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The Doctor's Duties

Page 11

by Cariad Hal

  He did not speak for a moment and she glanced up at him. He looked thoughtful. Then he looked up at her.

  “Okay, here it is, Thea,” he said quietly. “Against my best professional judgement, my feelings for you go beyond just being your doctor. I like you… very much.”

  She looked at him in amazement. Did he just say he ‘liked’ her?

  “You are quite exceptional…”

  She laughed nervously. “You mean my clit is exceptional. That’s what you like. Nothing to do with me.”

  “Partially correct,” he agreed. “Your clit… your breasts… your bottom are all exceptional. But I mean you. You are beautiful, intelligent, interesting, intriguing. So taking you to dinner is really outside my professional duties but a pleasure.”

  She was speechless. Had she just heard him correctly? Before she could find her voice, he was talking again.

  “So, as I said, to me you are not my patient. You will, however, always be my junior and, as your superior, I will take you to dinner if I wish. I am also your physician in charge of your medical issues and, on this occasion, it was also necessary for health reasons. Consider it a business meeting if that is easier. Now, eat,” he directed again.

  What? How could she eat after what he had just said? “So… so… where do we go from here then?” she asked him, confused.

  He refilled her glass. “Nowhere. I still have to be your physician and am duty bound to treat you. We are under signed contract. Whichever way you look at it, it can go nowhere, with you as a patient or as a colleague. You know it is beyond professional ethics to be in a relationship, for both of us.”

  She sighed, too tired to challenge him further. The meal was good and for a few minutes they ate in silence. He called for the dessert menu and let her choose. The sweetness of it was delightful and restorative and she could feel herself slipping into easy comfort.

  “Tomorrow there is no need for you to attend the clinic. Have a free day.” He reached into his pocket, pulled out a key, and slid it over the table to her. “This is the key to the basement of the house—or rather the indoor pool and spa facilities.”

  She looked up, surprised. “I hadn’t realized…”

  “It’s a big house. As you will be staying a little longer you may use the facilities. There are, however, other rooms down there which you will not be able to access. But the pool is warm and luxurious and I’m sure you will enjoy it. I shall arrange for a masseuse to be there.”

  “You don’t have to…”

  “It will be good for you to massage some of the tension out of your tight muscles,” he said pointedly.

  “Sorry,” she said, almost with a smile.

  He raised his hands. “No matter. One day you may actually let your body relax. Now, you are exhausted so shall we go?”

  She nodded. It had been a long day.

  He left cash on the table and guided her out to his car. “I’ll arrange for your car to be picked up tomorrow.”

  They drove back to the house in silence. She did not have any energy to speak and he did not push her. Once there, she wished him goodnight and started toward the stairs.

  “Oh, Thea? When you get to your room, prepare yourself for a spanking.”

  She swung around to him, dismayed. “Why?”

  “Your absence and dismissive attitude today needs correction and is no good for your mental health. Please make sure you bare your bottom and separate your cheeks. Let’s get this done so we can both sleep. I’ll be up presently.”

  She had no words. Her heart was thumping in fear and anticipation and already she was wet between her legs. He was so ingrained in her psyche now that her body and mind were responding without her will. Could her bottom take any more after the deep sucking?

  Once in her room she kicked off her shoes, went to the side of the bed, and reluctantly pulled up her skirt and lowered her panties, baring her bottom. She pulled over a pillow and leaned over the bed, making sure her bottom was raised. Reaching behind, she pulled her cheeks apart… and waited. He was there in minutes.

  “Stand up. Strip off. I want you naked for this.”

  She sensed it would be useless to refuse so she pulled off her clothes and stood naked in front of him, waiting for instruction.

  “Bend over. Separate your cheeks.”

  She did as she was told. A moment later, she felt the familiar cool insertion of a thermometer into her rectum. She said nothing and did not turn. With the thermometer protruding out of her bottom, he thrust two fingers into her vagina and pumped. His other hand finally removed the glass rod and his thumb pushed into her bottom in its place, twisting. She let him have her body and readied herself for the spanking, her heart thumping, but feeling him move in her holes, squeezing and twisting in and out was heavenly. She pulled her cheeks wider apart.

  “You are behaving and responding admirably, Thea,” he said. His voice sounded tight.

  He pulled out his hands and immediately swung down hard on her drawn back cheeks. Again and again. She shuddered as the blows shook her body and could not stem her tears, it hurt so much. She did not know how many times he struck her but soon she could take no more.

  “Please… please! No more!” she sobbed. “My bottom… please…it won’t take any more… I am… so… sore… please stop!”

  “Your bottom is mine and under my care, Thea. I will decide what you need and you need this treatment! Do you understand?” He did not stop his swinging blows on her battered cheeks.

  “Yes… yes!” she screamed. “Please!”

  But even as she begged for release, her body was responding to his brutal touch. She could feel the wetness and the pulse in her genitals and, instead of trying to be free, she pulled her cheeks even further apart, stretching her punished skin, so his blows landed on her bruised, swollen anus that only hours before he had sucked into his mouth. She moaned and cried as she took the treatment and struggled with her mind that her body wanted this.

  At last it stopped and she collapsed on the bed, hurt and sore. She cried into the bedcovers and wiped the sweat from her face.

  “Well done.” He was breathless from punishing her. “Come here.” Gently he took hold of her and helped her sit on the bed, holding her against his chest. He pushed her hair back from her tearstained face. “I know it doesn’t seem like it right now but this is good for you. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  He eased himself away from her and then was gone. Slowly she crawled into bed, dragging the covers between her legs to dry the wetness running down her thighs. The day had driven her beyond exhaustion. Hurt and pain haunted her mind. How could he say he had feelings for her and then beat her bottom like that? How could she let him? But she knew it was because of the tremendous sexual high she got from it. It was carnal, erotic, and deeply intimate. Was it driven and accepted by passion, from him and from her? It was beyond resolution. Turning over to avoid the soreness in her bottom, she cried herself to sleep.

  Chapter 27

  She slipped off the thick, soft robe, pulled on her clothes, and dreamily left his luxurious spa, locking the door behind her. It had been good to stretch her limbs in the warm pool and the bubbles of the hot tub soothed her sore bottom. She had forced herself not to think of the harshness of the spanking and just dwelt on the shockingly glorious, erotic response of her body. The massage had finished off the hours and she smelt glorious with all the oils and scents. Her hair bounced around her face. She was feeling good.

  She started to walk toward the staircase to leave the basement with its other locked room. The thought of the secret room made her turn to look at its locked door. She could not resist; she had the key. As she walked slowly toward it, a low voice called her, stopping her. She swung around.

  He was standing in the shadows, leaning against the wall, his hands in his pockets, watching her. Even in the dim light his crisp white shirt, cuffs turned casually back, tailored over the contours of his muscled torso, helped define his stunningly handsome masculinit

  “What are you doing?” he asked quietly.

  “I… nothing. I was… just…” she stumbled. She clutched the key in her hand.

  “You were just going to enter a room I specifically told you not to, were you not?”

  What could she say? “Were you spying on me?” she tried, not wanting to admit to her intentions.

  He leaned his head back against the wall and sighed. “Thea, when will you ever do as you are told without compromise, without challenging me in some way?”

  She felt his power emanating from the shadows and did not have an answer.

  He stepped out from the gloom and walked toward her. Standing in front of her, he ran his fingers through her hair, pushing it back from her face.

  “Come with me.” He took her hand and led her to the locked door.

  “Are you going to spank me again?” she asked fearfully. “Please don’t! I’m still sore… I’m sorry…”

  Taking the key from her, he unlocked the door and swung it open. “Please, go in. I do not want to have any secrets from you.”

  Warily, she went in and looked around. It was another dark, paneled room, lined with more books. But also in the middle was a large wooden frame, with pulleys and cuffs.

  She turned to him. “What is that?” she asked. “What is this room? Why is it locked?”

  “This is a room I designed for the clinic. There is an exact replica at the clinic. That piece of equipment was designed to offer an alternative way to examine clients, if they requested it or it was deemed beneficial to examine them in this way. I do not conduct such examinations here anymore, so the door is locked.”

  She looked at the frame, puzzled. “So you have in the past?”

  He ignored her question. “Do you want to try it, Thea?” he asked.

  “I don’t know,” she answered warily. “You are the doctor. Do you…want to examine me on… that?”

  “Examining you in different ways is always beneficial to see how your body responds now that you are progressing through the program.”

  She hesitated, scared of the unknown, aware he was waiting for her answer.

  “Thea, come over here,” he said gently. He beckoned her over to the frame.

  “I’m scared…” she whispered.

  “Don’t worry. I’m not going to hurt you. Come over to the frame.” He held out his hand to her. She walked over to him. “Take off all your clothes and step into the frame.”

  “I don’t want to be naked. Why do I need to be naked?” Fear was fluttering in her stomach.

  “Do as I ask, please. It is just another way of examining you and would have been done at the clinic as a step in your program.”

  Being compelled by him to take off her clothes was enough to start pulsation between her legs. She was scared to be naked in the frame but wanted to be naked for him, to feel his eyes run over her body. She took off her clothes and stepped into the frame. In the chill of the room, she shivered and her nipples tingled and puckered tightly.

  “What are you going to do?” she asked nervously.

  Without answering her, he took one arm and raised it up to a cuff at the top of the frame, pushing her hand through it and did the same with the other. Her heart was thumping and, despite her fears, her pussy was wet.

  “Thea, place your feet on these platforms.”

  To her sides were wooden shelves big enough to support her feet. She stepped on them and he cuffed her ankles.

  “Squat down so your arms are straight in the cuffs again,” he instructed.

  In this position, her legs were held wide and her sex was fully exposed. She felt the tautness in her lips and her clitoris drop as it squeezed out of its hood. Her nipples were erect and huge. She held on tightly to the cuffs above her head. He walked all around her, observing every bit of her.

  “Open your legs a little wider for me.”

  He began to run his fingers through her private hairs, following her growth back through her crack, lightly stroking her bush forward and backward. Then he bent low to look at her sex, separating her labia and exposing her clitoris even more. She flinched and swallowed hard, her clit beginning to throb.

  “Nicely plump and enlarged, Thea. Protruding markedly. Well dropped and fully exposed. You are progressing well.”

  She could not speak. Her body was beginning to revel in his tantalizing examination of her genitals, suspended and secured in front of him.

  He began to examine and probe her breasts, pulling her taut nipples sharply. She gasped and tried to pull on her restraints.

  “Magnificent breasts, Thea. Excellent nipples and very responsive,” he remarked. He reached behind him for a bottle.

  She jerked on the cuffs. “What are you going to do?”

  “Don’t worry. It’s only a lubricant so I can examine your clit.”

  She moaned. “No…” Much as she longed for him to touch her, she knew how sensitive her clit would be under his fingers while she was suspended with her arms and legs tied up.

  “Just go with it, Thea. You will be fine,” he said calmly.

  The cold spray was directed at her genitals until she was dripping. He started to finger her clit, which was already extended and stretched. She screamed and jerked at his touch but he merely clasped it more firmly. Then he pushed two fingers into her seeping sex and pumped as he explored the thick softness of her vagina and pushed her clit with his thumb.

  “No, please! No more! I can’t do this!” she cried. “Please!” The intensity of the stimulation was too much but he did not stop.

  At last he removed his hands and she sagged with relief, sweating so her hair stuck to her forehead, still quietly moaning.

  “Lean forward,” he instructed as he pressed a button on the frame and lowered the cuffs. He pushed her forward and helped her get in position. It was such a relief to be able to drop her arms. He walked behind her.

  “Is it nearly over?” she whimpered.

  His hands were on her bottom, pulling her cheeks apart. He paused. “You wanted to see what this was used for. Do you want to stop? Always a choice, Thea.”

  She could not resist when he explored her bottom. Already there was a warmth and a stirring between her legs with the anticipation of him invading her hole. She shook her head. “No. Go on,” she whispered, ashamed of her own desire to have his fingers in her bottom.

  She felt the cold spray on her crack and the copious amount of lube running down her legs. His fingers stretched her anus and probed her rim, then pushed deeply into her bottom, plunging in and out, twisting around. She could not stop her moans as he impaled her, burying into her private place. The friction was delicious but her rim was painfully sore.

  “Shush, Thea. It’s just an exam. One you’ve had many times.”

  Yes, but after so many times she was sore inside and out and easily aroused at any touch by him.

  He pulled out his fingers. “Very good. You have a good healthy bottom. We can move on to the next step in your program.” He began to release her from the frame. As he did so, her legs buckled and he caught her in his arms. “Come on. Come and sit down.”

  He led her to a chair and took a wine bottle out of a cabinet and two glasses. “I think we both need a good drink.” He smiled and handed her the glass. She was still naked and shivered. He dragged the throw from the back of the chair and wrapped it around her shoulders.

  “So, what do you think of examination on the frame?” he asked.

  She shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t know…” She was too sore and pushed to her limits to care.

  He stroked her hair. “Don’t worry about it. Do you feel you want to move on? Are you ready for that?”

  “What? Now?” she asked, sipping her wine and feeling the growing warmth in her stomach from the alcohol.

  “It would be good to continue with this while your body is sensitized. But, equally, I’m happy to defer if you wish.” He watched her carefully, twisting his glass in his hand. “If you decide to
continue, you must see the next stage through. There will not be an option to stop unless I decide otherwise.”

  She shifted in her chair, thinking about what he said. Could she take any more? Right now?

  “What are you going to do?” she asked apprehensively.

  “We proceed as it develops. You are an individual. All you can do is agree… and to trust me. Do you trust me, Thea?”

  “Well, yes…” she said hesitantly.

  “And?” he waited.

  “It hurts. It hurts… a lot.”

  “Physically, yes. How does it feel sexually, your body’s responses?”

  That was different. Sexually, it felt glorious… and addictive. “It’s… good,” she admitted.

  He smiled. “That’s excellent. That’s the point of all this. No pain, no gain? Shall we carry on?”

  She nodded.

  “Come on. Come with me.” He held out his hand to help her out of the chair.

  He walked over to the paneled wall and slid back a whole section, revealing a small cubicle mirrored all around, with an examination table in the middle. He guided her over to it.

  Chapter 28

  “What now? What’s going to happen now?” she asked anxiously.

  “Don’t fret, Thea,” he reassured. “I’ll take care of you. Come on. You’ll be okay. Drop the throw and step over to the end of the table and lean forward so your bottom and genitals are well presented to me.”

  She hesitated. Her bottom was already so sore. What was he going to do?

  He came behind her and pulled off the throw. “Stretch your arms forward and put your hands in the cuffs on each side.”

  She had agreed to do everything—she wanted to—so she pushed her arms along the table, and he secured her wrists in the cuffs. The table was cold on her nakedness and she shivered. He walked in front of her and she tried to straighten up to watch him.

  She could see he was struggling with himself and she held her breath to see what he was going to do. He held her gaze… then, slowly, he reached for his belt, undid it and dropped his trousers and his pants. His cock jerked out, fully erect, flicking as blood pumped into it.


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