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Taming a Planet (Trapped in Time Book 2)

Page 27

by Saxon Andrew

  “About six weeks.”

  “This leader of theirs won’t be expecting us before the wind shifts will he?”

  “Probably not. His fleets wouldn’t arrive back before then if they were to leave now. Since he has no idea how far they’ll have to sail to find you, he’ll probably not start worrying until the wind shifts.”

  “How long to get there against the wind?”

  “Going directly, about six weeks.”

  Andy looked at the leaders, “The Destroyer fleets will arrive in four days. If we can eliminate them in less than a week, we can immediately set sail and be there as the wind shifts.”

  Zeck lowered his eyebrows, “Those hundred twenty ships are bringing more than twenty thousand warriors on board. I suspect they will also be bringing one of their advanced guns.”


  “It fires bullets at an unbelievable rate. I’ve seen one of them cut down a forest.”

  Andy looked at Mark and said, “Change of plans.”


  “I’ll discuss it with you later. However, Zeck has helped us a lot with his candor. Would you like to participate in the party?”

  “I would more than you know but I don’t know if I’ll be able to walk in four days.”

  “What about in a week?”

  “If you can make it happen, I’ll crawl and swim to the ships.”

  The leaders laughed and Andy said, “Thank you, Zeck. I’ll talk with you after our little soiree.”

  “I wish you success.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  The Fleet Admiral was starting to worry that he had made a mistake. They had sailed for almost four weeks and had not seen a sign of civilization. There were only the high cliffs that ran along the shoreline. Could this new enemy be located inland from the site of the attack? No…no one in their right mind would live among the dangerous animals that inhabited the lands away from the ocean.



  “The lookout sees something odd ahead of us.”

  “What is it?”

  “There is a huge part of the cliff that is missing. He says it looks like it has been cut out.”

  The Admiral ran to the front of the ship and looked out over the bow. In a few minutes he saw the cliff started to look different. In a few more minutes he could clearly see that a massive amount of the cliff was missing. This had to be what he was trying to find. “Send up the flags and have all ships prepare for battle.”

  The Ship Commander said, “The lookout says there is a small beach under that gap. Do you intend to land our forces there?”

  “Not until I determine what we’re up against. Uncover the cannons and have the fleet form a line.”

  “Yes Sire.”

  • • •

  Andy stood on top of the cliff with the cannon crews and watched the huge fleet start organizing into a long line. One of the ships sailed away from the line. That had to be the Flagship. The one commanding the fleet wanted a good view of what was coming. Andy looked at Annelise, “Can you still reach that ship with a cannon?”

  “From this high up I might be able to hit the Commandant’s house across the ocean.”

  “That ship is off the board. I don’t want it hit.”

  Annelise looked at Paul, “Send word out.”

  Paul sprinted away and Annelise smiled, “When do you want us to fire?”

  “Start as soon as the first ship in that line draws even with our last cannon.”

  Andy watched the tall ships sailing toward him and shook his head; they were incredibly beautiful. The first ship started firing at the cliff as it moved opposite the gap. The cannon balls exploded on the face of the cliff and he saw the ships start edging closer. The next ships fired and several cannon balls cleared the gap and landed just outside the southern Roman Wall. He looked at Annelise, “That’s enough; open fire.”

  The long line of ships sailed majestically forward and suddenly there was a huge cloud of smoke that blew off the top of the cliff next to the gap that was followed by a loud thunder clap as the first ten ships at the head of the long line exploded. A moment later, another huge cloud of smoke appeared followed by a thunderous explosion and the next six ships exploded.

  • • •

  The Admiral turned white, “GET THEM OUT OF THERE…NOW!!!”

  The flags went up and the long line of ships turned and began tacking away from the cliff. Cannon balls were landing all around he fleet and another four ships exploded. The Admiral fell on his back as a huge geyser of water blew up in front of his ship and doused him in water. “MOVE US AWAY, MOVE US AWAY!!”

  The huge fleet began zig-zagging as it fought the wind to gain distance from the cliff.

  • • •

  Andy looked at Annelise, “Concentrate your fire on the ships that have been hit. Ignore the others for the moment.”

  The twenty ships that had been hit were struggling. Twelve of them had lost one or two masts and the other had holes blown in the sides. The cannons roared and all of them were hit again. The explosions were gigantic and two of the stricken ships had their powder magazines hit and blew up in horrific blasts.

  • • •

  The Admiral watched the cannons on the cliff focus on the ships that had been hit and thanked the winds that the ones firing weren’t professionals. They should have continued to attack other ships but didn’t. He could have lost half his fleet but a hundred ships managed to sail out of the cannon’s range.

  • • •

  The Commander of the Destroyer ground forces watched and had a different perspective than the Admiral. Those who were firing the cannons on the cliffs were smart to finish the ships close to shore. They were making sure that none of the warriors on them were able to get into their boats and make it to shore. Whoever they were; they were a danger to the Nation. Slayer’s words ran through his mind and he felt fear in his heart.

  • • •

  Annelise yelled, “Cease fire.”

  Andy looked at her, “Can you still hit them?”

  “Yes but I want them to think I can’t.”

  “Good idea. If they don’t turn south, hit as many as you can.”

  Annelise nodded and yelled, “Load all cannons and be prepared to shoot.” Only half of the cannons had been used in the initial exchange. The other fifty lined up a ship and waited for the order to fire.

  • • •

  The Warrior Commander looked at the soaked Admiral, “Can they hit us this far out?”

  “If they could they’d still be shooting.”

  “What are we going to do?”

  The Admiral saw his orderly come running up with a dry uniform and he took off his jacket. “It’s clear to me that their village is on the other side of that gap. Do you agree?”

  The Warrior Commander didn’t want to say it but said, “I believe you’re right.”

  “You’re going to have to go at them from ashore. I’m sailing the fleet south and you’ll launch your boats and climb the cliff. Once you’re on top, establish a position and we’ll send the rest of your forces in.”

  “I’ll need the ropes and tackle to lift our guns.”

  “You’ll have them. Get your forces ready to move out.”

  • • •

  Andy watched the Admiral’s ship start sailing away and Annelise tensed up, “Give them a moment to declare their intentions.”

  Annelise said, “Move the cannon to track that ship!” Andy watched the crew elevate the barrel slightly and then the ship turned and headed back the way it had come. The rest of the huge fleet turned with it and sailed south. Andy walked over to the edge of the cliff and pulled his glider pack up over the edge. “Where are you going?”

  Andy looked at Annelise, “I’m going up to keep track of their movements. Get your cannons turned and be ready to support our Archers if they make it this far.”

  Annelise yelled, “You heard him; get the cannons turned.”

sp; Andy released the glider and felt it snap together over his head. He grabbed the control bars and leaped off the cliff. He caught the sea breeze and rode an up draft over the top of the cliff and was immediately pushed by the hot air rising from the clearing below. He immediately soared high above the cliff and turned south. Annelise shook her head and prayed he didn’t do anything dangerous. She shook her head and chuckled. Anything you did at the moment was dangerous. Just be smart.

  • • •

  Andy flew south over the cliff and watched the Destroyer fleet sailing at their fastest speed. He began to worry that they were leaving and sailing away but ten miles south of the gap they moved closer to shore as each ship began dropping anchor. Fifty boats were immediately dropped into the water and the rowers pulled hard through the surf. He circled high overhead and saw another glider headed his way. Mark came flying in and Andy nodded to him. He arrived right on schedule and they circled and watched the hundred Destroyer Warriors arrive onshore and climb the cliffs with amazing skill. They had done this before.

  They arrived at the top of the cliff and pulled up heavy ropes that they anchored to the top. Soon they had hundreds of ropes anchored and hundreds more were being pulled up. The next wave of boats began leaving the ships and warriors arrived and scampered up the ropes. Andy looked at Mark and he tilted his head; these men were in great shape and were well trained. Andy looked below and saw a boat coming toward the ship that had something in it with large wide wheels. Andy pointed below and Mark flew with him to take a look.

  Some kind of large device was mounted on a swivel in the middle of the wheels. The boat arrived on shore and fifty warriors rushed out in the surf and lifted the strange device out of the boat and carried it to the beach. They put it down and it rolled easily over the sand to the cliff wall.

  The warriors attached ropes to it and a large group of warriors on top of the wall began pulling it up. The device actually rolled up the wall as they heaved against the ropes. Once the thing was on top of the cliff and set up, a warrior on top of the cliff launched a rocket. It created a huge explosion high overhead and then the boats began coming from the fleet in staggering numbers. The men on top of the cliff were still anchoring ropes to the top and Andy estimated they had close to eight hundred hanging down the cliff. Suddenly, Andy heard a loud shuddering sound and looked back at the cliff top.

  The wheeled device was blowing smoke out and the trees two hundred yards from the cliff were exploding. Many of then blew apart and others simply collapse and fell to the ground. Only the giant trees remained standing but many of their branches were blown off. This was the gun Zeck spoke about. He saw that the strange weapon blew the forest apart a hundred yards to either side of the Destroyer landing. He saw Mark wave out of the corner of his eye and turned to see him pointing below. He looked down and saw four more of the wheeled devices being brought to shore. They came prepared. He worried that his plan was in jeopardy. He looked at Mark and pointed back toward the Community. Mark nodded and used the updraft to circle higher and then turned north.

  The landing operations went on all night. The four wheeled devices were pulled up and three of them were lowered to the land side of the cliff. They were moved out and took positions between the forest and the cliff wall. Then the warriors began repelling down the wall and forming up into their units. At random times the four wheeled guns would open fire on the forest and one of them would fire up the clearing north of them. It appeared they were taking no chances of being attacked by invisible enemies. He continued to circle through the night and knew he would have his answer in the morning. He could not act until he knew.

  • • •

  The Warrior Commander was angry. The landing had taken much longer than he anticipated. More than two thirds of his forces had gotten over the cliff before midnight and had an opportunity to rest. The others had to be exhausted. But he couldn’t delay and allow this enemy time to organize. He had more than twenty thousand warriors on the sand and four heavy spitters. He called the commanders of the four heavy guns together at daybreak and said, “You’re clear on your orders.”

  One Commander said, “We will spray everything on the sides of our formations as we advance north.”

  “That’s exactly right. We’ve brought enough ammunition to keep you supplied. If anything gets through your barrages you will be punished. Now move your guns and start firing. We’re moving out.”

  The Spitters began firing at the forest and up the beach. The warriors pulling them move forward at a fast pace. They were relieved every hundred yards by new warriors to pull the guns. Suddenly, the Spitter to the right front of the advancing formation turned the barrel toward the cliff wall and opened fire. The Warrior Commander looked on in horror as fifty of his troops fell to the sand with wounds from bullets that ricocheted off the stone cliff. All twenty thousand warriors hit the sand.

  The Commander ran screaming at the Spitter Commander yelling for him to cease fire but he couldn’t hear over the roar of the gun. He arrived at the shooter and slammed his rifle butt into his head, killing him. The Commander screamed, “WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?!”

  The Spitter Commander stuttered, “You told us to shoot on all sides!”

  The Commander lifted his rifle and shot the Commander in the head. The other Spitter Crews saw the Commander’s rage and they cringed, expecting him to shoot them as well. “Are you clowns that stupid!”

  One of the shooters said, “They could be hanging from ropes off the cliff.”

  “Then shoot just below the top edge and cut the ropes. If we hear anything fall and hit the ground we’ll shoot at the noise.”

  The Spitter Shooter said, “Yes, Sire. Shoot at the top.”

  “Everyone on your feet and get moving!” The huge formations stood and prepared to march behind the guns. The Commander looked at the shooter closest to the wall and pointed ahead of the formation, “Shoot at the top about twenty yards ahead of us. That way any ricochets will go away from us!”

  “Yes, Sire.”

  • • •

  Andy watched the exchange and saw the strange gun closest to the cliff start firing at the top as it advanced. He had seen enough. He flew back along the Destroyer formations and estimated it was about five hundred yards long. It filled the space from just inside the cliff wall to the tree line. He caught an up draft off the cliff and flew out over the trees. He could hear the roars of dinosaurs being hit by the heavy bullets fired into the trees and his eyes narrowed. Animals that were no danger to them were being massacred. He flew back north and saw the warriors waiting on the sand outside the south wall. He dove and landed where Maxius and Mark were standing, “They’re eight miles away and moving about five miles an hour. The plan is a go and we’ll not go in the trees. Stay at least ninety feet below the top of the cliff. Their formation is about five hundred yards long.”

  Maxius and Mark went to their team leaders and began shouting instructions. Thousands of archers began running up the beach. Andy watched and hoped he was right.

  • • •

  The Destroyer forces covered five miles and he saw three scouts he had sent ahead running back toward him. He raised his hand and the huge formations called a halt. He could hear the order being relay back and it brought him pride to see his troops respond so quickly. The scouts rushed up and said, “There are thousands of Dinosaur tracks in the sand ahead of us and there is a wall running from the cliff to the tree line and beyond.”

  “How long is it?”

  “At least three miles.” The Commander now knew where the missing cliff was located. The Scout caught his breath and said, “We’ll have to cross the river to go to the end of it.”

  The Commander didn’t like that. He knew from experience that rivers were extremely dangerous. Some of the creatures were giants and could take you in a second. “How tall is the wall?”

  “About thirty feet.”

  The Commander turned and looked at his second in command, “Did you bring the clim
bing gear?”

  “Yes, Sire.”

  The Commander thought furiously and then said, “We will keep the wall clear with the Spitters while our climbers go over the top. Be prepared to throw hand bombs over it if necessary. Have the climbers report to the front of the formation.” He turned to the Scout, “Did you see any human tracks?”

  “There were some, Sire.”

  “How many?”

  “Not many and they were scattered around in different places.”

  • • •

  Andy watched the Commander talking to his scouts and thanked Melody for her wisdom. She and the women had taken the Cursors out of the pen and ran them back and forth on the clearing. This Commander was dangerous. He pulled his blaster and if he moved to the front right gun, he was going to shoot him.

  • • •

  Something was tugging in the back of the Commander’s mind but he couldn’t pull it out. He started to go to the Spitter Crews but the Climbers arrived and he had to reassure them that they would be covered when they made the climb.

  His second ordered the formation forward and they marched by him as he issued instructions to the climbers. He heard the Spitters firing and the trees, the cliff top and the clearing in front of his troops were exploding. He decided to stay with the climbers. He might have to shoot a couple to get them to do their job. He walked along with them and saw one of them had climbing spikes on his belt. He shook his head; he had seen climbers hang from those spikes hundreds of feet in the air four hours earlier. A thought crashed into his consciousness and he knew what he had not been able to grasp. He ran forward through his formations toward the Spitters screaming for them to rake the cliff walls but they couldn’t hear him. Then, he saw the front of his formation hit by hundreds of red beams and the warriors exploded into an orange mist that blew toward the cliff before it suddenly shot into the sky. He saw a beam hit the warrior next to him and sweep toward him…then there was nothing.

  • • •


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