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Of Gods and Wolves (The Godhunter, Book 2)

Page 11

by Amy Sumida

  “I knew you wouldn’t allow us to get married,” Persephone took a deep breath. “So we met secretly. Then one day Hades just threw me over his shoulder and said he’d had enough, he was abducting me.”

  “Your dramatic shriek was very convincing, Bunny-Nose,” he kissed her cheek.

  “Yeah, until I ruined it by giggling,” Persephone slid her arm around Hades’ waist.

  Demeter looked like she'd swallowed a corn cob whole. And unhusked.

  “You,” she turned back to me and pointed a sharp gold fingernail in my face. “This is all your fault.”

  “How is this my fault?” I was kind of surprised to be included in the drama again.

  “If you hadn’t told her to grow up, she’d still be my little girl.”

  “You want her to be a child forever?” I couldn’t keep the note of disdain from my voice. The whole situation was ridiculous. The woman shouldn't have had a child, she should have got a dog. A lap dog, to be precise.

  “She’s my little girl,” Demeter reached for Persephone but the little girl in question backed up, holding up a defensive hand. “Do you see what you’ve done? You’ve turned my child against me.”

  “No,” I crossed my arms. This goddess had tried to keep my friend from becoming a woman and I couldn’t feel much sympathy for her. No wonder Persephone was so annoyingly infantile sometimes. “You turned her against you. How many years have you had her? It must have been centuries and that’s a hell of a lot more than a human mother gets. Be thankful she stayed with you this long.”

  “It matters not what a human mother is allowed.” Demeter put her hands on her full hips. “I’m a goddess. I gave her life and that life is mine.”

  “Selfish much?” I snorted. “You’re supposed to want what’s best for her. You’re her mother, it's part of the rules.”

  “I don’t follow rules.”

  “Obviously,” I looked back at Trevor who'd put his hand on my other arm. He looked a little protective and a little worried.

  “Fix this, Godhunter or you will not like the consequences.” Demeter had completely dismissed her daughter and had focused completely on me.

  “There’s nothing to fix, Demented… oops sorry, I mean Demeter.”

  “You make jokes about this?” Demeter’s cornflower blue eyes flashed. “About me?”

  “What else can I do?” I shrugged. “You’re being ridiculous. I have no control over your daughter and neither should you. She is of you but doesn’t belong to you. Get some therapy, read a couple self-help books, and get a life.”

  “She’s right, Mother,” Persephone stepped between us again. “Don’t threaten my friends.”

  “I’m not threatening your friends,” Demeter tried to push her daughter aside but the new kick-ass version of Persephone stood firm. “I’m threatening the Godhunter. You think someone who kills gods is your friend?”

  “If you start a war with the Godhunter,” Fenrir came up to stand behind us, his massive form looming protectively over me, “you start a war with the Froekn but more importantly, you start a war with me.”

  “I have no quarrel with you, Wolf God,” Demeter finally showed a hint of unease.

  “You will if you upset my Rouva.”

  It was all I could do to keep from smiling. Inside I was doing cartwheels and yelling things like, Take that, you stupid corn husker! Outside I was cool, calm and collected. For the most part.

  “I’m starting to get a little upset,” I fanned my hand in front of my face and batted my eyes at Fenrir.

  “You do look a little put out, Daughter,” his lips twitched.

  “Fine,” snarled Demeter, “circle your wagons. I’ll get you yet.” She slashed at the air with her talons, then turned and stalked away.

  “And your little dog too,” I cackled after her. Fenrir’s face clouded with confusion. “Don’t you ever watch movies?”

  “Have you seen a TV in my hall?” Fenrir tossed me up into the air, effectively dislodging both Thor and Trevor. I giggled like a little girl.

  “Then you’ll have to come over to my house for movie night,” I put my arm around his shoulder as he held me against his side one-handed.

  “Movie night?” He thought it over and then nodded. “Yes, we will watch these movies you love.”

  “Not all of the Froekn, Dad, only you,” Trevor came up and pulled me out of Fenrir’s arms and set me diplomatically between him and Thor.

  “How big is your home, little Frami?”

  “Big enough for you but not our entire pack. If you’d come for a visit sometime you’d know that,” I chided him and then shook my head. “I’m sorry, I think I just morphed into my grandmother for a second.”

  “I can’t believe you just took my mom on like that,” Persephone had been trying to wait patiently for us to finish our conversation but she wasn’t big on patience. Told you she's a little childish.

  “I can’t believe you stood up to her,” I chucked her on the shoulder. “Impressive, very impressive… and very mature.”

  “I agree,” Hades wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her back against him.

  “Thanks,” she smiled shyly. “It felt pretty good. I just hope she doesn’t keep giving you a hard time over it.”

  “There’s nothing to be done for it now,” I sighed.

  “Except be on guard,” Thor frowned at me. He'd been worried about this exact thing happening for months.

  “What did I miss?” Blue came up the stairs with Kuan-Ti at his side and everyone went silent. “Vervain invited us, are we unwelcome?”

  “Of course you’re welcome,” I turned and glared at the others before I went over to greet them. Technically they were still on the wrong side in the god wars but then so was Odin and everyone was cool with him so it must’ve been our history that upset people. However, our history was just that… ours and history, so my friends needed to back off.

  “Thank you for inviting me,” Blue gave me a hug and I smiled up into his jade green eyes.

  “Happy New Year, Blue, Kuan-Ti,” I smiled at the Chinese general when he gave me a sharp bow. Kuan-Ti had been close friends with Blue for a very long time and I was glad he was there with him since my friends were being such asses. I linked my arm with Blue's and felt the warm connection my magic had established. “I just had a run in with Demeter.”

  “The Harvest Goddess?” He frowned, creasing his perfect, strong, Aztec face, and pushed thick, straight, black hair out of his eyes as I led him over to the others.

  “That’s her,” I smirked. “Apparently, Persephone and Hades’ relationship is all my fault.”

  “I can’t believe you called her Demented,” Persephone giggled.

  “It seemed appropriate at the time,” I shrugged.

  “I’ve missed you,” Blue laughed, flashing a bit of fang, and kissed my forehead. Trevor growled a low warning and Blue looked at him in surprise. So did I. “Be easy, Wolf Prince. I’ve no intentions toward your Rouva. At least not tonight.”

  “And if anyone should be upset,” Thor interjected, “it is I.”

  Trevor shot to his feet and I wasn't sure who he was about to confront, Thor or Blue. Either would be bad, so I walked over to take Trevor's hand before he could do anything stupid.

  “Isn’t it time for us to go down and address the crowd?” I pulled on his hand until he stopped staring down Blue. Guess that answered the question on who he wanted to confront. “We have to do the countdown, remember?”

  “It is 11:48,” Brahma intoned.

  “You’re right,” Trevor sighed, rubbing at his neck. “Enjoy the food everyone. We’ll see you next year.”

  “And behave yourselves while I’m gone,” I kissed Thor, then looked hard at all the men. “Ull, could you try and keep the peace for me?”

  “No prob,” he winked.

  “Why Ull?” Fenrir frowned, looking regal even though he was reclining on a couch masquerading as a hill. “I think I’m more capable of keeping the peace

  “You’d be the first one into the fight, Valdyr,” I gave him my duh look.

  He snorted, managing to look proud at the same time, “Maybe you’re right.”

  I shook my head and followed Trevor down to the bar. The crowd was thick and from the tingles going down my arm, I knew there were a lot of VIPs in the mix.

  It took a little while to maneuver through the packed bodies and my claustrophobia started to set in, so I was seriously grateful when we made it to the bar. Trevor took a mic from one of the bartenders, lifted me up onto the bar top, and then climbed up himself. There wasn't a stage. Trevor said if he decided to have a live band at some point, they could play along the side, in the trees.

  He signaled the DJ in his hidden booth behind the bar and the music faded away.

  “Thank you all for joining us tonight,” Trevor’s sexy voice carried over the crowd and when I looked out, I saw quite a few women staring at him with interest. I smiled, the Werewolf Prince was definitely hot. “I’m Trevor Fenrirson and this is the love of my life, Vervain Lavine,” I saw those interested faces twist with envy as he put his arm around me. My jaw went slack and I searched out Thor anxiously. He was glowering at Trevor from the railing of the VIP balcony. Shit. “Oh yeah, she’s my business partner too.” There were the appropriate chuckles but I just stared at Trevor with even deeper shock. Business partners? When had that happened? “We just wanted to welcome you to Moonshine and tell you to grab that special someone because it’s countdown time.” He looked down at his watch and pulled me closer. “10, 9, 8, 7,” the crowd chanted with us, “6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1… Happy New Year!”

  The air was filled with cheers and applause as large sparklers went off all over the club and lights simulating fireworks burst across the fake sky. Trevor threw the mic to one of the bartenders and kissed me till everyone faded away and it was only me and him.

  I felt his magic roll around me, invade me, and push everything else aside. I couldn't think about anything but the feel of his lips on mine, the taste of him, the sound of his heart pounding in unison with mine, which I could hear as clearly as if I had my ear pressed against his chest.

  There was only Trevor and the person I became when I was with him like this. When he pulled back, I was shaking, he had to steady me, and I had no idea who I was anymore. Was I the woman in love with Thor or the woman falling for the werewolf Prince?

  Then my Nahual raised her angry head and roared that I was neither, I was the Godhunter. Oh, this so was not good.

  “I love you, Vervain,” he laid his forehead against mine.

  “Happy New Year, Trevor,” I put a hand against his chest to try and give myself some distance but all it accomplished was putting me in contact with the beat of his heart. It thudded beneath my fingers, strong and determined, matching the glint in his glowing eyes.

  I took a steadying breath and tried again to back away. Glowing eyes on a werewolf meant extreme emotion and I wasn't about to deal with it in front of a crowd of gods, humans, and Froekn. Oh yeah, and my boyfriend.

  I looked over at Thor and even across the room, I could see the lightning flashing in his eyes. It was Thor's version of glowing werewolf eyes and as much as I cared for Trevor, Thor was more important. His eyes had to be my priority and so did his heart.

  Trevor must have realized he'd pushed his luck enough for one evening because he helped me down and just stood beside me, looking out at the celebrating crowd. The Froekn were jumping and hugging each other, even the employees. The gods were more reserved and merely smiled, lifting their glasses to one another in acknowledgment of another year bested. The humans were hanging on each other and kissing everyone who would let them near.

  I looked back to the second floor railing lined with my friends. I waved and they all waved back as we made our way through the throng. Thor was starting to simmer down and I sent him a grateful smile for his understanding. My smile lasted right up until I looked over at Odin.

  He was staring again, the strange way he did that made me feel even stranger. Then he smiled slowly, like he knew something I didn’t, and I almost bumped into a couple kissing in front of me.

  Trevor pulled me aside at the last second and looked at me with amused concern. I could be a little klutzy sometimes but I usually paid attention to my surroundings. He directed me into a corner next to the waterfall instead of taking the stairs back up. The vines and other assorted foliage hanging from the second story railing gave the nook a good amount of privacy.

  “Are you alright?” He had me in the corner, shielding me from everyone with his body.

  “Business partner?” I neatly side-stepped his question.

  “Surprise!” He grinned lopsidedly and threw his arms out.

  “Uh-huh,” I grimaced, “definitely but what did you mean by that?”

  “I've made you co-owner of the club,” he held up a hand when I began to protest. “You don't have any responsibilities. I just want you taken care of. You're my mate, no matter what our relationship is beyond that. It's my right to provide for you and by our laws, half of what I own is yours anyway.”

  “I can't take half your club, Trevor,” I rubbed at my suddenly throbbing temple. “Thor's been trying to give me money for months but I won't let him. If I take it from you, he'll blow a gasket, probably level half of Asgard.”

  “Then don't tell him,” Trevor shrugged. Why was everything so simple for him?

  “Don't tell hi... I can't keep that from him.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because...” I frowned. Why couldn't I? “Because it would be wrong.”

  “Wrong why?” Trevor leaned a shoulder next to the wall beside me. “This is between you and I. It's Froekn law, something you can't avoid, and if you think it will upset your lover, I see no reason for you to tell him. It's called courtesy.”

  “It's called lying.”

  “Not if he doesn't ask you about it.”

  “So if you and I really were fully mated and some guy had to give me money because of some weird law,” I rose a brow at him, “you'd think it would be considerate if I just kept it from you?”

  “If it was something you could do nothing about and I would be happier not knowing?” Trevor cocked his head like he was really thinking about it. “Yes.”

  “Yes?” I narrowed my eyes at him.

  “Yes,” he nodded resolutely

  “Okay fine,” I sighed. “This just better not come back to bite me in the ass.”

  “It won't but I might,” Trevor pushed away from the wall grinning and held a hand out to me. “Now I think we'd better get back upstairs before Thor comes looking.”

  “Vervain, Vervain!” I turned to see my friends Jackson, Tristan and, Sommer push their way through the crowd.

  “Hey,” I hugged them all. “Thank you for coming.”

  “Are you kidding?” Tristan shook out his spiky maroon hair. “Thanks for getting us into the hottest New Year's Eve party ever! This place is amazing.”

  “Thank you,” Trevor put an arm at my waist.

  “Uh, guys,” I fumbled for a title for Trevor. Mate was out of the question. “This is Trevor. Trevor, this is Sommer, Tristan, and his boyfriend Jackson.”

  “We're her best friends in the whole world,” Tristan looked Trevor over. “But I don't know you. So who are you?”

  “Tristan,” Sommer rolled her bright blue eyes at Tryst. “Be nice, we haven't even met him yet.”

  “I'm just wondering what our friend here is doing kissing another man,” Tristan shrugged. “When she's already in love with a hottie.”

  “We saw that kiss, shug,” Jackson's accent shortened the word sugar but lengthened the sound, with the touch of New Orleans. “I also saw Thor walking through here earlier, so I know you aren't cheating. Spill.”

  “Trevor is,” I looked over at Trevor for some help but he just raised a brow at me.

  “Just about to get his paws off my girlfriend,” Thor came up behind my friends and l
aid a good-natured hand on Jackson's shoulder. “How you doing, Jackson?”

  “Fantastic,” Jackson turned to shake Thor's hand, then introduced him to Tristan and Sommer. Tristan gawked as he tried to keep his hand from being swallowed by Thor's. Sommer just nodded, she'd been in the Navy for awhile. I think being in close quarters with all those guys had made it difficult for a man to impress her. Either that or she had a real good poker face.

  “Why don't you guys come up and join us in the VIP balcony?” Thor waved them up the stairs and Trevor took the lead. I took Thor's hand, squeezing it in thanks. “You're gonna have to tell them the rest of the story someday,” he whispered down to me.

  “I know,” I shook my head, “just hopefully not tonight.”

  Sommer looked back at me with a raised brow, then smiled as she glanced over to Trevor's ass preceding her up the stairs. I guess she wasn't as immune as I thought. Then I had a weird moment of picturing her and Trevor together. I had to do some slow breathing to calm my inner wolf down afterward.

  Crazy, I know. It's not like I didn't have a boyfriend already. I should be thrilled if Trevor was able to have a relationship with someone else and I certainly didn't begrudge my friend a good man... which she already had! That's right. Sommer's married, happily married with children. I had nothing to worry about. Wait, why the hell had I been worried?

  I needed to find a way to stop this insane infatuation with my mate, er my wolf who was mated to me, uh bonded I mean. Oh, whatever. It just needed to stop.

  Chapter Twelve

  Asgard was beautiful at night.

  I leaned against the stone railing and inhaled the sweet, clean, salt-laced air as I pondered why the stars looked different on this side of the Aether. Thor was pressed against my back, his warm body surrounding me, one hand in mine and one at my hip. We had just traced in from Moonshine and we both needed a few minutes of peace. It was easy to find with Thor.

  You'd think being with a god of storms would be, well stormy but wasn't the heart of the storm always peaceful? Thor's heart was my refuge now. Everything could be blowing about me in turmoil but as long as he held me, I was at peace.


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