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The Doctor's Duties

Page 10

by Cariad Hal

  “No! I don’t want to be spanked!” Even though her stomach lurched with the thought of the pain on her bottom, she remembered the deep sensual ecstasy that came with that pain.

  He reached forward and firmly grabbed her arm, sitting down on the edge of the bed before turning her and pulling her over his thighs.

  “You’ll do as I say. Push your bottom up. I’m going to punish your bottom inside and out.” Roughly he pulled down her panties. Her bottom was his.

  Barely before she had buried her face in the bedcover, he shoved two fingers deep into her bottom hole. She almost choked with the fullness and the twisting of his penetration. He had not lubed her and the friction was tight.

  “No! Please don’t!” she screamed and struggled to escape from his firm hold but he held her tightly across his thighs.

  Then she was empty again and the swinging impact of his hand on her cheeks seemed to cut through her skin. She screamed again with the unbelievably stinging pain.

  “Remember vulnerability, Thea?” he said tersely. “Remember humility and the sexual pleasure of pain?” His hand came down again and again, ignoring her screams. “Do not defy me again at this point in your treatment. Spanking is good for you. Trust me.”

  “Please… please! Stop! Stop!” Her voice caught in her throat as she sobbed. “I do… trust… you…”

  He spanked her on her cheeks, her thighs, and pushed her legs open to spank her pussy and her bottom hole. The fire of the excruciating pain was driving through her body. Again he plunged his fingers into her bottom and she surrendered to him as he impaled her on his fingers in her most shameful place. But at the same time, her clit throbbed and her wet pussy was pulsating. She had never felt so aroused, or so vulnerable as he possessed her bottom.

  Finally, he stopped and dragged his fingers out of her bottom. Her hands screwed into the bedcovers, her body shaking, tears wetting her face. Her body buzzed with the rivulets of pain running through it and the scourging of her rectum from the twisting of his fingers. She did not understand how but it was so deeply sensual. He lowered her gently onto the bed and got up.

  “The clinic at ten. Be there,” he ordered. Then he was gone.

  She sat up and hugged her knees for comfort. Through the sobs and the soreness, anger began to surface. Resentment sickened her stomach, in turmoil with the sexual response of her body. The recognition that she wanted his touch so much roared through her. What the hell should she do? He was not holding her there. So why did she feel held by him? Her choice? In truth, she would desperately miss his touch, his penetrating fingers. But was that enough? In the end it would not be. She may as well get out now and take the break. Sighing, she uncurled herself and slowly got up.

  Chapter 25

  Ten o’clock. Examination Room 3. Stripped down to a hospital gown and waiting. For what? This was not a lecture room so she would not be on display. A small mercy. What more could he do? How did he judge when treatment was no longer necessary? He was beginning to be like a drug, an addiction to her. She was drawn to him, to the life and work of Dr. Matteo Bruno. Or, at least, responding to her attraction to him and feeling over and over the pleasure running through her body when he was with her, touching her. And so here she was again, waiting for… something.

  She was nervous, fiddling with her hands. Would he still be cross with her? The clock on the wall seemed to tick loudly in the silence of the room. She began to feel irritated. It was not right to keep her waiting. He knew only too well how she would be feeling. She got up to walk around, trying to hold the skimpy gown closed.

  Then he was there. She jumped nervously as the door swung open. He strode in, super confident as usual. A nurse was with him. She searched his face. He avoided her gaze. Still cross, then. Her heart sank. She wanted to please him, not anger him.

  “Good morning, Thea. Take a seat.” He sat at the desk, her notes open in front of him.

  Obediently she sat down, pulling the gown tautly behind her.

  “I have considered your case and, in conclusion, you are at a point in your treatment where choices need to be made.” He glanced up at her, darkness in his eyes. “Your first choice is whether you wish to continue with the treatment.”

  She had not expected that. He was offering her a get-out opportunity. Was that not what she wanted, what she had been planning? But confronted with it, with his gorgeous self opposite her, could she now contemplate not living in his house, not being daily examined by him? She would still yearn for him but then he would be out of her life at every level. But he had said earlier that in his opinion she still needed treatment…

  “Thea? I’m waiting for your reply.”

  “Oh, er, yes… yes… I want to carry on. If… if you think I need…”

  “You may remember we have discussed that and you agreed there was a need.”

  “What further treatment will I be having?”

  “That will be determined by me and, if you wish to continue treatment, you will accept without question whatever treatment I deem necessary for your better health and well-being. Is that understood?”

  She nodded. If only he would forgive her for last night…

  “You are happy for me to record that it is your personal choice to continue? I want you to be absolutely sure about that.” He held her gaze intently.

  “Yes, I’m sure.”

  He glanced over to the nurse who nodded.

  “Duly witnessed and recorded. Now, before we continue, you also have the choice to change your practitioner or your treatment partner to someone else of your choosing. I shall, of course, recommend a medical practitioner should you wish to change. I must stress that this is the last opportunity you will have to make this change. Is that clear?”

  That was the last thing she wanted to do! She would not be doing this if it was not for him.

  “No, I want you to carry on being my doctor. I… I’m happy with that.”

  He nodded tersely and completed his notes. “Right. We shall therefore continue with the arrangements we have in place.” He glanced over to her.

  She understood that he meant her living arrangement, his expectations. Thank goodness it would all be the same; she realized, on the verge of everything being taken away, that that was what she wanted for as long as it may last. Until he decided she no longer needed treatment.

  “Now that is all in order, we shall continue with treatment. The nurse will remain present for this session.”

  Bother, she wanted him to herself and not have an onlooker again.

  “Please step to the end of the exam table, Thea, and lean down onto your stomach. The table will elevate at this end and support your hips.”

  Starting with my bottom again, she thought, as she positioned herself. As she leaned forward the gown fell open to her sides and exposed her bottom. The table whirred as it elevated and came up to meet her hips until her feet were off the floor and she was tipped forward. A support for her knees rose up, with a middle section that pushed and kept her knees apart and widened her crack. She heard him drag a stool round between her legs.

  “Comfortable, Thea?” Rubber gloves slapped on his hands.

  She nodded.

  “Remember the nurse is here should you want her.” Instruments clattered in the trolley.

  “What are you going to do?” Her voice was muffled.

  “I’m pleased with your progress so far so we shall move on. But always temperature first.”

  The rod pushed in, cold and rigid. He gently felt around her rim whilst he waited. She could feel the hard rod protruding out from her bottom, rubbing against her rim as he pushed, nudging her toward arousal.

  “Right, let’s work with your bottom.” He shuffled his stool.

  The nurse stood beside her. Deftly he pushed her buttocks apart. The cold wetness of a swab wiped all around her anus and then he wiped her dry. She waited in anticipation for him to probe her hole.

  Instead what she felt was renewed wetness with indescribable, l
uscious sensations around her rim and the tautness of the insistent resistance of his thumbs holding her bottom wide. She screamed with the intensity and tried to look around.

  Immediately it stopped. “Nurse, hold her still, please.”

  Firm hands restrained her shoulders, pushing her down on the table. “Lie still. Let the doctor do his job.”

  “What’s he doing?” she panted, barely able to breathe. “What’s he…?”

  “The doctor is licking your bottom. Just relax and let him do it.”

  The wetting and almost rasping friction over and around her hole began again. He was licking her bottom. Up from her sex, up and over her private hole, over and over again. Softly, gently. Over and over. This was so wrong. Her bottom was for… other things. She felt her body involuntarily arch up toward his mouth; totally primal, so against what her conscious mind was telling her.

  She felt him pause over her anus and surround it totally with his mouth. He nuzzled her bottom and breathed over her hole. Then gently he began to suck her anus, drawing it up and rolling it with his tongue. She squirmed in ecstasy with the depth of the heavenly sensations, the engorgement of her lips, the throbbing of her clit, the deep spasms in her belly. She never knew this could feel so good.

  “Oh, my god,” she moaned. “Oh, my god…”

  Still he sucked. Then, when she thought the feelings could get no better, his tongue began to push into her hole, nudging her rim, licking the deeply sensitive flesh in her rectum. She cried out, almost sobbing with the incredible feeling flooding her body. Her bottom was totally his, his tongue plunging her hole and licking her out. She could hear herself making guttural sounds as her breath caught in her throat and her body rocked in rhythm with his licking. She could not take much more but at the same time never wanted it to stop. His tongue impaled her bottom. And still he sucked and plunged.

  Her clit was clamoring to be treated, throbbing, engorged with blood. Gradually he slowed his licking, finally withdrawing.

  “Good girl, Thea. Good girl.” His voice was once again soothing and forgiving. “Let’s finish this for you.” His thumb was on her button, pushing it gently, rolling it, soaked with her copious juices. His fingers pumped her pussy.

  “Oh, my god!” Her body had never known such stimulation. “Please…!”

  His other thumb pushed into her bottom. “Go with it, Thea. Let it all go.”

  Her body gave her no choice. She had no control. She could feel the tremendous surge building in her core and her clit triggered a sublime orgasm. She did not care how she looked, how undignified, how completely open she was to him; her bottom and sex exposed, her legs spread out and wet, the smell of her sexual release drifting from her bottom and genitals.

  Then it was over. She sank down onto the table, all the tension draining out. Her hair stuck to her wet forehead, drenched in sweat. She was panting, heart pumping, gently sobbing. It had been so primal, deeply satisfying and shocking in its revelation of her true sensuality. She was aware of him withdrawing, talking quietly to the nurse, making notes, waiting for her to recover. Gently pushing the hair from her face, she looked up at him.

  He was smiling. “Okay?”

  She managed to nod. He had forgiven her.

  “A bit mind-blowing? Your body was extremely responsive. No more treatment for today. Take it slowly to recover. Go back to the house. I’ll see you later.” He patted her head and left.

  After a few minutes she slowly started to get up. She felt dizzy and totally spent. Hauling herself onto the table, she collapsed down, exhausted. Her hair was disheveled and fell over her face.

  The nurse was still there. “Take it slowly. I’ll get you a cup of tea.”

  When she returned, Thea took the tea gratefully. “What was that? What just happened?” she asked, her speech slurred.

  “That was a full-on treatment session with Dr. Matteo Bruno. You are one lucky girl. Everybody would love a session like that with him.”

  “Does he…?”

  The nurse shook her head. “No way! No one. No way does anyone get a session with him. Seems like you are the lucky one. Just you.”

  “Is that the sort of treatment you do here?”

  “Oh, yes. But he always delegates other specialist treatment therapists or partners of patients or other medics. Never him, though. He draws up the treatment programs, observes and monitors, but never gives this level of treatment himself. So who’s a lucky girl, then?” She laughed. “We’d all love to have some of that treatment from our gorgeous Italian boss. But he’s untouchable.”

  Thea looked worried. “He must trust you not to talk…”

  “Oh, don’t worry. Nobody will ever know of this session. We’ll all do anything for him and confidentiality is everything here.”

  Thea nodded, relieved.

  “Anyway, you can take as long as you need to recover. There is a shower over there if you wish. Think you’ll be okay?”

  She nodded again.

  “I’ll leave you to it. Buzz if you need anything. And don’t worry. Nothing leaves this room. Enjoy what just happened.” She smiled and left.

  Chapter 26

  She did not go back to the house, did not call him. Instead she drove into town, parked the car, and just walked. Familiar streets now seemed strange to her. They had not changed; she had. She saw them with a mind that had experienced something very different and beyond what she ever thought she would contemplate. Her body was on fire and her mind in turmoil. How could anyone do that to someone, at least to someone they were not in a relationship with—and even then was it acceptable? It had felt so good and her bottom still pulsed from his sucking. He had sucked her bottom. It was supposed to be medical treatment. Now she knew why the clinic was rumored to have hidden secrets. And she knew why patients queued up and came back for treatment. When it was that good, how could you escape? How would she pull herself away from the pleasure of that place? Even though her conscious mind with its limits of acceptance said all this was wrong, her body was telling her otherwise. She was a medic; could she, should she ever accept that that was treatment?

  Her phone kept ringing. Each time she checked it, it was him. Messages. He was concerned, wanted to know where she was, wanted her back at the house. She ignored them, unable to speak to him coherently.

  She came to the bridge over the wide river. Night was falling. The town lights sparkled in the inky deep water as it lapped against the stone parapets. She leaned against the stone wall overlooking the river. Somewhere down below the oars of a boat rattled and clattered as it bobbed on the swell.


  She swung round, startled. It was him. How had he found her? He stood with his hands in his pockets, his collar turned up against the cool night air, his hair flicking across his face in the river breeze. He came and stood beside her.

  “Well?” he asked. His voice was rich and deep.

  “Well, what?” she countered.

  “Why are you here? Why are you not back at the house?”

  “After what you… did? Are you serious? What was that?”

  “You know what…”

  He was so calm, so self-assured whilst she was a mixed-up mess.

  “No, I don’t. Was that ‘treatment’? I-I… don’t understand…” She shook her head, tears not far from being shed.

  He took her by the arm. “Come with me. I’m taking you to dinner.”

  He guided her down the street to a riverside restaurant before she could continue to protest. He ordered a meal without asking what she wanted and a bottle of wine. She felt intimidated by his commanding control and still shaken that this was the man who considered that licking her bottom was treatment. His mouth had been on her anus, his tongue in her rectum. He had messed with her mind.

  “And, to answer your question, it was ‘treatment,’” he said once the waiter had left.

  “Not any treatment I’ve been taught.”

  “Thea, you know the clinic is not conventional. Or,
at least, you must realize by now.”

  She struggled with the concept, with the very real feeling in her bottom. “How can you do that? How can you do what you did?”

  The wine arrived and he poured her a glass. “I don’t. I diagnose, set the program, and the team carries out the treatment.”

  “But you… you did it to me.”

  “You are an exception. You are a colleague, not a patient. I took on your case as you are a member of my staff. I gave you the choice to change your practitioner. You chose for me to continue and I am therefore obliged to do so. Whatever that includes.” He sipped his wine.

  She looked down, shaking her head, still in disbelief that he could do it. Even more so for someone he knew.

  He leaned over the table and put his hand over hers. “Don’t think on it so much. Relax and accept it. It was purely medical. I accept that that is difficult for you in your position. Other patients come knowing what we do. You came to work and learn.”

  She frowned and said nothing.

  He watched her. “In your opinion, is the treatment working? Do you want to continue?” he asked.

  She looked uncomfortable, not knowing what to say. How could she say his treatment felt sensational at the same time it was being deeply humiliating? That she could not deny she was feeling more sensual and needy?

  Their meal arrived and they waited in silence as it was served.


  She shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t know…”

  “You are near the end of treatment…”

  She looked up, startled.

  “…so, in theory, you could stop it now. I would advise you to complete the program but, as always, the choice is yours.” He watched her closely for her reaction.

  “No, I’ll finish it. How… how much longer?”

  “Wholly depends on your responses. Now, let’s eat,” he said briskly, before she had time to reconsider.

  “What sort of doctor takes his patients out for dinner, anyway?” she asked, going along with the change of subject.


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