as he ran, holding his arm, with the others following. In front of her was a five-hundred fifty-plus pound lion with his claws extended, facing the retreating bullies. His black-tipped blond mane hung around his head like a golden lei. Katie gasped from the slight stab of fear in her gut. She had never seen a predator shifter shifted before. The sight before her was surreal and frightening. She momentarily forgot that he was her mate.

  At her gasp, the golden eyes of the lion turned around and pinned her gaze. More fear stabbed at her, and she immediately began to scoot backward on her butt until she was stopped by the wall.

  The lion appeared around the corner and looked at her. Katie had to recite in her head what she had learned about shifters over the years. They are cognizant in their animal form, and even in animal for
m, can recognize and would never hurt their mate. She repeated that in her head several times as the lion slowly padded forward. He stopped in front of her, and Katie could clearly see in his eyes a look of imploring. She read that message loud and clear as the mantra in her head finally settled in. He’s my mate. He will never hurt me.

  Reaching up with her hands, she threaded her fingers into his thick mane. The strands were fluffy but rough and wiry. She dug her fingers in until she could reach skin, and scratched his neck. Slate made a pleasant sound and squatted down onto his belly, bracketing her hips with his long, powerful front legs. His paws, claws now retracted, curved around her backside.

  Katie untangled her fingers from the wiry nest and ran them over his muzzle, around his ears, and under his chin. His giant canines could be seen through his lips as he lifted his chin up. Katie wondered if he would like to be scratched like a regular cat, so she hooked her fingers and rubbed her nails under his chin. A loud growl that echoed through his ribcage sounded as if he were purring in his own way. His body language certainly responded as he leaned his head into her scratches and his paws pulled her forward. However, his claws, though retracted, could still be felt, and she arched her back and hissed at the sting.

  Joints and ligaments popped and snapped as he shifted back into his human form. Tanned, toned skin wrapped tight around bulging muscles mesmerized her as he finished the transformation. She was suddenly engulfed in a warm blanket of flesh as he wrapped his bulging arms securely around her.

  “I’m so sorry. Are you ok?”

  Katie felt her core heat up but answered. “Yes, who were they?”

  Slate rubbed her back and didn’t move away, but she wasn’t going to complain. “I’m pretty sure those were a few of the idiot rogues that we’ve been looking for.”

  Katie turned her head into his neck and inhaled while he spoke. He stood up and brought her with him on the rise. His heavily engorged appendage pressed up against her as he held her. He buried his nose in her neck. “Mmm.” His deep rumble vibrated through her chest with his sigh. “Did my claws hurt you?”

  It took her a couple seconds to comprehend what he was talking about. “Oh, no, I don’t even think they broke the skin.” She reached back and rubbed her butt as she answered.

  “Good.” Slate leaned back and held her face in one of his large hands. “Thank you for accepting my lion.”

  Katie chuckled. “Your lion likes a little chin scratching. That is so cute.” His goofy grin let her know his growl he wasn’t serious.

  Katie could faintly see two different tattoos while Slate salvaged what he could of his clothes. One was some kind of symbol on his upper right arm, and the other was some kind of saying written on his right ribs, but it was so dark that she couldn’t make out what they were. Luckily there wasn’t anyone around to question his “new look” as he led her back to the car. After they were secure in the car, Slate used his cell. The inside of the rental car was quiet enough for her to hear the other side of the conversation.

  “I didn’t expect getting a call from you this early. What’s up?” Katie could tell it was Alphy.

  “We were attack by three of David’s lackeys. They were all elk that I didn’t recognize. We’re all right, but I’m cutting our date short and heading back to the house.”

  The other man’s voice went low and serious. “Anything you need Seamus for? And are there any bodies?”

  “No bodies, but I winged one of them after I shifted. I don’t think they were expecting my cat to be as big as he is. They were pretty surprised. All three ran like the hounds of hell were chasing them after that. They didn’t get near Katie, but I’m bringing her back to the house with me. They’ll target her now they know about her.”

  “All right, I’ll have clothes for you at the door when you get back. How is Katie handling everything?”

  Slate looked at her and gave her a smile and a wink. “She’s doing pretty good. She was afraid of my lion at first but got over that pretty quick. You might want to let her dad know what happened though. I have a feeling he’s gonna want to know.”

  Katie nodded silently to him. Slate grabbed her hand and brought it to his lips, placing a chaste kiss in her palm while she could hear the alpha talk.

  “Will do. Now hurry and get back here. We’ll need to talk more when you return.”

  Slate let out a heavy sigh. “On my way.” He disconnected the call and started them for the alpha house.

  Chapter Five

  With the ongoing aroma of his mate’s arousal, Slate felt sexually frustrated. He wouldn’t push her for anything, and maybe, grudgingly, he understood her reticence. A shifter didn’t need to know their mate before they mated, but she was human and with the added illness enigma, she just wanted time.

  The drive was short, perhaps because he had so much going on in his mind that it only seemed that way, but they arrived at the alpha house and were met by Katie’s dad. Henry held up pants for him as he excited the car. Then as Slate was removing the scraps from his ruined pair, Henry jogged around the car and gave Katie a hug. Slate’s lion growled loudly at the unmated shifter who held his unclaimed mate.

  Henry looked over the top of the car at him. “Relax, enforcer Slate. You can scent for yourself that I only have parental feelings towards your mate.”

  Being a shifter, Henry knew how to calm his lion enough not to maul him. In that one sentence he was able to show that he recognized Slate’s higher rank and claim on Katie, and remind Slate that his intentions weren’t a threat. Slate grunted with unease as he stepped into the sweats and pulled them over his naked limbs. Grabbing his boots in one hand, he made his way around the car and took Katie’s hand to lead her into the house. Her dad followed behind them.

  He was greeted by Seamus first thing in the foyer. “I just wanted to check to make sure you were unhurt,” he said as he walked around the group, scrutinizing his form. “You macho types always seem to downplay your injuries.” After making a full round, he seemed to be satisfied. He turned to Katie. “How are you doing, Katie?”

  Katie shrugged. “I’m fine, thank you.”

  “Why don’t you and I go talk while Slate deals with pack matters?” Seamus swept an arm in the direction he wanted her to go, but before she could accept, Slate leaned down and brushed his lips over hers once more. It delighted him and his lion greatly when she didn’t pull back or hesitate to respond. When he pulled back, he ran the pad of his thumb over her moistened lips. “If you need or want me for anything, just ask for me.”

  Before they left, Seamus turned to him. “Alphy is in the kitchen with a few others, waiting for you.”

  “Thank you, Seamus.” Slate watched as his mate was led away by Seamus and Henry. Making his way to the kitchen, he made himself comfortable while the others greeted him. Ryker was at the table with one of his laptops, tapping and clicking away at something. Tom, Kace, and Alphy were at the table as well, discussing matters over supper. His stomach ached in hunger, reminding him he hadn’t been able to eat yet. Connie put a plate down in front of where he sat. The scent from the spices and seared meat caused his mouth to water. He looked up at the woman. “Thank you, Connie, it smells perfect. Katie hasn’t gotten to eat yet either. Could you make sure she gets something?”

  Connie smiled down at him and placed a hand on his shoulder. “Already working on it, but I’ll make sure she knows you thought of her.” She winked and walked away.

  Over mouthfuls of food, Slate updated the group on what happened. He even described what the shifters looked like. After some time, Katie entered the room. Everyone at the table was old fashioned, and all stood in greeting to her. Slate went to her and held her hands to his chest. “You ok?”

  She nodded. “Yeah, I’ll be fine. I just wanted to tell you good night before I leave.”

  Slate squeezed her hands. “Baby-Kate, I don’t think it would be safe for you to be at home by yourself. It would be better if you stayed here with us.”

Henry entered the room. “I had the same concern. She’s not going home.” Henry turned to Seamus. “Could you escort her out to my rig? I’ll just be another minute.”

  Seamus nodded. “Of course.” Turning to Katie, he signaled for her to follow him.

  Slate no doubt had a sour look on his face, but he forced himself to smile at his mate. “Good night then, Baby-Kate.” He pulled her into a hug and buried his nose into her neck and inhaled. He could tell she was a jumble of emotions, and he resigned himself to the fact that she would be better with her father who knew how best to help her though them … for now. And didn’t that just piss the ever loving hell out of him and his lion. He wanted to know her better and he wanted to be the one to protect her, but she wasn’t letting him get closer.

  He pulled back and placed a kiss on her forehead then let Seamus lead her away. Slate’s heart hurt, and he had to turn away or lose his composure.

  When she was out of the room, Henry walked over to him and placed a hand on his shoulder and gave him an apologetic look. This was the first time Slate felt like the shifter wasn’t against him. “Give her just a little more time. I know I’m supposed to be on her side, and I am, but I see that you are what’s best for her now. She just needs a little time to wrap her head around it. I’m in your corner. I’ll keep her safe tonight. I’m having her sister join us, and just so you know, her sister is also on your side, even though she hasn’t met you.” He chuckled through the last part.

  Slate appreciated Henry’s encouragement, and it did ease some tension. He nodded his thanks, and with that, Henry turned and left. Alphy dismissed everyone.

  Kace stopped Slate before he made the rounds to check the windows and doors. “So tell me how the date went, you know, before the crazies pulled out your furball.”

  Slate chuckled at his friend. “I wanted to claim her when I first picked her up. She looked and smelled so good, and her lush, curvy form molded perfectly to mine. I kissed her before she even finished opened the door and nearly lost myself in it. Not claiming her right then was one of the hardest things I ever had to do.”


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