47 Destinies: Finding Grace
Page 18
“Sweetheart, what’s wrong? You sound very upset.”
“I am upset, Todd. Leslie and I just had a huge argument. I am so angry that my hands are shaking.”
“What were you arguing about?” Even as Todd asked the question, he knew it was about him.
“Leslie went and talked to Melissa about you,” Grace said in an apologetic voice.
“Melissa? My ex-wife? Why would she do that?” Todd was baffled.
“Leslie doesn’t want me to see you. She is trying to break us up. I told her to leave.”
Todd wanted to hold Grace and take away her pain. “Honey, I am really sorry. I know how much Leslie means to you.”
“I feel awful that I asked her to leave my house, but the things she said were way out of line.” Grace began crying again.
“What else did she say, Sweetheart?”
“She says you are using me for my money, just like you did to Melissa,” Grace choked out between sobs.
Todd took a moment to gather his thoughts. He could feel the anger beginning to boil within him. Leslie was out of control, but it wasn’t Grace’s fault. He wanted to choose his words wisely so he didn’t make the situation any worse.
“Todd, are you still there?” Grace knew Leslie’s words hurt Todd.
“Do you think I am using you for your money?” He had to ask the question. Her answer was extremely important to him.
Grace responded quickly. “Absolutely not! Leslie is wrong about you. She was completely out of line! I don’t know how I will ever forgive her.”
Todd felt instant relief. He knew his connection with Grace was strong. It had already been tested a few times and survived. “Sweetheart, we will get through this together. Leslie will simmer down. In time, she will see that I have no interest whatsoever in your money. And you are too kind not to forgive her, my love.”
“Do you think she will ever come around?” Grace sniffled. Grace wasn’t sure about it.
“It may take some time, but eventually even Leslie will see my true intentions. I love you Grace and I always will.”
“I love you too. Thank you for your support. I can’t apologize enough for my family’s interference. I never realized how difficult they are when something doesn’t go their way.” Grace seemed to be constantly apologizing for some member of her family. It was embarrassing.
“You think your family is bad? Wait until you meet mine! You haven’t seen anything yet. Just be happy that my parents live on another continent,” Todd said in an attempt to make Grace feel better. While her family was challenging, it wasn’t her fault. Nobody stood in Todd’s way of getting what he wanted. Todd wanted Grace Locke more than he had ever wanted anyone or anything in his entire life. Leslie had no idea whom she had taken on. He was not about to back down now.
Chapter 12
Over the next week, Leslie made constant attempts to connect with Grace. Leslie had a tendency to twist things her way, which Grace knew from past experience. After brewing over the situation for hours, Grace decided to call Leslie.
“Leslie?” Grace asked quietly.
“Yes?” Leslie answered, curious what Grace was going to say.
“In reference to your last voice mail, I am not keeping you from Mattias and Bella. You are more than welcome to see the children. I would never keep them from their grandparents. However, if you want a relationship with me, you will need to understand that I will not accept your disrespectful behavior regarding Todd again. I love Todd. He is my choice and if he will have me, I intend to someday be his wife. I am not asking you to like him; however, you will not disrespect him again. If you cannot keep your opinion to yourself, then I am afraid we will no longer be able to speak to each other.”
Grace wanted to get it all out before Leslie could interrupt her. Grace had to be extremely clear. The situation was very frustrating. Grace had not shared the confrontation with anyone but Todd.
Leslie immediately responded, “I understand that you are in love with that man, but I cannot stand by and watch you destroy your life. In time you will see that I am right. Until then, I think it is a good idea if we keep our distance from one another.” Leslie then hung up the phone.
Grace was shocked. Leslie was being unfair and impossible. Grace had enough. She called her mother for some perspective and support. Rose almost came through the phone when Grace told her about the argument and the subsequent call with Leslie.
“Honey, don’t let anyone ever tell you how to live your life. Todd seems to me a real good man with only the best intentions. I am sure he would never harm you or the children. He is not after your money. He’s not like that; I can tell,” Rose reassured her daughter. She wanted to give Leslie a piece of her mind, but knew it wouldn’t help the situation.
“Grace, can you do me a favor? I would like to speak with Todd. Can you give me his number?”
Grace thought about it for a minute and then gave her mom his number. Perhaps her mother could make things a bit better.
“Sure, Mama. Thank you for always being there for me. I’ve been a mess about all of this. I love him so much. I wish Leslie could see him like you do.”
“Leslie is probably still grieving the loss of Derek. It may have nothing to do with Todd, but more the fact that you are moving on with your life,” Rose suggested. She knew in her heart that Leslie was putting her nose where it didn’t belong, but wanted to offer Grace a more peaceful explanation.
“I hadn’t thought about it that way, Mama.”
“You just focus on your relationship with Todd. He is the man for you, Sugar. Don’t let him go. I’ll talk with you soon. Bye.” Rose ended the call and then proceeded to call Todd. She wanted to reassure him that she supported his relationship with Grace. About 30 minutes later, Grace received a call from Todd.
“I just got off the phone with your mother. Thanks for giving her my number. She is a lovely woman.” Todd praised Rose over and over.
“I hope you don’t mind that I shared all of this with her. She is very understanding.”
“Grace, your mother reminded me that we really do need to talk about our finances. I’m not feeling well tonight, but can we get together soon and talk? There is a lot I want to share with you,” Todd commented in a tired tone of voice.
“I think that is a good idea. There is a lot I want to share with you too.” Todd’s communication was very open and honest. It was refreshing. Grace was more concerned that Todd wasn’t feeling well than her squabble with Leslie. Her protective instincts went on alert.
“Do you have the flu? Can I bring over something to make you feel better?”
“No, I’ve been fighting something for about a week now. My energy level is low. I am sure all these extra-curricular activities are catching up with me. I just need some sleep,” Todd rationalized. Grace’s concern for him was cute.
“Have you seen your doctor?” Grace pressed. “If it is the flu, they can give you something to recover faster.”
“Sexy Legs, real men don’t go running to the doctor for every little thing,” Todd replied with force.
“Ah, yes. Why doesn’t that attitude surprise me?” Men were adverse to the doctor. It was a trait Grace couldn’t understand.
“Really, it is nothing. I will be fine in a few days.”
“Ok. But if you aren’t, will you promise me that you will see your doctor?”
Todd relented. “Yes, Mother dear!”
“Funny. I am going to bring you some soup tomorrow since you will be staying home from work.” Grace wasn’t the type to give up.
“I give in. I will stay home if you bring me some homemade soup,” Todd caved. He loved soup.
“Get some rest!” Grace hung up the phone and began preparing some comfort food for Todd. She was used to taking care of the kids when they were sick. It was a role she knew well.
Grace stayed on top of the situation. When Todd wasn’t better at the end of the week, Grace insisted that he make an appointment with his doctor. Grac
e wondered if he might have mono. She had noticed that his energy level had been decreasing steadily over the last few weeks, but she didn’t make the connection until after he got sick. Grace brought Todd meals continuously. She was like a live-in nurse. Even though he didn’t feel good, his spirits were pretty high. Grace was sure her good cooking helped.
One evening when Grace went to Todd’s condo to drop off dinner and watch a movie, she noticed that Todd was especially pale. Grace set down the casserole dish on the kitchen stove.
“I brought you your favorite chicken casserole. Brent is at home watching the kids so we can have the evening together. He sends his best. Cora is out with some friends,” Grace chirped as she buzzed around the kitchen. “How are you feeling today?” Grace asked as she turned on the oven.
“Grace, come here and sit down,” Todd asked as he patted the couch next to him. Grace put down the kitchen towel and sat next to Todd. “I finally broke down and went to the doctor a few days ago and he ran some tests,” Todd said before his voice trailed off. She grabbed his hand.
“Do you have mono?” Grace wondered. His symptoms seemed to match the diagnosis.
“No, I don’t have mono,” Todd said as he looked away. He couldn’t look Grace in the eye.
“What is it then, Todd? What’s wrong?” Grace asked trying to figure out what was going on. Todd had never been this distant with her before. Grace knelt down beside Todd and took his hands in hers. “What’s going on?”
Todd turned to Grace. His face was stoic. His eyes were extremely red. “I have cancer.” He turned away from Grace. He didn’t want to see the pain those words would cause her.
Grace said nothing. Todd’s words took the wind out of her. Her head began spinning. Her face got flush. She ran to the bathroom and curled up in a ball on the bathroom floor and cried.
Todd came into the bathroom and drew Grace into his arms. Grace continued to sob. She beat her fists against his chest and screamed out, “NOOOOO!”
Todd tried to comfort her, but she was inconsolable.
“How bad is it? I need to know,” Grace demanded. Her eyes were wild with rage.
“They aren’t sure. They need to do more tests. They say I have a tumor.” Todd’s voice trailed off as he ran his hand through his hair.
Grace remained silent and stared straight ahead. She couldn’t wrap her head around the situation. The man she loved had cancer. It was just like…Derek. “Oh, my!” Grace exclaimed as her hand flew to her mouth. Derek. It was happening again. She was going to lose Todd. Grace backed up and began walking to the door. She picked up her purse and grabbed her keys. She turned around and stared blankly at Todd.
“I’m sorry. I can’t do this again,” Grace wept uncontrollably.
“Wait. Please don’t go!” he called out, reaching for her.
“I can’t. I can’t do this again,” she repeated to herself over and over again.
“What are you saying?” Todd demanded. She wasn’t making any sense.
“I can’t do this to Bella and Mattias again. I can’t do this to myself.” Grace looked around like a caged animal.
“You can’t do what?” Todd had to hear the words for himself.
“I can’t watch you die,” Grace whispered.
Todd stood at the door and said nothing. There was nothing left to be said. Grace was leaving him. His life was over.
Grace looked back over her shoulder one last time as she walked away. Todd stared at her, void of all emotion. He looked like the shell of the man she fell in love with over a year ago. She wanted so badly to go back and run into his arms. She wanted to tell him it would be okay, but she couldn’t do it. She just couldn’t do it again. She had no choice. She had to go.
Grace had no idea how she drove home. Her eyes were blurry from crying and she could barely hold on to the steering wheel. She pulled over a few times as waves of grief washed over her. It was like she was reliving a horrible nightmare. When she drove into her garage, she sat in the car for a few minutes. She needed to compose herself before she went inside. She didn’t want Brent to see her upset. Hopefully, the kids were already in bed.
Grace walked into the house and set her purse down on the kitchen table. Brent was watching television.
“Grace, you’re home early. I just put the kids in bed about 15 minutes ago,” Brent said as he rose to greet Grace. She had her back to Brent. “Grace?” Brent walked over to Grace.
“I-” Grace couldn’t speak. She turned around and Brent saw the tears and her red eyes. He pulled her into his arms. Grace let down her wall of emotions. She cried until she had no tears left. When she was done, Brent sat her down in one of the kitchen chairs. He made her a cup of tea and sat beside her. He said nothing. They sat together in silence for what felt like an eternity to Grace. Finally, she broke the silence.
“My relationship with Todd is over,” Grace said in a low voice.
Brent did not immediately respond. He took a moment and then asked, “Why?”
“I really don’t want to talk about it right now.” Grace got up and began pacing. “I just want to go home to Georgia. I want out of this city. I need to leave right now.”
“Grace, sit down. The kids are asleep. You need to calm down.” Brent walked over to Grace and helped her sit down. “Drink your tea.” Brent sat back down and looked around the kitchen.
Grace swirled her spoon in her tea. She didn’t want to sit down. She didn’t want to drink her tea.
“I want to leave right now, Brent!”
“Grace. You aren’t thinking straight. The children are already in their beds. You don’t want to alarm them. You can tell them in the morning that you are going to see your parents for a summer visit. I will make the arrangements for you to fly out tomorrow.”
Grace stared up from her cup. Tears began to form again. “Thank you, Brent. I can always count on you.”
“Now go upstairs and pack your bags. I am going to call Cora and let her know that I will be staying in the guest room tonight. I will take you and the kids to the airport tomorrow. When you are done packing, I want you to take a shower and go to bed. Do you understand?”
“Yes, Brent. Thank you,” Grace said as she put her cup in the sink. “I don’t know what I would do without you.” Grace hugged Brent.
“Everything will be alright.”
“It’s not going to be alright, Brent. My life will never be the same again,” Grace replied as she walked away. She wrapped her arms around herself tightly.
Grace went upstairs and followed Brent’s detailed instructions. She wasn’t in the mood to fight with him. She was physically and emotionally drained. After packing her clothes, she took a shower and climbed into bed. Her heart was broken…again. It hurt. Tears flowed as she thought about Todd. He was everything she wanted and now it was over. Grace felt a coolness brush over her. She knew it was Derek. She felt Derek run his hand through her hair. As she drifted off to sleep, she heard Derek whisper in her ear, “Let go.”
The next morning, Grace put a fake smile on her face. She felt the clouds of depression reappear in her life. All she wanted to do was run away from the situation. There were countless memories of Todd in the city. She needed a quick escape so she could stop the pain. She hadn’t even left and she already missed him.
Brent took the group to the airport in Grace’s car with the car seats. After dropping them off, he went back to Grace’s house to return her car. While putting her keys away in the kitchen drawer, Brent heard someone ring the doorbell. He peered through the window and saw Todd. Unsure of what happened between Todd and Grace, Brent did not answer the door. He didn’t want to interfere. His first loyalty was to Grace.
Todd had seen the garage door close so he knew she was home. When Grace did not answer, Todd started talking to her through the door.
“Grace. I know you are in there. Please open the door. We need to talk,” Todd pleaded. When Grace didn’t respond, he continued to talk.
“I know you
said our relationship is over, but I refuse to believe you. I know you love me and you know I love you. When you left me last night, it triggered all of the pain I went through when Melissa left me. Fear crept over me and froze me in place. I can’t believe I just let you walk away. But I am here now. I have put my fear aside. I refuse to give up on us. I love you too much. I know the news I gave you was shocking last night. Yes, I have cancer, but that doesn’t automatically mean it is a death sentence. I can fight this. We can fight this together. I know you are scared. I’m scared too.” It took everything within Todd to hold himself together. He rested his head against the door. He was tired. He didn’t sleep the night before. All he thought about was Grace and how he could get her back.
Brent heard everything Todd said. He felt compassion for the man. It must have destroyed him to watch her leave. Now he understood Grace’s intense emotions about the situation. It reminded Brent of everything they went through when Derek was ill. Grace’s heart must have broken when she heard Todd’s terrible news.
Brent opened the front door. “Todd, she isn’t here.”
Todd was surprised to see Brent. “Where is she?”
“She went home to Georgia.” Brent didn’t want to hide the truth from Todd. “I am sorry to hear about your illness.”
“I can’t lose her Brent. She means everything to me,” Todd admitted. He ran his hand through his hair. The man was a complete disaster. He looked like a wreck.
Brent pondered the situation. He knew that Grace loved Todd, but she was afraid of Todd dying. She left before he could leave her. Brent couldn’t blame her. She lost a part of herself when Derek died. However, Todd was right. Cancer wasn’t an automatic death sentence. There was hope. “Let me talk to Grace.”
“Please let her know that I am not going to let her go.”
“Take care of yourself, Todd. Cora will be devastated by this and will want to come see you. Please, let me know if there is anything Cora and I can do for you.”
“Thank you, Brent.” Todd walked slowly away, dejected. As Brent watched him go, any lingering doubts about Todd faded away. Todd seemed to be the man for Grace and Brent was going to make sure that Grace knew it. Brent smiled slightly thinking about how he once wanted to keep Grace away from the man and now he was considering possibilities to bring them back together. Nobody would ever believe it. Brent was getting soft. Love did funny things to a man.