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Propose To Me

Page 12

by Caroline Andrus

  “Nothing, sorry. This is good,” she said, taking her seat, already beginning the battle to see if Jack had arrived yet. Adele pulled her phone out, determined to look casual and cool when he did finally make his grand appearance. Plus, it’ll keep my mind busy, Adele reasoned with herself. She started playing a game on her phone that required very little concentration on her part.

  “What are you playing?” a low voice whispered near her ear, causing her to jerk violently and drop her phone.

  “Geez,” she said, clutching her chest to still her racing heart.

  “Sorry.” Jack looked down sheepishly at her as he walked to the other side of the table and sat down.

  Adele saw that handsome smile, still so familiar after all this time, and a broad grin spread across her own face. This was going to be a wonderful night.

  The next three hours seemed to fly by. So much had happened to both of them during those sixteen years after high school. Jack had been through an even more difficult divorce than her own. They talked of their careers, homes, fond memories and people from high school; they left no subject untouched. Those quiet nights crying herself to sleep were forgotten with this familiar stranger. Their evening together was more than she could have imagined.

  When their waitress asked them for the umpteenth time if they needed anything else, Adele turned to Jack and asked, “My place is just down the road. Do you want to come over? We could watch some movies or play a board game or two.”

  “I’d love to,” Jack replied, the grin on his face showing her just how much he thought of the idea.

  ~ * ~

  Adele pulled into her designated parking spot, wondering where the hell her resolution had gone. She could’ve sworn she’d made a pact with herself not to invite Jack over after their ‘catch up’ dinner. She’d decided beforehand that if they had a pleasant evening, they could always schedule another date. She wasn’t sure if she was ready to move on, even with someone she’d thought of so often. Inviting him over seemed like the wrong impression to give him. He was not supposed to be pulling up in the spot next to her. Dang it. I’m so weak. She slammed her forehead into the palm of her hand in frustration. Looking over at him, the voice in her head told her sternly, no matter what, no kissing. And I mean it, Adele. She nodded her head in understanding, realizing Jack probably thought she was having an argument with herself just by watching her crazy body language.

  She reached for the door handle at the same moment it swung open; Jack stood to one side and held a hand out for her. “Oh,” she said, feeling slightly disoriented. She hadn’t seen him approach her car and grabbed for the frame in order to keep from falling out.

  “Whoop,” Jack said, reaching out to steady her and keep her from falling flat on the blacktop. “Sorry, didn’t mean to do that.” He grinned broadly at her, trying to suppress the laughter that made his shoulders shake.

  Adele couldn’t help it. She grinned back. He was so easy to be with. “I should have been paying more attention. I was having a bit of an argument.”

  “Did you win?” he asked, his face adopting an expression of complete seriousness.

  “For the moment.” Adele swung a leg out, suddenly feeling very self-conscious about showing Jack her tiny apartment. During their many topics covered over dinner, she discovered he had done well for himself. He’d just had a big, beautiful house built with the intention of having a family somewhere along the line. Adele had to watch her pennies to make things work for her financially, and her apartment would scream low budget. Not to mention the fact that she’d gone on a crazy spree and destroyed several valuable items, making her place seem even more desolate. It doesn’t matter. We’re just friends. He had given no indication he wanted more, so she wouldn’t expect more.

  She led him up the sidewalk, painfully aware that her neighbors were fighting again with the door wide open. Foul words streamed through the screen, and she blushed from embarrassment. Adele shoulders slumped when she saw Jack’s look of disgust. This was such a bad idea.

  She let him in, turned on the light and looked dismally around her. It looked so much worse now than it did when she’d left. “Well, here we are.” I’ll see you later, picturing him turning around and heading right back out the door.

  “Do you want to start with a movie? It could drown out your worthless neighbors,” he replied, flopping down on the couch and looking completely at ease in her living room.

  Adele wished more than anything to have the power to read minds. During moments like these, it would be so helpful. So, she settled for the next best thing. “I’m sorry my apartment sucks.” Hello Ms. Blunt! Where have you been all evening?

  Jack smirked, making Adele’s heart start beating a little too fast for that expression alone. He stood, walked over to her entertainment center and started looking at her movies. “Hey, it’s yours and that’s all that matters.”

  Adele hadn’t thought of it like that and found she smiled despite herself. “Never looked at it that way,” she whispered more to herself than Jack.

  “So, what will it be?” Jack turned back to the movies, moving them around so he could see the ones toward the back as well.

  They settled on a Christmas comedy while talk turned toward high school days and old classmates. Adele fetched her yearbook. Together, they skimmed the pages, commented on different pictures and filled each other in on the events of people from a lifetime ago. Adele was painfully aware of the distance between their bodies; she wanted to be closer. Under the pretense of turning down the TV so she could hear him better, she reached across to grab the remote and managed to scoot a little closer to him in the process. Jack gave her a knowing smile but didn’t move away.

  What happened to your newest pact? her mind screamed out at her.

  I haven’t kissed him yet! She shook her head. She really needed to get more friends. These conversations with herself were getting old. Worse, the heated debates took place more and more frequently in her mind. Pathetic.

  “Why do you do that?” Jack asked, his head tilted to one side as he watched her.

  “Uh, do what?”

  “Shake your head and mutter.”

  Dang, he’s been watching me. “I spend a lot of time by myself.” Adele picked at the corners of her yearbook and realized she sounded pitiful. Tears pricked at her eyes, reminding her how lonely she had been and no one to really blame but herself.

  “Hey, what’s this about?” Jack reached over, wiping away the traitorous tears trailing down her cheeks.

  Adele flung herself up from the couch, storming down the hall and into the bathroom to get a tissue, her face red from embarrassment. This was so not how she saw this evening going. When she returned, she said, “I’m sorry. I’m just realizing how I have shut myself off from the world. Rob destroyed so much more than our marriage. He destroyed my self-confidence too. This is the first time I’ve gone out since the divorce and now I’m crying,” Adele wailed, feeling even sillier if that was possible.

  Jack held out an arm, grabbed Adele’s tissue free hand and pulled her to him. She flopped down on the couch, practically on his lap, and he wrapped his arms around her. He smelled amazing; his arms felt so warm. She snuggled her face closer to his chest, enjoying the way he felt both physically and emotionally. Something she’d not had for a while. Memories of him holding her as a teenager resurfaced, and she found herself grinning through the tears. He had definitely filled out into a very powerful man, one that she wanted to get to know much better.

  “Did I tell you how often I thought of you since high school?” Jack whispered.

  Adele felt her heart flutter at the meaning behind the words.

  “It wasn’t every day, but there were lots of times when I just sat back and wondered what or how you were doing.” Jack stroked her cheek softly, wiping away the remaining tears.

  She lifted her head up, sniffled slightly and looked into those wonderfully intense and warm brown eyes. She saw the concern and something more... Hi
s handsome face moved closer. You told yourself no kissing. Yet her body remained completely still, anticipating his touch. Oh well. It won’t be the first promise to myself I’ve broken today.

  The moment their lips met, Adele inhaled deeply and her eyes closed of their own free will. The delicious smell of Jack encompassed her and made her forget the dreariness of her world. She pressed her body closer, wanting nothing more than to feel every inch of him pressed against her. She heard his groan of pleasure, causing her to gasp and part her mouth slightly. His hands slipped to her waist, pulling her tightly against him as he ran his tongue along her bottom lip. She grabbed the front of his shirt, her fist balling up with the material there. It was so warm.

  Adele had just tilted her head to one side when Jack pulled back. Her eyes flew open in surprise and her breath came in pants. She still clutched his shirt painfully tight in her fists.

  “On that note, I think I should be heading home for the night.” He kissed her nose gently and stood. Adele released her death grip on his shirt while her body slid onto the couch.

  She looked past him to the walls. Did I do something wrong? Her mind replayed the kiss as she stood to let him out, but she couldn’t think of anything that felt off. If someone would ask her how their first kiss as adults went, she would’ve told them incredible. Yet, that didn’t seem to be the case for Jack.

  He slipped past her wordlessly, grabbed her around the waist and pulled her close in the process. Lifting her chin so she was looking at him, he said in husky tone that sent chills down her spine, “Just so you know, that was amazing.”

  Adele blushed profusely, her relief so profound she couldn’t respond. He pulled her chin up again, bent his head down and softly kissed her on the lips before strolling out the door. Adele watched him get into his car with a big goofy smile on her face.

  “You totally broke every pact you made with yourself, but it was definitely worth it.”

  Chapter Four

  By the next day, Adele still paced around her living room full of memories from the night before. Granted, it wasn’t a lot of steps, but it worked well for releasing her nervous energy. She needed a friend to talk to; someone she could tell all about her night.

  “What am I gonna do, Callie?” She looked at her cat who gave her the typical blink and turn response. Adele rolled her eyes. She really needed to get out more. Grabbing her phone, she searched through her contacts until she came across Rachel, the first person she should have thought of since she was one of her only friends now. She was also a coworker, which Adele wasn’t sure what that said about her social life. Rachel always said that whenever Adele needed to get out, she’d be willing to go with her. In fact, she was constantly telling Adele that they needed have dinner or go see a movie. Like everyday reminders. Adele took a chance and shot her a quick text: What are you up to?

  Throwing the phone on her desk, she resumed her pacing while her thoughts lingered on Jack’s eyes and the intense way he held her gaze. Just the thought of it made her heart beat pick up. That was something that hadn’t changed at all from when they were teenagers. She smiled to herself and then nearly had a heart attack when her phone sounded. She’d forgotten about the text.

  Grabbing her cell, she looked down and sighed with relief.

  Not a whole lot. Bored out of my mind. Wanna do something tonight? Like actually out of your house, in the real world, with real people again?

  Adele sent a quick reply, asking Rachel if she wanted to grab a bite to eat then a movie. She hit send without having the slightest idea what was showing in the theaters. That would’ve required her to pay more attention to the world around her.

  Sure. Sounds like a great plan! Where do you want eat and what would you like to see?

  “Crap,” Adele muttered to herself. Thinking quickly, she came up with a little Mexican restaurant and then suggested that Rachel pick the movie since she chose the place to eat. Rachel agreed and they decided to meet around five.

  Putting her phone down once more, Adele couldn’t help but feel proud of herself. A date and a night out with a friend—all in the same weekend. There may be hope for her yet. Looking down at her watch, she groaned. Three more hours to kill.

  “I should have asked if she wanted to do some shopping, too.” She looked at Callie who studiously ignored her. “But then again, I would probably run out of things to say.” She decided to read for a while, before getting ready, but ended up pacing her living room again. This was turning out to be the world’s longest day.

  ~ * ~

  Adele pulled into the parking lot and spotted Rachel’s car right off the bat. No waiting game for me tonight Scanning the restaurant, she caught sight of Rachel’s flaming red hair and began to make her way across the room. As she weaved around the tables, a hand reached out and grabbed her arm, stopping her progress. Startled, Adele looked down to see who would be so bold. She found herself looking into the familiar blue eyes of her ex-husband.

  “Rob,” she breathed, too paralyzed from shock to say much more. She’d spent months avoiding the places Rob went—fear of this moment always in the forefront of her mind.

  “You look good,” he replied in that low seductive voice that made her heart race. His eyes raked over every inch of her body, causing her cheeks to redden in humiliation.

  “Let go.” She jerked her arm back, desperate to get away from the man that had torn her heart in two, stepping on the pieces with his new baby girl thrown in the mix. She’d pleaded with him for years to have a baby; the answer had always been no. Now, she knew why.

  “What are you doing out and about?” he asked casually, completely unaware of the torture he put her through. He reached for a glass, bringing it to his lips and causing a host of old memories to flow through her mind.

  “I’m meeting a friend,” she managed to choke out.

  “There you are, Adele.” Rachel stepped up to Adele’s side, eyeing Rob with obvious disgust. “Hi, asshole. Imagine meeting you at this lowly place. Trying to pick up cheap broads with no taste?” she asked Rob.

  “Have we met?” Rob asked with a look of surprise.

  “Nope, I’m not in to giant jackasses. But I see some trampy looking blondes over there.” Rachel turned and pointed to a pair of women by the bar, obviously trying to catch his attention. “Maybe you would have better luck with them. It looks like they would be willing to sleep with anything that crawled in their bed.”

  Adele nearly choked on the laugh that threatened to bubble from her throat. She knew Rachel had seen several pictures of Rob on her desk, not to mention all the times Adele had confided in her through the whole horrible process. Rachel could be a little feisty, but she never imagined this.

  “Well, fiery little thing aren’t you?” Rob asked, a sneer on his face.

  “Yep, don’t let any other thoughts cross your mind. I know what a sleaze you are.” Rachel grabbed Adele’s arm, steering her toward their table. “Why did you even stop?” she whispered into Adele’s ear before sitting down. “Once you saw him, you should have kept on walking.”

  “I was just surprised,” Adele muttered, her face still flushed from the recent encounter.

  “Whatever you’re thinking, stop it right now.” Rachel picked up a menu, eyeing Adele sternly over the top of it. “I don’t know exactly what’s going through your head, but I know enough to realize that you’re thinking about that scum and all you’ve ‘lost’. So you can just stop that right now. Rob is the world’s biggest prick; just ask the other two women and his daughter.”

  Adele swallowed the lump in her throat that appeared every time she thought about his daughter. She hated being reminded of the little girl Rob now had with some other woman. Grabbing her own menu, she scanned the food items several times, never truly seeing anything in front of her. Tears pricked at her eyes and she blinked repeatedly, doing her best to appear strong. Why did I think this would be such a great idea? A hand reached over, pulling her menu down so she could see the concern
ed look on Rachel’s face.

  “Do you want to find someplace else to eat?” she asked soothingly.

  Adele shook her head, knowing it wouldn’t matter where they went; her appetite was gone. “It doesn’t matter.” She looked over toward the table Rob had been sitting at only to find he’d gone.

  “He left shortly after we sat down.” Rachel’s voice drifted over the menu she hid behind.

  “Figures.” Adele wiped her eyes hastily, more angry than hurt. She glanced down at the menu and decided on cheese nachos. It was simple and the first thing she’d been able to make out while looking at the cursed laminated paper. You couldn’t go wrong with cheese and chips.

  “So, what’s up?” Rachel folded her hands in front of her and gave Adele a knowing look.

  “What do you mean?” Adele, still frustrated with her response to Rob, had trouble making sense of Rachel’s question. Of course she would still run into him, they did still lived in the same town. She should have moved farther away. Like to Alaska or China.

  “I mean, you never want to go out. Well, not since ... Anyway, back to the question at hand,” Rachel explained, cutting across Adele’s inner plotting to look into apartments in another state or planet.

  Adele fought to bring her thoughts back to the conversation, but Rob’s appearance had totally shattered her concentration. She scrunched her eyebrows, focused on the brown eyes staring at her and the tension in her chest began to ease. She sighed, memories from the night before replacing the anger. “I went out last night.” She looked up at Rachel and held back a laugh. Rachel’s lower jaw hung somewhere around her chest.

  “You mean, like an actual date?” Rachel asked, still looking dumbfounded. “And you waited until now to spring that one on me?”

  The look on her friend’s face made her want to roll on the floor laughing. She settled for a giggle.

  “I need details. Who was it? Where did you go? I’m guessing it went well, which is why you wanted to meet with me,” Rachel started.


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