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Page 2

by Kealan Patrick Burke

  Mandy is offline

  May 22 nd , 2010

  Mandy: u there?

  Josh: aren't I always lol?

  Mandy: Sue's talking shit about u all over FB.

  Josh: good for her. Anything to deflect people's attention from her own mistakes

  Mandy: yeah. Don't know why she bothers. It's not like u can see it

  Josh: I can see it

  Mandy: how? She said she blocked u

  Josh: she didn't

  Mandy: weird. Probably wanted u to see it then

  Josh: good for her

  Mandy: so how u been?

  Josh: down

  Mandy: why?

  Josh: hard to explain

  Mandy: gotcha. Been a rough week here too.

  Josh: why?

  Mandy: my sister's getting sick.

  Mandy: Mom and dad thought it was the summer flu or something

  Mandy: but it keeps getting worse. She can hardly go ten minutes without throwing up

  Mandy: and now my throat is all scratchy too. I'm freakin out.

  Mandy: Hoping it's just food poisoning or something.

  Mandy: Last thing I need is to be sick for the prom

  Josh: who's taking you to the prom?

  Mandy: jeez, you're nosy, lol. It's nobody u know

  Josh: then what difference does it make if you tell me?

  Mandy: well, I wouldn't want to make u jealous. After all, u said you used to love me

  Josh: I still do

  Josh: u there?

  Josh: Mandy

  Mandy: yeah. Just not sure what to say to that.

  Josh: say you want me to take you to the prom

  Mandy: LOL! You're not even in my school.

  Josh: so what?

  Mandy: I wish I could. Really

  Josh: then wish and it'll happen

  Mandy: I've already agreed to go with someone else. Sorry:-(

  Josh: no you're not

  Mandy: I totally am!

  Josh: You're relieved, and maybe a little creeped out right now

  Mandy: why creeped out?

  Josh: because I creep people out…lol

  Mandy: It was sweet of you to ask. Thanks:-)

  Mandy: Josh?

  Josh: Sure hope you don't get sick.

  Josh is offline

  May 27 th , 2010

  Mandy: I think u jinxed me

  Josh: how?

  Mandy: I'm sick

  Josh: sorry to hear that

  Mandy: And just had a big screaming match with my parents.

  Josh: that sucks

  Mandy: ugh, my head fills like it's full of sawdust

  Mandy: *feels*

  Mandy: even my spelling is sick, lol

  Josh: sorry you're sick. you still going to the prom tomorrow night?

  Mandy: yeah. I mean, I have to, but it's gonna suck

  Josh: maybe you'll be better by then

  Mandy: fingers crossed! What're u up to?

  Josh: nothing much. Talking to you, lol

  Mandy: lol

  Mandy: brb

  Josh: ok

  Josh: you there?

  Mandy: sorry, had to go throw up

  Josh: ugh

  Mandy: lol, sorry. TMI

  Josh: what does that mean?

  Mandy: too much information

  Mandy: I think I need to lie down. Getting dizzy

  Josh: I hope you feel better

  Mandy: me too. This blows

  Josh: I can give you my number if you wanna text me or anything

  Mandy is offline

  May 28 th , 2010

  Mandy: hey

  Mandy: u there?

  Mandy: guess I missed you. As you probably figured out, I'm not at the prom.

  Mandy: Was hoping you'd be online

  Mandy: My date canceled and Sue's not answering the phone.

  Mandy: Just wanted to bitch for a while and ev

  Mandy: eryone else who didn't go to the prom seems to be offline.

  Mandy: Thought about going anyway, but I feel like death

  Mandy: I'm just going to crawl into bed and stay there.

  Mandy: Who's the girl in ur profile pic, btw?

  Mandy: Looks like she's kissing your webcam, lol. Didn't know u had one.

  Mandy: So much for you being all innocent, lol! Better not let Sue see that.

  Mandy: She'll probably bitch about the girl having the same shirt as she does.

  Mandy: anyway, I guess I'll catch you tomorrow. I'm going to go die for a few hours.

  Mandy: bye

  Mandy is offline

  May 29 th , 2010

  Mandy: Josh? Are u there?

  Mandy: grrr

  Mandy: email me if you get the chance. Hope you're okay.

  Mandy is offline

  May 30 th , 2010

  Mandy: hey!

  Josh: hey

  Mandy: you okay?

  Josh: yes

  Mandy: I missed u over the last few days

  Josh: you did?

  Mandy: I mean, everytime I msg'd u, you didn't answer

  Josh: sorry. Was busy. Forgot to log out last time I was on

  Mandy: s'ok. Was just bored and kinda freaked out

  Josh: why?

  Mandy: I missed the prom

  Josh: I saw that. Sorry:-(the guy's a jerk for canceling on you

  Mandy: nah, turns out he was sick too.

  Josh: sounds like a lame excuse to me

  Mandy: Nah, I talked to him on the phone. He's in bad shape.

  Mandy: This stupid virus has everybody in bed.

  Mandy: There's even rumors going around that people are dying from it.

  Mandy: I'm scared.

  Mandy: Sue blames Fatty Kathy's food, lol.

  Josh: Who's that?

  Mandy: the lunch lady at school.

  Josh: oh, lol.

  Josh: don't be scared. You'll be fine. You should probably be in bed too though.

  Mandy: I am in bed. Using my laptop

  Josh: so you have me in bed with you?

  Mandy: lol, perv

  Josh: knew I'd get there eventually!:-)

  Mandy: yeah, yeah. Not cool to hit on someone who's dying.

  Josh: you're not dying

  Mandy: sure feels like it.

  Mandy: Ugh. Just caught myself in the mirror. I look like the chick from The Ring.

  Josh: I'll bet you look gorgeous.

  Mandy: depends on how you feel about corpses, I guess, LOL.

  Josh: I notice Sue hasn't updated her page in a while

  Mandy: Yeah. Don't know what's going on.

  Mandy: she may have decided to go take care of her problem and just didn't tell anybody.

  Mandy: Didn't think she'd skip the prom though.

  Mandy: And I thought for sure she'd tell me what was happening. I'd have gone with her.

  Josh: She was probably pretty stressed and panicky. Probably just forgot.

  Mandy: yeah, true

  Mandy: so who's the girl in the pic?

  Josh: what pic?

  Mandy: you had a new pic up for a while the other night. Saw it before I went to bed.

  Mandy: Some girl. Looks like you got over me real quick, LOL!

  Josh: hmmm…don't know what you're talking about.

  Josh: I haven't changed my picture since the day I set up my account

  Mandy: well, someone did.

  Josh: maybe I got hacked

  Mandy: maybe. The girl kinda looked like Sue.

  Mandy: But I could only see the lower half of her face. Looked like she was blowing u a kiss

  Josh: Can't say I know what you're talking about

  Mandy: wow. Crazy.

  Josh: what would be crazy would be me putting a picture of SUE as my profile image.

  Mandy: yeah, that's true. She'd say you had the hots for her.

  Josh: I have the hots for you, Mandy, not her. She's a pig.

  Mandy: you're an oddball;-)

  Mandy: and a

  Josh: why?

  Mandy: you don't even know me

  Josh: feels like I do. I've wanted you for a long time


  Mandy: wow. I don't know what to say

  Josh: Say "Josh, I can no longer resist the urge to throw myself into your arms."

  Josh: "Take me away to a better place where we may be united in passion"

  Josh: "the lies of which would set the very world aflame!"

  Josh: or something like that

  Josh: *likes* instead of *lies*, sorry

  Mandy: LMAO!

  Mandy: you should go into writing romance. You're good at it

  Josh: nah, not my field of interest

  Mandy: what is then?

  Josh: not sure yet. Psychology maybe

  Mandy: you want to be a shrink?

  Josh: they don't like to be called that

  Mandy: sorry:-(

  Josh: I'm totally kidding


  Josh: I'm not sure yet what I want to do.

  Josh: I know I love to study people, love finding out what makes them tick

  Josh: love to watch them.

  Mandy: what got you interested in that?

  Josh: my dad was one

  Mandy: was?

  Josh: he died six weeks ago

  Mandy: WHAT???

  Mandy: OMFG…I'm so sorry…

  Mandy: I was talking to you about, like, two weeks after that.

  Mandy: OMG, why didn't you TELL me????

  Mandy: Jesus…I feel like such a horrible person…

  Josh: Don't.

  Mandy: why didn't you say anything?????:-(

  Josh: Why would I? So you could feel bad about it too?

  Mandy: I could have done SOMETHING

  Josh: Like what? Would it have made you change your mind about meeting me?

  Josh: dating me?

  Josh: going to the prom with me?

  Mandy: I don't know.

  Josh: Yes you do, and it's okay.

  Josh: u there?

  Mandy: yeah. I just don't know what to say, lol.

  Josh: It's okay. Really. I'm dealing with it in my own way.

  Mandy: how is your Mom holding up? Is she okay?

  Josh: she died when I was nine. Cancer.

  Mandy: oh god…I'm crying here. I'm so sorry.

  Josh: it's okay. Really it is. I'm doing just fine. And you're not really crying

  Mandy: No, but I'm really sad for you

  Josh: I'm okay, really. I'm a strong person

  Mandy: still sucks though.

  Josh: yeah, it does, but that's life

  Josh: So…

  Josh: now will you go out with me?

  Mandy: Josh…

  Josh: I'm kidding;-)

  Mandy: so who do you live with now?

  Josh: No one

  Mandy: what? How is that possible?

  Josh: It's only temporary. I'll be in a better place soon.

  Mandy: That sounds…

  Josh: what?

  Mandy: gloomy

  Josh: lol, I don't mean it like that. I mean, better than this crappy house

  Mandy: Glad to hear that.

  Mandy: hate to do this, but can you give me a half hour?

  Josh: sure. U ok?

  Mandy: I'm gonna go try to eat something and hope I can keep it down. Will you be on later?

  Josh: most likely

  Mandy: okay. c u then

  Mandy is offline

  May 30 th , 2010

  Mandy: back

  Mandy: did I miss u again?

  Mandy: going to bed. Talk soon…and sorry to hear about what you've been through.

  Mandy: sorry I wasn't more sympatethic(sp?). I didn't know, though. so…my bad L

  Mandy: night

  Mandy is offline

  May 31 st , 2010

  Mandy: hey

  Josh: hey beautiful

  Mandy: ugh…if you saw me now…

  Josh: if I saw you now, I'd try to kiss u better. Would u stop me?

  Mandy: prolly not

  Josh: really???!!!! why?

  Mandy: so sick. Wouldn't have the enrgy…

  Josh: you're not getting any better?

  Mandy: worse

  Josh: that's too bad

  Mandy: yeah. Sue's in hospital

  Josh: about the pregnancy?

  Mandy: no


  Mandy: she went to sleep and her mother couldn't wake her up. They say she's in a coma.

  Josh: wow, that's crazy

  Mandy: yeah. I should feel sadder than I do, but I can barely breathe. Feels like I have a fvre

  Mandy: fevere

  Mandy: fever

  Mandy: Don't know what's going on. Nobody seems to know. Lots of people getting sick

  Josh: I know what's going on

  Mandy: yeah?

  Josh: Yeah

  Mandy: that's cuz you're a genius

  Josh: can I come over?

  Mandy: silly

  Josh: I can make u better

  Josh: if u let me

  Mandy: everybody is sick

  Josh: yes they are

  Mandy: I don't want to die

  Josh: you won't

  Mandy: feels like I am

  Mandy: are u sick?

  Josh: I've always been sick, Mandy

  Mandy: what u mean?

  Josh: you need to let me come over

  Mandy: need to sleep

  Josh: do you love me?

  Mandy: nite

  Mandy is offline

  June 2 nd , 2010

  Josh: hello gorgeous

  Mandy is offline

  June 4 th , 2010

  Josh: Hey

  Mandy: so sad

  Mandy: sue died

  Josh: I know. Saw her Dad's post on her page. Are you okay?

  Mandy: no

  Mandy is offline

  June 5 th , 2010

  Josh: hey

  Mandy: h

  Josh: how are you?

  Mandy: nt god

  Josh: not good?

  Mandy: s

  Mandy: so

  Mandy: sick

  Josh: awww…why are you on FB?

  Mandy: dunno. Nobdy esle 2 talk 2

  Josh: I should come over

  Mandy: y?

  Josh: so I can make you feel better

  Mandy: can't

  Josh: sure I can

  Mandy: mean, cant come ovr

  Josh: why?

  Mandy: dunno

  Mandy is offline

  June 6 th , 2010

  Josh: do you love me, Mandy?

  Mandy: no

  Josh: why?

  Mandy: jst…

  Josh: why not, Mandy?

  Mandy: dunno. Don't knw u

  Josh: yes you do

  Josh: I want to help you, but you have to let me

  Mandy: my hair falling out

  Josh: Can I be honest with you?

  Mandy: ys

  Josh: I've been lying to you


  Josh: I've never been to Urbana

  Mandy: k

  Josh: But I have met you

  Mandy: whre?

  Mandy: brb

  Josh: My parents have both been dead for years, for longer than you've been alive, actually

  Josh: The picture you saw on my profile that night was Sue. She sent it to me.

  Josh: Sent me a bunch. Usually of her naked, but I couldn't put that one up

  Josh: you'd have gotten really suspicious…lol



  Mandy: wat?

  Josh: Do you love me, Mandy?

  Mandy: stop

  Mandy: plz

  Mandy: hurts

  Josh: I was flirting over and back with her a long time before I started chatting with you.

  Josh: She looked slutty every day I saw her, with those tight sweaters and skirts

  Josh: so I chose her first. But
she's thick as a tree stump and an ignorant little bitch

  Josh: so I left her hanging in the wind.

  Josh: So you know the "online boyfriend" who dumped her? That was me.

  Mandy: wtf?

  Josh: Only she knew me as Donny.

  Mandy: I hve 2 go. Gng 2 b sick

  Mandy is offline

  June 7 th , 2011

  Josh: hi!

  Mandy: leve me alone Josh

  Josh: My name isn't Josh

  Josh: I'm going to tell you my real name, because I really do love you

  Josh: But first you have to tell me you love me too.

  Josh: Mandy?

  Josh: Answer me.

  Josh: I know you're there. Just tell me you love me.

  Josh: Just once, and I promise I'll leave you alone.

  Josh: And I swear on my life that I'll make your pain go away.

  Josh: Mandy?

  Josh: you have five seconds before I sign off. After that, you'll never know

  Mandy: knw wat?

  Josh: who killed you and your friends

  Mandy: plz. plz stop. My skin…I'm brning. I'm so sick

  Josh: do you love me?

  Josh: Mandy?

  Josh: Mandy? Do you love me?

  Josh: Say you love me

  Mandy: I lv u

  Josh: that's my beautiful girl. I love you too. Do you know that?

  Mandy: ys.

  Mandy: I dunno

  Mandy: Y r u doin this?

  Josh: do you feel it past the pain? Do you feel it deep inside your heart where it matters most?

  Mandy: stop

  Josh: okay, my love.

  Josh: My name is Kathleen Myer.

  Josh: But you probably know me better as Fatty Kathy.

  Mandy: no r not

  Josh: Yes. I am. And the police will probably be here soon, so try not to interrupt me.

  Mandy: this is cruel stop pretndng

  Josh: I promise you, I'm not

  Mandy: o god

  Mandy: plz

  Mandy: stop

  Josh: and what's killing you is thallium nitrate,

  Josh: introduced into your system via my homemade chicken soup.

  Josh: Do you remember the soup, Mandy? Sue even had the gall to complain to me about it.

  Mandy: why? o god y r u doinng this?

  Josh: because they don't deserve to be beautiful.

  Josh: They've never worked a day in their lives and they never will.

  Josh: Everything they want will just fall into their laps.

  Josh: Nobody ever gave me a goddamn THING, Mandy.

  Josh: I had to WORK, to BEG, and sometimes worse, for anything I got.

  Josh: And what do I have NOW? Nothing. Scars, moles, diabetes

  Josh: And ugliness your friends exploit for laughs.

  Josh: they were rotten on the inside, baby girl.


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