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Barbaric Alien (A Sci Fi Alien Abduction Romance) (Vithohn Warriors)

Page 79

by Stella Sky

  He did not stop moving and then my body went into a strong convulsion as I bit down on his chest. The pulsations rocked through me as I released onto his hand. His fingers did not stop moving, even in my sensitive state of still having an epic climax that made my knees so weak, he had to hold me up. I thought this was it. If it’s over, I should be ashamed. But instead, I did not move away. He kissed my neck lightly and I allowed him to as my face rested against his chest and I tried to get a hold of my breathing as the pulsations in my wet center went from throbbing to a slow pulse. His hand was still on my center, but not moving; he was cupping me.

  His kissing on my neck grew more intense and then he began to move his fingers inside of me, in and out once more; my eyes grew wide as I realized he was not done with me. He wanted to give me more and more, and I was going to let him.

  I picked up my knee and rested it on his thigh, opening myself up to him even more. Now he could move even more freely and he growled. His long fingers moved in and out of me, and the palm of his hand was pressed against my clitoris, rubbing again. I was already in a sensitive state, so it did not shock me that within seconds, I was in a state of climax once more. I released all over his hand again, multiple orgasms. I leaned against his chest one more time. He pulled his hand from my pants and kissed me on the neck. He pulled the collar of my shirt back up over my breasts. I assumed he was going to pick me up and throw me on his bed at any second and reveal his naked self to me. He kissed me deeply, but then the door opened. We both turned to see Eral standing there. He did not look happy; he was downright pissed.

  “What is it, Eral?” Drin asked him.

  “A word, brother,” he said to him. I looked at Drin and it did not look like he was going to give Eral the alone time that he requested. So I was going to do it for him; in fact, he was saving me from making a mistake. I was no longer able to control my desire and this interruption was a blessing in disguise.

  “I am going. Excuse me,” I said as I quickly moved out of the room and into the hallway, closing the door behind me. I took a few steps and once again heard raised voices, just like before. I stepped back toward the door and leaned in, trying to listen. What was so bad about Drin indulging in a little fun? The Drackon were known for being such indulgent rogues, it did not make sense for his brother to be angry. I leaned in, but could only make out a few words. I heard the word promise, and I heard the word secret. I could hear them arguing, and it was heated, but I truly could not make out what the argument was about. I gave up on my eavesdropping and quickly made my way to my room, at least to calm myself.

  That night as I went to bed, I replayed what had happened in the captain’s living quarters over and over in my mind. It was a very heated night of dreaming, but the next day, we would be landing on Earth. We would no longer be in the same ship, but if the past had showed me anything, it was that the visiting Drackon that were of importance to the council often stayed in the same building as my living quarters on the base. So although the journey in space with my new friend, Captain Ky-Vesa, was over, it was not the end of our close proximity. I wondered if we would continue what we started, or if it was only a one-time, fun event that he indulged in out of boredom. Only time would tell.

  Chapter 4


  I stood on the flight deck with Captain Jones, staring out the windshield at the blue and green of the approaching Earth. Standing close to the captain, all I could think about was him forcing a kiss onto Felicity’s mouth. I wanted to punch him. I wanted to shake him by the shoulders and shout, “She is mine! Don’t touch her!”

  But it was this want that was forcing me to realize just how much I did want felicity for myself, and that was the real source of my anger. I could never have her. Not only because I had made the promise to my father on his deathbed, but because it was my duty to my race to attempt to make the bloodline more Drackon than human. I was already a hybrid, and any offspring of mine with a human would be more human than Drackon. Therefore, I had to throw this ridiculous dream of mating with Felicity and making her mine into the trash.

  I needed to focus. I was the captain. I had to let my jealousy toward Captain Jones leave me. I stood on the flight deck with my hands clasped behind my back, staring forward as the ship slowly dissented onto a large landing Port. Earth was beautiful. Beyond the busy city the humans called New, New York, there was a vast beautiful ocean. In the distance, you could see forest to the north. I hoped that I would have time to shift and stretch my wings. Flying on another planet was always something that I enjoyed.

  “Captain Ky-Vesa, you and your crew will be escorted to living quarters on the base. The Earth Council will meet with you in two hours,” Captain Jones said as the ship settled onto the ground and the engines were turned off.

  “Thank you, Captain Jones. Do you think it is possible to take me to a communications console? I would like to contact my king before the Earth Council meeting so that I can fully let your council know my king’s wishes,” I said to him.

  “Yes, I will lead you there,” the captain said as the crew began to disembark the ship. Together with my crew and Felicity, we all walked down the platform of the ship onto solid ground.

  I was now on Earth. I looked around taking in all the sights and turned to my brother Eral and said, “You will be shown to living quarters. I am off to communications to contact King Caspin Rykor.”

  “Yes, Captain,” my brother said as he walked with my crew and they were led off to the left toward a building housing living quarters. I was led off to the right toward a communication tower with satellites on the roof. I turned to get one last look at Felicity, and I was shocked to see that she was looking at me in return. We didn’t even get a chance to say goodbye, but perhaps that was for the best. If I had to say goodbye to her, I would pull her into my arms and push my fingers through her red hair. I would plant my lips firmly on her pink lips as she looked up at me with her beautiful, green eyes. No, I cannot allow that to happen. I had a promise to keep and a bloodline to continue; I was sure that this lust for this human female would soon pass.

  Minutes later, I was seated in front of a communication screen as King Caspin Rykor appeared in front of me.

  “Captain Ky-Vesa, we have lost communication with your ship. What has happened?” he asked.

  “King Caspin Rykor, I regret to inform you that my ship is lost. We sent out a distress signal and we were rescued by an Earth research vessel. We are now on Earth, and my crew is safe and well taken care of. The Earthlings showed us great hospitality and even mended our injuries,” I reported to the king.

  “I am glad to hear of your wellbeing and of the good care from the Earthlings. Tell me, Captain Ky-Vesa, what happened to your ship?” the king asked.

  “We were en route when we crossed paths with a cargo bride ship carrying human females from Earth. The ship was attacked by a purist ship. We stepped in and protected the cargo bride ship, covering them until they could escape. We engaged with the enemy and suffered great impact to the ship. We lost nearly half of it and had to jump into hyperspeed in order to escape the purist ship.”

  “Damn Ukir! He has taken this purist thinking too far! We must declare war on the purist faction. They are going to ruin our peace agreement with Earth. I cannot let that happen because of some radical thinking!” the king shouted in anger.

  “I understand, King Caspin Rykor. You should also know that I did not report this to the Earth ship that rescued us. I know that we were still on an embargo, keeping this information from Earth. I reported to them that we were hit by an asteroid . After our ship was hit, we went into hyperspeed to escape the asteroid field and were knocked unconscious by the quick maneuvering—that is what I reported to them. That is what I will report to the Earth Council, unless you order me to do otherwise. I am at your obedience as a messenger and representative of the Drackon,” I said to him.

  “That was good thinking. It was not a good time to let the Earth ship that r
escued you know the truth. But I fear that if you tell them the truth now, they may not believe you, after the asteroid lie. No, it is time that I take responsibility for the actions of my Drackon, even the radicals. You are to meet with the Earth Councilthen?” he asked.

  “I am, in exactly an hour and half,” I replied.

  “Good. I want to attend the meeting as well. As soon as the meeting begins, inform the Earth Councilthat communication is needed and I will be waiting for the line to open. I will inform them myself about the purists and why we have kept it quiet,” the king said.

  “Yes, Your Majesty. I will report exactly that.”

  “Until then, Captain Ky-Vesa, and also great gratitude in rescuing the bride cargo ship from the purists. Upon your return to Mooreah, there will be a great feast and honors for you and your crew,” the king said before signing off.

  I didn’t need the honors and feasts as I was only doing my job, but it did give me great pleasure to know that my crew would be honored; they deserved it. They worked hard, and they were fierce and great warriors.

  I stepped out of the communication closet into the hallway, walking toward the exit in order to find my crew and brother in the living quarters, when I ran into her.


  “Drin,” she whispered as her green eyes grew wide.

  “I was just speaking to my king before meeting with Earth Council. Now I am to go find my brother and my crew,” I said to her.

  “I have just finished meeting with my supervisor, the Research Council master.”

  “Did all go well?”

  She was silent for a time and then she said, “I am going to go freshen up and then head to the registration building. Goodbye, Drin. I am glad that your arm is mended.”

  “The registration building? As in the bride registration building?” I asked confused.

  “Yes. I am just going to check on an old patient is all,” she said as she looked at the ground and walked away from me quickly. It was a very odd encounter, but what could I expect?

  “Captain Ky-Vesa, I am guide Michael Anson, but you may call me Michael. I am assigned to visiting Drackon and I am here at your assistance. Is there anything I may help you with at the moment?” a man came around the corner dressed in the official blue and white uniform of the Earth Council.

  “Yes, Michael, I was trying to find my way to my crew in the living quarters. Can you show me the way?”

  “Absolutely; follow me. I will also show you your own living quarters as well. Would it please you to point out buildings and areas as we walk along? Or would you prefer a walk in silence?” the assistant asked.

  I laughed at the attention to detail and realized that I was not the first Drackon guests they encountered, and they probably had had a few hotheads in the past. However, I was a captain; that new information was power. I wanted to soak in as much information as possible just in case I would need it later.

  “Michael, I would enjoy your guided knowledge. Please also point out the buildings of the city beyond the windows,” I said to him. Michael’s face lit up as he obviously enjoyed feeling useful. As we walked, he informed me of the building layout of the base. He pointed out buildings in the distance, including the registration building. Finally, we were at the living quarters building and he showed me to my very large and ample living space.

  “Your meeting with the Earth Councilis in an hour and I will fetch you then to guide you to that meeting. Until then, this green button here will contact an assistant for anything you shall need.”

  “Thank you, Michael,” I said as I moved into my living quarters and quickly freshened up, splashing water on my face. Then I sought out my brother and the crew and offered them the same information the king told me.

  “Did the king say when we are to return to Mooreah?” my brother asked.

  “We did not discuss that matter. But I do think we are at the mercy of Earth and most likely will find a ride on the next bride cargo ship,” I said to him.

  “And when will that be? The sooner we are out of here, the better,” my brother said. I knew what he was thinking; he wanted me far away from Felicity because he had never been anxious to leave a planet before. Usually after a long journey in space, he was more than happy to spend time on the planet stretching his wings and exploring, as he was a very curious young Drackon.

  “I myself am more than happy to spend many months here on Earth. It is a beautiful planet; the human females are beautiful and the people are hospitable. I am anxious to explore and to go for a flight,” one of my crew members said. The others joined in, in agreement with him.

  “I will know more after this meeting with the Earth Council, which the king himself is attending. This is a very serious matter with the purists and we all must remember that the humans may look at us differently after they find out that there is a faction that is against them and their females. Stay quiet, stay close. We cannot afford to show any odd behavior that may endanger our wellbeing while here on Earth. It is very important. Do not take flights without me and do not explore the city without my explicit permission; is that understood?”

  “Yes, Captain,” they said in disappointed unison.

  “Good. Now, my quarters are stocked with beverages and food, and have a great view of the city. Come with me, take leisure there in the captain’s quarters,” I said to them with a smile.

  There was an uproar of cheer and light mood as they patted each other on the back and followed me to my living quarters. At least it would keep them occupied and not feeling antsy to get out and explore. Here they could eat and drink and relax with a view. They were all excited and happy as they settled in and raided the kitchen, all except my brother, who was pouting and frustrated. I walked over to him and said, “I’m counting on you to keep an eye on the crew. Do not let them get too drunk or out of line. Can I count on you?”

  He straightened up his back and his demeanor changed. He was glad to have an assignment, “Yes, Captain, you can count on me.”

  I slapped him on the back and said, “Good. I am off to meet with the council and your king. I will report back as soon as I am able to on the results of this meeting.”

  As soon as I opened the door, the assistant guide, Michael, was standing in the hall waiting for me. I nodded at him and he led me off to the Earth Council meeting. As I entered the large, round room with several human males and females in uniform sitting around a table, they greeted me with a smile and stood up.

  “Captain Ky-Vesa, it is a pleasure to meet you. We are honored to have you as our guests and your crew. I am Council Member Jennifer Mendez.”

  “Counsel Mendez, I have been ordered by King Caspin Rykor to not began this meeting without his presence. The king will be attending this meeting through communication. Can we set that up?”

  “The king? Yes of course. Michael, will you set it up immediately?” Michael scurried away to a wall panel console and every member took their seat and waited. I was offered a seat in the middle of the table, next to Mendez. We all waited as communication was established to King Caspin Rykor. As soon as he appeared, the entire council stood up and Mendez greeted him. “King Caspin Rykor, as always, it is an honor to speak with you. The council and I are ready to commence the meeting when you are.”

  “Mendez, it is good to see you as well. I always enjoy my conversations with Earth, but I must inform you that this meeting is unfortunately a dark one,” King Caspin Rykor said to them. There was a low chatter of murmuring from the council, as they were not expecting this to become a dark, political conversation. I tensed up as I readied myself for anything.

  “The floor is yours, King,” Mendez said to him as the council sat down in their chairs, ready to hear what the king had to say.

  “It is with great regret that I inform the Earth Council about a new faction that has risen here on Mooreah. Know that this is a radical faction and that I, the king, do not back their beliefs or violence. This faction has become known as the purists. The
y are a hostile, ignorant group of Drackon that has come to be against the Drackon and the humans mating.

  “They are called purists because they have the belief that the Drackon should keep the bloodline pure and only of Drackon blood. Now, as you know, I am a hybrid myself and my mother was a human female, Queen Marissa. I do not hold the same beliefs as the purists and for two years, we have ignored them as a radical group and nothing more.

  “Every Drackon is allowed to think freely; they are allowed to mate with Drackon female or human female according to their own wishes. It is not something that our government forces on anyone. But now the small, radical faction of purists has grown and they have grown out of control and have become violent. Therefore, I must inform you that it is not an asteroid field that damaged Captain Ky-Vesa’s ship. In fact, he was engaged in battle against the purists.

  “The purists were attacking a cargo bride ship full of human females. They attempted to destroy the ship, but Captain Ky-Vesa stepped in and saved the cargo ship. In doing so, his ship suffered massive damages and your Earth ship rescued his crew. We are in great gratitude for such a rescue.”

  There was an uproar amongst the councilmembers. Everyone was in shock.

  “Quiet! Please! The king is not finished. He still has the floor. We are all in shock and have many questions, but allow the king to finish,” Mendez shouted over the council. They grew quiet and sat back in their seats.

  “I understand your outrage. I feel it too. But I know that amongst humans, there are groups of terrorists that also try to force their beliefs on to you using violence. That is all this is to us, and we mean to squash it. We apologize in keeping this faction a secret from you, but that was my call. I wanted to squash this radical group and dismantle it without causing any tensions between Earth and Drackon. We value our peace with Earth; I myself am half human. I hope that you will remember that,” the king said.

  “Thank you for informing us of this radical group faction. What is to be done?” Mendez asked the king.


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