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The Cat's Meow (SEALS, Inc. Book 5)

Page 11

by Mia Dymond

  She moved her gaze slowly up his body, across his smooth chest, and finally to his biceps. The mysterious black wolf tattoo taunted her and dared her to enter into a game of chase through the wilderness, stopping only to howl at the moon.

  “Tess? What scared you?”

  She pried her gaze off his body and blinked to focus on his question. Hopefully her hesitation had not been apparent to everyone.

  “The note. I was telling them about the note.”

  “Definitely cause for concern,” he mumbled as he lifted the lid from the ice chest. “Who wants a beer?”

  “Here.” Shadow lifted a hand as he stepped out of the back doorway and caught a can that Ranger tossed to him.

  When Brett, Max, and Hawke followed Shadow outside, there was no physical way Tess could have averted her gaze from the men if she’d wanted to. None of them wore shirts and all wore baggy swim trunks – the buffet of masculinity was undeniably tempting. Suddenly she felt as though she were a kid in a candy store; although she couldn’t touch, she could look her fill. What an extremely pleasurable experience.

  Ranger tossed a beer to each of the other men except Hawke, who held a tray full of meat in his hands. “Ladies?”

  “No thanks,” Cameron answered for them while she continued to lean over her legs. “There’s a bottle of wine in the refrigerator for us.”

  “Would you like me to cork it?”

  Claire sighed. “Not for me, thanks. But it sounds like Tess could use a couple glasses.”

  “I’ll take a glass,” she agreed, “but I’m okay, really. Just being here with all of you helps a lot.”

  “A spa day!” Cameron sat upright. “We should all schedule a spa day.”

  “Not all of us,” Max mumbled.

  Ranger quirked his head to one side, obviously curious. And Tess had to admit, she really wanted to know the meaning behind his denial.

  “I don’t think she meant us, as in us, Captain.”

  “Yes, she did.” Brett grinned, his expression one of extreme amusement. “He’s actually been to the spa.”

  “Steele,” Max growled.

  Tess glanced at Cameron. “He has?”

  “Yep. In one of his macho man moments, Captain Sterling decided I needed an escort so I dragged him along to the spa.” The other woman shrugged. “His bad.”

  Tess bit her tongue, tempted to giggle but opting for silence. She wasn’t surprised that Max didn’t offer further explanation. Instead, he dove into the pool, Aviators and all, and palmed the volleyball floating nearby.

  “Who’s game?”

  Shadow, Steele and Ranger answered by diving in and partnering up on opposite sides of the net.

  “I’ll cook while you guys play,” Hawke told them.

  “You just don’t want to get your hair wet,” Steele taunted.

  Hawke just shook his head, obviously not offended.

  “Oooh, Tess,” Cameron chided. “You’re holding out on us.”

  She frowned. “How?”

  “You didn’t say anything about Ranger’s tattoo.”

  “It’s very sexy,” Claire added.

  Rachel giggled. “The black wolf is known for being mischievous and rebel-natured, you know.”

  “No, I didn’t,” Tess admitted.

  “Yes,” Rachel continued, “the tattoo represents strength, courage and loyalty. And, wolves mate for life.”

  Tess could’ve sworn her heart jumped at the thought of Ranger mating for life. “I guess I just figured you guys knew.” She felt heat gather in her cheeks. “What does Max’s tattoo say? He jumped in the pool so fast I couldn’t tell.”

  “It’s a Navy insignia with his full first name – Maximillion.”

  She glanced at the largest man in the pool, catching a good look at the tattoo this time because he had his back to her. “It’s spelled differently.”

  “I know, right?” Cameron stood. “When I asked him about it, he said he had it inked when he made his first million. The man is an electronics genius. Four glasses and one glass of Gingerale, right?”

  Rachel nodded and Cameron headed back inside the house. “Hawke has a hawk tattooed on the back of his shoulder. “Surprise, surprise.”

  Tess squinted again at the men in the pool and then glanced at Holly. “Brett has a snake? I thought he hated snakes.”

  “He does – with a passion,” Holly said. “It covers a scar he received while he was on a jungle tour.”

  “Sometimes I swear Shadow’s panther growls at me.” Claire grinned. “I’m extremely fond of the panther.”

  “What about you guys?” Tess moved her gaze around her circle of friends. “Any of you have a tattoo?”

  “Just me,” Claire confessed. “A teddy bear.”

  “Any particular reason?”

  “When I was younger, Brett and Shadow gave me a nickname I hated – Claire Bear. When I was old enough to fight back, I decided to use it against them. Well, Shadow anyway. Believe me, he has the utmost respect for the nickname now.”

  “Holly and I have belly button rings.” Cameron shook her head. “Drives Max crazy. What about you, Tess?”

  “No, I don’t have a belly button ring.”

  “Any tattoos?”

  She paused for half a second and glanced toward the pool to decide whether or not Ranger could hear her answer. Luckily, he interrupted before she could speak.


  All four men climbed out of the pool and grabbed towels before they gathered around the pool. Three sat at the table near the grill; Brett headed for the house.

  “Come on over here, ladies,” Max told them. “Steele wants Holly and Claire to analyze the note.”

  Tess offered Claire a hand, gently pulled her to stand, and then giggled as they approached the table. “We probably should’ve just pushed you over here. You’re going to sit again.”

  “Story of my life,” Claire mumbled.

  Brett returned with the note and laid it in the middle of the table. Holly stretched her arm over the distance and brushed the edges of the paper with her fingers. “The whole message has a strong, red ring around it. Someone is really angry. The ink appears to be dark and murky pink, which could mean anger or desperation. There’s also several dark green stripes from one side to the other which indicates mental stress.” She handed the note to Claire. “That’s all I see.”

  Claire laid it across her open palms. “There’s definitely a female presence, but I can’t tell if it’s the author or Tess. I feel regret, but not remorse, as if someone has no other choice. It’s weird though, there’s a male presence lurking in the background, like he’s attempting to hide.” She flinched. “He’s really mad.”

  Shadow took his wife’s hand and squeezed.

  “I’m good, Shadow.” She traced both thumbs over the typing. “This person is a professional.”

  Ranger frowned. “A professional thief?”

  “I don’t know. I’m getting the impression that the person is skilled in some way, but it’s not clear at all. Give me a second.” She laid the paper flat on the table and pressed both palms to the surface. “This person knows about the investigation and I feel a keen sense of deception.”

  Although Tess respected her friend’s analyses, she didn’t feel any more confident about who was responsible for the theft.

  Max stood and folded his arms. “We’ll put Ranger back inside the club while we continue to dig.” Even though his eyes were shaded, Tess felt the force of his glare. “No one goes anywhere alone.”

  He then turned to his wife. “No one, until we know what the hell’s going on. Understand?”

  “Aye, aye, Captain,” Cameron mumbled.

  Rachel nodded and gave Cameron’s shoulder a squeeze. “We’ll be careful, Max.”

  “That’s right,” Holly agreed. “Besides, that gives us more of a reason to hang out together.”

  “We’ll go to the spa.” Cameron folded her arms and smiled at her husband. “You can come along if
you want.”

  She’d lost count of how many times she’d bitten her tongue during the last few days, but she did again while she waited for Max’s response. Everyone else seemed to be doing the same thing – except Cameron. She seemed to be pretty confident in her invitation.

  After several tense seconds of silence, he finally removed his lenses and pinched the bridge of his nose. “No, I do not want to go to the spa. Just promise me you’ll let me know if you do.”


  Ranger stopped at the top of the stairs just inside the doorway of Diablo’s MerriStar Resort and scanned the crowd for Tess. Even though there were still thirty minutes until the event officially began, the ballroom was already thick with guests, all dressed in formal attire and congregated in groups around the room. On a platform in the front, a band played a variety of music while several couples swayed on the dance floor a few feet away.

  From his position, he had a clear view of the tables set for dinner down below. Dishes sparkled in the bright light from the massive chandeliers above. Waiters in black tuxedos with red bowties carried platters of wineglasses for anyone who was interested.

  He released a deep breath and attempted not to pull on his bowtie, as he continued to gaze around the room. Although he had attended a few of these events with Hawke and Rachel, he tried not to make a habit of it. Tuxedos could be downright suffocating and he only agreed to wear them on select occasions. Still not able to find Tess, he descended the stairs one at a time, still analyzing the people around him – an old habit he just couldn’t break. Except this time he didn’t peer through his scope.

  He stood on the last step, ready to make a beeline for another corner when he finally spotted her. Everyone else in the room seemed to disappear as he zeroed in his gaze on her.

  Her silky blonde hair was pinned up on top of her head with just a wisp of curls framing her face. His fingers itched to be buried in the silkiness, mussing the curls while he devoured her. A strand of white pearls encircled her neck, emphasizing the creamy skin there. Her strapless blue gown hugged each and every curve, sending his libido into overdrive. His cock twitched in the confines of his suit.


  It was a good thing he’d met her here because if he’d gone to pick her up, they wouldn’t have left the house.

  He casually made his way toward her while Cameron and Rachel flanked her, an act that told him Hawke and Captain Sterling were nearby. Tess was definitely in her element, a queen with her subjects. Each person she greeted seemed totally charmed by her. He couldn’t help but think her voice held them captive.

  She finally glanced his direction and a smile that he wanted to think was given especially to him, separated her glossy lips. By the time he reached her, Cameron and Rachel had disappeared into the crowd.

  “You clean up nicely,” she told him.


  He wasn’t much for protocol and reached for her hand because he had to touch her. Needed to touch her. He noticed a slight tremble in her hand when he brought it to his lips and brushed a kiss across her knuckles.

  “You’re stunning, Tess.”

  Under the chandelier, emeralds reflected in her eyes as she accepted his compliment. Her gaze was soft and demure. She made no move to lower her hand. While he enjoyed the momentary intimacy they shared, it was then that he noticed she stood taller than usual. He stole a glance at her feet, even more attracted when he saw the silver stilettos that wrapped her feet. He realized that concentrating on conversation would be a true test of self-discipline.

  “You and your mother did a great job.”

  “Thank you.” She finally lowered her hand. “Mom did most of the work this time. I’ve been a little preoccupied.”

  Determined not to ruin the night, he quickly changed the subject as the band began to play a slow, romantic tune. “Dance with me.”

  He didn’t wait for an answer, he simply pulled her against him and trapped her in his arms. Halfway expecting her hasty retreat, he was pleasantly surprised when her arms came up around his neck. He pulled her even closer.

  “The girls are right. You are bossy.”

  He snickered. “So, you’ve been asking the girls about me.”

  “I didn’t say that.” Thanks to her high heel shoes, her warm breath tickled his ear as she spoke. “They do like to talk about you, though. Why do you suppose that is?”

  “Isn’t that obvious? It’s my good looks, quick wit, and charm.”

  “They forgot to mention arrogance.”

  “Not arrogance, self-confidence.”

  His cock jumped again when her husky laugh left her lips. Between her voice and the dress, he was a goner. For a tiny bit of relief, he eased her back just a bit but kept one hand at the small of her back. The band shifted to a faster tempo and he was just about to suggest they take their seats when an older, balding gentleman stepped next to her.

  “May I have this dance, Miss Michaels?”

  Ranger pulled her closer. “Sorry, I’m afraid her dance card is full.”

  She patted him on the chest and then faced the visitor. “Ranger is only joking, Mr. Mayor.”

  “I think I can sit out one dance. She’s all yours, Mr. Mayor.” He gave her a soft kiss on the cheek. “I’ll be at the table.”

  As he turned to walk away, Ranger almost bumped into Claire and threw out an arm to steady her. “Sorry.”

  “Don’t worry.” Claire smiled and dismissed him with a wave of one hand. “Since my belly leads me around, it happens a lot these days. Besides, I knew you were coming.”

  Of course she did. She probably knew the naughty thoughts running through his head about Tess, too.

  “Unfortunately, yes. My hormones are still pretty wacky and wow, it’s really hot in here.”

  “Where’s Shadow?”

  “Everyone is already at the table. Come on, and don’t worry, I won’t tell. Especially that last idea you had. Shadow and I …”

  “Claire,” Ranger growled as they neared the table, “I love you like the sister I never had but believe me when I say I do not want to know anything about you and Shadow in the bedroom.”

  Claire winked. “Who said anything about a bedroom?”

  Shadow stood to pull out Claire’s chair and gave him the evil eye. “Why are you two discussing bedrooms?”

  “It’s okay, sweetheart.” Claire patted him on one shoulder. “Ranger’s thinking about Tess.”

  “This is going to be a long night,” Ranger mumbled as he sat next to Claire.

  Hawke, Sterling, Steele, and their wives sat across the table from them.

  Sterling shook his head. “These things seem to last for days.”

  Cameron elbowed him. “Buck up, soldier, it’s not that bad. Besides, it’s nice to dress up and dance once in a while.”

  “Yes,” Claire agreed, “and doesn’t Tess look beautiful in that gown? It really brings out the blue in her eyes.”

  Ranger moved his gaze from their table to the dance floor, having no trouble finding Tess this time. He chuckled as he watched her move. Yeah. Her eyes, that’s exactly what he noticed.

  Tess was out of breath by the time she was able to extricate herself from the mayor’s hold. Apparently, Ranger’s one dance comment had not phased him since they’d been out there for at least three tunes. Ranger should have been counting and come to save her. Instead, she had to feign being parched. And where was the mayor’s wife?

  Ranger stood and pulled out her chair as she approached the table. “I was just about to send out a search party.”

  “I would have been most appreciative,” she mumbled as she took her seat. “He was a little handsy tonight.”

  Rachel’s eyes widened. “Seriously?”

  Tess nodded as she picked up her glass of ice water and took a long swallow. “I’m usually pretty good at dodging his hands, but he’s extra frisky tonight.”

  She noticed Ranger clenched his jaw and scooted back his chair. “Perhaps I need
to speak with the Mayor.”

  “He’s harmless.” She laid a hand on his forearm.

  Claire leaned forward as best she could and lowered her voice. “His wife is out of town so he thinks he can flirt and get away with it.”

  Holly raised an eyebrow. “Should we remind him of all the cameras here?”

  “Nope.” Cameron giggled. “Let him hang himself.”

  As hard as she tried, Tess couldn’t stop looking at Ranger. His tight black t-shirts tempted her to no end, but this tux? This tux made him look even more mysterious, more powerful, and oh so much more sexy.

  She loved the feel of his arms around her as they’d danced, and planned to repeat that particular experience several more times before this night was over. She didn’t even really care if the music played. As long as she was in his arms, her body pressed against his, nothing else matters.

  “You’re up, dear.”

  Startled, Tess glanced at her mother, who now stood beside her. “Oh, thanks.” Flustered by thoughts of Ranger, she almost forgot her manners. “Oh, Mom! I haven’t introduced you to everybody.”

  She made introductions around the table and then stood.

  Her mother laid a hand on her shoulder as they walked toward the podium. “I’m assuming your guest is Ranger.”

  “Yes.” She didn’t even remotely feel the need to swing her legs. “I like him.”

  “I can tell. I’ll fill your father in.”

  Tess squeezed her mother’s hand and then went to the podium. “On behalf of our wounded heroes and all of our great volunteers, I would like to thank you all for your continued support and for coming to tonight’s festivities.”

  She paused while the room erupted into applause, then continued when the noise quieted. “This evening would not have been possible without the help of my mother, Mrs. Jacqueline Michaels.”

  More applause as her mom stood up and bowed slightly.

  “And now, it’s my pleasure to introduce your host for this evening, our own Mayor of Diablo, Mr. Clifton Jones.”

  Tess gave him the obligatory kiss on the cheek and managed to sidestep out of his reach and returned to her seat.


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