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Barbaric Alien (A Sci Fi Alien Abduction Romance) (Vithohn Warriors)

Page 78

by Stella Sky

  “Because he had more experience than you, a female?” Drin asked. I looked at him and narrowed my eyes in frustration for thinking such a thing. But he was from the Drackon alien race and that was how they viewed females, so I had to excuse his ridiculous comment.

  “No, I am more experienced than he. He was given the position because the Earth Council feels that human females might be in danger in space venturing near any Drackon areas. So they gave the position to a male, but he grew sick a few days before departure. So I was given my position back. We were supposed to be in space for another six months and I have a lot of projects and experiments I’d hoped to conduct. Now, however, I don’t know if this mission will be relaunched or canceled. But I do know that they will probably replace me with a male, so you see, that is why I am not excited to go back to Earth,” I said as I finished wrapping the fresh bandage around his arm.

  Then I was shocked as I felt Drin’s fingertips underneath my chin. He lifted my face and stared into my eyes as he said, “I am sure that all will work out in your favor, Felicity. You are a great doctor, and I can attest to that to your Earth Council, if it will help you.”

  I looked into eyes. They were so exotic, and yet I could see that he was so sincere and delicate in this moment. It was such a change from the brash and arrogant comments that he had been making playfully since we first met. This was a side of Drin that I had not seen yet, and it was tender; it was hypnotic. We stared at each other for a moment and he began to lean down toward me as though he were going to kiss me. His lips were so close to mine and I lost myself in the moment. I had never been kissed by a Drackon before, and now I was itching to have that experience. My lips slowly parted ready for him. He lightly brushed his lower lip across mine and I ached for him to press harder. But then…

  “Drin!” We both turned to see his brother, Eral, standing in the doorway. I didn’t even hear the door open. We both quickly moved away from the almost kiss.

  “Yes, Eral?” Drin growled the words.

  “The crew wishes to meet with you in the infirmary. They have many questions and desire answers,” Eral said as he looked at me with an angry face. I got the feeling he did not like me. I didn’t see why; I had treated him and all of the Drackon, making sure their injuries were healed rapidly. He should have nothing but gratitude for me instead of that sourpuss face he was giving me.

  “I should go,” I said as I grabbed the bandage and ointment and stepped out of the quarters, closing the door behind me. As I walked away, I heard raised voices; the brothers were fighting. I assumed it was about me, but why? It seemed to me like the brothers were hiding something from me, but what? Could there be more to the circumstances of their rescue other than an asteroid hit? Maybe there was something to the rumors about human females being seen in an unfavorable light amongst the Drackon alien warriors.

  This got me thinking about my future on this research vessel. I made my way to the office of Captain Jones to tell him just how much I wanted to continue to be a part of this research, to see if he would fight for me. I didn’t knock; I just walked right in.

  “Dr. Maltra, come on in as usual,” he said, putting a folder down in frustration.

  “Captain Jones, I am very concerned. I must be heard,” I said walking back-and-forth in front of his desk in a fury.

  “But of course you must to be heard,” he said sarcastically.

  “I must know when this ship returns to Earth, will it relaunch? Will I be on it? What is to happen to me? You know how I was passed up to begin with simply because I am female. It is most unfair! You must appeal to the Earth Council upon relaunch that I pulled my weight on the ship. I demand it!”

  The captain stood up from his desk and came around the front of it where I was pacing back and forth and said, “You demand it, do you?”

  “Yes! If you were to plead with the council that I am vital to this ship and the mission upon relaunch, then they will not say no. I am almost sure of it; are you not? They treat me very unfairly! Just because of some silly rumors…” I rambled on passionately and angrily.

  “You, Dr. Maltra, are absolutely infuriating… and irresistible…” Captain Jones said. Before I could respond in shock to his sudden admittance of his feelings, his hands were on my shoulders and he had pulled me toward him. He planted his lips firmly on mine. What the hell was this? I put my hands on his chest and pushed him away from me.

  “What the hell, Captain?! Are you out of your mind?” I shouted at him. Before he could answer, I was out the door and storming down the hall. This was bullshit.

  “Felicity!” It wasn’t the captain that was yelling after me; it was Drin. He jogged a few steps and caught up with me. I was breathing heavily and angry.

  “I wanted to find you and apologize about my brother. There are some things between my brother and I that…” Then he got a look at my face and said, “What is it? You are flushed. You are angry. What has happened?”

  “I was pleading to Captain Jones about how much I wanted to be on this research mission if it were to relaunch from Earth. I thought he, of all men, would take me seriously. But he wasn’t even listening. Instead, he kissed me. I pushed him off me and ran out of there,” I said without thinking about what I was saying. Of course, that should be a private matter, but my mouth always was far ahead of my brain.

  “He did what?!” Drin shouted in a deep tone that reverberated in the hall. It was almost frightening. “I’ll kill him.”

  “No! Drin don’t. It is fine.”

  “So you wanted him to kiss you?” he said, looking at me confused.

  “No, I did not. But that is no reason to kill our captain. It was just a misunderstanding. Thank you for jumping to defend my honor, but it is not necessary. Promise me you will do nothing, or even mention this again. I should not have told you,” I said, putting my hand on his forearm to get his attention as he was staring down the hall toward the captain’s office. He turned and looked at me finally and said, “If that is what you want, Felicity.”

  “Yes, it is what I want. Now if you’ll excuse me, I just want to be alone,” I said as I walked away toward my living quarters. I shut the door behind me and threw myself onto the bed. Being a woman in a man’s world was hard; now I was a woman in a man’s world and a Drackon alien world. Tears began to fall down my face, not because I felt helpless, but because I knew now that if the ship were to relaunch, I would not be on it. The captain would now see to it after I had rejected his advances. Plus, would I really want to be on a ship in deep space with Captain Jones, having to fight off his advances? It wasn’t exactly my dream situation for work. I cried because I knew this mission was over for me. What would I do with myself now?

  Two days had passed since the incident with Drin, and the incident with Captain Jones. I was feeling a little more secure, even though being the only human female on the ship made me feel vulnerable. I couldn’t exactly blame the captain for having these needs when there were no females on board. What the hell was the council thinking, allowing that? It seemed to be a stupid decision.

  I had done my best to avoid both of them. I had bandaged Drin’s arm when he visited his crew in the infirmary, so as not to be alone with him. It wasn’t that I did not trust him; it was that I did not trust myself. Since that moment, when he brushed his lips across mine, I could not stop thinking about him. I dreamt about him that night, and then the next. But my dreams were much more detailed now. They were downright naughty. I would wake up soaking wet from each a dream, and I do not mean from sweat.

  I went into the infirmary to search for Drin in order to apply the ointment and change his bandage. It was to be the last day, or possibly the next to last, that I would need to tend to it. It was healing rapidly, more rapidly than it would on a human. But it made sense, because Drin was a hybrid, and he was only half human.

  “I am looking for Captain Ky-Vesa?” I asked the crew in the infirmary. One of them, with blond hair and blue eyes, turned and looked at me with a smi
le. He was not a hybrid; he was a full-blooded Drackon.

  “I believe he is in his quarters,” he said to me. There was a moment of silence. I looked around to see that Drin’s brother, Eral, was not in the infirmary. Perhaps he was in the living quarters with Drin. That would mean we would not be alone; it was safe to visit him there. I grabbed the ointment and the bandage roll and said, “Thank you.”

  I walked out of the infirmary into the hall. I walked fast now down the hall so that I could avoid any awkward interactions with Captain Jones. We had barely said a few words to each other, and it was usually during meal times. I was sure that he felt embarrassed by the incident; I felt embarrassed as well. I was just going to act as if it didn’t happen. He obviously had a momentary lapse in judgment. I knocked on the door to Drin’s living quarters. He opened the door, and once again, he was not wearing a shirt.

  “Dr. Maltra, please come in. I have been expecting you,” he said to me with a smile.

  I walked in and said, “If you were expecting me, you think you would remember to clothe yourself, Captain,” I said to him.

  He laughed at me and closed the door behind me as he said, “Then how would you get to my arm? That is why you are here, is it not, or did you need me for something else?”

  His words were playful and I knew what he was hinting at. I looked around and I realized that his brother was not in the room. “Shit,” I whispered under my breath.

  “What was that, Dr. Maltra?” he asked.

  “Oh, nothing. If you will take a seat, I can begin on your arm. This should be the last time that we need to bandage it,” I said to him.

  “That is very disappointing news,” he said as he sat down.

  “What do you mean? Are you not happy to be healed, and so quickly?” I said as I applied the ointment in my hands and rubbed them together.

  “No, it is not that. I was merely thinking that I would not be seeing you as much. I rather enjoy your visits, and your massages. You are very good with your hands, Dr. Maltra,” he said just as I laid my hands on the strong muscles of his arm. He made me very self-aware of what I was doing.

  I sort of rolled my eyes at him and he let out a hearty laugh that made me smile. It was good to break the tension that was between us with laughter. I worked my fingers into the muscles on his arm, savoring every ripple of his strong form, as it would be the last time I would touch it. He let out a groan as I touched a tender area of his injury. His groan was intoxicating, and it had an effect on my body that I could not control. I immediately felt turned on and I felt stupid that I had not waited until he was in the infirmary to treat his injury. Why did I think I could trust myself to be alone with him? I could trust my mind, but I could not trust my body. It was as if he had control over it.

  “Yes, that feels good. Right there, you have the right spot,” he groaned out the words. I stopped massaging his arm and looked at him with my head cocked to the side. I knew what he was doing. He looked at me and smiled and gave me a wink. I grabbed the bandage and began to wrap it around his arm. I too was sad that this was the last time I would be doing this. I moved slower and slower.

  “Has any other Drackon told you about your scent?” he asked. I looked at him strangely; what a weird question to ask me.

  I sort of laughed and said, “Are you teasing me, Captain? Is that a real question?”

  “Yes, it is a real question. As you may know, since you are a doctor and know about the weredragon anatomy, we are able to inhale pheromone scents in a way that humans are not. It has a much stronger effect on us. It is hard to explain unless you have experienced it. Since yours is so strong, I have wondered if any other Drackon have ever mentioned it to you,” he said, arching an eyebrow at me. He was being serious.

  I was intrigued by this morsel of information, from a medical standpoint, and I would have to look into this when we returned to Earth in the medical journals.

  “No, no one has ever mentioned it. I have treated injuries on Drackon before, so I have been in close proximity to them.”

  “Perhaps they were just being kind and keeping it to themselves, but I must tell you, it is very strong and can drive a Drackon crazy,” he said.

  I looked at him in shock. Was he trying to tell me that I drove him crazy? Was he trying to admit his attraction to me in a way he thought I could understand in medical terms? He leaned forward, closer to me. I knew what was going to happen, and yet I could not stop it.

  “You must know how attractive you are, Dr. Maltra, with your red hair and your green eyes. I could stare at you all day and listen to your saucy, pouty mouth,” he whispered to me.

  My mouth opened slightly as he spoke. I was succumbing to his magic. His spell was overwhelming me.

  His hand moved to my arm and he pulled me closer to him. But instead of brushing his lips against mine softly like he did before, he planted a hard kiss on my lips. Even though I was expecting it, it still caught me off guard and made my knees weak. I had never kissed a Drackon warrior before and it was absolutely intoxicating, unlike anything I had ever experienced.

  His kiss was strong and controlling. I felt my entire body come alive and goose bumps appeared on my arms and legs. His hand went up to my other arm, and now he had both arms in the grasp of his large hands that dwarfed me. He was a large male, an alien-human hybrid male. The thought of that excited me.

  My body grew warm, especially between my thighs. My nipples grew hard and erect against the fabric of my top. They ached for him to touch them. I was lost in the lustful desire that I had held onto for so long in regards to the Drackon warriors. I had always wanted this experience, and wanting it for so long only made it impossible to resist him. His long, dark hair brushed against my face and my hand instinctively went up to the stubble on his cheek.

  He was so rugged, firm, and hard. He was everything that a male should be ,whether it be Drackon or human. I surprised myself as I moaned into his mouth. I didn’t realize I had done it until I heard my own voice. His kiss grew deeper and his thumbs moved from my arms and over my breasts. I moaned louder. It was just the right amount of grazing over my nipples that made them harder and harder. He knew exactly what he was doing. I was turned on beyond belief now; there was no turning back.

  I moaned and wiggled underneath his touch like a wild heathen. He groaned as I allowed him to do whatever he wanted to me. Now his large hands were completely on my breasts. He pulled the collar of my shirt, further down and down. Until my breast was completely exposed to him. He growled like a beast when he saw it. His fingers pinched my nipple, rolling it back and forth gently.

  “You are stunning. You are a stunning creature,” he whispered the words.

  I arched my head back, letting it fall as he kissed my neck with enthusiasm. I was anxiously waiting for the moment his mouth would find my nipple. He kissed down my neck, over my collarbone, taking his time, his sweet time. It was excruciating. It was torture.

  Finally, his tongue flicked lightly at my rosebud nipple. I moaned again. He teased it lightly, making me want more and more. Then he pulled the collar of my shirt down again, revealing my other breast. Now he cupped them both in his hands as he let his tongue flick one nipple and then the other. He only brushed his tongue across it lightly.

  My breathing was heavy and I could not control what was happening between my legs. Then I felt the warmth of his entire mouth on my breast. I pushed my fingers into his hair and twisted it. I had longed to run my fingers through it since the first time I saw it. I pulled on it lightly and he growled again.

  Now he was gently sucking on my nipple, alternating sucking with flicking at it with his tongue. I thought that I would lose myself and explode into orgasm by this simple maneuver. It was more than just his skill in touching me; it was the fact that he was a weredragon. The thought of a Drackon weredragon warrior doing these things to me was beyond my wildest dreams. It was exotic. It was otherworldly. It was full alien. It was an experience unlike any other, and I suddenly realized
that I had been a hypocrite. I had balked at the women that lined up at the registration building to sign up to be a human female wife of an alien weredragon Drackon warrior. I thought they wanted just to be breeders and to have an adventure on another planet. In truth, it was the extreme passion that these Drackon warriors were able to pull out of us. They were lining up for hours for a once-in-a-lifetime sexual experience that could not be had with any human man. Now I understood as this Drackon warrior took my breast into his mouth.

  I wanted to surrender myself to him; if he were to have asked me in this, moment I would have said yes without hesitation. Then I felt his hands move from my breast, down my belly. The tips of his fingers played at my waistband. I inhaled sharply at the proximity of his fingers to my center. He was about to feel just how wet he made me.

  I thought that I should be embarrassed and run away, but I could not. I didn’t care what he thought; I just did not want him to stop. He pushed his finger slowly into the waistband, farther and farther down. Before I knew it, he had plunged his hand into my pants. I moaned loudly and he said, “Spread your legs, Dr. Maltra.”

  I did as he asked and moved my feet further apart. His long fingers moved over my clitoris and I yelled out in passion and ecstasy, “Yes, yes… please don’t stop.”

  He moaned in my ear at my response. His finger moved rapidly back and forth over my clitoris and I thought I would explode at any second. But then his long fingers went farther along my wet slit and then slid inside of me.

  I opened my legs wider as I grabbed onto his arms and buried my head into his chest—his strong, firm chest. I didn’t know how much more I could handle. It was all too much.

  His fingers moved in and out of me. I was wet, and it was easy. His entire hand was pressed against my clitoris and I could not hold on any longer. “I’m going to come,” I barely got the words out in a whisper.


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