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Taming a Planet (Trapped in Time Book 2)

Page 26

by Saxon Andrew

  The Commander had entered the field several months earlier, overweight and big around the middle. He appeared to be in his forties but now he looked younger. He had lost all his flab and his muscle tone had improved. He was deeply tanned from working in the sun and looked nothing like the arrogant Destroyer that had abused her. He looked at her and went to his knees holding his ribs. He raised his head and too a breath before he said, “I was told by my father since I was a child that it was my duty to remove those that would prevent the real enemy from coming to us. He beat me unconscious many times when I didn’t do as he told me. He forced me to kill a slave when I was eight years old. I hated him as much as you hate me.”

  “I doubt that!”

  The man shrugged and said, “I won’t disagree with you on that.”

  “What’s the point to this drivel?”

  “I became a warrior believing that I was doing what was necessary to ensure the survival of my nation.” The man sighed and lowered his head. He then said, “The man who leads this community asked why we didn’t capture those we attacked and take them all back to our lands and allow them to join our society instead of killing and enslaving them.” He fell to the ground holding his ribs and groaned. She stared at him and knew she had really hurt him. Then he said, “Now I know we are wrong. I see the people here and they care about each other and live their lives with smiles. I’ve killed so many that shouldn’t have died.”

  Ophelia leaned down and moved her face six inches from his, “Why didn’t you kill me!?!”

  The man looked into her face and said, “Because you are the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.”

  He closed his eyes in pain and she raised the pole, “You will stand up or I will kill you!”

  The man opened his eyes and said, “You should for all I’ve done to you. But…”

  “BUT WHAT!?!”

  “I never beat you. I took you to stop the slave master from sending you into the hole with the other slaves.” He tried to stand and screamed as he passed out from the pain and collapsed to the ground.

  Ophelia stood over him and wanted to hit him…but he was right. He had never beat her. He had forced himself on her…but he didn’t hit her. She knew if she had been sent into the hole, her life would have been a living hell; the crew would have taken turns with her and her life expectancy would have been less than a year. She looked up at the sky and screamed. The old man with the trailer came rushing up on the Cursor pulling the trailer and ran out into the field with his bow in his hand, “What’s wrong?!”

  Ophelia looked down at the unconscious man and said, “I need him to be taken to a doctor.”

  The old man looked down at the unconscious man and Ophelia saw his sorrow. “What?”

  He looked in her eyes and shook his head, “This is why we have never taken slaves. It destroys the soul of the slave…” he paused for a moment, and then said, “As well as the Master.”

  Ophelia saw he was talking about her. The old Archer pulled the trailer into the field and gently lifted the Commander and put him gently down. The Commander screamed and the Old man climbed up on his Cursor and they pulled him quickly out of the field.

  Ophelia fell to her knees and she knew that she had treated her tormentor much worse that he had done to her. He was right…he had never hit or beat her. He was not the first one to have ever abused her. There were others that had hurt her. She realized that her soul was black. She was shaped by that evil society into something dark. Just like the Commander. She stood and started walking up the hill. This had to end.

  • • •

  Andy was showing Melody how to hang from a glider and he held the wings level as she leaned left and right in the harness. “Leaning left will turn the glider in that direction.”

  Melody nodded, “And leaning right will turn it right.”

  “Exactly. The bar with the two vertical poles in front of you will raise the nose of the glider if you push them forward; that will cause it to start climbing. Pulling them toward you will lower the nose and start a dive. If you raise the nose and lean to the right, the glider will circle to the right and climb if you have a good wind.”

  Suddenly, Andy heard a loud noise and saw the field trailer come rushing through the front gate at full speed. He and Harmony watched as the old Archer rushed in and they saw two young judges come rushing out and carry a limp form into the cave. Andy slowly shook his head and closed his eyes. Melody looked at him, “That was the Destroyer Ship Commander, wasn’t it?” Andy nodded.

  The old man rode his cursor slowly downhill from the cave and stopped next to Andy. “That man works hard every day and I’ve not heard him complain or whine in months. He deserved better than what he’s getting. You should be ashamed. Our original leader would never approve of what you’ve allowed to happen.”

  The old man rode down the hill and Andy blew out a breath and shook his head. Melody looked at him, “What are you thinking?”

  He’s right; this shouldn’t have happened.”

  “Are you saying it would have been better to kill him?”


  “Then if that’s true, the Destroyers should have killed me…then I would have never come here.” Andy saw the problem. Melody said, “If you must have slaves, they should never be mistreated.”

  “The answer is to never have slaves.”

  “In that man’s case, you had no other choice other than to kill him.”

  “That might be better than bringing the darkness of slavery into my community.”

  “Here she comes.”

  Andy looked at the gate and saw Ophelia walking up the hill. She stormed up in front of Andy and said, “I can’t do this anymore! He is driving me crazy!”

  Andy stared into her eyes and said, “We have a Council meeting under the full moon in six days. Be there with your slave.”

  “He’s not my slave!”

  Andy looked her in the eyes and said, “Oh but he is. Remember; you wanted to kill him and gladly took on the task of making sure he behaved. Oh make no doubt about it, he is your slave.”

  “Well, I’m done being his master!”

  “Be at the meeting and I’ll ask the Council to approve you killing him.”

  Ophelia stared at Andy and then turned and walked away. Melody looked at Andy, “You’re not really going to do that are you?”

  “Yes, I am. I will not have this sickness among our people. I will not abide slavery in any form no matter the reason. This will end in five days.”

  Melody said, “I think you better discuss this with Harvey.”

  “I will.”

  “I don’t think you can wait.”

  “Why not?”

  “He’s standing behind you.” Andy turned around and saw Harvey. “Did you hear what I just said?”

  “I did.”


  “I agree, this has to end. The slave has three broken ribs where she hit him with a wooden pole.”

  “Will he be able to walk in five days?”


  “Good. Make sure he is at the meeting.”

  Harvey nodded and turned back up the hill. Melody said, “Andy, this isn’t right.”

  Andy put his hands on Melody’s shoulders and looked her in the eyes. “You need to read Andy’s writings. He makes it clear that slavery is absolutely one of the worse evils that man can do to man and here we are with a slave who has almost been beaten to death. This ends, now!”

  Melody stared into Andy’s eyes and after a moment nodded.

  • • •

  The Holy Cave was full. Word had leaked that the slave was going to be executed and many of the senior military leaders were there in attendance. The old man who had brought the slave in for medical treatment was also present to bear witness if needed. The slave was sitting in a chair with his chest bound in elastic material. He seemed resigned to his fate.

  Harvey raised his arms and said, “Before we discuss the arrival of the De
stroyer Fleet, we have an issue to resolve. I’m going to ask Andy to lead the discussion.”

  Andy looked at the slave and then at Ophelia. He looked at the gathering and said, “Five months ago I allowed a Destroyer Ship Commander to live; I made him a slave instead of killing him. That was a mistake.” Maxius raised his hand. Andy looked annoyed but said, “Yes, what is it?”

  “As I remember, you needed information from the slave and only got it by agreeing not to kill him.”

  Andy stared at Maxius and blew out a quick breath. “That’s true but since then, it’s become clear that this situation is not acceptable. It is a blight on the Community’s heart.” Andy pointed at the old man, “Janek is right. Andy would be ashamed of our behavior and would tell us it is not acceptable. Do any of you deny this?” Andy looked at Maxius who could only nod. Andy said, “I am acting in my capacity as the Community’s Leader and I am removing the restriction from Ophelia and will allow her to kill this slave and return balance to our home. You will not vote on this and I accept full responsibility for doing it.” Andy stood and walked over to Ophelia and held his blaster out to her. “I should have allowed you to do this then.”

  Ophelia didn’t take it and Andy jerked it toward her, “Take it!”

  Ophelia took the blaster and Andy nodded toward the slave. She stood up and walked over in front of her tormentor and raised the blaster. He stared at her with his eyes slightly open and nodded. She looked at him and knew he wanted her to do it. She tried to pull the trigger but just couldn’t do it. She dropped her arm and took a deep breath. She raised the blaster again and then dropped her arm. She turned and said, “I can’t do this.”

  Andy looked at her in astonishment, “Are you out of your mind? It’s all you’ve been begging me to do for months.”

  Ophelia lowered her head, “I can’t do it. She held the blaster out to Andy and he said, “Ok, I’ll do it for you.” She immediately pulled the blaster away from Andy’s hand. “Give it to me.” Ophelia shook her head. “GIVE ME THE BLASTER!”

  Ophelia raised her head and looked at Andy, “He doesn’t deserve to die.”

  Andy looked at Ophelia and then rolled his eyes at the ceiling, “You almost killed him with that pole of yours. Why can’t you shoot him? It’s a lot less painful!”

  Ophelia handed Andy the blaster. She looked at the slave and shook her head, “He told me he was sorry for what he had done.”

  Harvey lowered his eyes, “And you nearly beat him to death for saying it?”

  “He had no right to say that!” Ophelia paused, “I couldn’t stop myself…but then he said something…”

  The room was silent and Melody said, “What did he say?”

  “He told me that he had never hit or beat me and that he had taken me into his cabin to prevent the slave master from sending me into the hole with the other slaves. If I had been sent there, I would have been dead in six months.”

  The room was like a tomb. Andy looked at the slave, “It was my original intention to hold you and possibly send you back to your family when we go there.”

  The slave’s eyes narrowed and he said with venom, “I HAVE NO FAMILY!”

  Melody looked at him, “Why not?”

  The slave remained silent and Harvey said, “You’ve been asked a question!”

  The slave looked at Melody, “My parents beat me from as far back as I can remember. Every woman I’ve ever met is cruel and vicious. I will never have a family with any of them!”

  Ophelia looked at him and said, “Then why did you take me into your cabin if you hate women?”

  The slave looked at her and then turned away in silence. Melody walked over and stood in front of him, “She deserves to know why you took her. It’s right that you should tell her.”

  The man stared into Melody’s eyes and said, “Look at her.”

  Melody looked at Ophelia and turned her head back to him, “I looked at her.”

  The man softly said, “She is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen on this world. And when she smiles…”

  The old man yelled, “That old biddy never smiles!”

  The slave jerked his head around and shouted, “Yes she does. I’ve seen her.”

  The old man said, “Well…that puts you one up on the rest of us.”

  Andy said, “Melody, step back. I need to put an end to this.”

  Ophelia screamed and ran over and stood between the slave and Andy, “I won’t let you do this!”

  Andy lowered the blaster and said, “Give me a good reason why I shouldn’t.”

  Ophelia lowered her head, “Because he is right. He never beat me or hit me. I’ve treated him much worse than he ever treated me. He only did what he was taught to do by a nasty civilization. I know he sees it now. He doesn’t deserve to die, at least not for what was done to me.”

  Andy kept the blaster raised and then he lowered it. He said, “Maxius, remove Ophelia.”

  Ophelia screamed as Maxius took her in his arms and pulled her away. The slave said, “It’s alright. I deserve this.”

  Ophelia stared crying and Andy said, “I told you we will not have slaves in our Community.”

  The slave nodded, “I understand.”

  “You leave me no choice but to free you and make you one of our citizens.” The man’s eyes went wide and Ophelia stopped screaming. “Unless you’d rather be shot by this blaster?”

  “Oh no, being a citizen is more than I deserve.”

  “You’re going to have to do your share of the work.”

  “I bet I’m the best corn picker you have.” The entire room burst out laughing as the tension was released. The former slave said, “And when the time comes for you to go pay my former home a visit, I can lead you across the sea directly to them and save you a month of having to sail along the shore line.”

  Andy smiled and walked over to the slave and extended his hand. The man took it and Andy asked, “What’s your name?”


  Andy turned and said, “Let’s all welcome Zeck into our community. We’ll continue the meeting in an hour.” The warriors walked forward and all greeted Zeck and Melody gave him a hug. Zeck winced and Melody immediately apologized. Zeck smiled, “It is ok. You’re the first nice female I’ve ever had hug me.”

  Ophelia stepped up after Melody and hugged him. Zeck was shocked and Ohpelia said, “Now you’ve had two. I don’t know if I can ever forgive you. But I want to thank you for saving my life.” Zeck nodded and she walked away.

  • • •

  Andy watched him staring at Ophelia and said, “I would have never called this. You were right, she wouldn’t allow us to kill him.” Andy looked at Melody who was standing under his arm, “How did you know?”

  “Any time a woman says a man is driving her crazy, she has gotten too close. You could have stopped it if she had jumped up and gladly took the blaster.”

  “She still made me sweat.”

  Melody nodded, “Me, too.”

  “Do you think they’ll be all right?”

  “I don’t think they will ever be friends but they can now co-exist. That is enough.”

  Andy nodded and went to talk with Harvey. Melody stared at Zeck and watched Ophelia leave the cave. Time may eventually force the two of them together. There are always consequences to bad behavior and Ophelia would always be known as the witch that tried to kill her slave. Most men would have little to do with her. Zeck would be known as a slaver who forced a woman to his will. Their reputations would eventually bring them together to share in their misery. Maybe then…

  • • •

  Andy sat with the other leaders and looked at Zeck, “My scouts tell me that the Destroyer fleet has a hundred and ten ships coming this way.”

  Zeck tilted his head, “That tells me the message you sent worked.”

  “Why is that?”

  “The Commandant knows the wind will be changing in a few more months and that would allow you to go after him. He’s sending tw
o thirds of his forces to stop you.”

  Andy’s eyes narrowed and he looked at Mark who shrugged. “Two thirds?”

  “The Commandant has four fleets. You captured one of them, which leaves three. He’s sending two of them here.”

  Harvey looked at Andy, “That means if we’re successful, we should prepare to move on him quickly.”

  Andy looked back at Zeck as he said, “Perhaps.” He waited a moment and said, “What would you do?”

  “I’d send a fleet now.”


  It would arrive in about six weeks if you go directly there. “They would not be expecting you and you’d have the element of surprise.”

  Andy stared at Zeck, “Why should I trust you to take us there?”

  “You really don’t need me to do it; you could do it yourself without my assistance.”

  Andy laughed, “How do you know that?”

  “Because I’ve seen you flying. You must have the metal that always points north and, if you do, just sail directly east. You’ll run into their lands.”

  Andy smiled, “But we wouldn’t know when we arrived there to sail north or south.”

  “As I said, I’ve seen you flying; you’ll just send some of those flying machines out and see.”

  “You really would help us attack them?”

  “Yes, I will.”

  “Tell me why?”

  “It would keep the body count down.” Andy’s eyes narrowed and Zeck continued, “Most of the people in that nation are slaves working to support the Destroyer elite. They have no chance of overthrowing the ones over them but they will be the first casualties if the Commandant knows you’re coming. He’ll force them to be a human shield in front of his forces. If you can get there and strike quickly, the deaths of thousands might be avoided.”

  “You have a reason for wanting to do this?”

  “I do. There is one particular slave that I intend to go ashore and rescue. I will take you directly there under the cover of night. All I ask in return is one of the blasters you use to go and try to save the slave.”

  “Who is this slave?”

  “Ophelia’s younger sister.”

  Andy stared at Zeck, “You will have your blaster, but we will not mount an expedition while the Community is under attack.” Zeck stared at Andy for a moment and then nodded. “How long is it before the wind shifts?”


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