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Page 3

by Kaia Bennett

  "We don't have anything to talk about, period," Gia said shakily.

  His eyes surveyed her under the wide brim of his hat. Even cast in shadow they were still brilliant green. They roved over her full breasts, the tight hourglass curve of her hips. The dress ended in see-through lace a little past mid thigh, revealing long smooth legs and low heeled sandals on her cute feet.

  "Stop looking at me like that!"

  The slow smile spreading his lips managed to be at once seductive and challenging, matching his quiet words perfectly. "Make me."

  Her tongue darted out nervously over her full lips and he caught the movement immediately, as well as the way her eyes flitted quickly over his body.

  "You know, you've been staring at me like that all week,” Flynn said. “Especially tonight. I thought you'd like the chance to get a good eyeful." He spread his arms out, still leaning against the door. He was dressed in a grey t-shirt with the front tucked into the silver buckle of his black leather belt, dark blue jeans and black boots. It was a simple outfit and, yet, he still looked ridiculously sexy.

  "I wasn't staring—," Gia started.

  "You were staring and putting on a little show for me, too," he said, pushing off the door. "Well, you got my attention."

  She would not move. She would not show fear. She would stand in this very spot and tell him to get bent. There were fifty or more witnesses roaming downstairs, out on the deck, maybe even upstairs. He wouldn't try anything if she stood her ground.

  "What, no threats?" he asked, coming to stand in front of her, his hands in his pockets. "I was expecting more hissing and clawing by now."

  She tilted her chin up to stare him straight in the eye. Why did he have to be so damn tall? "I'm not afraid of you. You're the one that should be afraid."

  "Oh, should I be? I guess that means you told your boyfriend about me? That's why I should be afraid, right, because he knows everything?" He placed his hands on either end of the sink, pinning her inside his arms. “He knows that I had my fingers deep inside you? That I tasted how sweet you are when you come?"

  She swallowed hard, leaning back, trying to keep him as far away as possible. "Touch me and I'll scream."

  He gave her a full smile. "I gotta tell you,” he said, rocking back and forth like a pendulum towards her, “I like it better when the girl screams."

  "Everyone will hear me," she said as he bent lower, bringing himself closer to her. She closed her eyes when his lips brushed against her cheek. He’d barely touched her and her body shivered uncontrollably.

  "If you want to scream, scream. I won't stop you." His voice was soft, and his breath was warm as he lowered his lips to her neck. "I love the way you sound when you scream for me. I don't think your boyfriend will like it, but whether he hears is up to you." He licked a trail up to her earlobe and nipped firmly.

  If she was wet before, she was soaked now.

  "You said...y-you said you wouldn't do anything I...didn't want..." Gia stammered.

  His fingers stroked over her shoulder as his lips moved to the other side of her neck. The entire right side of her body seemed to prickle to life, as if static electricity was coursing through his fingers on high voltage.

  "Are we playing that game again?” he asked. “You pretend you don't want it, and I show you that you do." His fingers slid into her hair while his thumb stroked her neck.

  She arched into him without thinking. She went to grip the sink, to gain some semblance of reality, but touched his forearm instead. Her nails dug into the muscular flesh as his tongue licked her lips, teasing the tender flesh. He curled his hand in her hair, forcefully pulling her closer.

  "Let's see who wins this time," he whispered.


  Flynn winced slightly at the pressure against his mouth, the dull ache of her bite still present from days ago. But feeling her tongue tentatively play over his was worth the pain, like having sore muscles after a work out. Strangely good.

  Gia was so lost in the feel of his mouth against hers she actually whimpered when he pulled away. She watched him take off his hat, brushing his curly hair out of his face and revealing ears pierced all the way around the lobe with hoops, clasps, and studs. Her lower body throbbed just from that sight.

  "Take them off."

  "What?" she asked through kiss-swollen lips, barely able to register human speech.

  "Your panties. Take them off."

  Her eyes widened as he came in for another playful kiss.

  "I bet they’re soaked anyway," he said mischievously.

  She shook her head, pulling away.

  "What? You want me to take them off for you?" His fingers ran down her hip and over her thigh. Every touch of his fingertips made her flesh tingle.

  "I can't do this,” Gia said. “I have to get downstairs..."

  He spun her around until she came face to face with her reflection. He placed her hands on the wall on either side of the mirror, pinning her with his eyes as he nipped her shoulder.

  "You don't follow instructions very well, do you?"

  Her breathing was ragged, her chest heaving as he grabbed the hem of her dress on either side and tugged. Her navel immediately came into contact with the cool porcelain of the sink. She hissed as his hands ran over the bare skin of her hips and ass, looking for the sides of her panties, and then pausing.

  "No panties to take off, huh?" he said.

  Her heart thumped hard when his eyes darkened with lust. "Didn't feel like them tonight," she whispered.

  Her voice became a long groan when one hand cupped the front of her pussy and the other slid down the crack of her ass and in between her trembling thighs. His fingers began to move, rubbing her aching opening and swollen clit simultaneously in slow, deliberate circles.

  "See? I got you all sticky and running down your thighs,” Flynn said quietly. “Feels good right?"

  Her body dipped forward, jerking against his fingers as two of them slipped easily inside her smooth lips while the other stroked her clit. Her voice came out in tortured gasps, keeping time with his strokes.

  "Tell me how good it feels," he demanded.

  Gia didn't speak. She wasn't sure she could.

  Flynn didn't accept that as an excuse.

  "You want me to stop?" he asked, slowing his strokes to a glacial pace. He knew it was torture, the way his fingers stayed on her clit but refused to move now, just pressing against her and then pulling back, pressing and pulling back. He knew she was ready for more, but he wanted her to say it. He needed to hear her say it.

  She shook her head and gasped as his fingers circled inside of her. But they were starting to slip away even though she clenched them and started to rock her hips.

  "Better speak up now," he commanded.

  She could have come just from listening to his voice.

  "Say it."

  "...Feels so... good... don't stop," she whispered. She couldn't tell if the heat rushing over her body was from shame or need, but she guessed she was way past shame now.

  "Look up," he whispered against her neck, licking and sucking at her skin. "Let me see your face."

  She shook her head. "No... Can’t...Ungh!" Her voice echoed off the walls as he pulled his fingers out and slapped her soundly against the wet, swollen lips of her pussy. He shoved them back in and picked up speed, thrusting and stroking until she was practically sobbing with pleasure into the sink.

  "Sshh. Wouldn't want the boyfriend to hear."

  He pulled his wet fingers out of her and tilted her head up by her chin with the same hand. His cock twitched fully to life as he impaled her mouth with his thick fingers and moved them in and out, muffling her moans. Her tongue rolled over them, spit dripping off her chin until she was forced to swallow. He watched her moan in protest, tasting her own juices as she barreled towards orgasm from him rubbing her clit.

  She pulled a hand away from the wall and clasped it over his, digging her nails in, begging him silently to press harder agai
nst her. In the mirror, she could see her reflection sucking on his fingers, his face a mask of concentrated lust watching her body heave against his. He looked up and their eyes met, and the look on her face was enough, was all he needed to see.

  He pulled his fingers out of her mouth and used them to unbutton his jeans. She shivered visibly when she heard him unzip, looking at him through a curtain of her own hair. He pulled off his shirt and reached into his pocket. His teeth attacked a foil wrapper, and he pulled out a condom. He took his time sheathing himself, and then turned his eyes with barely contained eagerness back to Gia.

  She gripped the sink, shaking with the realization that he was going to fuck her, and she was going to let him. There was still time to protest, to say ‘no’. It was a long second of time where a decision could clearly be made.

  She waited. She swallowed. And when she felt him sliding against her entrance, she closed her eyes and pressed back into him.

  Flynn felt her arch towards him, curving her ass up to receive him, and he slid his cock in with a groan as her tightness wrapped around him. His thrusts were shallow at first, giving her time to adjust. He could tell by the look on her face, trapped somewhere between awe, pleasure and pain, that she wasn't used to someone his size. He gritted his teeth against the urge to shove all of himself into her hard. In spite of his earlier teasing, he couldn't afford any screams here, and he didn't want to hurt her.

  He reached around when she started to yield to him, pulling her dress down so that her breasts were free for him to play with. They were firm and soft in his palms, with taut milk chocolate nipples, and they heaved into his hands when he gave her the first hard stroke.

  Gia heard him whisper, "So good," through gritted teeth, and watched safely behind the hair wafting in front of her face as he fucked her with increasing intensity. She had never felt so full, never felt hips roll so smoothly against hers. His fingers pulled sharply on her nipples, mixing pleasure and pain until he released her breasts to grip one shoulder and one hip. He began pounding into her, and she was barely able to recover from one stroke before the next rammed home. Even through the ringing in her ears, she could hear the naughty So fucking wrong of his hips connecting with her ass. Her body was dipping again, her head leaning forward so that he couldn't see her face in the mirror.

  Flynn was having none of that. He tugged on her hair, wrapping its silky length around his fingers and pulling her up. It was the most erotic thing he had ever seen; her lips were slick and parted, with just the tip of her tongue on her upper lip; those big eyes were full of both fear and lust, staring into his, and the dark, silky strands that had escaped his fingers were fluttering under her panting breath. He pulled his cock out to the head and shoved back inside her.

  "Oh God, oh fuck!" she wailed. His fingers were on her clit, rubbing even faster than he was thrusting inside of her. Her body felt like it was bursting and melting all at once. That delicious pressure was building low in her hips, rising like the heat through her jerking body.

  Flynn covered her mouth with his other hand, muffling her cries, which were coming like rapid gunfire. He was struggling not to blow his load before her, biting on his lip, sweat beading on his forehead. He bent over, biting into her shoulder, huffing frantic breaths into her ear. He couldn’t hold on much longer; the feel of her clamped so tightly around him was making him lose control. But he didn’t need to hold on because she was shivering in his arms now, a long, gritty moan sputtering into his palm. She clenched at him so hard when she came that, for a moment, every fiber of feeling in his body was centered on his dick. He couldn't see. He couldn't feel himself grasping her thighs, pulling her closer to him. He couldn't hear himself roar, "Ahhh, fuck!" against her neck. All he could do was feel himself shoot an almost painful release into the condom, jerking and thrusting during those last wild moments into the warm yielding body surrounding him.

  Gia braced a sweaty palm against the mirror to steady herself as he went limp against her back. But even her arms were a shivering mess, slipping back down to the sink. She was relearning how to breathe, a difficult feat to achieve with his lips pressed wetly on the back of her neck, his breath coming out in hot waves over her flushed skin. She tilted her head back, falling into him as he stood up, her body still seeking his warmth. Her hand found his on the sink and rested on top of it. She could feel it shaking, and where her tremors began and his ended, she wasn't sure. It didn't matter when he tilted her face to his and kissed her deeply, sucking on her swollen red lips until he slowly pulled away.

  His face was flushed pink and she noticed a faint trail of freckles lining the bridge of his nose. She was always so caught up in those beautiful green eyes of his that she’d never noticed his freckles before. They were surprisingly cute in contrast to his predatory gaze.

  Flynn stared down at her for a moment, licking her taste off his lips before forcing himself to realize their situation. The inattentive boyfriend might come looking if they hung around here too much longer. He gently pulled out of her, groaning at how her body pulsed around him like it was trying to hold him inside of her. He would have been more than willing to give her more of what her body was asking for, but time was running short.

  He pulled her dress back up over her breasts and slid the skirt back down her hips. He tossed the used condom into the trash and reached for a hand towel off the rack to clean himself up, noticing the unreadable expression on her face as he stepped around her to retrieve his clothes.

  They were both silent as she watched him button and zip himself up, buckle his belt and pull his t-shirt back over his body. She felt a residual pang of lust as his scorpion tattoo disappeared under the grey cotton of his shirt. She started the process of cleaning herself up, feeling like a weirdo for staring at him so long. He was already dressed, hat and all.

  She ran a trembling hand through her tousled hair, pulling it back with the other so that she could wash her face. Or rather, bury it in the sink so she didn’t have to look at him. She was stalling, waiting for him to leave so she could clean something much wetter than her face.

  He had to stop looking at her, at the beads of water making her full lips look like wine. But he couldn't. He spun her around, licked the water off her lips, and kissed her chin. The backs of his fingers made a trail of fire down her body, turning to grasp the hem of her dress.

  "Want me to help you get clean," he asked with a smile.

  He didn't wait for an answer. He slid down her body until he was kneeling before his lace covered treasure. He could smell the sweet musk of her sex as he lifted her hem higher and his tongue licked at her glistening inner thigh.

  Without thinking, Gia opened her legs wider and he lifted one leg over his shoulder. She saw his lips spread under the brim of his hat, and then saw nothing at all but stars.


  Gia wobbled downstairs ten minutes later.

  Flynn had left first after making sure she was thoroughly clean. Her body was still humming from the feel of his mouth on her, and she found herself searching for signs of him in the crowd as she made her way back to the party. He was no where to be found, and it was while she was trying to figure out whether she was relieved or disappointed that she accidentally caught sight of Luca. The fact that she had almost forgotten about Luca in her quest to catch a glimpse of Flynn immediately sobered her, though it didn’t quiet the pulsing Flynn had left between her legs nearly as much as it should have.

  "Well, it's about time. I thought you fell in," Luca said, laughing a little too loud at his own corny joke. He always did that when he was drunk.

  "I was sick," she said, staring at Ashley. The girl had been standing really close only moments before, but now she was a safe distance away. Funny that.

  "Really," he asked with genuine concern, feeling her head. "Well, you are kinda warm."

  Guilt swam like bile in her throat. She knew exactly why she was so warm—and she may very well be sick if he looked at her like that much longer. />
  "Y-yeah. I'm sorry, babe, but I'm going to go home," she said.

  Luca looked disappointedly at Ashley. "Okay, let me just say ‘bye’ to some people first."

  "No, you don't have to go. Bobby would let you crash here tonight, right? I don't want to ruin your night," Gia said.

  She almost hoped he would stay, as hard as it was to look at him. He may be flirting too much with some other girl, but she had just fucked a guy she didn't even like in the upstairs bathroom. The scales were weighing heavily in his favor tonight.

  Luca kissed her on the forehead and said, "Let's go."

  He hugged Ashley goodbye. Apparently, she’d had been hitting the fire-water pretty heavily while Gia was gone. She had her eyes closed, moaning as she rubbed Luca’s back with a goofy smile plastered on her face.

  Gia sighed and followed him around the room as they said their goodbyes. On the way out, they found Bobby and his girlfriend, Cherise, smoking on the front porch with some other guests.

  "Dude, you're leaving, already?" Bobby slurred around his cigarette.

  She vaguely heard Luca say something about her being sick, but she was preoccupied with watching Flynn, who was leaning against the beam of the porch, talking to a really leggy, really bottle-tanned redhead. The redhead whispered something in his ear, giggling. He blew out the smoke from his cigarette and smiled down at her as she pulled away. For the second time that night, Gia’s jaw clenched like a vice. She wondered if this was how people developed lockjaw.

  "Ah, man, before you go, man, you gotta meet my boy, Cameron-fucking-Flynn,” Bobby said. “We go way back and he finally came out from under the rock he was hiding under. Flynn, this is Luca Caprielli."

  "’Sup, man," Flynn said, leaning over to shake her boyfriend’s hand with the same hand he had fingered her with.

  So fucking wrong.

  "And, this is his girlfriend, Gia,” Bobby added, giving her a mock lascivious gaze, “and looking very scrumptious tonight, I might add."


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