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The Cat's Meow (SEALS, Inc. Book 5)

Page 10

by Mia Dymond

  “Excellent aim, Tess.” Max shook his head and smiled behind his darkened lenses. “I’ll let you get him out of there. I’ve got to go corral the groupies at Hawke’s show.”

  She grinned and glanced back at the tank. “Do you need some help out of there?”

  “I got it.”

  With what seemed like effortless movement, he climbed up the side and out of the tank. She handed him his dry clothing as he approached.

  “We’re even,” he told her.

  “Fine with me.”

  “Give me a sec to go change and then we’ll head for the stage.”

  “Where are you going to change?”

  “Rachel had her crew hang a curtain behind. I’ll be right back.”

  While she waited for Ranger, she glanced at the stage and her eyes widened in awe. The crowd had probably quadrupled in the short amount of time it had taken her to dunk Ranger. Her heart warmed at the thought of Hawke’s generosity, although from her observation it wasn’t just generosity; Hawke would hang the moon for Rachel if it were possible. In fact from her observation, all of the SEALs, Inc. guys were crazy for their wives.

  She suddenly found herself both envious and curious. How would it feel to know the love of your life put himself in harm’s way most of the time? Granted, all of them were not now actively enlisted in the military, but all of their wives were proof that they still risked their lives. And every single one of them were bound and determined to keep them close. Did Ranger share their beliefs?

  “Are you hungry?”

  She gasped and jumped when Ranger’s husky voice startled her, interrupting her silent analysis.

  “Sorry,” he said as he touched a hand to her lower back. “I thought you saw me coming.”

  “No apology necessary.” She reached to tuck her hair behind one ear. “I was just lost in thought. I am hungry, what about you?”

  “Starved. How about we hit the corndog cart on the way to the stage?”

  “Sounds good, with a cup of lemonade.”

  She felt a familiar warm, fuzzy feeling when he took her hand and they headed for the cart just a few feet away. The tantalizing smell of cornbread and honey teased her nostrils as they approached the window.

  “Two,” Ranger told the vendor. “And two cups of lemonade.”

  Music blared from speakers high above the stage as they waited on their order, causing her to turn back to look at the activity. The curtain across the stage remained closed but rippled with movement from behind. Several men carried a long, rectangular catwalk to the front of the stage and then connected the piece to form an extended walkway. Max stood in the middle of the activity, directing traffic.

  “Thank you,” she said as Ranger handed her a corndog and a cup. “It looks like Hawke’s setup is fairly elaborate.”

  “It is,” he agreed, “especially when you’re in the mix of things.”

  “Do you guys always work security for him?”

  He shook his head as they walked toward the stage. “No. He doesn’t tour anymore so most of his performances are local or for charity. Max always participates and hires private security.” He gestured to a middle row. “There’s Shadow and Claire.”

  Shadow gave them a silent nod as they approached and scooted down to make room.

  “Just in time,” Claire told them. “If you don’t mind, leave the aisle seat empty. Cameron should be buzzing in here any minute.”

  Tess sat next to Ranger, enjoying her corndog while activity around here seemed to become chaos. The sky began to darken and soon lights around the stage and the catwalk blinked to life. She had just swallowed the last of her lemonade when women began to scream and chant Hawke’s name. Just as Claire said, Cameron suddenly appeared in the chair next to her.

  “Did I miss him?” Cameron drawled.

  “No.” Tess giggled. “But he’s in high demand.” She squinted at a woman next to the catwalk who appeared to be placing something there.

  Her mouth fell open. “Did she just throw her panties on the stage?”

  “Yep.” Cameron snorted. “What a riot, huh?”

  “I’ll say.”

  Before she could analyze the whole reasoning behind the panties, the curtain parted and the music blared even louder than before. The crowd stood and applauded; women wept. Hawke definitely had these people in the palm of his hands.

  As the concert progressed, women continued to lunge at the catwalk, wrapping arms around Hawke’s legs and holding on for dear life. And each time an adoring fan made contact, Max was right there, peeling her off. Multiple pair of lacy undergarments decorated both the stage and the catwalk, but to his credit Hawke didn’t stop to gather them. Instead he either stepped around or kicked them to the side for one of the bodyguards to collect.

  Cameron giggled beside her. “There’s a multitude of phone numbers written on them.”


  “Yes, but Hawke doesn’t pay any attention to the undies. Has Rachel filled you in on Hawke’s talent?”

  “You mean his voice?”

  “No, he has another special talent.” Her friend rolled her baby blue eyes. “He knows the flavor of lipstick by tasting it.”

  Tess laughed out loud while she watched Hawke shimmy around the stage and down the catwalk. Max continued to pluck women off like fleas. By the time the concert concluded, her ears rung.

  “I’ll see you later, Tess,” Cameron told her as she stood. “I told Captain Sterling I’d meet him back stage. If I don’t, he’ll send out a search party.”

  Tess giggled. “Goodbye, Cameron.”

  Ranger stood and offered a hand. “Are you headed home?”

  She slipped her hand into his and stood. “No,” she told him as they headed out of the concert area and back toward the entrance. “I promised Rachel I’d count the money and help her wrap things up.”

  “It’s late. Promise me you’ll be careful when you leave.”

  “I will.”

  When they stopped in front of the dunk tank, she almost panicked when she knew he would release her hand. Her mind worked ninety miles an hour, attempting to formulate some way to stall him.

  And then he saved the day, again.

  “Could I convince you to step into the changing room with me for a minute?”

  Although she nearly screamed in relief, she knew better than to make it obvious. “I don’t know … my mother warned me about men like you.”

  “In.” He nudged her through the fabric opening and followed her inside.

  Once away from the public view, he grasped both of her hips and pulled her against him. Without waiting for an invitation, she draped both arms around his neck and pressed her lips to his, hungry for his kiss. His lips moved in a gentle caress over hers, taking great care to touch each and every inch of her flesh, and then his mouth opened, urging hers to do the same.

  The moment she obliged, his tongue slipped inside to play. A moan left her lips and her breasts tightened beneath his tender assault. His fingers pressed the flesh at her hips as if he were holding on the feeling of ecstasy between them. Against her abdomen, she felt his length, long and hard beneath his jeans.

  With one last swipe of his tongue, he closed his mouth and placed a small peck against her lips.

  “Text me when you’re home,” he said just before he placed a gentle kiss against her forehead. “Goodnight, Tess.”


  Afternoon sunlight speared her eyeballs as Tess squinted and stuck her key into the lock of the back employee entrance of The Cathouse. After last night’s excitement at the Block Party, she hadn’t gone to bed until early this morning – and it wasn’t the festivities that had kept her awake. No, erotic memories of a certain male had done that all on their own.

  Desperate to distract her mind, she sat at her desk and powered up her laptop, encouraged that since she hadn’t worked last night, there would be plenty to keep her occupied. She pulled up spreadsheet after spreadsheet, intending to work, but all the
numbers blurred into one big gray haze. She finally snapped closed her computer and released a heavy sigh.

  Although there hadn’t been any more trouble, she wished Ranger were still planted in the club. He hadn’t called or visited her today and she missed him. Time seemed to drag from one hour to the next.

  Maybe she should call him … and say what? Kiss me again? She smirked. Not when kissing was the only innocent thing on her mind. She picked up her cell phone and gave mind control a shot at making it ring. Of course it didn’t and then she was right back where she started.

  Perhaps a dirty phone call would lessen her desperation. She tossed that notion around in her brain for a few minutes and then let it dissipate. No sense making herself any more aroused. Especially since she didn’t know for sure when she’d see him again.

  With an iron clad hold, she slammed the door on her wayward thoughts and forced herself to work. She went through her usual routine of collecting money and totaling numbers until finally, the evening was near to an end.

  She jammed the key into her office lock while she entered her office for the last time during the evening and made a decision. As soon as she finished the books, she would make a phone call. Desperate or not, she needed to hear Ranger’s voice.

  Money in hand, she locked the door and happened to glance down at the floor near the extra chair in front of her desk. A white piece of paper caught her eye and she squatted to pick it up. Once she held the bright white envelope, she sat behind her desk, puzzled by the appearance.

  Had she dropped it earlier? If not, how long had it been there?

  She glanced at her name, typed on the outside. Obviously the contents were meant for her. She shrugged while she grabbed her letter opener and slid it along the top. A shiver crossed her spine when she pulled a post-it sized piece of paper from inside and read.


  Her hands shook as she stared in shock at the message. Her mind reeled at a thousand possible evil things that skittered through the depths. Finally, she grabbed her cell phone and scrolled through her contacts, this time not even remotely hesitant about making the call.

  “Ranger,” she said into the phone as the call connected, “it’s Tess. I think I have a problem.”

  She braced herself for an inquiry, surprised when he didn’t issue one. “Are you hurt? Where are you?”

  “I’m not hurt and I’m at The Cathouse, locked in my office.”


  “I think you need to hear this in person.”

  Again, he didn’t question her. “Wait there. I’m coming.”

  He must have driven at light speed, because before long she heard him at the door.

  “It’s Ranger, let me in.”

  Relieved, Tess opened the door, pulled him inside, and locked it behind him. “Were you close?”

  “Actually, right down the block. What’s got you spooked?”

  She pointed to the letter on her desk. He leaned over and read the note.

  “Where did it come from?”

  She shrugged. “I have no idea. It was tucked under the leg of the chair. I don’t even know how long it’s been there. I went out to get money and I noticed it when I came back.”

  “You locked the door like always?”


  “Did you see anybody in the hallway?”

  “No. It was empty.”

  “Did you tell Jack?”

  “No, I called you first.”

  “I’m going out to talk to Jack and some of the others. Wait here for me.”

  Ranger stood outside the door until he heard the lock click into place. Maybe the note wasn’t meant as a threat, but he was going to treat it like one. He knew all too well that money was a big motivator for violence.

  Jack and the bartender were both behind the bar and Ranger motioned with a nod of his head for Jack to come to the end.

  “Hey, Ranger. What can I get you?”

  “Information. Did you see anyone suspicious or hanging out in the hallway by Tess’s office tonight?”

  “No. Why?”

  “Someone left Tess a note in her office.”

  “What kind of note?”

  “A threatening one.”

  Jack grasped the edge of the bar with both hands. “Aw hell, why would someone threaten Tess?”

  Ranger scoped the crowd, looking for someone who didn’t belong. Maybe he would get lucky and see guilt on someone’s face. “Because the money is no longer available and now he’s pissed.”

  Jack frowned. “I didn’t notice any new faces tonight.”

  “Any trouble at all? Fights or anyone thrown out?”

  Jack shook his head. “Nope. It’s been kinda quite tonight.”

  “Nothing out of the ordinary happened?”

  “The only thing different about tonight is that Warren came by around eight o’clock.”

  “Is he a regular here?”

  “No. Veronica won’t let him come for recreation. He needed me and Tess to sign the building policy renewals. As soon as we signed, he bailed.”

  “Does he come to the club after business hours often?”

  “No. I asked him to come by at that time.”

  He released a hard breath. Another dead end. “If you think of anything else, let me know.”

  “Will do.”

  Ranger asked the same of the bartender and a few of the girls. No one saw anyone that looked like they didn’t belong.

  Now it was personal. As he walked back to Tess’s office, he dialed Sterling’s number.


  “Hey, Captain. It’s Ranger.”

  “Do you have any idea what time it is?”

  “Sorry, there’s a new development.”

  “Hang on.”

  Rustling noises crossed the line and then heavy footsteps sounded in the background. A door closed and then he could’ve sworn he heard a cat’s howl.

  “Sorry, Maxwell,” the captain muttered. “Didn’t see you there.”

  He waited several more seconds and then the captain returned to the line.

  “Brief me.”

  “He’s kicked it up a notch.” He explained the night’s events.



  “How is she?”

  “Shaken, but tough.”

  “Bag it and bring it to my house tomorrow. Cameron’s planned a barbeque and pool party. Bring Tess, your swim trunks and beer.”

  “Any preference?”


  Ranger smirked when he was left in silence. Sterling was a man of few words, but there was no mistaking what he meant by them. He gave Tess’s door a severe knock, and then entered when she opened it.

  “Did you find out anything?”

  “No. We’re supposed to meet at Sterling’s house tomorrow afternoon.” He grinned. “Pool party.”

  “Cameron mentioned it. Holly’s planned a yoga session too.”

  He winced. Since Sterling didn’t say anything about yoga, he would assume it was just for the women. He slid a plastic bag from his pocket, carefully picked up the note by the corner, placed it into the bag, and sealed it.

  “Do you always carry bags in your pocket?”

  “No, I got it from the bar.”

  Ranger put the bag back into his pocket. “Come on, I’ll walk you to your car.”

  “Thanks. I’m ready to go home.”

  “I’ll follow.”

  Without an argument, she locked her office door and led him out the back door of the club and then to her car, parked under a security light as usual.

  He held out his hand. “Keys.”

  When the metal touched his skin, he pushed the remote, opened the door, and motioned her inside with a hand. “Drive carefully and text me when you’re home.”

  As soon as she sat in the driver’s seat, he leaned in and pressed a gentle kiss to her lips. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  ***r />
  Positioned on a mat with her legs stretched in front of her, Tess took a deep breath and tried to relax as she looked around at Cameron’s back yard. The Olympic-sized pool covered most of the real estate and boasted a large rock formation near the deep end. A cascading waterfall pushed water down the rocks in waves, creating a sensation at the bottom that reminded her of crashing waves. A volleyball net hung between two metal poles, one on each side of the pool.

  Brick pavers surrounded the patio area and lounge chairs and tables were set up on the concrete. A large outdoor kitchen also resided there and included a bar, a refrigerator, and of course, a very large grill.

  As she continued to concentrate on releasing her negative energy, the sound of the waterfall soothed her and she closed her eyes. Soon, the tension drained from her body.

  Holly’s voice penetrated her restful fog. “Come on ladies, all the way down. That’s it, touch your toes.”

  Tess opened her eyes when she heard someone groan.

  “I don’t think I’m supposed to be this flexible,” Rachel mumbled.

  Cameron winked. “Hawke does.”

  “Holly,” Claire drawled, “I can’t even see my toes anymore.”

  Tess leaned to the left. “Where are the babies?”

  “In the house,” Cameron answered, “we haven’t gotten them used to the pool yet.”

  Rachel sat up straight and gestured with her head at the house. “What’s going on inside?”

  “I received a note at work last night.” Tess released a sigh. “They’re going to fingerprint it.”

  “Claire, we should check out that note after we’re done.” Holly pointed to Rachel. “Back to work.”

  Rachel helped Claire lift her legs. “Was it a threatening note?”

  “Enough to scare me.”

  “What scared you?” Ranger asked as he walked out the back door carrying an ice chest.

  He set the container on the patio and peeled off his shirt, revealing a very nice, very pronounced six pack. Her assumption had been exactly right; she could very easily poke her fingers into the crevices and climb.


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