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47 Destinies: Finding Grace

Page 4

by Perez, Marlies Schmudlach

  “Ex-lover?” Vinnie asked once Grace and he were seated.

  “Excuse me?” Grace shot back.

  “You don’t have to hide it. The way that man was looking at you was simply sinful,” Vinnie said, full of jealousy.

  Grace had no idea what he was talking about. Vinnie was straight off his rocker.

  “By the way, I want you to take a good look at how the models walk tonight. If you put your foot a little more to the inside of your body, it would elongate your figure,” Vinnie said, attempting to be helpful. “Oh, and next time, a splash of color would really spice up your outfit. You should have worn some red heels instead of dull black.” Vinnie said, searching through the crowd for someone.

  “I don’t need any help-” Grace began.

  “Sweetheart, you can thank me later. I have all kinds of ideas for you. There are some signs of aging beginning to show. Have you considered Botox? Or perhaps a breast lift?” Vinnie said, motioning toward her breasts.

  Looking him dead in the eye, Grace rose from her chair and curtly but respectively said with a pointed finger, “The man you assumed was my ex-lover is someone I recently met. I feel sorry for you, Vinnie. I thought just maybe that there would be a connection with us, but I was wrong! I am happy with myself inside and out. And, I know I am too good to remain here and subject myself to you and your shallow, negative drivel. You don’t even deserve to see my seductive clothes which are at home in my closet. That is where they will stay, as will this ring on my finger, as I doubt I will ever again meet someone the equal of my deceased husband, Derek. If he were able to materialize himself in this moment, he would take you outside and give you a lesson or two on what it means to be real man!”

  With that, Grace turned and walked away. As she did, two women at nearby tables smiled and applauded her. She was very pleased with herself, especially with the fact that she had her own get-away car parked outside to rush back to her beautiful home and loving family. As she drove off, she felt Derek’s presence and knew he was proud of the way she handled ‘Mr. Famous Fashion Expert’.

  Todd wasn’t sure what happened to Grace, but he saw her storm swiftly out of the event. Before he could catch up to her, she disappeared into the crowd. The woman looked sweet and innocent, but she had a deep fire within yearning to get out. Todd was beginning to wonder if he was the man to bring it out of her.

  Chapter 3

  Disbelieving that all men could be as repulsive as Larry and Vinnie, Grace agreed to try another recommendation from the dating service. While she was willing, she was also extremely hesitant. Leslie provided Grace with only a few details, claiming that Grace would surely not be disappointed. Grace was more than skeptical.

  “Jonathan is nothing like your last date. He owns an internet-based company in the Silicon Valley. While he is considered ‘new money’, his place in society is well set,” Leslie said, describing Grace’s date like a piece of merchandise.

  “Leslie, I am not marrying the man. I simply want to meet new people,” Grace said, a little uncomfortable with hearing about the man’s financial health.

  “You never know where things might lead. It is important to establish his credentials upfront before you introduce him to the children,” Leslie countered.

  “I have no intention of introducing the children to any man unless I am completely sure that I have some type of future with him. It would be too confusing.”

  “I understand. The children are vulnerable,” Leslie agreed. “Let’s just take it one step at a time. Where is Jonathan taking you tonight?”

  “He wouldn’t tell me. He just instructed me to bring a coat and asked if I enjoy the water. I have to admit, I am intrigued.”

  “I can’t wait to hear all about it. Make sure you call me tomorrow,” Leslie insisted.

  “I will,” Grace said, smiling. Leslie enjoyed being a part of Grace’s dating adventure. Grace hoped it was all worth it in the end. Cora often talked about how everyone had 47 possible destinies. Grace had already lived one destiny with Derek and a life with Larry would be a nightmare. At this rate, she had 45 destinies left. Perhaps she’d be able to find someone in those 45 that would be suitable, Grace chuckled to herself.

  Jonathan promptly picked Grace up at 4pm at the parking lot of Baker Beach. She still didn’t trust anyone enough to pick her up, so after leaving the babysitter with ample instructions, she walked down to the beach parking lot early and waited for Jonathan. When he arrived, Grace was pleasantly surprised with his appearance. Describing him as gorgeous was an understatement. His dark hair flowed down to the nape of his neck and curled at the tips. His blue eyes were bright like sapphires. His smile penetrated through the remaining fear Grace that originally felt. Grace was suddenly excited about spending the rest of the day with Jonathan.

  “Grace, I am looking forward to our time together,” Jonathan said as he helped her into the car.

  “Thank you. I am too,” Grace replied.

  Jonathan drove Grace down to a nearby dock located in San Francisco’s Marina District. It was a clear blue Saturday at the end of October. The temperature lingered in the upper 60’s. The slight breeze off the ocean played with Grace’s silky, shiny hair. She looked like a rare goddess transported from the Greek mythological times. Jonathan liked what he saw and took every opportunity to admire her long sexy legs, bronzed skin and high cheekbones. When the dating service called him about Grace, he thought their description of her was too good to be true. After meeting Grace, he felt their description did not do her the justice she deserved.

  After Jonathan parked the car, he led Grace down the ramp to the boats. Grace enjoyed looking at all of the various sized boats, dinghies and sailboats. Her father was an expert sailor. While growing up, he taught Grace all about the water and how to operate the sails. Since Grace was an only child, she paid close attention when her father taught her skills usually reserved solely for boys. She did not want to disappoint him in any way, even when a subject did not particularly interest her.

  “We’re here. Let me take your bag and coat,” Jonathan said as he helped Grace into a small boat.

  Grace obliged and stepped into the vessel. Jonathan confidently started the engine and maneuvered the boat out of the docking area and into the bay. They rode together for a few minutes, unable to speak much over the engine noise and the sound of the water splashing against the side of the boat.

  “We’re almost there,” Jonathan said, pointing to a 100 foot yacht in the middle of the bay. The yacht was a pristine white. It looked to have about four different levels. Several people were already on board. Grace saw a captain and several crew members.

  Grace hated to admit it, but she was impressed. The man was handsome and obviously well-off. Grace smiled to herself and made a mental note to be sure to thank Leslie in the morning.

  Jonathan helped Grace on board and proceeded to give her a tour of the yacht. As they moved around, the large vessel began to move toward the Golden Gate Bridge. Jonathan and Grace remained on the upper deck in order to take in the view.

  “I thought we could take a little trip under the bridge and out into the ocean. Once the sun sets, the city lights look amazing,” Jonathan said as he handed Grace a drink. “Are you cold?”

  “No, the weather is perfect. Thank you for inviting me today.”

  “The pleasure is truly mine. You are far more beautiful than your profile picture. I have to say, it is usually the other way around,” Jonathan laughed as he said it.

  “I have experienced that as well,” Grace said as she shared with Jonathan some of the horror stories from her recent dates. “It has been so long since I have dated. I didn’t realize all of the changes. I miss the old days when men and women met through friends and at gatherings. All of this internet and profile dating feels a little cold to me.”

  “After a while you get used to it. Sometimes in life, you have to search through the coal before you come across a diamond,” Jonathan said as he brushed his hand acro
ss Grace’s cheek. The contact of his hand startled Grace. Outside of the men in her family, no other man had touched her in years. She wasn’t sure how she felt about it.

  Grace pushed aside her fear and smiled softly at Jonathan. Little did she know how much her innocence was a turn-on. Her beauty, class, wealth, etiquette and way of being were an intoxicating mix.

  As the yacht moved on, they slowly began to approach the Golden Gate Bridge. It was close to sunset and the colors began to fade into the clouds. The bridge was a deep red-orange and stood proudly like a guard over the expanse of the sea. Grace never tired of looking at it. In fact, she would often walk down to Baker Beach from her house and stare at the bridge for hours. The captain stopped the yacht directly underneath the bridge. It was the first time Grace had been under the Golden Gate, and she was overtaken by its massive size. She envied the architect who originally came up with the design. What was her talent? When would she find it?

  “Dinner is ready. Would you like to go down below?” Jonathan asked gently. Grace looked lost in thought. She reminded him of an elegant deer, cautious and easily spooked.

  “Yes, please.” While Grace enjoyed the scenery, she was more interested in getting to know Jonathan better.

  “Would you like a glass of champagne?”

  What was it about men and champagne, Grace thought to herself. “No, thank you,” Grace replied as Jonathan poured himself a glass.

  After beginning their meal, Grace opened the discussion further, “Tell me about yourself.”

  Grace was genuinely interested as Jonathan described his work. Grace was inexperienced with the computer industry and the workings of the Silicon Valley. Truth be told, she was unfamiliar with the terminology Jonathan used; however, she enjoyed learning something new.

  It was Jonathan’s energetic demeanor, smooth soothing voice, and boisterous tone that made his stories mesmerizing. He was quite charming. His laugh floated on the air like little notes of pleasure ringing in Grace’s ear. When Jonathan used his arms to accent a part of his story, Grace saw his muscles ripple and flex. Grace was surprised at how attracted she was to this man she barely knew. Perhaps everyone was correct and it was time for her to find a new man in her life.

  After dessert and two more glasses of champagne, Jonathan finished the tour of the yacht. He showed Grace the engine and sitting room before finishing the tour in one of the bedrooms. The bedroom was decorated in soft blues and light greens. The bed overflowed with fluffy pillows. Several small candles added a romantic light to the ambiance. Fresh flowers sat in vases throughout the room. Jonathan sat down on the bed and motioned for Grace to join him.

  “Sweetheart, come sit with me,” Jonathan said as he flashed a striking smile at Grace.

  Grace was hesitant as she approached Jonathan. The evening had gone well, but she was not ready or even close to being ready to move the relationship past the stage of becoming friends. However, she did not want to disappoint him so she sat down on the corner of the bed.

  “Come a little closer,” Jonathan said, grabbing Grace’s hand in his.

  Grace moved a tiny bit closer. Jonathan used the opportunity to pull Grace in for a kiss. Grace was shocked when she felt his lips press down on hers. She wanted to pull away, but Jonathan’s hand was positioned firmly behind her head. She was stuck in his embrace. With his other hand, Jonathan moved quickly under her shirt and up to her bra. Grace attempted to push his hand away, but could not pull her hand out of his. She finally wiggled free and backed away.

  “Please stop!” Grace firmly stated.

  “Come here, beautiful. I am only beginning,” Jonathan said, lunging passionately toward Grace.

  Before he could reach her, Grace stood up and walked over to the door.

  “I am not ready!” Grace said with an even firmer tone in her voice.

  “Are you kidding? It was just a little kiss.”

  “I haven’t kissed a man in over two years,” Grace admitted.

  “Then you are more than ready,” Jonathan said, standing up and moving closer to Grace. He aggressively put his arm around her waist. His face bent down, attempting to kiss Grace again. Grace responded quicker this time.

  “I told you to stop! I want to go home!” Grace shouted out.

  “You cold, little tease!” Jonathan spat back at her. “After I gave you such a perfect evening, you can’t even give me one kiss? Most women would be clamoring to be in your place.” Grace could smell the alcohol on his breath as he hurled the harsh words at her.

  “I insist you take me home! Your behavior is totally inappropriate.” Grace demanded, holding back the tears.

  “I don’t know what you were expecting from me, but you aren’t going to get anywhere with a woman by just trying to get into her pants! A real gentleman would never treat a woman so unkindly.” She wasn’t a tease and she wasn’t going to stand for his physical pawing and verbal abuse. Unfortunately, they were in the middle of the ocean and she couldn’t just leave. Grace was at Jonathan’s mercy.

  His quick temper caused her some concern. She really knew nothing about the man and being alone with him was making her nervous. Realizing that it may not be safe to be with him, she quickly exited the bedroom and made her way to the viewing deck. She could see the Golden Gate Bridge in the distance. It no longer held the magical newness of anticipation. It was now a symbol of hope and protection. All Grace wanted to do was be safely in her home and away from this disrespectful man.

  Jonathan finally got the message and remained at a distance from Grace the rest of the trip back to the marina. When it was time to transfer into the smaller boat, Jonathan did not join her. The captain made his way down to the boat and took Grace back to the marina. Once they reached the dock, the captain assisted Grace out of the boat and then went back to the harbor. Without a car, Grace was stranded. Luckily, there was a taxi nearby that she hailed to take her home.

  By the time Grace reached her house, her fear had turned to anger. After paying the sitter, she immediately called the dating service and left a message that she was cancelling her account. She also told them that they needed to screen their customers better. Grace told them in no uncertain terms that she would not be recommending their company to anyone.

  After hanging up the phone, she took a long, hot bath. It felt good to be back in her home, safe and protected. She sensed Derek’s presence and basked in the comfort of his love. Grace tiptoed quietly into Bella and Mattias’ rooms. There was nothing more reassuring for Grace then to watch her children sleep. They brought her immeasurable joy. She was content to live her life alone. If the past few months were any indication, being single was far better than being subjected to any more lunatics. Grace didn’t need a man in her life to validate her existence. She would make it fine on her own.

  Grace crawled into her king-sized bed and turned off the bed stand light. It had been a long emotional day. She was happy it was over. She closed her eyes and turned on her side. A cold tingly sensation passed over her. Her eyes flew open. Someone was in the room.

  Grace shouted out as she flipped on the light, “Who’s there?” Light filled the room, but there was nobody there. Grace’s heart beat out of control. She grabbed her phone and began dialing 911. She hung up when she came to her senses. What was she going to say? She felt a presence?

  “Derek?” Grace whispered softly. She knew it sounded crazy, but she could think of no other explanation. The light flickered. Grace felt the cold sensation again on her face. She reached up and touched her cheek, but there was nothing there. The light flickered again.

  “I miss you,” Grace cried out, as tears flowed down her face. “Please stay with me for just a little while.” The light went out. Grace sat in the dark, unafraid. She felt a lightness wash over her. The light came back on. Grace heard the slightest whisper, but could not make out any words. She got out of bed and walked over to her mirror. While staring in the mirror, she saw an image of Derek standing by their bed. His eyes were locke
d on hers. He walked toward her. Grace turned around to face him. He stopped right in front of her. Neither spoke. Grace could sense the love he felt for her. He reached up and gently touched her hair. Grace closed her eyes briefly to breathe in the sensation. When she reopened her eyes, Derek was gone.

  After seeing Derek the night before, she knew it was no longer her imagination. She didn’t know why he was there, but she kept replaying the scene over and over again. She kept it all to herself. Grace didn’t want anyone to ruin the experience for her. It was yet another thing she kept buried within. She continued to read more books on the afterlife and searched the Internet in an attempt to understand it all. She was surprised by how many other people had experiences with the spirit world. It was Grace’s new addiction. The more she learned, the better equipped she felt to communicate with Derek the next time he appeared.

  The holiday season came quickly. During the Christmas break from school, Grace took Mattias and Bella to visit her parents in Georgia. The children and her parents had a wonderful time. Although she missed Derek terribly, Grace held her head up high. The horrid dating experiences caused her to appreciate even more the love she once shared with Derek. She never realized how rare true love could be.

  Before she knew it, the winter passed and spring was upon her. Samantha and some of Cora’s bridesmaids were hosting a couples’ bridal shower for Cora and Brent in the city. Grace wasn’t thrilled about attending, but she knew she needed to make an appearance. It was going to be an intimate gathering of the wedding party, family and a few close friends. Grace was hoping to do her family duty and then step out unnoticed.

  After her dating experiences, Grace was more than happy to go alone. Although, she did have a twinkle in her eye as she thought about the fun her family would have if she took one of her loser dates with her to the party. Grace would have enjoyed watching Leslie tear apart Larry and Vinnie. While that would have been fun, the night was truly about Brent and Cora. Grace wouldn’t do anything to spoil any of their happiness.


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