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Enchanting Sebastian (Big Sky Royal Book 1)

Page 5

by Kristen Proby

  “You underestimate them,” Sebastian says beside me. His arms are crossed over his chest. “We’ll stay here.”

  “I have the driveway blocked off. No one in a vehicle can get in or out without speaking with my guys. I also have a helicopter on standby to give us air support.”

  I scowl. “This feels…excessive.”

  “It’s not enough.” A tall man with salt and pepper hair marches into the house, his face grim. He stops before Sebastian and bows his head. “Your Royal Highness.”

  “Hello, Charles.”

  “I’d like a word with you please, sir.”

  “You can speak with me right here, Charles.”

  The man, whose face is nothing if not moody as hell, looks around at all of us in the room and then back to Sebastian.

  “How did you get here so fast?” I blurt.

  Charles’ cold gaze meets mine. “I can get to His Royal Highness no matter where he is in the world within hours. Our military planes are quite advanced, miss.”


  “Charles, this is Nina,” Sebastian says.

  “I recognize her.”

  Sebastian raises an eyebrow, and Charles immediately turns to me, bowing his head. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, miss.”

  “The pleasure is mine, Charles.”

  I try to carry on like normal, but three words keep ringing in my ears.

  Your Royal Highness.

  I’m marrying a prince. What in the actual hell do I think I’m doing?

  Charles turns back to Sebastian. “I would hope, after nearly twenty years of working with you, that you would have thought to call me before this whole storm began so I could be on hand and at the ready to protect you, sir.”

  “You’re here now, Charles. And I appreciate it.”

  I can see Sebastian’s body is tense again. Is it because he doesn’t like to be told what to do by his staff? Or is he really worried about not being safe here in Cunningham Falls?

  Without looking my way, he reaches over and links his hand with mine. The touch immediately calms me. And if I’m not mistaken, Sebastian’s body relaxes a bit, as well.

  “We’ll leave first thing in the morning,” Charles says and looks at Sebastian. “I have orders to bring you home right away.”

  “I’ll agree because I’ve spoken with my mother and there’s plenty to do back in London. But, Charles, you need to watch yourself with me. Twenty years of service is admirable, but you’re not my father.”

  “Sir.” He bows his head. Without another word, he bustles out of the room.

  “He’s an intense one, isn’t he?” Brad asks. “I’ll go confer with him. He’ll have access to as many of my men as he needs. Before I leave, I wanted to say congratulations.”

  “Thanks, Brad.”

  “My pleasure.” He nods and then exits the room. The rest of the people go with him, leaving Sebastian and me alone.

  It’s late. It’s been a long day.

  “Let’s go to the bedroom,” I suggest. “It’s more private.”

  He doesn’t reply, just stands and walks with me, up the stairs to my bedroom. When we’re closed up inside, I let out a long sigh and sit on the end of the bed.

  “I don’t know if I’ve ever been this tired.”

  “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine. It’s just a lot of information.” I look up at him. “Aren’t you scared? Of what your parents will say? Of what the people will say?”

  “A little,” he admits. “I wouldn’t be human if I weren’t. But what I’m about to go through isn’t nearly as challenging as what I’m about to ask of you. And I have to say, right here and now, thank you, Nina.”

  “You make it sound like I’m going to the guillotine.”

  “There might be moments when it feels like it,” he concedes. “But I assure you, I’ll be right with you, every step of the way. You’re not alone in this. I appreciate you so much, and I will protect and care for you. I hope you believe that.”

  “I do.” I smile at him. “I do believe that. You have my back. And I have yours.”


  The next morning, I find myself packing my suitcases, getting ready to go to England. How long will we be there? I have no idea, so I basically have to take everything.

  Except, nothing I have is appropriate.

  “Why are you scowling like that?” Sebastian asks as he walks into my bedroom to find me glaring at my suitcase.

  “I don’t have princess clothes.” I turn to him, panic beginning to set in. “Sebastian, I literally only have like five things that are appropriate, and even those aren’t designer. I’ve never had a need for it. And now I’m about to meet the freaking King and Queen of England!”

  “Actually, they reign over the commonwealth countries. Not just England.”

  I take a deep breath, but it doesn’t help the anxiety that’s just grabbed hold of my neck.

  “Holy shit.”

  “Hey, you’re going to be smashing,” he says. “Show me your curtsy again.”

  I roll my eyes. “No. I’m horrible at it.”

  “Well, then you need to practice. Show me.”

  “You go first.”

  His lips twitch. “Now listen carefully.”

  His voice is high-pitched again, and it makes me laugh. I love his silly side.

  “It’s easy, really. All you do is this.”

  He executes a perfect curtsy and then gestures for me to follow. Which I do, and am relieved that it’s not so bad.


  “And what do I call them?”

  “Your Majesty, when you first meet them. After that, it’s sir or ma’am.”

  “Well, that’s easy, at least.”

  Sebastian tugs me to him and lightly kisses my lips. His hand glides down my spine to my ass, and then up again.

  “You could distract me by getting me naked,” I suggest and watch as his eyes darken with lust.

  We were too tired last night. We just fell onto the bed and slept. This morning, we’ve been busy getting ready to leave for London.

  “The first time I strip you bare and have you writhing beneath me will not be when there are twenty men downstairs waiting for us. It’ll be when I can take my time with you, explore every inch, every curve. I want to make you gasp and moan and lose your bloody mind.”

  “This is a good start.” My voice is breathy to my own ears. But his chin is firm, and I know he won’t back down.

  Which is for the best because he’s right, there are too many people in my house.

  “Okay. I still don’t know what to pack.”

  “Don’t worry about it,” he replies. “It’ll be taken care of for you.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “Exactly what it sounds like. You’re about to marry into the royal family, Nina. That means you’ll have every need taken care of, every whim provided for. Just pack what you might miss, and we’ll worry about the rest later.”

  I don’t have time to ask questions. So I throw some clothes, the toiletries I can’t live without, and my blow-dryer into the suitcase, and I’m ready to go.

  I move to carry my bag, but Sebastian shakes his head.

  “Someone will get that for you.”

  “I’m perfectly capable—”

  “It’s their job, Nina. Honest. They’re being paid well to carry your bags.”

  I shrug. “If you say so.”

  Once we’re downstairs, we’re quickly bustled into the waiting car. As we drive down my driveway, my eyes feel as if they’re going to bug out of my face.

  “There must be hundreds of them.”

  Sebastian takes my hand. I’m grateful that the glass is tinted, and the cameras can’t take photos of us as we crawl past. The driver is careful not to hit anyone.

  “They all appeared overnight.”

  “They came around two in the morning,” Sebastian says.

  “How do you know? You were with me.”

“Charles briefed me this morning,” he says.

  “I need to let Christian know.”

  I pull out my phone, but Sebastian shakes his head.

  “I already spoke with him, as well. He knows what’s going on, and Brad has extra security watching their house. I’m so sorry this happened, Nina.”

  “It’s not your fault.” I sit back, relieved when the car is able to pick up the pace, driving faster to the airport.

  “Charles is leaving four men behind to watch your house,” Sebastian says. “They’ll be staying there. I’m sorry, it can’t be avoided. You just don’t have enough security to leave it unoccupied.”

  “I figured that would happen. I’ll work on building a better security plan later.”

  “No need, miss,” Charles says from the front seat. “We will take care of it for you.”

  I glance at Sebastian in surprise. He just smiles.

  “Thank you.”

  Chapter Five


  “THAT WAS THE fastest flight of my life,” Nina murmurs beside me and then takes a deep breath.

  “It was actually a short flight, compared to commercial flights to Europe,” I reply and smile when she looks up at me. Her eyes are a bit glassy—from exhaustion or fear, I’m not sure which.

  Possibly both.

  “No one even asked for my passport.”

  “No, darling.” I kiss her fingers and rest our hands on my thigh. Charles is sitting up with the driver, and it’s important that we look like a couple in love.

  Not to mention, I quite enjoy touching her.

  “I’ve read all of the articles,” she mutters as if to herself. “It’s going to be fine.”

  It’s going to be fine.


  But these first few days will be rough. I wish I could protect her from the scrutiny of my family’s gaze. The staff. The public.

  They won’t like that Nina’s American. And they certainly won’t like that I’m marrying her. If it were my youngest brother, Callum, it wouldn’t matter as much. He’s third in line for the throne, so he can marry pretty much anyone he chooses.

  As for the heir? Well, there are different rules.

  And I’m about to upset the entire applecart.

  “Have you been to London before?” I ask Nina, hoping to get her to relax a bit.

  “Sure,” she says. “I’ve been several times with Christian, mostly for movie premieres. I haven’t had a chance to really explore much, though. It’s a beautiful city.”

  “I’ll show it to you,” I reply. “I can get some behind-the-scenes tours.”

  “I should hope so,” she says with a laugh. “What’s the point in reigning over everything the eye can see if there aren’t some perks?”

  She’s about to discover that I have more perks than just being able to roam around the Tower of London whenever I please.

  We arrive at the palace, and the gates open to allow the cars through. There is a vehicle ahead of us and behind us, both full of security.

  Tourists line the thirty-foot-tall fence, taking photos and hoping to get a glimpse of a member of the royal family.

  The king’s flag flies on top of the palace, signaling that he’s in residence. If he’s gone, either traveling or at one of the other palaces, the country’s flag flies instead.

  “We’ll go to my flat to freshen up,” I inform Charles, who nods silently. Charles has always been a stern man, but he seems especially angry with me now. I know he feels like I’m putting myself at risk. He doesn’t just take his job seriously, he cares about my entire family and me.

  When the car stops behind a rock wall, keeping us hidden from prying eyes, I lead Nina into the palace and down the long hallway to my home.

  “There are five flats in the palace,” I inform her. “One for me and each of my siblings and another for my parents. Then there are public areas, open to tours when we’re not in residence. We also host parties here, entertain heads of state, that sort of thing.”

  “It’s enormous,” she says, her eyes roaming over paintings of ancestors long dead, tapestries, and rugs.

  Each piece has a story, of course.

  “We’re in here.” I open the door to my quarters and glance back at Charles. “We’re fine. I’ll meet with you later.”

  “Sir.” He bows his head and then marches off, speaking into a device as he goes.

  “This is your apartment?”

  “It is.”

  I watch as she steps out of her heels, wiggling her toes against the eight-hundred-year-old rug in my living room.

  She bites her lip and stares at me, and I can see that the reality of our arrangement has finally truly hit home for her.

  “Come here.” I walk to her and pull her into my arms, rocking us both back and forth. “I’ll make sure you’re more than comfortable here.”

  “It’s a castle.”

  “No, I’ll show you a castle another day.”

  She chuckles against my chest.

  Before I can say anything else, there’s a knock at the door, and my assistant, Harrison, walks in. He’s younger than I am but has the straight posture and stick-up-his-ass pose mastered.

  “Your Royal Highness,” he says, bowing his head. “It’s a pleasure to have you home, sir.”

  “Thank you, Harrison. I’d like to introduce you to Nina. My fiancée.”

  His head snaps up in surprise. It seems Harrison hasn’t heard the scuttle yet, but then again, that’s one of the reasons I like having him on my staff. He doesn’t give a shit about rumors.


  “That’s right. Nina Wolfe, this is my personal assistant, Harrison.”

  “Hello,” Nina says politely. “It’s nice to meet you.”

  “You as well, miss.”

  “Where’s my boy?”

  Mary, my sister’s former lady-in-waiting, rushes through the doorway. She’s in her late seventies, round as can be, and one of my favorite people of all time.

  “Hello, Mary.”

  “I’m so relieved you’re home,” she says. She’s never been one to bow or use titles. She’s a motherly type that all of my siblings and I love.

  “This is Nina. Nina, this is Mary. She’s retired now, but she was my sister Eleanor’s lady-in-waiting. I asked her to come and help you while we’re here. She knows everything there is to know about my family, and I believe she’ll be a great asset to you.”

  “And a friend,” Mary adds, taking Nina’s hand in hers. “Oh, love, you look just knackered. I wish I had time to put you to bed for a while, but I’m afraid we haven’t time for it. We need to freshen you up.”

  “Your parents are expecting you in about thirty minutes,” Harrison adds.

  Nina watches me with wide eyes, so I nod reassuringly. “You’re in excellent hands with Mary. I’ll be here, waiting for you.”

  “Come on, dear.” Mary herds Nina out of the room, and I’m left alone with Harrison.

  “I should change, as well.” I walk to my bedroom with Harrison on my heels. The staff has already prepared a bedroom with a dressing space for Nina. Along with a whole closet full of clothes and shoes.

  Our staff works fast.

  “How did I miss that she’s your fiancée?” Harrison asks. Now that we’re alone, he’s much more casual. Harrison is not only my PA, he’s also one of my best mates.

  “It’s rather recent,” I reply, choosing fresh clothes to change into. “And I’m sorry I didn’t call you. It’s been a busy twenty-four hours.”

  “Your parents are likely going to murder you. They’ll reintroduce beheadings.”

  “I’ve never known you to be so dramatic.”

  But he’s not laughing. “I’m not kidding, Sebastian. This has disaster written all over it.”

  “Such is my life, mate.” I tie my necktie and throw on the light gray jacket that matches my slacks. “This first meeting will be the most uncomfortable.”

  “She’s walking into the lion’
s den.”

  “I’ll be with her.”

  I sigh and prop my hands on my hips, desperately trying to keep my nerves at bay. “Just be my friend here, okay?”

  “She’s beautiful,” he says. “And if she makes you happy, then I’m happy. I hope I still get to work for you after they fire you from the next in line position.”

  “I’ll see to it.” I nod and walk into the sitting room just as Nina does the same. My steps falter, as if my feet are suddenly rooted to the floor.

  My God, she’s gorgeous in a simple pink dress with cap sleeves and black heels.

  “You’re stunning,” I say at last. “If my parents don’t see that, they’re no relatives of mine.”

  She smiles softly. “Thank you. You look nice, as well.” She dips into her curtsy, perfectly this time. “Your Royal Highness.”

  “Good girl,” Mary says with a wink. “We’ve practiced that one.”

  “You’re simply lovely,” I say and offer Nina my arm, which she takes. My hand covers her small one as we walk to the door. “What do you think of Mary?” I ask after we’ve left my flat and are alone.

  “She’s amazing. I want to keep her. She’s already given me so much advice. I’m going to learn so much from her.”

  “I’m glad. I thought she was perfect for you.”

  “Thank you for thinking of it,” Nina says. “She makes me feel like I already have a friend here.”

  “Two friends,” I remind her. “Don’t forget about me.”

  “There’s no possible way I could do that.” We stop before walking into the parlor where my parents are waiting, and I lean down to lay a simple kiss on Nina’s cheek, reassuring us both.

  “Here goes nothing, darling.”

  We walk into the room, and I’m immediately surprised to see not only my parents but also all three of my siblings.

  Nina’s hand tightens on my arm.

  “Hello, everyone.” We stop in front of them all, and they stand. I start with my parents. “Mum, Father, I’d like to introduce you to Nina Wolfe.”

  To my utter fascination and delight, Nina executes a perfect curtsy and smiles genuinely at my father. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Your Majesty.”

  She then turns to my mother and offers her the same greeting.


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