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Page 2

by Kaia Bennett

  "Oh, God!" was what came out instead.

  Flynn smirked, his thick middle digit working circles around her too long neglected clit.

  "You're gonna pay for that," he said, referring to his still bloody lip. He slid his finger inside and crooked it, like he was telling her orgasm to come hither. And it was listening.

  "Stop, p-please…I don’t want this,” she whispered frantically, only to have her words trail off into a shuddery gasp followed by a throaty moan of pleasure.

  “You sure about that?” he whispered back, his lips pressed against ear. “Because it sounds like…and it feels like you want more, Gia.”

  Her eyes glazed over and her entire body felt like it was being consumed in a relentless tingling heat. She tried to fight it. She whimpered and jerked against him even as her body arched into his finger, but it was no use. She could feel release coming faster, feel her hips rolling and her stifled moans tumble out of her tightly pressed lips because of his pleasurable intrusion. He slid another finger inside her hot core slowly, and then another, stretching her open and rubbing her clit with his palm until her whole body was shaking.

  “Flynn! P-please!” she cried, her mind trying one last time to gain control of the moment. But at this point even she couldn’t tell if she was begging him to stop, or begging him for more. Gaining control or stopping the rush of heat flooding under her skin was futile. Her body had already made up its mind about who the winner of this battle would be.

  "That's right. Come for me, like a good girl." she heard Flynn say, just as lightening struck between her legs and caught her whole body on fire. She screamed as wave after wave of pleasure flowed back and forth, in and out, consuming her body and her senses. It took long, shuddering moments for her to recover, and he stroked her the entire time.

  "I hate you, I hate you," she panted. She tried to catch her breath and steady the tremor in her voice. She watched through watery eyes as he slid the offending fingers between his blood red lips and sucked.

  "Mmm. You might hate me, but your body tastes like it loves me," he whispered in her ear before sliding off of her. "This is the part where I say 'I told you so'."

  For a moment she couldn't move, just stared at the ceiling tiles unable to do anything but shiver with the remnants of the pleasure he had forced on her. But soon, thoughts started to filter in. Luca flashed through her mind, and so did anger and resentment towards Flynn, even while her pussy continued to pulse from the feel of his fingers, from the need for something more. Soon the thoughts became too confusing, and the last place she wanted to be thinking them was on his kitchen table, flat on her back and panting.

  She sat up, cradling her sore wrists. She couldn’t meet his eyes when he came to stand in front of her with her purse in hand and her books gathered up from the floor. Just thinking about the smug look of satisfaction plastered on his face made her start to shake uncontrollably. Or was it the fact that he was so close, that she could still feel the heat of his body pressed up against hers?

  "Oh, give it a rest, will you? You're no victim. You got to come and I got a bloody lip and a smacked face for the trouble." He laughed at her expression; he laughed at the punch she threw which just missed his face. He caught her in a bear hug and held her kicking and screaming.

  "When I tell my boyfriend about this he's going to rip off your fucking arms, you bastard!" she shrieked.

  "Go ahead,” Flynn taunted. “Tell him how hard I made you come just from using my fingers. I'm sure he'll love that."

  "He would never believe I wanted this," she said, trying to control the shivers his voice sent down her spine. His breath was hot against her ear as he bent down to touch his lips to it.

  "I really don't give a fuck what he believes. I know the truth, and he will too, as soon as he sees the way you look at me. We both know what a shitty liar you are. I think your real concern should be what happens if he finds out?"

  Her heart sunk down to the pit of her stomach at the thought. Flynn hadn't done anything to her but make her come. Hell, the fact that she’d had an orgasm was enough to make her confused for a lifetime. She couldn't imagine explaining to Luca how a guy she despised had her calling out for God on his kitchen table.

  "Yeah, now you're thinking it through, right?" Flynn whispered as he nibbled lightly on her ear. "Keep that in mind the next time you come over. Or are you planning to tell the professor you can't complete the assignment because your partner finger-fucked you?” He pushed her away and Gia stumbled, catching herself on the table she had just been writhing on.

  "So, it's real simple. You keep your mouth shut, and I'll do the same. We finish the project and then go our separate ways. And in the meantime, all I ask is that you try being a little sweeter to me."

  "How sweet am I supposed to be?" she asked through gritted teeth.

  "Don't worry," he said with a laugh, "I won't do anything you don't want me to."

  The words weren’t nearly as comforting as they should have been.

  "Are you done?" she asked. She still couldn't bring herself to look at him. But she didn't need to. He was already clicking on the TV, plopping down on the couch and channel surfing as if she weren't even there.

  "Yup, we're done," he replied. "Now get the fuck out."


  Gia splashed water on her face again, trying and failing to wash her mind clean. She stared at her reflection in the bathroom mirror, watching the water drip off the contours of her nose and lips, and dangle from her quivering chin. Why did she have to be so fucking weak? Why did she have to let Flynn get to her, even now in the sanctity of a tiny fluorescent-lit bathroom, during a party she should have been enjoying?

  Because he's down there somewhere, she thought. And he looks so good.

  She gripped the sink and closed her eyes, bending over with an angry groan. Ever since that day in Flynn's apartment, she had been like a spooked Chihuahua in his presence, shivering until her fingers didn't even work.

  It was Flynn who seemed to have completely forgotten that day. In class, he could still be found in the back, dozing in and out of consciousness. And when it was over, and the students filed out, he would stare through her as if she wasn't even there. Except for the odd comment or exchange of info about their presentation, he didn't speak to her. It hadn't even been a whole week since the incident, and though she was ashamed to admit it, she had touched herself so many times remembering his fingers inside of her, that she was in danger of erasing her pussy. She had to bite down on her pillow just to keep her moans muffled, which was no small feat considering she’d grown up in a house with three brothers and had mastered the art of silent orgasms long ago.

  So, why him? Why was a guy who treated her like shit, talked to her as if she were shit, and barely acknowledged she was alive, boggling her mind like this?

  A knock at the door made her jump.

  "Someone's in here!" she called, patting her face dry and running her fingers through her shoulder length hair.

  "It's me," a voice whispered from the other side. She quirked an eyebrow at her own reflection.

  She didn't think Luca had even known she was gone. He had spent the whole night playing beer pong and flirting. She shouldn’t hold that against him; Luca had always been a big flirt. Just not with one girl.

  All night long.

  Funny how she had barely noticed Luca's flirting until she’d heard a big commotion at the door, and saw their friend Bobby give Flynn a big drunken bear hug. His smile was so dazzling it could be seen from the other side of the room. Even under the brim of his black hat, his eyes were penetrating and bright. She should know, since they’d immediately caught her staring open mouthed in his direction.

  She turned away quickly, grabbing onto Luca like a security blanket, but not before she caught the smallest of smiles turning up the corners of Flynn’s perfect lips.

  So, to show she didn't even notice Flynn was alive, she spent the rest of the evening uncontrollably looking in his di

rection, and following Luca around to prove that she was so crazy in love. She could actually hear her normal self trapped inside, screaming at her to get a fucking grip.

  "Luc, baby, I'm getting kind of tired," she whispered in his ear, after the tensest forty minutes of her life had passed. She saw his dimpled smile falter as he turned away from Ashley, a girl from his Art Appreciation class who was far too friendly and pretty for Gia’s liking.

  "Babe, we just got here, like, two hours ago. You didn’t drink too much again, did you?" He turned to Ashley, shaking his head and turning up the pretty boy juice. "She's such a lightweight."

  He and Ashley laughed.

  "Oh my God, so am I, girl! Don't feel bad. This is like, my second beer and I'm already buzzed," Ashley giggled.

  Too cute, Gia’s mind growled at the petite brunette staring at her boyfriend. Going to explode.

  Gia forced a smile so tight she could have turned glass to sand between her teeth. That was when she made her getaway to the upstairs bathroom.

  "Quick, open the door," Luca said, and something about how deep and commanding his voice was made her breath catch. She remembered the days when Luca used to pull her aside at a party like this and make out with her until they had to go home. She remembered when his dark hair and hazel eyes were what she fantasized about before sleep took her. Luca, who was her first love, her first boyfriend, her first everything. What she wouldn't give to go back to the way things were.

  She unlocked the door and immediately turned her back so he could let himself in and watch her pout over his neglecting her for the entire night.

  “What happened to Ashley,” she asked over her shoulder in a syrupy voice that mimicked the cute brunette’s as he walked in and closed the door. She heard a quiet huff of laughter but he still hadn’t said anything, so she turned to lean against the sink with her arms crossed under her chest and a teasing smile on her face. Her eyes were on her sandals, refusing to meet his until he gave her the sheepish smile and apologetic kiss she was expecting.

  "Ashley, huh?” he said.

  Her smile faltered when she realized it wasn’t Luca’s voice cutting through the silence of the bathroom. The teasing smile died completely when her eyes snapped up towards the doorway and saw Flynn standing where Luca should have been. Her back straightened, her eyes widened, and her breathing came to a stand still. She opened her mouth to speak, but words failed her.

  He gave her a little half smile, his green eyes twinkling under the shadow of his hat, and she felt an involuntary shiver course through her body to match the rapid heartbeats thumping in her chest.

  “I guess Ashley’s still down there with your boyfriend," Flynn whispered, locking the door behind him.

  Flynn hadn't seen Bobby Gruenberg in a while, even though they had been good friends for years. They’d gone to high school together, and both had worked at Proof until Bobby quit both the bar and college all together. Flynn hadn't gotten a chance to see him since then; on top of a double major, he still had his job at Proof and a second job waiting tables at Ambrosia, an upscale restaurant. Psychology class was his only down-time in a torturous schedule, if only because he’d failed it his freshman year and got the same dry-as-a-bone professor this time around. He knew exactly what to expect from the class, right down to the unchanged syllabus.

  Until he got saddled with Gia Kessler for a partner, that was.

  His first impression was she was pretty to look at, but so tense she could shit Diddy a new diamond watch. He knew off the bat that she wasn't worth the trouble, even if she had pretty doe eyes, tasty caramel skin, and full pink lips he wouldn't mind sucking on.

  The day before the incident at his place, he’d pulled a six hour shift at the bar, and ten hours before that at the restaurant. He’d gotten back to his place at five in the morning, crashed, and ended up oversleeping.

  He hadn't planned to push her big, red buttons —or finger her for that matter. Fatigue and a loss of control could be blamed for wanting to teach her a lesson. She was just too fucking annoying, too condescending and too smug for her own good. Her ideas were the only right ones; the way she wanted to do things was the right way. But this late in the game he was used to her commandeering their project, so it wasn’t just that. It was her telling him to take the project more seriously and go put on a shirt that really pushed him to the limits of his patience. Who did she think she was, telling him he wasn’t taking his work seriously just because he wasn’t a control freak like her? And where the fuck did she get off telling him to go put on clothes in his apartment? That had honestly been the final straw, and what had become a quest to get a rise out of her, had somehow morphed into him making her come on his kitchen table.

  He was sweating bullets Monday and Tuesday, just waiting to hear the cops knock on his door. Gia would be standing behind them, pointing a little brown finger his way, with a virginal veil over her head and tears in her eyes, and that would be the end. But no one knocked, no one cuffed him, and Wednesday’s class rolled around. It was all he could do not to laugh in the middle of a lecture on schizophrenia. He could literally see her body shaking all the way down in the front row, and he was almost positive it was because she could feel his eyes on her, watching her try so hard to be unaffected by his presence.

  Her bite mark was still inside his lip and he tongued it often, forcing his body not to throb to attention. He didn't get any sleep that day in class, not while thinking about her face when she came under him, not while replaying the sounds she’d made over and over again in his head. It had taken all his strength not to rip off her jeans and fuck her senseless on his kitchen table—which was a really disturbing thought. He hadn't expected to want to continue that badly, or to be thinking about it so often afterwards. After all, he’d merely been trying to prove a point. He didn't actually want her. Being cold to her was exactly what was needed to make Gia understand she was the one who was frustrated, not him.

  There was one hitch, though. Not giving a shit wasn't supposed to be this difficult. He should know, since the art of not giving a shit was one of his special skills. But there she was, staring at him every time he was in sight, trying so hard to act natural, and failing. He could just imagine the thoughts turning in her pretty little head. He could imagine her trying to figure out what exactly he had planned for the following Sunday or how she could get herself out of this mess.

  Or maybe he was just projecting, because he was the one trying to figure out where they were going to go from here. He had no intention of fucking her or fucking with her head anymore than he already had. He considered his little victory over her to be more than enough, and watching her squirm around him was starting to get exasperating.

  He’d felt like he had to put her out of her misery. So, he texted her, saying they would be meeting in the library instead of his apartment. At the beginning of class, he’d only spoken to her about the project, and left without so much as a glance at the end. He would've been all right. He could have gotten through it without ever going near her in private again.

  But, she just had to show up at Bobby's.

  "Flyyyyn, you motherfucker! Where you been hiding, man?!" Bobby slurred in greeting. Flynn couldn't help smiling. His friend was drunk, and had put on a little weight since he last saw him, but he looked good.

  "How ya livin', Bobby?" he asked patting him on the back. "How's Cherise?"

  Bobby's shiny gaze searched the room. "Ah, man, Cherie's around here somewhere. She's gonna love seeing your sorry ass again."

  Flynn had barely taken a step into the party when his eyes looked from under the brim of his hat and shot like a laser to the far corner of the room, where Gia stood staring at him. She had her hair down and curling around her creamy golden brown shoulders, which were bare in the black lace dress she was wearing. It hugged her curves and yet it still managed to look like a dress a good girl would wear. As good as she looked, it was her eyes widening when he caught her looking that made him start to smile.
br />   His smile stopped altogether when he watched her turn and link arms with some kid who was leaning against the wall talking to a group of guys. Preppy with a capital ‘P’ -- with hair gelled up, polo shirts and button downs, and sorority girlfriends to match. Flynn watched who he assumed was the boyfriend turn to give Gia a quick peck and whisper something in her ear that made her beam at him. Her smile was so genuine it caught him off guard. He had never seen her face light up like that. And he shouldn't have cared, but that chaste kiss made his jaw twitch.

  So, he circled the party, getting reacquainted with old friends, all the while keeping Gia in sight. He realized after a little while that anyone trying as hard as she was to look lovey-dovey had something, or someone else on, her mind. That made him relax and watch her carefully.

  It took another five minutes of watching the boyfriend flirt shamelessly with a little brunette hottie to get the picture. The boyfriend had a wandering eye and with body language like his, Flynn guessed a wandering dick, too.

  Flynn had been in the kitchen getting a Jell-O shot when he saw Gia leave her post and stomp upstairs towards the bathroom. She didn't see him follow.

  "What're you doing?" Gia asked as she backed away, even though he stood unmoving, leaning against the door.

  "So, ‘Dimples’ downstairs is the boyfriend you were talking about?” he asked, ignoring her question.

  "Yeah, he is. You should leave now before he comes looking for me."

  The corners of his lips turned upwards. "Are you sure he's coming? He seemed a little... distracted when I last saw him," he said.

  She sighed and shook her head. "It's none of your business if he is."

  "Yeah, you're right. I didn't come up here to talk about him anyway."


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