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Enchanting Sebastian (Big Sky Royal Book 1)

Page 4

by Kristen Proby

  All night, I bounced between excitement and feeling as if I’d lost my ever-loving mind.

  I agreed to marry a freaking prince.

  I barely know him.

  I don’t love him.

  At least I’m attracted to him. If he hadn’t backed away last night and promised to see me today, I would have stripped naked and begged him to fuck me, right then and there, romance novel-style.

  Thank God I didn’t do that. I at least have a little dignity left.

  I spent the rest of my night on the computer, pouring over articles on the royal family, learning names and protocols. It occurred to me around two in the morning that I’d have to meet the King and Queen of England. How should I address them? What’s the etiquette?

  I had no idea.

  So, I read articles and even a short book on how to behave around royals.

  It was fascinating.

  When it comes time to meet them, I hope I don’t forget everything I just read and behave like a complete idiot.

  Now, I’m sitting on the deck, eating a grilled cheese sandwich with Doritos—not the breakfast of champions, I know, but don’t judge me. I’ve had an overwhelming two days—when I hear a car pull in.

  “I’m back here!” I call out when I hear the door slam shut. Sebastian walks around and up the steps to the deck, smiling. “Good morning.”

  “And the same to you.”

  I stand and lower myself into a deep curtsy.

  “Your Royal Highness.”

  I stand to find Sebastian staring at me, blinking slowly. “Where did you learn that?”

  “Google.” I sit back in the chair and pop a Dorito into my mouth. “I was up all night studying.”

  “Studying what?”

  “Royal etiquette.”

  He sits across from me and snags a handful of chips. “These are my favorite.”

  “Mine, too.”

  “You didn’t have to study all of that stuff. You could have just asked me.”

  “No. I had stupid questions. Better to use Google.”

  “Well, I hate to tell you this, and I love that you put in the work, but that curtsy was all wrong.”

  I stare at him and then frown. “I practiced for an hour.”

  “You would have been better off sleeping.” He brushes the cheese powder from his fingers and stands. “It’s really very simple.”

  His voice is high now, as if he’s a woman, and it makes me giggle.

  “You don’t have to bend yourself in half like they do in the Disney movies. It’s a simple little motion like this.”

  He pops one foot behind the other, and barely moves his body as he lowers his head.

  “That looks way easier.” I stand with him and mimic his movements.

  “Perfect. You’ve mastered it.” We retake our seats and dig into the chips. “The rest of it? You’ll learn as we go. It takes years to learn everything. We’re taught from the time we’re in nappies how to behave. You can’t expect to know everything within a few hours.”

  “I’m totally intimidated,” I admit. Before I know what’s happening, Sebastian pulls me out of my seat and into his lap.

  “You’ll be brilliant. You have manners, you know how to behave in public. That’s really all you need to know to start.”

  “Somehow, I think you’re dumbing it all down for me.”

  His grin flashes before he kisses me soundly and puts me back on my feet.

  “We have an appointment, darling.”


  “Cunningham Falls Goldsmiths,” he says. “You need a ring on your gorgeous finger. If I’d truly been thinking before I left London, I would have grabbed one from the vault, but it didn’t occur to me. We can choose something different at the palace later, but I want to put something on your finger right away.”

  “I don’t need anything from the palace.”

  “Oh, trust me. There will be all kinds of speculation about your ring. Who made it, whose stones are in it. It’s a thing.”

  “Whose stones are in your mom’s ring?”

  “Queen Victoria’s,” he says absently as he rolls the top on the bag of chips and helps me clear the table, carrying everything inside. “People love tradition, and wearing old jewels is one the people love to see on their royals.”

  “This is a lot.”

  He stops and looks at me, all humor gone from his face. “We’re just starting, Nina. If you can’t or won’t do this, I need to know now.”

  “I can and will,” I reply immediately. “There’s just so much more to consider than I realized.”

  “You’ll be amazing,” he assures me and takes my hand, leading me to his rental car. He drives me the short distance to downtown and parks in front of a tiny jewelry shop.

  We step inside and are greeted warmly by a couple, both who appear in their early fifties.

  “Hi, I’m Kate.” The pretty, tall blonde holds out her hand for mine. “And this is my husband, Aric. We own this shop and are happy to help with anything you need.”

  “We need an engagement ring,” Sebastian says with a smile.

  “Oh, that’s lovely. Congratulations.” Kate smiles at her husband. “Aric is the goldsmith. I do design work. So, if you don’t see something here in the cabinet, we can make something custom.”

  “What’s your budget?” Aric asks as he and Kate begin pulling black velvet trays from the back.

  “There is no budget,” Sebastian replies.

  My gaze whips up to his. “No, that’s cra—”

  “No budget,” he repeats with a wink. “My darling can have whatever she wants.”

  He kisses my hand, and a piece of me melts. Goodness, this man is potent.

  We spend the next hour looking over rings, discussing stone shape and size, metal type, and everything else imaginable. My brain is mushy as I stare down at a five-karat cushion-cut diamond set in platinum.

  It costs more than my house.

  “I can’t believe you have this in this little shop in Montana.”

  “The shop is deceiving,” Aric says with a grin. “We can satisfy any budget or taste.”

  “Are you sure?” I ask Sebastian.

  He simply passes a black American Express card to Kate and smiles down at me. “It suits you.”

  “This would suit anyone,” I murmur.

  Once we’re back in the car, we sit and stare at each other for a moment, then smiles break out on both of our faces.

  “It’s official,” I say and hold up the ring. “You put a ring on it.”

  “I’m going to take a photo and post it…somewhere. I don’t have social media, as it’s frowned upon, but—”

  “No.” I shake my head adamantly. “That is not how you do this. We’ll go to my brother’s house and let him post the picture.”

  “This is why you’re perfect,” Sebastian says as he starts the car. “Just tell me where to go.”

  I call ahead so I don’t catch Christian and Jenna by surprise, and when we pull into the driveway, Jenna’s standing in the doorway, waiting.

  “What is going on?” she asks as we step inside. “Hello, Sebastian.”

  “Hello, Jenna.” He kisses both of her cheeks, and when Christian walks into the room, Sebastian shakes my brother’s hand. “Christian.”

  Christian looks at me, then Sebastian, and back to me again.

  “Holy shit,” Jenna says, reaching for my hand. “Look at this rock!”

  “What in the hell is going on?” Christian demands.

  “We need to sit down,” I say, blowing out a breath. “I’m going to explain everything.”

  Sebastian frowns down at me, and when the others turn their backs to walk to the dining room, I whisper up to him, “They’re all I have. They’re safe.”

  He nods, and we follow the couple, sitting across from them at the table.

  “We’re getting married,” I say softly.

  “You literally said three days ago that you’d never get married,” J
enna reminds me, and I feel Sebastian stare down at me.

  “Is that true?”

  “Oh, yeah.” I shrug a shoulder. “But we’re not getting married because we’re in love.”

  Christian’s squinted eyes narrow even further. I’m shocked that he can even see through them.

  Sebastian briefly outlines what he said to me last night. When he comes to a close, Christian is shaking his head back and forth.

  He’s going to give himself whiplash.

  “No,” my brother says. “Absolutely not.”

  “Why?” I demand. “Because I’m not tripping over myself with love and hearts? That’s ridiculous.”

  “No,” Christian counters. “Because you met him ten minutes ago, Nina. You don’t know him.”

  I take a deep breath.

  “Not to mention,” he continues, “you don’t love him. And he hasn’t said a word about keeping you safe and taking care of you.”

  “She’s perfectly safe with me, always,” Sebastian says. His voice is hard.

  “I’m an adult, Christian. I know you’re protective, and you’re looking out for me. I know what that feels like.” I glance at Jenna and smile. “But at the end of the day, I’m a grown woman who can make her own choices. I’m here, telling you out of courtesy, not obligation.”

  “She’s right,” Jenna says, holding onto her husband’s hand. “Your sister doesn’t make rash decisions.”

  “Exactly.” I smile at my sister-in-law.

  “I don’t like it,” Christian says. “I’m saying that right now. I’m not saying you’re a bad man. I like you. But this is sudden, and she’s my sister.”

  “I understand,” Sebastian says. “I honestly do.”

  Christian sighs. “What do you need from me?”

  “I need you to take a photo of us and post it on your Instagram.”

  “You’re smart,” Jenna says with a slow grin. “It’ll go viral within ten minutes.”

  “Are you sure?” Christian leans onto the table, watching me intently. “Once I post this, there’s no turning back. It’ll be a social media shitstorm within minutes. You know this.”

  “I know.”

  With his eyes still pinned to mine, he pulls his phone out of his pocket.

  “You should cuddle up,” Jenna instructs. “And, Nina, put your left hand on his cheek so we can see that killer ring. Holy crap, it’s beautiful.”

  Sebastian’s skin is warm and smooth against mine. He presses his lips to my forehead, and I close my eyes.

  “That’s the one,” Jenna breathes. “Make it black and white, and it’s perfect.”

  Christian fiddles with his phone and turns it so we can see the photo.

  It’s black and white. Sebastian is kissing my forehead. My eyes are closed, and a smile is just tickling my lips.

  The ring is front and center.

  It looks like a sweet, intimate moment that was captured unexpectedly.

  “Do it,” Sebastian says.

  “Won’t the palace be pissed that they didn’t approve this?” I ask him.

  “The palace is going to be pissed about a lot of things.”


  “I’d better call my mother,” Sebastian says as he drives me home. “I don’t want her to hear about this from the social media director on staff.”

  “You have that?”

  “Of course.” He pulls into the driveway and follows me inside. “I’ll step out onto the deck. I won’t be long.”

  “I’ll brew you some tea.”

  He stops and turns to me, surprise on his handsome face. “You don’t have to do that.”

  “I think you’ll need it after this call.”

  He kisses me on the forehead again and steps outside.

  I can’t hear what he’s saying, but I can see his body language. His whole frame is tight as he stands facing the water, one hand in his pocket, the other holding the phone to his ear as he waits for someone to pick up. After a few moments, he starts to pace as he speaks. He pushes his hand through his hair in agitation.

  It’s clearly not going well.

  The kettle whistle blows, catching my attention. I’m pouring our tea when my own phone rings.

  It’s my mother.


  “What in the ever-loving hell are you doing, Nina?”

  I close my eyes, grateful that Sebastian is still outside.

  “Why do you ask?”

  “Don’t you play stupid with me, young lady. I saw the news. What do you have to say for yourself?”

  Chapter Four


  THIS IS IT. This is my opportunity to draw a line in the sand and tell my mom to back off. To mind her own business.

  I need to set boundaries.

  And with any other person in my life, doing that comes easily.

  With my mom? Different story.


  “You obviously already know what’s going on,” I say at last and lean my hip on the countertop edge, facing away from Sebastian. “The news has it pretty much right.”

  “You’re marrying Prince Sebastian?”

  “Yes.” I bite my lip. “I’m in love with him, and he asked me to marry him. I said yes.”

  “You didn’t even tell me you were dating anyone, not to mention a freaking prince!”

  “We were keeping it on the down-low.”

  “I can’t believe you let me hear about it this way. I am your mother, Nina Marie. You should tell me these things.” She starts to sniffle, and I roll my eyes. I want nothing more than to hang up the phone.

  Is it ironic that both Sebastian and I are breaking the news to our mothers at the same time?

  “I don’t understand why you’ve pulled away from me so completely. You’re my only daughter. It’s bad enough that my son, the boy I worked so hard for, to make him who he is today, has blown me off. But now you, as well? How could you, Nina?”

  “Mom, stop.” My voice is hard, surprising both of us. “Stop it with this guilt trip. I’m sick and tired of listening to you whine about how wrong we’ve done you. You’re sitting in a million-dollar house in Manhattan Beach, with a killer view, and everything else you could ever need. You stole from Christian and made his life a living hell for years. Yet he still makes sure you’re financially secure. And you smother me.”

  I cover my mouth with my whole hand, shocked that I just spewed all of that at my mother. Words I’ve wanted to say for years.

  Part of me feels ashamed for being disrespectful. The other part gives myself a high-five.

  “How dare you?”

  “I’m done, Mom. I love you, but I won’t be treated like this anymore. You’re welcome to call me when you can treat me with respect.”

  And with that, I end the call and hang my head in my hands, shaking from the adrenaline of it all.

  “I’m proud of you.”

  I whirl at the sound of Sebastian’s voice and cringe in embarrassment. “I wish you hadn’t heard that.”

  “I’m glad I did.” He walks to me and takes my hand. “Are you all right?”

  “I will be. It was a long time coming, but it doesn’t make me feel any less guilty. How did your call go?”

  “A bit better than yours, but my mum isn’t delighted with me either.”

  “So, we’re both disappointments then.”

  He smiles and tugs me in for a hug. I’ve never been one for physical affection. But this is nice.

  “You always stiffen up when I pull you into my arms, but then you relax.”

  “I don’t like to be touched,” I say into his chest, listening to his heartbeat.

  “Well, we’ll need to work on that, darling, because I’m an affectionate fellow, and you’re about to be my wife.”

  “But we’re not falling in love.”

  “That doesn’t mean I can’t care for you, Nina. Enjoy you. Touch you. You said yourself the other night, you feel the chemistry.”

  I sigh and grip him just a bi
t tighter. “I did say that. And I do feel it.”

  “Then why fight it?”

  “I’m not. I’m just adjusting. I think there will be plenty to adjust to.”

  “For both of us,” he agrees and loosens his hold on me. “I also spoke with Charles, my security detail chief. He’s on his way here. They should arrive late tonight. He’s quite livid.”

  “Nothing is happening.”

  His eyes take on a hint of sadness as he drags his knuckles down my cheek.

  “Yet,” he says. “We’ll be mobbed by paparazzi by morning.”

  “Jesus.” I drag my hand down my face and pace away from him, my mind whirling.

  “It seems our brief time in our little bubble here in Montana is almost over,” he continues. “Do you mind if I go up to the resort and fetch my things? It’s probably simpler if we can base out of here.”

  “Of course, I don’t mind. But maybe you shouldn’t go. We can call up and ask Jacob to get your stuff and bring it here.”

  He smiles gently. “Are you worried for me, darling?”

  “Maybe a little.”

  “I’ll be fine. And I won’t be long. Lock up tight. No sitting out on the deck this evening, at least not until my security arrives.”

  “I can call Brad. Jenna’s oldest brother is the police chief in Cunningham Falls.”

  “That’s a great idea,” he says with a nod. “Let’s do that, and I’ll go get my things.”

  But he doesn’t turn away. He leans in and kisses me, softly at first, but then he really sinks in and kisses me. Like his damn life depends on it.

  Is this what they mean when they talk about being kissed silly? It’s new for me.

  I don’t hate it.

  “I’ll be back soon,” he murmurs against my lips, and then he’s gone. Once he pulls out of my driveway, I stand with my fingertips pressed against my lips and take a deep breath.

  Seems someone can give me butterflies, after all.


  “I have ten men on the house,” Brad says two hours later. His face is grim. “I just got off the phone with Charles, and we agree that you both need to stay put inside the house.”

  “There is literally no reason for that,” I say, trying to sound reasonable. “Brad, it’s only been hours since the news went out on social media. There’s no way the paparazzi has already made it to town to make our lives hell.”


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