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The Doctor's Duties

Page 5

by Cariad Hal

  Pressing a button on the control panel, the lights glared down on her again and the table whirred into motion, pushing her knees up and wide. Her gown slipped up to her waist. It continued to widen until she gasped with the stretching angle pushing her legs until they would not widen any further.

  “That’s enough. Please!”

  “I’m sorry, Thea. I need your tissues to be as taut as possible for the images.”

  The table stopped. A bright light swung round illuminating her exposed genitals. She glanced around at the screen at her side, catching the fleshy image, then she noticed on the wall there was a much larger screen magnifying her genitals for the viewing gallery. She swallowed hard with the gathering humiliation flooding her body.

  “Right, gentlemen, you are familiar with the general anatomical features of the female genitalia. At the top here, we have the clitoral hood extending down into the labia major and minor. Other tissues are well visible in this stretched position. And, lower down,” he gently separated her labia with his fingers, and she flinched with his touch, “you can see the urethral meatus and opening and…” he held her lips wider apart, “the vaginal orifice and rectal opening at the anus. All healthy in appearance as expected in a female of this age. The point of interest with this patient is the clitoris itself and you can just see the glans protruding out from its hood. We shall firstly take images in this primary position.”

  The machine flashed and clicked as it photographed her private organs, moving up, down, and sideways to view from each angle. Her lips felt swollen from the exposure.

  “Now, observe.” He spoke to the gallery again, at the same time placing his thumbs on each side of her hood and pressing down firmly. She felt her clitoris slip out and watched it protrude out from its hood on the screen. It was pulsating slightly, almost imperceptibly but magnified on the screen, as it was released, pushing forward to the stimulation. When would this humiliation end? The camera clicked away.

  “As you can see, as I remove my hands, the clitoris remains protruded, almost erectile without sexual stimulation, although, with the patient in this position with full exposure of the genitals, there will be some physical and physiological sexual responses and expectation of fulfillment of the perceived stimulation. And, in consequence, as you can see there is increased secretion of vaginal fluid.”

  She felt drawn to look at the screen as he pointed to her vagina. A trickle of fluid seeped out, glistening on her lips. Her mouth felt dry with embarrassment. How would she ever be able to work with those viewing doctors knowing they had looked at her so intimately? The camera clicked away again. Her legs were beginning to hurt from being so stretched but she could not move to relieve the pulling on her flesh. At the same time she could feel her blood pumping into her genitals, responding to the stimulation as if this was a sexual encounter. She looked at her boss. He was looking at her. He had noticed as well.

  “As you can see, the labia are visibly engorging and the clitoris responding equally. This, naturally, is a normal response, although not all patients react to examination in this way. And, in these cases, the patient needs to be monitored after the procedure as it may be necessary to bring her through full stimulation to orgasm to give relief if the tissues do not settle spontaneously. This should be done by the consulting physician only, not by junior staff or the patient herself.”

  The thought of further stimulation and orgasm made her brain begin to switch into sexually responding to her body, which only heightened the feelings in her genitals. Her nipples began to tingle and she could only hope they did not show through the thin gown. An orgasm would be… it had been so long since she had cared. How shocking that it would take being strapped up on an examination table, her bits all stretched and on show and an audience watching her arousal for her to feel orgasmic. She grappled with her thoughts and her body.

  He reached for some medical calipers. “I’m going to physically measure the size of the visible clitoris, although the full size will be assessed more accurately by MRI.” He turned to Thea. “This won’t hurt and only takes a moment. Try to relax.”

  Leaning forward between her legs, he held back her hood firmly again, freeing her clit, and held the cold metal instrument against it, adjusting its length and then turned it to gauge the width. She watched on the screen. It was like watching somebody else’s body but she could feel his fingers on her sex. Her clit was squeezed by the clamp of the calipers and she groaned quietly as it tightened on her button. Eventually he released it and eased it off, then gently massaged her lips. She gasped with the extra stimulation and began to squirm against the restraints on her legs.

  “Please… I’ve… had enough.”

  “We’re all done with the measuring, Thea. Well done. I’m going to examine your vagina whilst you are in position…”

  “I told you, I’ve had enough,” she protested.

  “This needs to be completed, so settle down.”

  Before she could say any more, his fingers pushed deeply into her vagina, twisting and turning in and out as he tested her fleshy tissues. Heat swept through her body with the deliciousness of the fullness. Her mouth felt full and her throat tightened as he moved his hands expertly in and around her exposed organs, occasionally brushing her clit. Then, with shock, she began to feel pressure in her bottom.

  “What are you doing?” she gasped.

  “Checking your bottom. Try and relax. It won’t take long.”

  Her anus was so sensitive as he fingered it and clenched when he pushed against it. In a moment he was through, his finger deep in her rectum. Pulsing in and out, one finger now in her vagina and another pumping her bottom. The penetration of her holes and the impalement of her body on his fingers was still being watched by the full gallery above. And when she caught a glimpse of the image on the screen she could see for herself her bottom hole and sex hole filled with his fingers, her engorged flesh sliding over them with each examining thrust. All her mortified awareness was now deep in the swollen flesh between her stretched legs. She looked transfixed at the screen. She could hear the soft squelching of her juices and smell her arousal as her body responded the only way it knew how to the full-on stimulation. She could feel the root of her clit being pushed deep inside her, teased so subtly. Her mouth was dry.

  “Thea?” His quiet voice cut through her thoughts. He flicked a switch on the console, cutting the audio link to the gallery. “Do you need to orgasm?”

  God, she needed to orgasm. But she would not be doing it here. She had controlled herself for so long, so many months, the discipline was second nature to her now. Concentrating, she struggled to slow her breathing and her pounding heart. She was willing the heat and swelling in her genitals to subside. For a flicker of a moment she contemplated giving herself to her body, giving in to the urges coursing through her clitoris, vagina, and bottom, recalling the headiness and surrender of orgasm. She barely heard his voice as all her energies went into holding off.

  “Thea?” He looked up at her, watching her reactions and stopped pumping her but did not remove his fingers from her holes.

  She shook her head. Struggled to speak. “No. I’m not performing for them… or you… not now or anytime.”

  “I need you to orgasm at some point during your stay here so I can assess the full size of your clitoris when fully aroused. So you may wish to complete this now when you are almost at that point.” He spoke quietly to her.

  She glared at him defiantly. There was a notion of caring in his eyes, she thought. Maybe she was not just a body with a clitoris to examine. Maybe there was some care in him at some level.

  “You mean we can stop all this once you have your readings?”

  He nodded. “If the readings give me enough information and your orgasmic response is normal. We can consider passing on the MRI screening. You can return to your room.”

  It was hard to think with his fingers still deep inside her. She did not want to orgasm in front of those spectators, to show her
surrender to her body. But she did not want to perform on the MRI either when they would still be observing. She was so close to orgasmic release that it would only be another few minutes of exposure and humiliation and it would all be over.

  “Okay. I’ll do it. I want this over with.”

  “Good girl,” he smiled. “It will be over soon.” With his free hand he reset the camera angle and set it on image recording. And flicked on the audio link to the gallery again. “Dr. Thea is close to orgasm,” he explained. “So she has agreed to carry on through so I can get good enough readings of her clitoris size when fully aroused without having to do further screening. My attention has to be solely with the patient so it remains for you to observe. Okay, Thea. As we proceed, just let yourself go.” He began to slowly pump her bottom and vagina again.

  She moaned as her body instantly began to respond to his moving fingers.

  “Good girl,” he said gently. “Go with it. Nice and easy. Let your body relax into it. I’m going to start stimulating your clitoris now.”

  She caught her breath as his other hand moved up and his fingers lightly began to roll and slide over her button. Gently. Just the slightest tease. The soft push into her vagina, the exploring finger in her bottom, caused her mind to begin swirling. She felt dizzy with the conflict of restraint and surrender in her head. It felt so good. Surrender. The pulsation in her clit was increasing. His fingers were massaging her holes and rolling her clit in beautiful rhythm. Her juices trickled. She began to moan with the luscious feeling of his skillful hands between her legs.

  “Let it go, Thea,” he said softly. “It’s okay. Don’t hold back.”

  His voice was as soothing as his touch. The tension in her body was building. There was a glorious twisting in her genitals, her thighs, her stomach; low and deep, intensified by being bound to the table, her legs pulled taut, unable to move. The explosion inside her was almost intolerable as an orgasm swept through her. She cried out and tears welled up in her eyes as he guided her body through it, her juices spurting out, her clit throbbing and dipping to the stimulation.

  “Stop… please… stop!” she pleaded. She threw her head back and her body spasmed, desperate for release.

  “A little more, Thea. Just a little more.”

  She felt his fingers slip out of her holes. He quickly clamped her clitoris again with the calipers, pushing hard and deep. There was unbearable pain as he took the readings, but a moment later her clit was free, her orgasm draining away. Gently he ran his fingers through her pubes, rubbing soothingly. His other hand released the straps on her legs and the table whirred into action, lowering her legs. The relief was overwhelming. A blanket was thrown across her, then he was beside her stroking her face, wiping away her tears of humiliation and relief.

  She looked up at him and, for a moment, she was grateful for his caring touch. But the moment passed with the draining flood of her emotions. What was she thinking? This man, under the guise of needing to check her clitoris and that he was her boss, had just put her through the most humiliating event of her life. She felt sick with herself that she had agreed to it for the shallow greed for a job, for money, for the car and the apartment. But she needed those things. Needed to live. And she needed to know if her clit was normal or not.

  “Nurse, allow Dr. Thea a few minutes to recover, then take her back to her room.” He turned back to the gallery. “Thank you, gentlemen. Today’s session is concluded; we can discuss the results at our next debriefing.” He gave a quick glance to Thea. “Well done. I’ll see you shortly.”

  Then he was gone.

  She watched him go. Was that it? Dismissed, curtly. He had exposed, photographed, and filmed her stretched, swollen bits and allowed an audience of men—who would be her working colleagues—to watch it all. Watched what should have been her very private orgasm. And now he was gone. Just like that. But why should she feel used or expect any other level of treatment? Right now she was just his patient to be probed and examined to further his knowledge. She did not know what to think anymore. She just wanted to get back to her room and recover from the ordeal.

  Chapter 13

  She crawled into the bed. Her mind and body had gone somewhere she hardly remembered. She felt vulnerable and open. Her control had been demolished. Her defenses ripped.

  Her stomach was churning, and her bottom hurt. Everywhere hurt. Her clit throbbed. But pleasure darted through her stomach when her body remembered how he touched her. When he had touched her… this was madness. This was so wrong. It was not right to feel like this. He was her boss, for god’s sake. No one had made her body react and feel like that. She did not even know him. She did not even know herself anymore.

  This was not supposed to happen. She could not want her boss, her doctor to touch her. It had been purely medical, which made it all worse. She had been exposed in every way. But she had felt alive and driven when he had examined her. For all the soreness and pain, embarrassment and humiliation, it had felt so good. What was wrong with her?

  She groaned and curled up, pulling the covers up around her. Her head felt a mess, confusion and arousal swirling together. She had come there to work, not be in bed doing this. Surely the apartment and the car were for proper work? A job where she could learn.

  She could not stay in bed, and would not, however sore she felt. She’d take a shower first, then dress and go out. If he did not want her to work, then she was not needed. She did not have to subject herself to such treatment. Surely he could see that?

  The shower felt soothing and she reveled in the rivulets running over her body. She dried herself and found her clothes in the small wardrobe. It was good to put on some clothes rather than the skimpy hospital gown. Pulling on her shoes, she was ready. She felt like a prisoner. The madness just went on—or was it all in her head?

  Opening the door, she peered out into the corridor. Normal clinic life was going on so no one would notice her leaving. She felt lost in a space, not fitting in as a medic and definitely not as a patient or client, whatever they called them there. Stepping out, she made for the main reception. It could not be far but she had not been there long enough to know the layout of the clinic. She rounded a corner, keeping her gaze down, hoping no one would notice her, blending into the busyness.

  “Oh!” She gasped as she bumped into someone and was almost knocked over. Now everyone turned to look at her, which was exactly what she was trying to avoid. A strong arm reached out and caught her, steadying her. She winced as the hand squeezed her arm more than firmly. She looked up. Her heart leapt. It was him. Her boss, her tormentor, the key that had unlocked fire between her legs, the pulse in her breasts, the pain in her bottom, the confusion in her head.

  He looked down at her sternly. “Dr. Day. May I ask where you are going?” he asked coldly.

  She shuddered, fearful. He was so darkly handsome in his hospital scrubs and so skilled with her body. Behind him, as usual, were a group of students. No Simon, she noted: a relief. Why was he never alone, she thought with annoyance—not that anything would be different. The students all pinned their eyes on her in hungry anticipation.

  “Well?” His deep, cool voice again.

  “I… umm…” she floundered.


  “I… err… was just… going out… for…”

  He shook his head and sighed. “No. You are not going anywhere. Return to your room.”

  She shook her head. “No, I’m not. I’m not working, I’m not ill, I’m not a patient…”

  “But you are contracted and have specific duties with which we need to continue. Now please return to your room so we can continue.”

  “I’m not going to be an exhibit for you… or them,” she said defiantly.

  He stared at her long and hard and she waited for his admonishment. Instead, he turned around and addressed the students. “You are dismissed for this session. We shall continue tomorrow morning as usual.”

  They almost quailed under his gaze,
then shuffled off. Thea breathed a sigh of relief. At least they were gone. But what was to come? He turned his attention back to her, ignoring the glances of passing staff.

  “May I make it clear to you, Dr. Day. You are not an exhibit and I am not an exhibitor.”

  “I… I’m… sorry…”

  “Return to your room.”

  She knew she was not strong enough to defy him further. Her weakness was frustrating. Glaring at him for as long as she dared, she turned to walk back to her room.

  “Nurse, bring a number three trolley to room 411. Now, please.”

  He was right behind her. And closed the door immediately after they entered the room. She turned to face him. “What now?”

  “Do I note a tone of insolence?” he said icily. “May I remind you, do not forget your position.”

  Thea looked down, chastened. A knock on the door momentarily broke the building antagonism between them.

  “Come in,” he said tersely.

  The nurse entered with an instrument trolley. Thea looked at it anxiously. She did not recognize any of the instruments. What were they for?

  “Thank you. And just wait a moment. Dr. Day, do you want a chaperone for examination?”

  “Err… no… thank you. It’s… it’s fine.”

  “Nurse, confirm on the records that Dr. Day has declined the offer of chaperone.” He signed the records himself and turned them around to Thea. “Dr. Day, your signature is required also.”

  She took the pen and duly signed her records.

  “Excellent. Thank you, nurse, you may go.” She nodded and left them.

  “What now?” Thea asked nervously.

  “Undress. Put the gown back on and lie down on the bed,” he said without looking at her, checking the trolley.

  “Why? What are you going to do?” she persisted.

  “Continue with your examination and testing.”


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