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Taming a Planet (Trapped in Time Book 2)

Page 25

by Saxon Andrew

  Andy stood up and said, “The Destroyers are coming!”

  Melody felt instant fear and she grabbed Andy’s hand before he could run away, “I’ll marry you tonight!” Andy looked at her with a furrowed brow and she said, “You’re right. We shouldn’t wait.”

  Andy pulled her off the ground into his arms and kissed her. He broke the kiss and both of them started running up the slope. The two Cursors followed them up the hill. Andy arrived at the inner walls and yelled to Harvey, “Melody and I want to be married tonight!”

  Harvey yelled as Andy ran away, “I’ll get it arranged. Where are you going?”

  “To check on the sky drops.”

  “They’re ready.”

  “Even so.” Harvey nodded as Andy ran to the ropes hanging from the top of the cliff and pulled himself up. Melody took the two Cursors and led them to the pen. Dinah and Destiny followed her commands and went in without any problem. They sensed something important was going on. Melody closed the gate and heard, “I hear you have an event tonight?”

  Melody looked up at the top of the wall and saw Lyla, Annelise, and Tamara looking down at her, “Yes, I believe I do.”

  The three women squealed and Lyla yelled, “Meet us at the end of the wall. We don’t have much time to get you ready.” Melody laughed and sprinted away from the pen.

  • • •

  Andy arrived at the top of the cliff and looked out at the ocean. Everything looked peaceful and serene. The Pteranodons lazily circled high overhead and the clouds moved slowly toward him from the east. He pulled the camouflage head cover out of his pocket and put it on. The view instantly changed. The sky was filled with large gliders that were flying about a mile above the ocean. He watched as a hundred of them flew out over the small boats anchored three hundred yards from the beach and something fell from each of them. The small falling objects suddenly slowed and stopped as a large foil shaped canopy appeared over them. The hundred foils turned slow circles as they fell toward the ocean and dropped toward the small boats below. He smiled as the Droppers dropped in on the boats and the men pulled down on the two chords hanging from the foil. All but one of them landed in the boats. The one that missed turned at the last moment when he saw he was not going to land in the boat and dropped into the water.

  Andy shook his head. Landing on a ship using the foils made from the camouflage material was so much easier than getting a glider down. It was also much quieter. The small boats pulled up their anchors and rowed the Dropper in to shore. A new rower then took the boat back out and anchored it for the next round of drops. Harvey was a genius. He read about the parachutes in Andy’s writings and had been manufacturing the foils since the first attack on the scout ship. He looked up at the large gliders that dropped the parachutes as they circled the boats below. If the drop failed, they would attack from above. So far, they weren’t needed.

  “Hey, you need to get out of here and get ready!” Andy pulled the head cover off and saw Maxius. “You have an event to attend and you don’t want to be late.”

  “I just wanted to make sure the Sky Droppers are ready.”

  “We still have more than three weeks before they arrive. They’re ready now and will only get better in the time that remains.”

  “You know you’ve got to be ready as well?”

  Maxius smiled, “I know. Let’s go get this ball rolling.” Andy hugged his best friend and grabbed a rope to rappel down the cliff. Maxius arrived at the bottom with him and they ran toward Andy’s quarters.

  • • •

  Jonathan and Dottie flew in and saw the gliders dropping fliers over the ocean. They landed inside the original walls and saw a huge bonfire being prepared. Dottie grabbed one of the young judges, “What’s going on?”

  “Andy and Melody are being mated tonight.”

  John looked at Melody, “Would you consider making it a double ceremony?” Dottie grabbed John and kissed him hard. “I’ll go ask Harvey.” Dottie waited and saw Jonathan come out of the Holy Cave and raise both arms over his head as he jumped into the air. She turned and ran toward her quarters. She had to get ready.

  She sat in front of her mirror and tried to do her hair but her hands were shaking too much. Tamara burst into the room without knocking and said, “I AM SO EXCITED!” Dottie jumped up and they hugged each other as they turned a circle. “Grab your things, you’re going to Lyla’s to get ready.”

  Dottie grabbed the dress she planned to wear and sprinted out of the house behind Tamara.

  John arrived at his quarters and began undressing. Mark burst in and said, “Forget it. Come with me.”

  “Where are we going?”

  “Over to Andy’s; you can get ready there.” John smiled. He needed to be with someone else. His hands shook as he grabbed his archer’s uniform and followed Mark out and didn’t even notice he didn’t have on a shirt.

  The girls were giggling and laughing and they heard a knock on the door. Lyla looked at Annelise and said, “Will you see who that is?”

  Annelise stood up and walked over to the door. She opened the door and after a moment said, “Tamara, someone wants to speak with you.”

  Tamara looked at the others and then went to the door and stepped outside. After a moment, they heard a loud scream. Lyla said, “What the heck? She walked over to the door and Tamara stepped inside. Lyla looked at her and said, “What happened to you?”

  Tamara looked at them and said, “That was Fats. He just asked if I would please be his mate. I accepted.”

  The five women screamed and Lyla said, “Annelise, go to Harvey and tell him that we need more time to get ready!”

  Annelise ran out the door and came back an hour later and said, “He’s given us until two hours after sunset.”

  Lyla nodded and said, “We can do this.”

  Melody smiled, “I don’t have anything to wear.” Lyla sighed and Melody said, “What?”

  “I still have the dress Harmony wore to her wedding. I feel awful even suggesting it.”

  Melody looked at Lyla and said, “Let me see it.”

  Lyla sighed and left the room and returned holding the emerald green dress. Lyla looked at Melody and turned around, “This is a bad idea.”

  Melody quickly said, “Bring it here.” Lyla stopped and Harmony took the dress and pulled it to her chest. She closed her eyes for a moment and smiled, “This is perfect.”


  Melody looked at Lyla, “I can feel it inside me. This is what she would have wanted and I will not disappoint her.”

  The women looked at Melody and saw her smile was radiant. They worried about how Andy would receive it.

  • • •

  The drums started beating out the mating rhythm and the Community began gathering as word spread that Andy was going to marry Harmony’s twin sister. The rush was immediate and the space in the ancient clearing filled quickly and spilled out the gate. The Master Archers kept a corridor clear for the couples and the crowd was loud as they talked about whether or not it was a good thing for Andy to be doing this.

  The drums picked up speed and volume as the three archers walked into the clearing wearing their blue and white archers’ uniforms and the crowd cheered them all the way from the river. The twenty drums that had been silent suddenly joined the others and the crowd began clapping to the rhythm.

  There was a sense of frenzy and it grew until the drums suddenly grew silent. One drum began a slow rhythm as the three women walked out of Lyla’s house and began the walk to the clearing. Melody was flanked by Dottie and Tamara and the crowd drew its collective breath as it saw them. The three women were breathtaking and Melody was stunning. They walked through the gates and the crowd gathered there followed them in as the Archers forming the corridor closed in behind them. They were carrying white flowers in their hands and the single drum matched their cadence as they walked toward the three men waiting for them at the fire. The sky was incredibly clear and the stars could be seen overhead e
ven with the bright fire. Once the three brides saw their mates, they lost sight of everything else.

  Melody saw Andy staring at her and she wondered who he was seeing. She couldn’t take her eyes off him and she saw his amazement in his eyes. Who was he seeing? She walked up to him and the three women stood opposite him. Harvey said, “Please take your chosen mate’s hand.” Andy stepped forward and offered his hand to her and Melody took it. He leaned forward and said, “You are incredibly beautiful, Melody. I love you so much.”

  Melody felt her nervousness vanish and she never took her eyes away from Andy’s. She answered everything correctly and responded appropriately at the appropriate time but she had no memory of the ceremony. She only saw Andy’s eyes and the love in them. She finally heard in the distance Harvey saying, “You may kiss your chosen Mates.” In an instant she was in Andy’s arms and she knew that was where she had been destined to be. She didn’t know how long they would have on this most dangerous planet but every moment they had together would be treasured. For Melody, her life began with that kiss at that moment.

  Dottie kissed John and decided at that moment that she would never let him out of her arms and it took Andy and the rest of the wedding party to pry them apart. Even then she refused to release his hand. John felt her love and refused to release her, too. The long wait for this night was over and he was totally in the moment.

  Tamara kissed Fats and was chuckling. “What’s so funny?”

  “I actually didn’t know your name was Rory.”

  “What, you don’t like it?”

  “I love it.”

  “Then why are you laughing?”

  “Because that is what I’ll be calling you and our first son from now on.”

  Rory smiled and pulled Tamara into his arms. He tenderly kissed her and as they broke the kiss Tamara said, “Do you think he might be fast?”

  Rory burst out laughing and said, “He will catch a Cursor on foot.”

  • • •

  The drums began beating in earnest and the Community began dancing. They had watched Andy and Melody close and now they no longer worried. The Royal Couple was complete and they rejoiced at the hope of children.

  Maxius looked at Mark and said, “Tell the team leaders to meet us inside the walls tomorrow night at sunset.” Mark nodded and began moving through the crowd passing the word. Maxius joined him and the celebration grew louder and more joyous. But the warriors in attendance knew trouble lay ahead and they celebrated with part of their mind on the coming confrontation. It wouldn’t be long.

  For the three couples that were united that night, there was only their new mates, which was exactly as it should be.

  Chapter Eighteen

  The six thousand warrior leaders were gathered inside the ancient walls and Andy looked down at them from the northern wall. These were the Community’s best and he knew most of them. Maxius and Mark joined him at the wall and Mark said, “Everyone is here.”

  Andy raised both arms over his head and silence dominated the gathering. “I think all of you know the plan. Just know that things can change in an instant and be prepared to adjust to whatever conditions we have to face. They know they won’t be able to see us and they aren’t stupid. So keep your teams in position until the situation declares itself.” Andy looked down at the warriors wearing a blue armband that were scattered among those below. “It is imperative that the Droppers hit the water before they make a bad landing on the ships. They can use the ropes to climb up if they don’t make the deck but they must not give away their fellow warriors. Is that clear!”

  The Droppers all yelled, “Youuuuu Wahhh.”

  Andy nodded and said, “For those in the Cannon Crews, you will only hit twenty ships and no more. Make the others think they’re in danger but only twenty. When the flag goes up, do not hit any more ships.”

  “Youuuuu Wahhh!”

  “Fliers, you will remain over the ships and attack if you must. If your Droppers are successful, you will leave to the designated places you’ve been assigned. Stay over the cliffs until I give the signal to attack.”

  “Youuuuu Wahhh!”

  “The Destroyer ships are still three weeks away and we will have a full practice assault tomorrow at midday. Use this exercise to iron out the rough edges. We will not reveal the location of the final assault until the last minute. Make sure your teams are ready.”

  All of the gathered warriors screamed, “YOUUUUUUU WHAAAAAA!!”

  Andy stepped back and Mark yelled, “Dismissed, go get your teams ready.”

  Melody walked over from where she had been watching the gathering and said, “What does this Youuuuu Whaaa mean?”

  “It’s an abbreviation of something our original leader said to his wife when he heard she volunteered to go out and face the Allosaurus.”

  Melody’s brow furrowed and she tilted her head, “What did he say?”

  Andy smiled and said, “You what?!”

  Melody looked at him and started laughing. After a moment she had to sit down she was laughing so hard. Andy began smiling and said, “I guess you had to be there.” Melody completely lost it and had to hold her ribs.

  Later she learned that many of the Community’s favorite sayings were derived from statements made by their first leader. She began to understand the reverence he was given by those that had were alive today because of his actions long ago. That night Melody had her head on Andy’s chest and she said, “When you gave me the book and told me to leave you said something.”


  “When I asked you who wrote it you said it was someone you closely knew. What did you mean?”

  Andy was silent for a moment and said, “Harvey had me read his writings. The more I read the more I began to experience just how brilliant he was. I began to see how he thought and how he arrived at his decisions. That final book gave me something the other writings didn’t show.”

  “What was that?”

  “I saw his heart and at that moment I understood him and I felt him inside me. I am a better person for having read what he left us. It changed me.”

  “Would it be possible for me to read his writings?”

  “I’ll ask Harvey.”

  “Where are you going to be when the Destroyers come?”

  “I’ll be on top of the cliff with the Cannon crews.”

  “Will you allow me to be there with you?”

  Melody felt him tense up and she said, “Never mind.”

  “Why did you change your mind so quickly, Melody?”

  “After losing Harmony by allowing her to be with you, there’s no way you can focus on what’s happening if I’m there. Your fear for me would totally distract you.”

  Andy pulled her tighter into his arms and sighed, “You’re right. I won’t stop you if you insist but I will be worried about you being there.”

  “I also have to make decisions that put the Community first ahead of my own selfish desires. I really want to be with you but it wouldn’t be the right thing to do.”

  Andy held her close and his tension melted away. She felt it and prayed nothing happened to harm him. She loved him so much.

  Later she said, “Andy.”

  “Yes, Love?”

  “What do you want to name our first child if it’s a girl?”

  “Harmony would be a good name.”

  “We’ll name the second girl that. I think the first one should be named Linnae. She is who brought us together.”

  She waited for him to respond and he remained silent. She rolled over and touched his face and felt his tears, “I’m sorry. We can name her Harmony.”

  “No! You’ve chosen the perfect name. My heart is amazed by your wisdom and I should have thought of that.”

  Melody leaned down and kissed him tenderly and he pulled her to him.

  • • •

  Ophelia sat on a basket under a tree watching her former tormenter pulling corn off the tall stalks. He worked in silence and hadn’t comp
lained since the first week he started working on the farms. She had pushed him hard and hit him with a limber pole she carried. She had been given a cutter to kill him if he tried to flee but after six weeks, she and he knew that to flee meant death. She would chain him to the wall each night and take him back to the fields each morning. She hated him so much; she really hoped he would flee and she tormented him every day telling him he should do it to end the back breaking work. He would listen to her and continue working. Today was hot and she saw his shirt was already soaked with sweat. “Today would be a good day to run. I’ll even turn my back and not watch. You’ve got to know death is better than this.”

  The former Commander threw six more ears of corn in the basket and lifted it. He carried it to the edge of the field and put the basket down to be picked up by the trailer being pulled by a Cursor. He picked up another basket and moved back into the field. After a few steps, he stopped and blew out a breath. He turned around and looked at Ophelia, “I’m sorry. You didn’t deserve what I did to you.” He turned and continued walking into the field.

  Ophelia went from disgust to rage in an instant. She ran into the field and hit the Commander on the back with the limber pole. He fell to the ground as he grunted loudly. She lifted the pole over her head with both hands and barely restrained herself from slamming it down on the man’s head. She screamed, “HOW CAN YOU SAY THAT!!! HOW CAN YOU SAY THAT?”

  The man struggled to his knees and Ophelia saw the blood running out of the whelp on his back where she hit him. He remained on all fours for a moment and then struggled to his feet and lifted the empty basket and stumbled into the field and tried to raise his arms to pull corn off the stalks. He winced and could only lift his left arm high enough to pull the ears at the top of the stalk. She stood with the pole still over her head breathing hard and she finally brought it down. She knew she had hit him hard. God she hated him so much. She walked over and sneered at him, “I asked you a question!”


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