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Of Gods and Wolves (The Godhunter, Book 2)

Page 10

by Amy Sumida

  Opposite me was the bar. The counter was an amazingly long piece of slate left in its natural form with weathered grooves and all. Tree stumps carved into seats and coated with varnish, swiveled on hidden pivots as patrons spoke animatedly to each other, the air around them thrumming with excitement. People were already three deep back behind the seats, waiting for the eight hardworking Froekn bartenders to serve them.

  A fine mist hung in the air to my right, rising from the waterfall, little rainbows from the subtle lighting flashing through it. My gaze followed the water down to where it pooled in a surprisingly natural looking basin of plant infested rocks. Tucked in among the plants were also little two-seater niches for people to take a breather or steal a kiss. Past that was the entrance and past the entrance was a long wall enclosing the Wild Room Trevor had spoken of. Around the corner, a large Froekn bouncer guarded the doorway to it.

  Music was playing at a comfortable level and there were werewolves among the people on the dance floor already. The Froekn looked like they were in Wolfie Heaven and I was sure their delight would go up another notch as soon as they checked out their special retreat.

  “So how do you like our little paradise, Minn Elska?” Trevor’s arms slid around my waist and I felt his chin come to rest on my head. His scent enveloped me, exotic spices and wolf musk. It resounded inside of me the way some smells do, as if it were connected to a memory. It wasn't a memory though, just a feeling. Calm perfection; the scent meant safety, home, and love. I tried to push it away and remind myself of the fact that those were the things I felt when Thor held me as well.

  “It’s beautiful, amazing, I've never seen anything like it.” I rubbed his arms, the corded muscles tightening in response. I could only be strong for so long okay? “Is Fenrir coming?”

  “I’m here, little Frami,” Fenrir’s deep voice came from behind us, pulling me around to face him.

  “Where'd you come from?”

  “The Family Room,” Fenrir pointed back over his shoulder at a door marked Employees Only, hidden partially behind a tree.

  “The Family Room?” I edged away from Trevor so I could give him an inquisitive look. “How many special rooms are in this place?”

  “It's just a spot to trace in,” Trevor shrugged.

  “Tell her about the vamp rooms,” Fenrir smiled proudly at his son.

  “There are light-tight rooms with single cots and steel doors back there as well,” Trevor leaned back against the railing and crossed his ankles. “In case any of our guests are vampires who party too long and get caught by the dawn, they can pay a small fee to spend the night. They can also be used as holding cells if anyone gets out of hand.”

  “That's brilliant, Trevor,” I was overwhelmed by his thoroughness. “You've thought of everything.”

  “Yes,” Fenrir looked out over the club, “this is quite an accomplishment.” He greeted us both with a face rub before turning to greet TryggulfR. Trevor beamed at me. There was nothing like a father’s praise.

  “Would you like a drink, Father?” Trevor waved at a waitress who was working the upper floor.

  “Yes, I'll have some mead,” Fenrir looked at the waitress and paused. “Samantha?”

  “Yes, Valdyr,” The girl greeted him formally with a slight bow.

  “Have you taken all my wolves?” Fenrir turned back to Trevor as Samantha went to get his drink.

  “He's trying to make honest wolves of you,” I left Trevor to wrap an arm around Fenrir and felt my love magic reach out to him. Yep, our connection was still there and it probably always would be.

  “Assassination has been an honest living for hundreds of years,” Fenrir stared down at me from his impressive height, with those honey-eyes that were so like Trevor’s.

  “It’s not anymore,” I reached up to tuck a long strand of glossy black hair behind his ear, which I could only do because I was wearing stilettos. “You don’t need to kill for anyone anymore. You have more than enough wealth and now your Froekn can learn other ways of making a living.”

  “How can you be so fierce and yet so soft, little Frami,” Fenrir set me back next to Trevor a little reluctantly.

  “You can only be truly fierce with great passion,” I resisted sliding an arm around Trevor’s waist, “and passion is the root of compassion. All great fighters should have something to fight for, something they love.”

  “Sometimes your words make me laugh,” Fenrir walked over to the railing beside me with a secret smile, “and sometimes they make me think, but they always make me grateful to have you as our Rouva.”

  For once, I didn’t ruin a grand compliment with a joke. I just took Fenrir’s huge hand and gave it a quick squeeze. “Thank you.”

  He nodded curtly and stared out over the club. “VѐulfR, you’ve done well… in so many ways.” Fenrir glanced down at me and then back out.

  “Thank you,” Trevor pulled me in against him and I looked up at him abruptly. Was that jealousy? I remembered what Hermes had said and frowned. No, those were just stupid rumors, Trevor wouldn't believe them.

  Still worrying over the possibility of a jealous wolf, I looked down into the club and saw a thickly muscled man making his way swiftly to the stairs. He was way over six feet tall with long dark hair in a thick braid hanging past his shoulders and a neatly trimmed beard. I looked over his jeans, blue T-shirt, and black leather jacket with interest. It was kind of surprising to see Odin dressed so mundanely.

  The black leather eye patch he wore was familiar though and no one could mistake the swagger of a powerful god. The bouncer let him by with a respectful nod and he came bounding up the stairs, taking two at a time. I was finally able to read the writing on his shirt: Berserkers do it like crazy. I choked back a laugh.

  “Fenrir,” he said and they nodded to each other politely before he looked my way and smiled. “Vervain, it’s a great pleasure to see you again.”

  “Nice to see you too, Odin,” I reached out to shake his hand and he smoothly turned mine over to kiss it instead.

  Tingles spread out from the skin where his lips were pressed, and raced down to my toes. I quickly withdrew my hand in an attempt to stop the sensuous marathon. I really didn't need my love magic to start whispering to me that he was worthy, that I should share my magic with him.

  Sometimes it felt like I had a little hippie girl living inside me. Free love and all that. She just wanted to share herself with everyone, at least everyone she thought was hot.

  “VѐulfR,” Odin finally broke his pensive eye contact with me and greeted Trevor. “You’ve created a masterpiece. I wish you success of it.”

  “Thank you, Odin,” Trevor shook his hand respectfully.

  We all sat down on the couches together, the men talking about the club while I held back, taking the opportunity to sort through my thoughts. Why was it that Odin made me so nervous?

  Ever since I'd met him at Yule, he'd had this effect on me. He’d look at me and it would just creep me out. Sometimes it creeped me out because I enjoyed him looking. How weird was that? Even sitting close to him was bothering me. I needed to figure this shit out so I could get over it. I had bigger fish to fry than Odin.

  While the men were talking and I was pondering, the God Squad arrived.

  Pan came springing up the stairs first and I ran over to give him a big hug. Pan was an average looking guy; he was about six feet tall with brown curly hair (that hid a couple of horns), hazel eyes, and a pointed chin. The thing was, the more you looked at Mr. Average, the more you listened to his happy little voice, the less average he became, and the more charming he seemed.

  “The others are right behind me,” he said and then dropped his voice to a whisper, “Thor’s here too.”

  “Thanks, Pan,” I kissed him on the cheek for the warning. I knew my man was coming but it was nice to be prepared for his arrival.

  Sure enough, there was Thor, the very next person up the stairs. Even the discreet lighting couldn’t stop his fiery hair from
shining, framing a strong face and even stronger shoulders. He came over and kissed me thoroughly, hands sliding around my waist and pulling me in tight. I was a little unsteady when he finally released me.

  “Hey you,” he smiled at my response before winking at me and walking over to greet the others.

  “Hey,” I whispered to his back.

  I caught Trevor's annoyed look and shrugged. If that was the extent of Thor's public displays for the evening, I was going to count myself lucky. Not that I minded being public with Thor but I really didn't want to rain on Trevor's parade and Thor was the God of Thunder. He just couldn't help it.

  Then Persephone came up the stairs.

  “Hey girl,” she gave me a hug and I was instantly refreshed. Persephone could be a little childish but she had a wonderful magic that not only made things grow but also made you feel the growth, the potential for new life, the hope. Hope was a good thing, especially when you were faced with a jealous boyfriend you needed to find a way to appease.

  “Hey, Sephy,” I looked around her lithe figure and sure enough, there he was, “Hi Hades, how ya doin’?”

  “I’m very excited to be here,” he kissed my hand, á la Cassanova. “Thank you so much for the invitation.”

  For some reason Hades didn’t get invited to a lot of parties. He hadn’t even met any of Persephone’s friends until he’d shown up at my house one night when she was running late. In order to stop a lover’s spat of dynamic proportions I’d performed some kamikaze counseling. I was pleased with the results but some of the other gods were a little concerned.

  Due to our talk, Hades had become more appreciative and romantic with Persephone. In return, Persephone had stood up to her controlling mother and moved in with Hades. The previous arrangement had them living together for only three months out of the year, even though they were married. I’d only found this out recently, the marriage part that is. I’d thought they were only dating before. Gods can be so vague, but then Sephy told me she’d married Hades centuries ago.

  “You’re always welcome, Hades,” I smiled at him and he pushed up the shades he’d been wearing.

  I tried not to let his eyes disturb me. Hades was Mr. GQ, average build and height with dark brown hair and clean cut good looks. He had a smile that was boyish when it appeared, which matched Sephy’s girlish one perfectly, but his eyes… they were truly windows into his soul.

  The irises were translucent brown, like colored glass, and behind them a fire raged. It was like staring through a peephole into a furnace. It was also a little unsettling to say the least. Maybe that was why he didn’t get much invites.

  “Vervain,” Finn saved me from having to make small talk with the Lord of the Underworld.

  “Finn,” I gave him a quick hug.

  “You haven’t seen my father have you?”

  “No,” I glanced out behind him at Brahma and Horus who were coming up the stairs. “Trevor told the bouncers not to let Lir in. You’re priority, honey.”

  “Thanks, Vervain,” his gorgeous green eyes went soft and he gave me a gentle kiss before he went to sit down with the others.

  “Hey guys,” I hugged Brahma and then Horus quickly. Brahma was a horrible flirt and Horus was only just starting to tolerate me, so I didn’t want to linger over either greeting.

  “Vervain, you look lovely,” Brahma ran his hand down my arm as he slid by with his Bollywood good looks and Hollywood good suit. Horus just nodded curtly, sticking his sharp nose in the air as he pretended to hate the fact that I’d hugged him.

  “Thank you,” I turned back to the large group. “What time is it, Brahma?” The Hindu god was Mr. Punctuality.

  “It’s 11:06,” he peered at his Rolex importantly. “Exactly fifty four minutes till midnight.”

  “Yes, we can count, Brahma,” Ull came up behind me and I yelped in surprise.

  “Ull,” I flung my arms around his neck. His long blonde hair tickled my nose and I let him go to rub at it.

  “Vervain,” he smiled down at me. “You look amazing.”

  “Thanks,” I flushed and looked away.

  I still couldn’t see what some of the gods saw in me, even with the make-over from Aphrodite’s magic. I looked better than I had before but I was still nowhere near as beautiful as most of the goddesses I'd met.

  Thor had told me once that they were attracted to my magic. Since gods fed on the energy of humans, our magic essentially, they could feel it when they got close to a human with natural abilities. The magic wanted to return to the source, like a magnet it pulled them to me. So they weren't necessarily attracted to my outer form, it was more an internal thing.

  I was kind of insulted back then but he'd explained that it was no different from liking someone for the color of their hair or shape of their body. In fact, it was kind of what most women wanted, a man to like them for what they were inside. Once I got past the human concept of physical attraction, I was okay with it but honestly, still a bit confused.

  “Vervain,” Teharon set his calming hand on my shoulder and I turned to give him a hug. His long, straight, black hair swung down around us like a heavy curtain, when he bent down to return it.

  “I’m so glad you’re here,” I smiled up into his turquoise eyes, so shockingly bright in his dark face. I tugged playfully on the feather woven into the bottom of the small braid he wore on the left side of his face. “I feel safer already.”

  “Let’s hope you don’t need healing tonight,” he smiled and then backed away so I could greet the couple behind him.

  “What is this, a war party?” I hugged Estsanatlehi and her husband Tsohanoai, who I called Mrs. E and Mr. T for the simple fact that I embarrassed myself whenever I tried to pronounce their names. Hawaiian words I could pronounce just fine but Native American ones threw me for a loop. The Navajo couple was dressed up, a first in my memory, and I was suddenly glad they usually dressed down. I’d probably be struck speechless if they looked that good everyday.

  “We Indians,” Mr. T winked at me, his usually glowing skin, mercifully toned down, “like to travel in packs like your Froekn.”

  “You look lovely tonight,” Mrs. E reined in her husband with a gentle hand. Her voice was deep and strong like a rushing river and a warm wind seemed to ever keep her company.

  “Thank you. Would any of you like something to eat?” I gestured to a long banquet table that had been set up along the railing, where the upper floor turned to follow the wall. The upper floor almost completely circled the building, broken only where the track ran up, and was wide enough for several tables made out of slate as well as some grass covered couches.

  “Just a small plate maybe,” Ull came up and took my arm as Mrs. E let her husband guide her to the table.

  “You didn’t offer me anything to eat,” Finn pretended to pout but I caught a hint of something more serious in his tone.

  “Finn, the first thing you do when you come over to my house, is rummage through the fridge,” I took a seat next to Trevor since I was supposed to be his date. “I thought you’d find the food on your own.”

  “Point taken,” Finn held up his hands in surrender.

  “How cozy,” a new voice turned all of our heads to the stairs.

  A voluptuous woman, with hair the color of corn, posed there. Can you say Vogue? She was wearing a gold gown that hugged her curves all the way to the floor where it shimmered in a pool around her feet. Her face was a little wide but beautiful, with a strong chin and a generous, almost greedy, mouth.

  “Mommy,” Persephone jumped up and went to hug the woman.

  “That’s Demeter?” I whispered to Trevor.

  “Yes, I’m Demeter,” she patted her daughter on the shoulder and strode forward like a movie star. I almost groaned. I kept forgetting that gods had super senses, everything was heightened on them, including hearing.

  “Welcome to Moonshine,” Trevor and I stood to greet her. Trevor shook her hand but when I reached for it, she stood back.
/>   “I have a quarrel with you, Godhunter.” She stared down her nose at me.

  “Yeah?” I kind of figured this was coming. “Get in line.”

  “How dare you,” she moved her hands like she was about to use her magic, which no doubt was intended to put me in my place, before she remembered that she couldn’t cast inside the club.

  “How dare I?” I was pissed. To bring this issue to me on that particular night was rude. “How dare you come here to harass me on New Year’s Eve? What did you do, just sit at home waiting for the perfect opportunity to ruin my evening?”

  Trevor groaned behind me and there were a few gasps but Persephone got between us before I could say anymore. I was a little shocked, and impressed, by her interference.

  “Mother,” she grabbed Demeter’s arm. “Stop blaming Vervain, it was my decision and I’ve never been happier.”

  “You’re a silly child who doesn’t know what she wants,” Demeter sniffed. “That scoundrel can’t possible make you happy. He’s a kidnapper, a pervert, and your father’s brother, child.” Demeter stroked Persephone’s hair.

  “He’s her uncle?” I whispered back to Trevor who just nodded distractedly, eyes fixed on the show. “That’s kind of sick.”

  “Brother in his pantheon, they don’t actually share the same parents, now shhh,” Thor was suddenly standing beside me, holding my arm.

  “For one thing, I’m not a child anymore, Mother,” Persephone took Demeter’s hand from her hair gently. “You need to stop coddling me. For another, Hades didn’t exactly drag me away kicking and screaming... not genuinely at least.” She looked a little sheepish, her eyes skittering away before finding the courage to look back at her mother.

  “What do you mean, not genuinely?” Demeter scowled at Hades who’d come up behind Persephone and laid a hand on her shoulder.

  “I’d been courting your daughter for awhile before I took her home,” Hades met Demeter’s hard gaze levelly. “Even though you refused my suit.”


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