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Propose To Me

Page 13

by Caroline Andrus

  Adele held up a hand to stop Rachel from a further attack. “He was a guy I dated off and on all through middle and high school.”


  “Yeah. I ran into him at the grocery store and we—” Adele’s phone cut her off with a ding. Startled, she looked down and found that Jack had sent her a text. Unable to conceal the merriment of being texted by him, Adele looked up to see Rachel rolling her eyes at her.

  “You’re surprised, aren’t you?” She shook her head at Adele. “Welcome back to the real world, Adele. We missed you.”

  Chapter Five

  I’m here.

  Those simple words, lit up against Adele’s black phone screen, made her heart race in anticipation. She arranged to meet Jack the next evening so she could finish her girl’s night with Rachel. However, that proved to be an extremely difficult task when her mind continued to wander back to him and their incredible night. She thought of all the time they’d wasted with other people. They should have just married out of high school and saved themselves the grief of having married the wrong person. Geez, second date and you’re already planning your wedding.

  Rachel had taken the whole night in stride, laughing when Adele repeatedly asked, “What?” after almost everything she said or asked. By the time the night ended, Adele had apologized repeatedly for being such a poor companion. Rachel just waved it off and proclaimed that she was just glad to see Adele happy again.

  Adele shook her head slightly to bring herself back to the present and took a calming breath. She opened the door wide, watching Jack as he walked up her sidewalk.

  “Hey, stranger. Didn’t I just see you a couple nights ago?” she teased.

  “Naw, I was with a different girl. Super cute. Maybe you know her.” Jack’s eyes twinkled with mischief.

  “Is it serious?” Adele asked, her face a mask of mock concern. She stepped out of the way so Jack could get past her, but instead he grabbed her waist and pulled her close to him. He bent down, kissing her softly, effectively blowing all thoughts out of her mind. She reached up, sliding her hands into his short brown hair and pulled his face closer to her own. She angled her head a little and parted her lips, letting a sigh escape her when his arms tightened around her waist. Her tongue slid along his lips and ventured further into the recess of his mouth. His hands tightened on her hips, lifting her slightly. She started to explore more when he drew back, the twinkle in his eyes replaced by heat.

  “Now, that’s a greeting.” His voice, low and husky, did something funny to Adele’s middle—not to mention the tattoo her heart was beating in her chest.

  Pulling her hands back to her side, she closed the door behind him and turned to see him plop down on the couch. “So, movies at home then?” she said with a laugh. She stopped then, realizing her laughter was finally returning after the divorce. She’d forgotten how nice it felt.

  “Did you have anything else in mind?” he asked, watching her from his spot on the couch.

  “Nope, sounds perfect. What would you like to see?”

  After several minutes of debate, they decided on a comedy as Adele had spent far too much time crying over real life. Adele lay back on the couch. Her knees curled up next to her body, she looked down at Jack at the other end of the couch. She didn’t want to seem too pushy, but he was entirely too far away for her taste.

  “What are you thinking about?” Jack asked as he grabbed her foot and stretched her leg out so it was lying across his lap. He reached for the other foot, doing the same to it.

  Adele enjoyed the way Jack casually ran his hand up the length of her calf—a feeling she’d missed the last several months. She shook her head and turned her gaze back to the movie but didn’t see any of it. Her attention was solely on Jack and his gentle caresses. Making a sudden decision, Adele sat up and swung her legs off his lap. Placing her feet on the floor, she got up and turned to face him. She stuck a knee on either side of his legs and sat down on his lap while staring at his handsome face. She placed her hands on his face and just stared. There was something so beautiful, so calming there in his smile, she just wanted to soak it up.

  She found his eyes last. His look held surprise and passion while his hands found their way up to her hips. Running a thumb over his lower lip and across the stubble that covered his face, her fingers found their way into his hair. She held his head and bent down, gently brushing her lips across his own. They barely touched, but it sent shivers down Adele’s back. She ran her nose along the length of his, keeping her eyes open so she could see his expression.

  “Sorry, the movie wasn’t holding my interest,” she whispered softly, her mouth just above his own. She couldn’t believe she was doing this. She’d never been the aggressor in a relationship before and found the role strangely exciting and empowering.

  He gripped her hips tighter, pulling her closer before claiming her lips with his own. Adele sucked in a breath, her heart racing with the simple gesture. She wrapped her arms around his neck, refusing to let go. Kissing him felt too good. He groaned and slid his hands around to her backside. He grabbed her, picked her up slightly and shifted her weight so she could feel more of him. She threw her head back, trying desperately to catch her breath.

  Jack wound his fingers into her hair, pulling her head back further and exposing her throat to his soft lips. His lips blazed a trail down her jawline, nibbled her ear slightly and sent goose bumps down her body. She was so warm from his caresses. He continued to the exposed skin at the base of her neck. “You’re so beautiful,” he whispered over and over between molten kisses.

  Wanting more, Adele grabbed the collar of the simple t-shirt he wore and pulled it aside. She ran her tongue along the collarbone before biting down gently, causing him to moan aloud. He smelled so enticing, and Adele wanted more.

  Jack ran his hands up her sides and around to her back before bringing them up to her shoulders. He held her there, pressing her even closer to him. Adele gasped. Definitely not the teenager she remembered from their younger days together. Where he had been long and lanky before—more bones than meat—now he was all man.

  Adele looked down, Jack’s eyes burning into her own. Her heart beat wildly, while her thoughts recollected. Suddenly, she realized that she didn’t want just sex.

  “Jack, wait.” Even to her own ears, she didn’t sound very convincing. Pushing him slightly, she pulled away to look down at his handsome face again. Will I ever get tired of looking at him? “Can we slow down? This is going a little fast.”

  “Says the woman who climbed onto my lap.” Jack chuckled huskily, causing Adele to blush with the truth of it.

  “Yeah, didn’t think that one through.” She scooted back and fought to regain her breath, and the desire to climb back onto his warm and oh-so-inviting lap.

  Jack continued to stare up at her; the look on his face told her plainly where his thoughts were.

  “It’s just, I want this relationship to be more than ...” To be honest, she wasn’t sure what she expected, but she didn’t want the whole thing based on sex. It felt too much like what Rob would have done.

  “You don’t want it to be built on sex,” Jack finished, one eyebrow raised in amusement.

  Adele shook her head, feeling like she may have jinxed the whole thing by being presumptuous.

  Jack stood, pulling her back in his arms and kissed her forehead sweetly. He bent his head lower and kissed her lips, almost making her regret the decision to get off his lap. “We’ll take this day by day and see where it leads us.”

  Chapter Six

  Adele snuggled further under her blankets, letting the warmth surround her. She smiled to herself, thoughts of the last couple of weeks drifting lazily over her. True to his word, they’d sat down and watched the remainder of the movie, snatching kisses throughout the entire thing. Afterwards, Jack had left but not before arranging to meet with Adele the following weekend, and promised to talk to her every day in between. He’d made good on those promises and ev
en managed to sneak in time with her during the week. She’d received more texts and spent more time talking with him than she did with Rob for the past year.

  Jack continued to surprise her with his thoughtful and sincere compliments, and beliefs in her as a person. He did little things like telling her good night before bed every evening or sending her pictures of his smiling face, making her feel warm all over. He bought her small things like a pack of gum in her favorite flavor and kept her preferred drink stocked at his house. He made sure to ask how her day went and listened to her when she told him. He soon became the first person she thought of when she opened her eyes every morning and the only person she dreamed of at night.

  Rolling over, Adele grabbed her phone, shot Jack a quick good morning text then got out of bed and headed for the shower. Flipping on the radio, one of her favorite songs blared out of the speakers. She sang at the top of her lungs, much to Callie’s annoyance from by the way she flew from the room. Adele turned on the hot water and let it soak into her skin. Showers were so relaxing and enhanced her good mood.

  Adele decided, after the annihilation of her old closet, it was time to update her wardrobe. She wanted something for her future dates with Jack. Something that would really catch his eye. She smiled, thinking about how different someone could be even after knowing them for so long. It was a wonderful feeling to have that much history with someone, yet still have the chance to discover something new.

  Stepping out of the shower, she dressed in a pair of tight jeans and a simple, light blue cotton long-sleeved shirt. She combed her hair before scrunching up the light brown locks, creating a loose curl, and finished with a touch of make-up. Surveying herself in the mirror, she realized the lost and depressed Adele was slowly fading into a more confident and happy woman. She liked the change and internally thanked Jack.

  Giving her hair one final pat of satisfaction, she slipped on a pair of shoes, grabbed her purse, flung open the door and nearly collided with Rob.

  “What in the hell are you doing here?” she spluttered, not caring how rude she sounded. She didn’t have to impress him. The goal now was to refrain from beating him to death with a frying pan.

  “When I saw you at the restaurant the other day, you just looked so good. I realized what a complete fool I’ve been.” He looked intently at her, his expression sad.

  Adele could see the longing in his eyes. She could even detect the remorse he might have felt, but that didn’t stop her from wanting to stomp all over his pretty face. “Your point?” She crossed her arms angrily over her chest, her good mood vanishing.

  “I’m sorry for everything. How can I make it up to you?” He reached out to her, attempting to take her face into his hands, but Adele slapped the hands away.

  “So, you go screwing around with God knows how many women, and you expect me to take you back because you thought I looked good one day?” she asked. She stared hard at Rob. He was clearly experiencing a mental breakdown to think she’d even remotely consider taking him back

  “Adele, please. I really am sorry, and I’m willing to do anything to prove it.” He held out his hands again, reaching slowly for her.

  “You touch me and I will personally slap the crap out of you,” she spat. “Keep your damn hands off me. They’re not wanted here.” She looked coldly at him, wondering what she ever saw in him to begin with.


  “Don’t Adele me. You have a daughter with someone else! After I spent years trying to convince you to have a baby with me!”

  “That was an accident!”

  “And that makes it better?” Adele threw her head back and laughed. Sure, she sounded like the wicked witch from Oz, but she didn’t care. It felt good to tell Rob off. It felt good not to love him any longer. She had Jack to thank for that, too. “What’s the real problem, Rob? No one will have you? In between girls?” Adele clasped her hands in front of her, adopting an expression of mock concern.

  “No, I just realized what I lost,” he shouted, making Adele smile. She’d unnerved him. He only yelled when he thought he was losing.

  “Too bad you didn’t realize that sooner. I was there in front of your face for eight years, and now you realize what you had. I don’t know how you found me, and I really don’t care. The fact of the matter is, I’ve moved on. So if you step foot anywhere near my home again, I’ll call the cops and have you thrown out. You’re not welcome here. Quit bothering me. We’re done.” With that, Adele slammed the door on his startled face.

  Taking a deep breath, she sank onto the couch as her mind reeled from the encounter. She realized she’d meant every word. She no longer cared about his looks or what he thought. He didn’t matter to her. If he couldn’t see what he’d lost before, she wouldn’t spend any more time trying to show him now. Jack saw her, knew her and still wanted to be with her. He was willing to take the time to learn everything he’d missed over their years apart. That meant more to her than she’d been willing to admit. Moreover, when she was with him, it just felt right, like it was meant to be.

  Smiling, she realized there was someone she wanted to see more than anyone else at that moment. Grabbing her purse once more, she headed out the door and to her car.

  Fifteen minutes later, Adele pulled into the driveway that was becoming extremely familiar to her after several visits. It screamed bachelor’s pad, but Adele didn’t mind. It meant she was the first since his divorce. A fact she suddenly took pride in. He wanted to be with her; he’d chosen to start something with her after his own painful split.

  Marching straight up to the door, she knocked loudly. The butterflies in her stomach went crazy. What the heck? Five seconds ago, you were fine.

  The door swung open, revealing Jack in a t-shirt and gray sweatpants. He looked down at her, surprise and pleasure on his face. “Hey,” he said, a grin replacing the shocked look. “I didn’t think I’d be able to see you until tomorrow.”

  Adele stared into his eyes, her heart melting all over again. She really did love looking at his face. It had to be the most beautiful and honest thing she’d ever seen. “I didn’t want to wait that long. Rob came over and—”

  “Rob came to your house?” Jack asked, the smile dropping from his face. “Why?” He held the door open for Adele, wordlessly indicating she should come in.

  She slipped past him and then turned on the spot so she faced him again before continuing, “He said he realized what he’d lost and wanted me back. For the first time, I realized I had no feelings at all for him. I could care less what he wants. You matter to me. Even after everything I’ve been through—college, marriage, divorce—you were always at the back of my mind. I don’t think I ever got over you. I’m not sure why we ever broke up, but it had to be either some silly reason or a divine one. Maybe we just needed to grow up a bit, before we could really appreciate each other the way we were always meant to.” She took a step closer to him, her heart racing. She knew what she said was true, but that didn’t stop her from nearly having a coronary when saying it aloud. Jack could easily reject her, tell her it was too fast or that he didn’t feel the same way. It seemed like a lot to ask of him.

  With an expression too serious for Adele’s comfort, Jack took a step toward her, his hands by his side. “What are you trying to say, Adele?” His voice was low, cautious even. It made Adele swallow thickly.

  “I ... I ...” Her heart thudded entirely too loudly in her chest. She had overstepped their boundary and had no way of recovering from it. “I want to be with you. I feel like I’ve always been meant for you. It just took several years for me to realize it,” she whispered. There was no going back, but she wanted it out there just the same.

  Jack reached up, cupping her face gently. He pulled her to him and kissed her. He reached around, grabbing her waist tightly so she could feel the heat of his body soaking through her clothes. She wrapped her arms around his neck; her lips parted and met his tongue with her own. Placing a hand on the back of her head, he held
her there. The kiss deepened, making Adele’s head spin. She could do this forever with him.

  They stayed that way for several minutes. Their tongues and hands explored with such a passion, Adele thought she would catch fire from the heat of it. Jack pulled his head back but his arms remained tightly around her waist, holding her close to his body.

  “I love you,” he whispered, startling her.

  She realized she’d just confessed the same thing when she heard the words fall from his lips. He spoke of a commitment she didn’t think he was ready to share with her. She looked at him wordlessly, unsure if she should return the statement.

  “You’re right and I’ve felt the same way. I have for years. Like you, I’ve been struggling with the reality of my life and failing miserably. I have thought of you so many times since high school, it’s rather embarrassing. When I was offered the opportunity to take a job here, I jumped on it; the first thing crossing my mind was seeing you again. I didn’t know if I’d ever have another shot with you, but I couldn’t rest until I knew for sure. This may be the craziest thing that I’ve ever done but .... Marry me?” he whispered. “You’re right, we were meant to be together and I don’t want to waste another moment.”

  Adele’s heart stopped altogether. “We just started seeing each other again,” she blurted out. She was ready to take this relationship to a more serious level, but marriage hadn’t even crossed her mind. Has he been drinking?

  “How long did you date Rob before you were married?” he asked, bending down to kiss her lips gently.

  “We dated almost three years before we even got engaged.”

  “And I dated Emily for nearly five.” He ran his nose the length of Adele’s neck, making it entirely too hard for her to think straight. “Both of those relationships ended very badly indeed, which brings me back to my original question. Marry me, Adele. We have more history together than anyone else I’ve ever met, and nothing has felt this right.”


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