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The Doctor's Duties

Page 4

by Cariad Hal

  The students leaned in, peering at her genitals. She could not even look at Simon. This was unbearably humiliating. He hooked his thumbs under her hood and pulled up firmly. Thea gasped and her head tipped involuntarily backwards in response to the sharp tug on her flesh. She felt her clitoris ease out from its hood.

  “As you can see, this patient is, you could say, well-endowed with clitoral tissue. And she is here so I can assess if this enlargement is physiologically normal for her, whether it functions normally or, in fact, has increased sensation or, possibly, reduced sensation. And what influence does the enlargement have on orgasmic response.”

  He held back her hood so all the students got a good look at her exposed clit. Finally he released it, lightly brushing the head of her sensitive button with his hand. She jerked. He was watching her keenly.

  Turning to the students, he continued. “Ordinarily, in the case of a female patient, a vaginal exam is done daily and often an anal and rectal exam but, as I say, we shall have to do that tomorrow. Any questions?”

  They stood back and shook their heads.

  “Dr. Simon, any questions, observations?”

  Simon shook his head. “No, sir. Thank you.”

  “Good. I expect you to conduct the evening exam on Dr. Thea…”

  “No, please,” she protested. “I don’t want him to.”

  He turned to look at her. She implored him with her eyes. He seemed to understand her distress and lightly reached out and touched her hand to reassure her before addressing the students again.

  “…however, as Dr. Thea is also a member of staff, this is rather an atypical case so, in this instance I shall be her sole consulting physician. All aspects of her care and treatment will be conducted by me.”

  “I’m quite happy to do it, sir…” Simon began.

  “You will not be doing it, Dr. Simon,” he said icily. “Your enthusiasm is admirable but misguided on this occasion. You and the rest of the group can continue the rounds as you are familiar with the other cases. We shall have a debriefing later this morning. You are dismissed.”

  They shuffled out and he turned to Thea again.

  “Thank you. I just couldn’t…” she began nervously.

  “I quite understand. Don’t worry about it. It won’t arise again. I’ll do that enema for you now as you are mostly in position. Nurse, could you get me a suppository and douche kit, please.”

  Chapter 9

  Oh, no! Having her boss give her an enema was hardly a much better option.

  “I don’t want an enema,” argued Thea.

  “You have no choice, I’m afraid. Now lie on your side and I’ll insert the suppository. That will empty you mostly, then I’ll douche you out.” He ripped open a sterile package.

  With a sigh, Thea turned on her side. Once again, the gown was hitched over her bottom.

  “There is enough lubricant still there so it should slip in easily enough. Take a deep breath and then relax your bottom out for me when you breathe out.”

  She did as she was told. The gel suppository was pressed against her anus and slipped in with just a little pressure, pushed high inside by his finger. Then, instead of feeling him pull out his finger, she felt him turning it in her bottom and pumping it in and out.

  “Wha-what… are you doing?” She tried to look over her shoulder. Her rim was being massaged by the friction of his finger moving in and out and twisting. It felt as though her bottom was being stimulated. She tried to ease her bottom off his finger but it only served to make her ride up and down its length even more. “Please! I can’t…”

  The sensation from her bottom was beginning to cloud her thinking, both from the stimulation and now from the dissolving suppository in her bowels.

  “Take it easy, Thea. I am massaging your anus and your rectum so when you empty yourself it will be easier for you. Your back passage is quite tight.”

  “Please! I need the toilet… quickly!” She wriggled to escape but only made things worse. Gorgeous sensation from the pumping but urgent churning in her bowels.

  “Just a little longer, Thea,” he urged, still sliding his finger in and out. “I know it’s hard but you are doing great.”

  Thea moaned. Then she was aware of his finger being pulled out and a hard object pushed in instead.

  “There. Your bottom is about to evacuate. I’ve put a plug in to hold it all in until you get to the bathroom over there. I’ll wash you out when you have emptied. Here, let me help you.”

  With his help she managed to sit up on the edge of the bed. The urge to empty herself was imminent. Pain was gripping her churning bowels.

  “Come on.” He held her as she staggered to the toilet and as she sat down he reached behind her and pulled out the hard plug wedged in her bottom. “I’ll leave you to it.”

  As he left, her bowels opened explosively. Thankfully, he spared her the humiliation of staying as she emptied herself. The relief was draining. She sat until there was nothing left inside her. Why was all this necessary? He obviously intended to examine her back passage even more. But her apparent problem was with her clit, not her bottom. She sighed, confused, and began to clean herself up.

  “Finished, Thea?” He was back.

  She nodded.

  “Come and stand over here and I’ll douche you out.”

  She walked gingerly over to the basin, feeling lightheaded.

  “Lean forward and hold the basin.”

  She did as she was told.

  “This may feel a little sore. I’ll ease it in as gently as possible.”

  She winced as the tube rubbed her hot, sore rim. Water gushed into her. Once again she felt full and distended.

  “I need to go! Quickly!” she cried urgently. Her legs felt weak and trembled.

  “Let me slip out the tube…”

  As soon as she was free from it, she staggered to the toilet. This was so wearing. He called her over to the basin again.

  “No more,” she groaned.

  “One more time, then we are done.”

  She dragged herself over and endured the whole process again.

  He cleaned her up and gave her a new gown. “You can get back into bed now.”

  “I’m not ill… I keep saying…”

  “No, but you can rest and I’ll arrange for a meal to be brought to you.”

  “Oh. Right. That would be great. Thank you.” Why was she thanking this person who had just effectively finger-fucked her, amongst all the other humiliating stuff? She felt so washed out she did not know what else to say.

  He paused at the door. “Oh, and Thea? I appreciate it’s been somewhat of an ordeal for you today but you handled it well. Keep it going. I’ll see you later.” He smiled and left her.

  Thea sighed. The sooner these few days were over, the better. She sank back into the bed, grateful to be alone at last and with no one shoving things into her wherever possible.

  Chapter 10

  She had tried not to think of the humiliation of being exposed to all those students. Especially as she was unwaxed. If only she could tidy up her pubes now but she dared not. Doctor’s orders. If only she had kept on top of it anyway but life was so busy with long hours of work and study. And she was not in a relationship. It was a sad state of affairs that she did not even care, not even enough to do a bit of self-pleasuring. She had just been so tired from all the work that she had not even missed it. It had been such a jolt when he had brushed her clit earlier, like it had been hidden away in its little hood waiting to be awoken, and she did not even know it. Now she dared not touch it. Doctor’s orders. Her own clit and she could not touch it.

  She wondered at the quickness of events that had landed her there. A few days ago her life had been normal, or what she called normal. Now she was in a hospital bed being told not to masturbate, having her pubes discussed and all her private bits thoroughly exposed to a bunch of young men and her charismatic new boss. All she wanted was a new job. And there was nothing wrong with her. Or
she thought nothing was wrong. Maybe her clit was abnormal. Who compared? It had always worked okay, she thought, and right now she’d like to test it—but could not! She sighed in frustration.

  It was getting late. He had not come so maybe he had forgotten? She may as well get to sleep. But as she wriggled down to get more comfortable, the door opened. It was him.

  He stood by her bed and smiled. “Good evening, Thea. Are you feeling rested after this morning?”

  “I’m fine, thank you,” she said warily. “It’s late. Haven’t you finished…?”

  “Got to do your evening examination.”

  “I don’t want you to,” she protested. “It’s ridiculous… twice in…”

  He stopped her. “Got to be done. Clinic protocol is the same for everyone. And the sooner we get started, the sooner it will be over. If I—or a junior doctor if you prefer—do not examine you, you will lose the job for contravening clinic protocols. You do want to keep it, don’t you?”

  “I’ve got to keep it. I don’t have a car or an apartment now.”

  “So there is no choice.”

  She struggled to think of a way out. He was watching her intently.

  “Come on, Thea. Let’s get this done.”

  “I don’t want to…”

  He put his hands on the bed. “Look, I know this is difficult for you but your clitoris needs investigation, which you understand, and I will take good care of you. So, come on. Up on your hands and knees and let’s have a look.”

  “This is impossible…” she groaned.

  “Come on,” he urged again, straightening up. “And pull down your panties.”

  There was no way out. Slowly she hauled herself up on all fours and eased her panties down over her bottom.

  “Good girl. Lean down and keep your bottom up. I’ll take your temperature first.”

  “No,” she moaned, burying her head in the pillow, humiliated that she was exposing her bottom again.

  He lubed her anus and pushed the thermometer deep into her bottom but leaving a good length protruding out. “All in, Thea. I’ll check your genitals from here while we wait.” He pushed her buttocks apart.

  “Nothing could have changed since this morning.” Her voice was muffled by the pillow.

  “All patients get treated the same and you are no exception. Apart from that, as a member of staff, you get my exclusive attention.”

  He continued to slowly examine her as he spoke, looking down between her buttocks, his fingers teasing her lips, her crack, and her anus. She could feel his warm breath on her bottom. Just a little more, she began to think, but hurriedly controlled herself again. She would not, could not give in to it. She felt him separate her lips to look at her vagina.

  “I’m going to quickly do an internal examination of your vagina, Thea, so don’t be alarmed.”

  His fingers slipped into her soft folds and pushed deeply into its depths, making her gasp. Then slowly he withdrew. She knew she was very wet and just wanted the embarrassment to end.

  “Excellent. You are naturally well lubricated, which is a good healthy sign. Let’s get this thermometer out and then you can sit up.”

  She felt him touch the thermometer and pump it in and out before twisting it out and her bottom was empty again. She took a deep breath with relief and squirmed around to sit up, pulling the bedcovers up.

  “Are we done?” she asked tiredly.

  “Sorry, Thea. I still have to check your breasts and your clitoris.”

  “No,” she moaned, running her fingers through her hair. She needed to rest. “Can’t you make it up?”

  “You know I can’t do that so pull up your gown.”

  She glared at him. The sooner she complied, the sooner he would leave. Pursing her lips, she yanked up her gown, pushing her breasts out. “Happy now?”

  He raised an eyebrow at her. “I am cautioning you, Thea. Remember to whom you are talking. I expect the utmost respect from you at all times, however tired you are.”

  He moved forward and began feeling her breasts. He squeezed, pressed and pulled her large nipples until she winced at the pressure. Finally he stopped.

  “Okay, we’re done. You can lower your gown. And lie back so I can look at your clitoris.”

  She wanted him out as soon as possible so she lay back and opened her legs wide. She held back her lips and hood herself so he could see her exposed clitoris. He overlooked her forwardness and peered down to palpate its shaft. She jerked once uncontrollably as he completed his examination.

  He straightened up and went to the wash basin to wash his hands. “All done. For today, at least. Well done for now. Do you have any questions?”

  Covering herself up, she shook her head. She knew she should ask questions but was too tired and drained from all she had been through.

  “Good. Get some rest and I’ll see you in the morning.” He gave her a smile and left.

  She shuddered after he had left. Was she really so desperate to chase the money, the car, the apartment? Right now she could not care if her clitoris was abnormal or not. In fact she no longer quite knew where she was in her headspace. Exhausted, she wrapped herself with the sheets, feeling vulnerable, and tried to sleep.

  Chapter 11

  “Thea. Thea.” A voice filtered through to her sleepy brain. She struggled to wake and it took a moment to remember where she was. “Wake up. The doctor needs to examine you.”

  She looked at the clock. “It’s six o’clock. Too early,” she said sleepily and turned over to sleep again. “Go away.”

  “Thea.” Another voice cut through her fuzziness. A deep, rich voice. Like smooth, dark chocolate, she thought dreamily. “You may carry on dozing. I’ll check you over quickly.”

  She opened an eye. The handsome face of her boss looked down at her. He was quite gorgeous, she thought. But she was too sleepy to care. “Too tired. Don’t care,” she muttered.

  “Roll over toward the nurse,” he continued. “Nurse, assist, please.”

  She did as he asked. Why was she so sleepy? Why did she not care? It must be reaction from the last few days. She felt the nurse pull up her gown and his warm hands on her bottom. There was a cold chill of gel, then the thermometer rod penetrated her bottom, followed by a fullness in her vagina as his fingers gently pumped in and out.

  “Mmmmm,” she breathed. In her sleepy state it felt good to have her vagina massaged so skillfully. It did not last long. In a moment he withdrew his hand. She felt the coldness of his stethoscope on her back as he listened to her breathing. Then a friction in her bottom as he twisted and moved the thermometer in and out, finally removing it.

  “Turn onto your back, Thea, please,” his velvet voice commanded.

  She did as he asked. He pulled up her gown to examine her breasts and once more checked them expertly. Her nipples tightened immediately, almost as if they were beginning to recognize his hands. She began to wake, opening her eyes. He was looking down at her and smiled. With a sigh her body responded by arching up toward him as he pulled her nipples. Then it was over.

  “Well done, Thea,” he said as he pulled down her top. “All done for now. I’ll see you down in Radiology later.”

  “Why?” Her mouth was dry.

  “I’m going to take some images of your genitals and, if we have time, a functional MRI of your clitoris. Perhaps you’ll be awake by then,” he mused.

  She wanted to ask him more questions but he was gone before she had cleared her mind. She’d have to ask him later. This place was strange. What sort of clinic examined their patients at dawn? And late at night? And twice a day? She had a lot to learn.

  Chapter 12

  Radiology. Waiting. She had showered and had not been able to avoid another enema. She was as clean as she had ever been in her life. Nerves made her stomach flutter or was it all that douching still sloshing fluid around her bowels? Her hands fidgeted in her lap.

  The door opened. Her handsome boss beckoned her. “Thea. Please come in.” />
  She followed him into the semi-dark room, a hard table in the middle. Looking around, she recognized the high technical scanning and camera equipment.

  “Up on the table, please. Are you feeling more awake now?”

  She nodded. “Why was I so sleepy?”

  “Every patient has a slow release sedative given to them at night in your evening drink. Helps you relax and sleep well.”

  “I didn’t agree to be sedated,” she said, climbing up onto the exam table.

  “No,” he said, trying to be patient. “Signing your contract, you agreed to be properly cared for whilst in this clinic. It is of no consequence whether you are a patient or staff. You will be cared for.”

  “I don’t agree that sedation is good care.”

  “Suspend all your opinions, Thea, please. I make the rules for the clinic. Now lie back and let’s get you in position.” He pulled the stirrups up and helped her get her feet settled in them and her legs positioned as comfortably as possible and strapped. “Have you refrained from masturbation?”

  She nodded.

  “Good girl. Let’s get these images and measurements done.” He dimmed the lights, then turned on others higher up.

  Thea looked up. No! There was a viewing gallery and it was full. All looking down at the exam table. “I don’t want people viewing me…” she said.

  He turned to her. “Try not to upset yourself, Thea. I’ll get this done as quickly as possible. I know it’s not pleasant but this is a teaching clinic so there will be spectators. Try and ignore them. And,” he swiveled a screen around to her view, “you will be able to view the images as we go along.”

  She glanced over to her side. Did she want to view her own genitals?

  He addressed the viewing gallery. “Gentlemen, this is Dr. Thea Day. Some of you will have met her yesterday. As you can see from the records, she has what seems to be an enlarged clitoris and she is here for investigations on its size and function. Today, initially, we are taking detailed images of her genitalia for our records so observe closely.”


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