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47 Destinies: Finding Grace

Page 19

by Perez, Marlies Schmudlach

  Chapter 13

  When Grace arrived in Georgia, she spent the majority of her time in her room. Her mother, attempted to talk with her, but Grace would not respond. All she told her mother that it was over with Todd and she didn’t want to talk about it. Rose heard Grace crying in her room. It broke her heart to hear her sweet daughter suffering so much.

  Over the next few days, Todd called the house several times a day. Grace had turned off her cell phone so she wasn’t receiving any of Todd’s text messages or calls. She also wasn’t responding to any of the emails he sent. When Todd called the house, all Todd told Rose was that he needed to talk to Grace. Every time Rose relayed the message from Todd, Grace refused to come to the phone. On one occasion, Bella overheard Todd’s name and she eagerly took the phone from her grandmother.

  “Todd! I miss you. Are you going to visit us? Please?” Bella begged Todd.

  “I wish I could Bella, but I can’t. I miss you too.”

  Todd wanted to see Bella badly, but he was too sick to travel. He also had surgery scheduled. He didn’t want Bella to know any of the details so it was hard to explain why he couldn’t come see her.

  “Todd, will you be my daddy?” Bella asked innocently. Todd broke down when he heard her sweet question. He didn’t want to give her false hope, but he also wanted to be truthful.

  “I would love to be your daddy, Bella, but for now can I be your special friend?”

  “Okay, Todd. You can be my special friend. I love you,” Bella said with enthusiasm.

  “I love you too, Bella. Goodbye.” Todd hung up before he started to cry. Losing Grace meant losing Bella and Mattias too. He lost the love of his life and the children he always wanted. It was breaking him up inside.

  Brent didn’t have any better luck talking with Grace. He called several times and spoke with Rose. After his third attempt, Rose pumped Brent for information.

  “Brent, what is going on? Grace will not tell me a thing. All she said was that her relationship with Todd is over. What happened? Everything was going so well. I really liked Todd.”

  “Rose, I know you are concerned. In time, I am sure Grace will want to talk,” Brent reassured Rose.

  “I am worried. Grace stays in her room all day and won’t come out. She barely even speaks with the children. I can’t get her to go outside or do anything. I hear her crying. She is really down. I have never seen her this way.”

  Brent thought about Rose’s words. Grace had already been in Georgia for over a week. Brent was hoping she would have come to her senses. It looked like Grace was paralyzed by fear. Brent needed to take a stronger course of action.

  “Rose, I am coming out to Georgia. If Grace won’t talk to me on the phone, I am going to talk to her in person. Please do not tell anyone. I want my visit to be a surprise. I have spoken to Todd and I know exactly what is going on. I know what needs to be done in this situation,” Brent spoke with authority. Rose had always liked Brent’s strong, direct nature. It was a bit alarming at first, but over time, Rose also saw Brent’s compassionate side. He loved Grace like a sister and Rose knew he had her best interest at heart.

  “Honey, thank you. If anyone can get through to my sweet Grace, it is you,” Rose remarked as she hung up the phone. Prior to speaking to Brent, she felt helpless, but now she felt better. Rose wanted the light to return to Grace’s eyes. She also knew the children missed Todd. He was like a father to them. Brent had to fix this situation and soon.

  Brent arrived in Georgia the following afternoon. Cora wanted to stay to help Todd, so Brent made the trip by himself. His long tan pants and short sleeve white shirt fit in nicely with the southern environment. It was a hot summer day in Georgia so Brent was more than happy to accept the tall glass of southern sweet tea Rose offered him upon his arrival. It was the first time Brent had visited Grace’s home in Georgia.

  The place was a periodic marvel. It was everything Brent envisioned of a southern plantation. Huge oak trees lined the driveway leading up to the two-story house. It was white with large pillars stationed all around the house. An expansive wrap-around deck was on both stories boasting numerous balconies. An oversized pond was far off on one side of the property with ample wildlife. Green grass covered as far as the eye could see. The house contained over eight bedrooms, several large rooms for entertaining, a maid’s quarters, a large kitchen, formal and informal dining room, library, den and a craft room for Rose. The age of the house was difficult to determine. While it looked over a hundred years old, it also contained many modern conveniences.

  Brent was on a mission. He needed to talk some sense into Grace. Her needless suffering was going to end and Brent was the one to put a stop to it.

  Before Brent could make it up to Grace’s room, Bella found him. She was astonished to see Uncle Brent.

  “Uncle Brent, did you come over to play with me and my ponies?” Bella asked with playful excitement.

  “I sure did, but first I need to talk to your mommy.” Brent smiled as Bella wrapped her arms around his legs. She was the spitting image of Grace with her father’s fun loving personality.

  “Is Cora here? Did Todd come too?” Bella asked as she looked around the room. His heart went out to Bella. She missed Todd, too and had no idea why he wasn’t there.

  “They weren’t able to come with me, but they say hello. I know they can’t wait to see you again. Where is Mattias?”

  “He’s with Grandpa in the back. They went fishin’. Grandma is gonna play playdough with me,” Bella said with a big smile.

  “Once I am done talking with your mom, we can go outside together and play,” Brent promised his niece. He loved Bella.

  “Okay, Uncle Brent. Can you make Mama happy again? She is sad,” Bella announced as she ran off to the kitchen.

  Brent walked up the stairs to the second floor and followed Rose’s directions to Grace’s room. When he reached her door, he entered without knocking. He found Grace in a chair looking out the window. She was extremely pale and worlds away.

  “Grace,” Brent said in a soft voice.

  Grace jumped when she heard his voice. She had been thinking about Todd and what if he passed away before she could talk to him again. Startled to hear Brent’s voice, her head turned quickly to face the door. “Brent! What on earth are you doing here?”

  “Well, I was looking for some of that famous southern hospitality of yours,” Brent confidently replied. “I have come quite a distance to see you. At least you could offer me some sweat tea or a peach. Aren’t you all famous for your peaches down here?”

  A small smile formed on Grace’s lips. Brent had a way of getting to Grace. He was irresistible. “Please forgive my lack of manners. It really is nice to see you,” Grace said as she walked over and gave him a hug.

  Even when she was disheveled and without makeup, Grace was still a natural beauty. Her blond hair was in a ponytail and her eyes were puffy from crying. However, even at her worst, most women couldn’t compete with her loveliness.

  “Grace, we need to talk,” Brent said in a very serious tone. “Please sit down.”

  Grace moved over to Brent and they both sat down. “It’s Todd isn’t it?”

  “Todd told me everything. He is not any worse,” Brent said, gauging Grace’s reaction.

  Grace paced around the room. She didn’t want to talk about Todd. She came to Georgia to get away from the situation, but it wasn’t working. All she thought about was Todd. She dreamt about him every night. She worried about his health and wondered how he was doing. Most of all, she missed him. She cried when she thought about his situation and how she left him during his lowest point in his life. “Brent, I am a complete mess.”

  “Talk to me, Grace. Can’t we figure this out together?”

  “There is nothing to figure out. It’s over,” Grace said with conviction.

  “It’s not over and you know it. You are acting out of fear.”

  “I can’t do this again. I already went through it once a
nd I know how it ends.”

  “Grace, you don’t know how it ends. Yes, Todd could die, but he could also live. Have you stopped to consider that option?”

  “And what if he dies? How do I explain that to Mattias and Bella? They are already so fond of Todd.”

  “Fond? Grace open your eyes! They love him too. Bella asked him the other day if he could be her daddy,” Brent stated, recalling a conversation he had with Rose earlier.

  “What? This is the first time I have heard that.” Grace had no idea that Bella felt that way. “Well, it’s all the more reason to protect her heart from breaking.”

  “Grace, nobody can protect someone’s heart. It doesn’t work that way. Isn’t your heart breaking now?”

  Brent was right. Her heart was completely broken. “Fine. I am hurt, but I can move my life forward without Todd.”

  “And if Todd does die from this cancer? How will you feel? Won’t you regret throwing away the time you have now? He’s still alive. It’s like you are already mourning him,” Brent pointed out. “You are a very strong woman and you can live the rest of your life alone if that is your choice. But you would be making a big mistake. You have the chance at love again.”

  Grace pondered Brent’s words. She wanted more than anything to be with Todd again, but she had so much fear in her heart. Fear that he would die. Fear that he wouldn’t forgive her. “I am afraid. What if he dies?”

  Brent gathered his thoughts. He stared out the window. “When Derek died, I never thought I would be able to feel again. Part of me died that day too. But then Cora showed me that there is so much to live for. We don’t have any guarantees in life. The only thing we can count on is the moment that we are living in. Nobody knows what tomorrow will bring. I challenge you with this question. What if he lives and you let him go? You have one choice Grace: you can choose love or fear. You are the only one that can make that choice. We choose our own destinies. Cora told me once me that she believed we all had at least 47 destinies, this could be your 47th.”

  Grace was quiet for a long period of time. She finally said, “I love him so much. I want to be with him more than anything, but…”

  “But what?” Brent asked. He could see that Grace was slowly starting to come around.

  “I don’t think he will forgive me. His greatest fear was that I would leave him and that is exactly what I did. When things got rough, I ran. I don’t blame him for hating me,” Grace said as tears began to form.

  “You, my dear, are completely wrong. Yes, he is hurt, but he understands why you ran away. He knows it was shocking and difficult for you to hear of his illness. The day you left for Georgia, he came over to your house. He wants you back. He said he would do anything to have you in his life,” Brent replied with a smile.

  “He did? He said all that?”

  “He said more than that, but I am a guy so I can’t remember all that sappy stuff. Have you listened to all his messages or read his emails? According to your mom, he calls here every day.”

  Grace’s smile broadened. She couldn’t believe that he hadn’t given up on her. Todd really loved her. Her smile disappeared when she thought about Derek. Before she left her house, Derek told her to let go. Derek only appeared when Todd was involved. He obviously did not like her relationship with Todd.

  “What is it? I can see you thinking about something over there,” Brent asked. Grace’s smile faded and was replaced with a frown.

  “I don’t think Derek likes Todd,” Grace said in a soft voice.

  Brent hadn’t thought about that issue. “Grace, before Derek passed away, we had many long talks about you. As you know, he asked me to look out for you. I haven’t always done the best job at that part of his request. I left you alone too long in your grief. When we talked, one thing Derek repeated over and over to me was that he wanted you to move on. He wanted you to find someone else. He wanted the children to have a father. When I first met Todd, I didn’t want you with him. Over time, I realized it wasn’t Todd that I had a problem with, but it was seeing you with someone besides Derek. After I thought about it, I understood that I was being selfish. The more I have gotten to know Todd, I have come to really like the guy. He seems perfect for you. He told me that you are his everything.”

  “He said that? So you approve of Todd?”

  “Yes, I approve of Todd and I know Derek would also approve of him. I have no doubt,” Brent said with assurance.

  “Wait, I thought you didn’t like Todd,” Grace said suspiciously.

  “I didn’t at first, but I didn’t give him a chance. He hung in there and took my challenges like a man. Not many men stand up to me, Grace. Todd didn’t back down, and was still polite. He impressed me. Come on, I flew across the country to convince you to get back together with him. Doesn’t that count for anything? Woman, you sure are difficult!”

  Grace punched Brent in the arm. “A woman has the right to be difficult! Don’t ever underestimate us. Someone once told me that all women are crazy. Perhaps we are crazy. I’m not sure if it is love or the hormones which does it to us.”

  “I’ve learned to stay clear of commenting on the issue of women, emotions and especially being crazy. It’s a no-win situation.”

  Grace hugged Brent tightly. “All kidding aside, you will never know what your blessing means to me, Brent.”

  “Grace, I only want the very best for you. And since I am now a married man, Todd will have to do,” Brent arrogantly stated.

  “I see your ego is as healthy as ever.”

  “Hey, do you know how many points I am going to score with Cora for getting you and Todd back together?”

  “I wouldn’t celebrate too quickly. Your mother is going to have a fit!”

  Brent chuckled, “It makes the victory all the sweeter.”

  Grace laughed hysterically. “She has been driving me crazy. You wouldn’t believe the lengths she has gone to keep Todd and me apart. Your mother and I aren’t currently on speaking terms.”

  “Mother couldn’t stand Cora from the first time they met. I brushed it off. I figure once Cora gives her a little grandchild, she might warm up a bit.”

  “Miracles are possible,” Grace giggled.

  “Mother has a good heart. It’s in there somewhere.”

  “You got your goodness from your father and your persistence from your mother,” Grace analyzed.

  “Lucky for you, I am persistent. You forgot to mention confident,” Brent added as he pulled two envelopes from his pocket. “I have two return flights to San Francisco. We leave tomorrow at 1:15pm.” Brent’s smile spread across his face. “The children can stay here with your mother. She will fly out with them next week. It’s all set.”

  “Do I get to make any decisions?” Grace asked, folding her arms across her chest.

  “You sure do! You can decide when you are going to talk to Todd. You can call him now or see him in person.”

  “So funny are you! I definitely want to see him in person. I have a lot of explaining and begging to do.”

  “Begging? My favorite. Let me see how good you beg. Practice on me.”

  “You wish! Now, go downstairs and get your glass of sweet tea refilled. I am going to take a shower. If you are a nice boy, I will take you on a tour of the property.”

  “I have been a very good boy. Can you get your dad to take me hunting this afternoon? I saw some ducks out there.” Brent pointed out the window toward the pond.

  “You know the exact way to my daddy’s heart! The man loves to hunt. I am sure he has a gun you can use. Just tell Mama and she will take you out to him,” Grace said as she walked into the bathroom. Before she undressed, she turned back around. “Brent…thank you!”

  “You’re welcome, Grace.”

  Brent went downstairs and shared his good cupid work with Rose. She was so excited that she kissed Brent on the cheek and then giggled like a schoolgirl. Upon Brent’s request, Rose took him outside to meet up with Grace’s father. Brent couldn’t wait to get hi
s hands on a gun. The weather was warm, but he didn’t care. He was an avid hunter. It didn’t take long for Grace’s father to gather the guns and ammo.

  Grace took her time in the shower. She felt like she had a new lease on life. A huge burden was lifted from her shoulders. She was going to fight for the man she loved. Grace knew she let him down and there was a chance he would walk away. Nevertheless, she had to try. In an effort to pave the way for her conversation, she sent Todd a text message,

  Todd, I am flying home tomorrow night. Can we talk the following morning?

  In a matter of moments, Todd responded,

  Yes. We need to talk. I will come to your house.

  Grace tried not to read too much into the text. She knew he was hurt. She hadn’t spoken to him in days and walked out on him. Regardless, she was going to apologize and hoped he would take her back.

  The next day, Brent and Grace flew home together. The kids were excited to stay with their grandparents for another week. Bella asked Grace to give Todd a picture she drew for him. Grace smiled when she looked at the stick figures of a large person and a little person. Bella explained it was a picture of her and Todd. Both Brent and Grace smiled when Bella talked about it.

  When Brent dropped Grace off at her home in San Francisco, it was late at night. Brent offered to stay in the guestroom, but Grace sent him home to be with Cora. She had kept the newlyweds apart long enough.

  After showering and getting ready for bed, Grace climbed gratefully into her bed. As she sat in the dark, she mentally planned out how she was going to approach her conversation with Todd the next day. The more she thought about it, the more her nerves began to bunch up in her stomach like bumper to bumper rush hour traffic. She couldn’t sleep. Grace turned on the light. She was startled to see Derek sitting on the side of her bed. They stared at each other.


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