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Taming a Planet (Trapped in Time Book 2)

Page 28

by Saxon Andrew

  Rory hung from his heavy cutter that he had stuck in the wall and turned off the blade. He had pushed a spike into the hold and the jagged edge bit. He pulled out the camo-swing from his pouch and hung it over the spike. The spike was grey and matched the color of the cliff. He hung there and looked at Tamara hanging next to him.

  They hung there for an hour whispering their love to each other before they heard the approach of the Destroyer forces. The guns in front of them were loud and getting louder. The archers were spread out hanging on the high cliff wall. They were packed in close together. Rory had to wait until the majority of those in his section had climbed up. He was strong…but lifting his body weight a hundred feet was all he could do. They saw the clearing in front of them being torn apart by thousands of bullets and the trees were exploding. They waited and finally they saw the front of the formation approaching. Andy watched the progress of the Destroyers and when the rear of the formation passed the end of the archers on the wall, he whipped the glider into a tight circle.

  Every archer had their eyes glued on Andy and when he made the tight circle, they pulled the triggers on their red blasters and swept them across the Destroyer formation. The large gliders that had left the attack on the ships flew along the tree line and fired down on the Destroyers furthest from the cliff. In a moment, an orange fog rolled and boiled over the clearing and then blew briefly toward the cliff before the hot air lifted it. It blew out over the trees toward the vast plain beyond. It settled to the ground and for the next five years, the Community’s crops were the best they had ever been.

  Forty six archers were hit by bullets fired by the Destroyers at the source of the red beams. Thirty eight of them died from their wound. But twenty thousand Destroyers were gone. The Community would bury their dead with heavy heart but would later celebrate the victory.

  • • •

  Andy completed the turn and pushed the glider higher. He saw the large gliders had joined the archers and that the attack on the fleet was underway. He circled higher and dove at the top of the cliff and was jerked high into the sky by the hard wind blowing up the cliff. He soared over the ships and saw orange clouds blowing off the ships. The fight was still going on but he could tell by the boom of the rifles that it was quickly ending.

  The Droppers arrived on the ships and swept the decks clear. Once they arrived at the stern of their target ship, the Fliers came soaring in on gliders and joined them in the fight. Two thousand Fliers and five hundred Droppers then fought their way below decks to take on the warriors still below. One warrior ignited the powder magazine and the fifteen fliers on board died with the ship. But by the end of the day, some of the Destroyers turned on the others and assisted the Fliers taking the ship.

  Dottie and John had instructed the Droppers and Fliers that there was no reason to take prisoners. The Community had taken its first and last slave. The Fliers made sure the Destroyers were dead. It took two days from start to finish but the last warrior died trying to get to the powder magazine. He was shot by another Destroyer and the Fliers allowed him to live.

  At the end of the day, a hundred and twelve Destroyer Warriors surrendered after assisting the Fliers and were welcomed into the Community.

  • • •

  Andy landed on top of the cliff and dropped his glider. Annelise ran over to him with fear in her eyes and Andy smiled, “Relax. Everything is under control.” Annelise blew out a breath and sat down. Andy put his hand on her shoulder, “Your crews were outstanding.”

  “Thank you.”

  “How long will it take for the fifty ships we captured to be ready to sail?” Annelise looked up at him with a furrowed brow. “I have a date with a certain Commandant and I don’t want to keep him waiting.”

  “If you will allow some of my sailors to take command of those ships we just captured, I can have a hundred ready in about six days.”

  “I want to leave in five.”

  “Then seventy can be provisioned.”

  “Isn’t there enough provisions on them now? The former occupants won’t be using them.”

  “Yes, but I assume you will want to return.”

  Andy tilted his head, “Touché, the words of the Master. Get them ready.” Annelise nodded and Andy picked up his glider. He leaped off cliff and soared toward the south wall. There was a beautiful blonde waiting on him there and he couldn’t allow her to worry any longer.

  • • •

  Harvey presided over the funerals and the Community wept for the ones killed in the fighting. He knew the losses were felt deeply but he allowed himself to stop fearing the future. The Celebration that started immediately afterward as the lives of those lost were celebrated and remembered with drums and dancing. He saw Andy talking with Annelise and knew the expedition was leaving in a few days…but he was not going to allow himself to fall back into depression over what lay ahead. You only had today and he was going to live in it and taste it to the fullest.

  Zeck watched the funerals and celebration that followed and saw the heart of the people. The Destroyers burned those that died and treated the remains as trash. He looked at Ophelia standing with the woman named Lyla and she wasn’t smiling. If he could save her younger sister, he might see that smile one more time. It was worth dying to make that happen. He had little else to live for. His ribs were killing him but he would go with the ships. He would heal on the voyage…but first he had to get on a ship. He steeled himself to show no pain until he was on board. He saw Ophelia glance at him and raise her glass to him. She looked away and getting up from bed to attend tonight was now made worth the effort.

  • • •

  Derek left the celebration with Annelise. He had been away from her too long and tonight was going to be theirs, if she didn’t collapse from fatigue first. He loved her so much and was impatient to get the ships sailing so he could have some alone time with her. He could steer and she could wrap her arms around him from behind. He missed that time most of all. He saw Paul and Ana running down the pier to join them in the boat. Paul was commanding one of the ships and Ana was his first mate. Derek chuckled. How appropriate was that?


  Andy looked Melody in the eyes and she said, “You’re leaving in the morning.”

  “I am.”

  “And you’re not going to take me with you.”

  “No, I’m not…but not for the reason you think.”


  “Harvey has agreed to allow you to read the manuscripts. It will take you all the time we’re gone to do it.”

  “Now that’s a conundrum.” Andy’s eyebrows lowered, “Reading something I’m dying to see or go with you. This at least will make it bearable.” Melody sighed, “What happens if you manage to handle the Destroyers?”

  Andy looked out over the wall at the vast plain in the distance with thousands of dinosaurs grazing. We’ve learned how to survive against the predators and especially the most dangerous one.”

  “The T-Rex?”

  “No, humans. Zeck was right about only having humans in one place. We’re going to use the ships to bring every human we can find here.”

  “We can’t support all of them here.”

  “I know. Once they’re here, we’re going to start sending them away.”

  Melody cocked her head to the left, “Now you’ve confused me.”

  Andy pointed out at the plain and said, “All of them are going to be gone. That thing Andy called an asteroid is coming and he says the devastation will be beyond belief. We are going to spread out north of here and build the structures needed to survive.”

  “Won’t that possibly cause the Time Taker’s enemy to go somewhere else?”

  “The Time Takers saw where their enemy came. I firmly believe that all you need to do is find the communities that had the red blasters in their caves when they arrived to determine where they’re coming.”

  “The Destroyers had them originally.”

  “The Destroyers will not
be there if all goes well.”

  “So you think they’ll be coming here?”

  Andy shrugged, “I really don’t care if they don’t. My first concern is doing what’s necessary to insure the survival of our Community. Nothing else matters. Even if they don’t come here, I’ll be ok with that.” Melody’s eyes lowered as she thought about the implications of what Andy said. Andy smiled, “It might interest you to know that while I’m away, Tamara is going to teach you how to fly.”



  “Why isn’t she going?”

  “She and Rory are going to have a child.”

  “That’s great. I’m so happy for them.” Melody sighed and said, “Andy, are you taking the necessary forces to do this?”

  “Well, we’re taking those guns they used in the clearing along with a huge number of small bombs that you can throw.”

  “Where did you get those?”

  “They were left behind when the orange mist cleared. We also have an abundant supply of rifles and ammunition. The most effective weapon we’ll have is that they don’t know we can fly. That is what will be their undoing. The seventy ships will have a hundred Fliers on board. According to Zeck, we’ll outnumber them for the first time. I feel confident we’ll prevail.”

  Melody knew he was trying to allay her fears and she loved him for it, “Please come back to me.”

  Andy pulled her in his arms and said, “You know I will.”

  Melody held him close and felt the child inside her. She wasn’t going to tell him; he didn’t need that worry thrust on him before the coming fight. She knew she couldn’t go even if he wanted it. Their baby did not deserve to be taken into a war zone. She held him tight and closed her eyes. She saw her sister smiling in her mind and knew that she would look over Andy and protect him. They were so much alike; they both loved him.

  The End


  Trapped in Time

  Book three


  Andy entered the Holy Cave and Harvey excused himself from a class of ten year olds. He walked over and shook his head, “Boy! Those kids can ask the most difficult questions.”

  Andy smiled and said, “I have a few questions and I need your insight on whether or not you agree with me.” Harvey’s eyes narrowed and he nodded. Andy started walking toward the cave’s entrance and Harvey followed him. “Melody and I have been discussing what Andy wrote and she asked me some questions that started me thinking.”


  Andy sat down on the ledge next to the clearing and said, “She pointed out that if the Time Takers put us here to handle an enemy, how long would they have wanted us to develop our civilization?”

  Harvey thought for a moment, “What are you suggesting?”

  “Our ancestors arrived two hundred and fifty years ago.” Harvey nodded. “If we have a millennium to develop, wouldn’t we find a way to survive the coming asteroid impact?”

  “I’m not sure.”

  “It’s also a certainty that humans would spread out over the planet given that amount of time and would stand a higher probability of surviving the impact.”

  Harvey’ eyes went wide, “You think it’s going to happen sooner than later?”

  “I do. It will probably happen during our lifetime.”

  “What did Andy write that made you think this?”

  “The Time Taker was patting himself on his shoulder for having selected Andy to be sent back, even though his peers were against it. He told Andy that they would no longer interfere with what happened.”

  Harvey saw it, “They determined that his community was going to survive.”

  “That’s how I see it. They defeated the Atlantans and the genetically advanced humans that were brought here from the distant future. Once they made that determination, they knew they wouldn’t have to do it again and left.”

  Harvey stood up and started pacing behind Andy, “It makes sense. Two hundred years would allow them to attempt another colonization if the first one failed.” Andy tilted his head and shrugged. “This is not good.”

  “There’s more.”

  “Please tell me it’s good news.”

  “Sorry, but Melody and I really believe the Enemy that is coming will arrive with the asteroid.”


  “It’s the only thing that makes sense, Harvey! The asteroid might be what brings them here.” Harvey stared at Andy in silence. Andy took a deep breath and blew it out, “I suspect this enemy has found a new weapon and wants to use it to determine how effective it is. It is that new weapon the Time Takers want to remove. This enemy may see the coming impact and decide that killing us wouldn’t really matter in the larger scheme of things.”

  Harvey thought for a moment and tilted his head, “Andy, what if the Time Takers had not brought our ancestors here? Would their enemy still come?”

  Andy shrugged, “I do believe the asteroid is what causes them to come. I suspect they would have trialed this weapon on the dinosaurs if the Time Takers had not acted. Finding intelligent beings here will be irresistible to them.”

  “What are we going to do?”

  “Continue what we’ve been doing and speed up the process. By the way, why did you ask me to come here?”

  Harvey had forgotten he had called Andy and he quickly said, “I’m concerned about your daughters.”

  “What about them?”

  Harvey sat down beside Andy and looked out at the clearing. “They were in one of my classes last week and I turned my back on them and thought that I really hoped everyone had done their homework.”

  “Go on.”

  Harvey looked at Andy, “I didn’t say it; I thought it. I immediately heard Harmony say, ‘We’ve done ours, Elder.’ I looked at her and she was pulling a book out her pouch; she wasn’t looking at me.” Andy sighed. Harvey said, “You know something?”

  “Melody saw it first. They do things without saying anything to each other. She pointed it out to me and I began seeing it as well. We’re of the opinion that they hear each other’s thoughts. We’ve never seen them give any indication they could hear anyone else’s.”

  “What does this mean?”

  “Evolution speeds up when a species is under the threat of extinction.”

  Harvey stared at Andy and could only shake his head.

  Books by Saxon Andrew

  The Annihilation Series:

  Love Conquers All

  The Power of a Queen

  A Rose Grows in Weeds

  Tommy’s Tale


  Demon’s Sacrifice

  Finding Keepers

  Prequel-Psychic Beginnings

  Searching for a Hero

  Dahlia’s Deception

  Ashes of the Realm:

  Juliette’s Dream

  Greyson’s Revenge

  Death of an Empire

  The Return of the Realm

  Lens of Time:

  The Pyramid Builders

  Planet Predators

  Pray for the Prey

  The End of Time

  Star Rover-The Worst of Time

  Star Rover-Running Out of Time

  Lens of Time-Chosen To Die

  The Fight for Creation

  Life Warrior

  Scout Warrior

  Ultimate Warrior

  Star Chase

  The Lost Prince

  Nowhere to Run

  Nowhere to Hide

  Probe Predators

  Jesse’s Starship

  Mike’s War—Sequel to Jesse’s Starship

  Trapped in Time

  The Time Takers

  Taming A Planet

  Also an audiobook at

  The Lost Prince

  Love Conquers All

  The Power of a Queen

  A Rose Grows in weeds

  Copyright © 2014 by Saxon Andrew. All rights reserved. Screen Writers Guild no. VQEA3E380432.
r />   This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. All rights reserved. No part of this publication can be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without permission in writing from the author or publisher.

  First Electronic Edition: August 2014




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