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Great Boer War

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by Farwell, Byron,,

Du Plessis, Willie

  Du Plooy, David

  Du Plooy, Commandant Floris

  Du Preez, Cornelis “Corneels,”

  Du Preez, Mrs. Lillian

  Du Quesne, F. J.

  Durban; and Union of South Africa

  Durham Light Infantry

  Dutch, see Holland

  Dutch East India Company

  Dutch Reformed Churchin concentration camps; Doppers sect; in Patagonia

  Du Toit, B. J.

  Du Toit, S. P.

  Dyer, John E.

  Eagar, Lt. Henry

  East Surrey Regiment

  Easterbrook, Pvt. H.

  Edgar, Tom

  Edgar Case

  Edge, Col. John

  Edward VII, King of England

  Edwards, Maj. Clement

  86th Yeomanry

  Elandsfontein, battle of

  Elandslaagte; battle of

  Elliot, Maj. Gen. E. Locke

  Ellis, Maj. Edward

  Eloff, Mrs. F. C.

  Eloff, Commandant Sarel Johannes

  Elwes, Katharine

  Emigration and immigration

  Emmet, Field Cornet Cheere

  England and English people, see Great Britain


  Enteric fever; in Bloomfontein; in concentration camps; in Pretoria; Roberts and; in Simonstown

  Erasmus, S. P.

  Ermels; commando

  Esher, Viscount (R. B. Brett)

  Essex Regiment


  Europe and Europeans (see also nations of Europe); and Boers’ appeals to


  Fairbridge, Dora

  Farm burning and livestock slaughter; see also Boers; farms and land

  Farrell, Capt. Henry

  Fawcett, Prof. Henry

  Fawcett, Millicent Garett

  Ferreira, J. S.

  Ferreira, Commandant Pieter

  Fichardt, Dr. T.

  Ficksburg commando

  Field artillery batteries: 7th; 38th; 62nd, ; 66th; 84th

  Field cornet

  Field Force Canteens

  58th Regiment

  Fischer, Abraham

  Fish River


  Fitchett, Dr. Frank

  Fitzclarence, Capt. Charles

  Foreign intervention

  Forstier-Walker, Gen. F. W.

  Foster, James “Arizona Kid,”

  Fouché, Commandant Willem

  Fourie, Joseph Johannes “Jappie,”

  France and French people; volunteers

  Franchise; for Bantu; for Coloureds; for uitlanders

  Franks, Dr. Kendal

  Fraser, Gordon

  Fraser, Harry

  Free State commando

  Fremont, Comte de

  French, Maj. Gen. John; at Bloemfontein; care of horses; at Elandslaagte; on Great Flank March; Kimberley and Paardeberg; Transvaal invasion


  Fricksburg commando

  Friend (army newspaper)

  Fripp, Alfred Downing

  Froneman, Commandant C. C.

  Fuller, Gen. J. F. C.; as Lt.

  Gandhi, Mohandas Karamchand “Mahatma,”

  Gardner, Brian

  Gaskell, H. S.

  Gatacre, Lt. Gen. Sir William; career; at Reddersburg; at Stormberg battle

  Geary, Lord

  Germany and German people; army; and Jameson Raid; 1914 Rebellion and; settle in South Africa; volunteers

  Gladstone, William Ewart

  Glasock, Horace

  Gleichen, Count

  Glidden, Joseph

  Gloucestershire Regiment

  Glueck, Mrs. Sarah

  Goff, Lt. Col. Gerald

  Gold; mines; native and Chinese labourers

  Gonne, Maud

  Gookin, Vincent

  Goold-Adams, Maj. Hamilton

  Gordon Highlanders; at Doornkop; at Elandslaagte; at Magersfontein; at Wagon Hill

  Gore, Maj. St. John Corbet

  Goschen, George


  Gough, Capt. Hubert de la P.; as Major; at Lt. Col.

  Gough, John


  Great Britain and British people (see also Anti-war movement; British Army; British South Africans; London; Parliament), at beginning of war; and Boer renegades; and Chinese coolies; and concentration camps; after first defeats; early history in South Africa; emigrants to South Africa; enthusiasm wanes; generals return; gifts to soldiers; illusory end of war; “imperial” mission; Mafeking relief celebrations; military preparations; and non-white policy; ; and peace; resettlement of South Africa; South African independence and; ultimatum to Boers; and United States; visitors to war area; and world opinion; and Zulu War

  Great flank march

  Great Trek; see also Voortrekker republics

  Green Hill

  Green Point

  Grenadier Guards

  Grenfell, Col.

  Grey, Lord

  Grey, Albert

  Grimshaw, Lt. Cecil Thomas Wrigley

  Grimwood, Col. Geoffrey Grimwood

  Griqualand West


  Grobler, Commandant H. S.

  Guards Brigade

  Guerrilla commandos; and wearing of British uniforms; life style of

  Guerrilla warfare; nature of; and mobility

  Guinness, Lt. Col. Eustace

  Gun Hill, battle of

  Haggard, H. Rider

  Haig, Douglas

  Haldane, Aylmar

  Hallwright, Midshipman Wybrow

  Hamilton, Col. Bruce

  Hamilton, Lt. Gen. Ian; on Buller and Roberts; at Elangslaagte; with Kitchener

  Hamilton, J. Angus

  Hammond, John Hays

  Hanbury-Tracy, Lt. the Honourable Algernon

  Hannay, Col. Ormelie

  Hannay, Col. Rainford

  Harris, Admiral Sir Robert

  Harrisburg commando


  Harrison, Private Wilfrid

  Hart, Maj. Gen. Arthur Fitzroy; at Colenso

  Hassell, John A.

  Hassell’s American Scouts

  Hausner, Ernest

  Hay, Adalbert S.

  Hay, John

  Hays, Trooper E. J.

  Hays, Sergeant

  Heath, Maj. Frederick

  Heberden, Doris

  Heberden, Dr. G. A. “Jack,”

  Heberden, Winifred

  Heidelberg; concentration camp at

  Heidelberg commando

  Heilbron commando

  “Helots Dispatch,”

  Hely-Hutchinson, Sir Walter

  Henderson, Col. George

  Henniker-Major, Col. Arthur

  Herbert, Bron

  Herbert, Capt. Percy

  Hertzog, Gen. James Barry; at Vereeniging

  Het Volk (political party)

  Highland Brigade; at Magersfontein; at Paardeberg; and slouch hats

  Highland Light Infantry

  Hildyard, Maj. Gen. Henry

  Hiley, Alan

  Hill, Lt. Alan

  Hill, Lt. Col. Augustus


  Hobhouse, Emily; and concentration camps

  Hobhouse, Reverend Reginald

  Hobson, J. A.

  Holdek, Baron von

  Holland; Boer volunteers

  Holme, Charles B.

  Hopford, Wim

  Hore, Col. C. O.

  Horses; death and loss of; in Smuts commando


  House of Commons; and renegade Boers, and concentration camps; and Milner

  Howland, Frederick

  Huddart, Midshipman C.

  Hughes-Hallett, Lt. Col. Gerald

  Hugo, Victor


  Hulburd, Margaret

  Humanity, see Decency and Humanity

  Hume, Lt. Col. C. V.

  Humphrey, Pvt. James

  Humphreys, Ca
pt. Gardiner

  Humphreys, Pvt. T. G. P.


  Hunter, Gen. Archibald

  Hussars; 4th; 13th at Colenso; 18th at Talana; 19th

  Immigration, see Emigration and Immigration

  Impati hill

  Imperial Light Horse (ILH)

  Imperial Yeomanry: 10th; 13th; 86th

  Independence and Boers

  India and Indians; and prisoner-of-war camps; at war’s end

  Indian Mutiny

  Inkson, Lt. E. T.

  Inniskilling Fusiliers

  Intombi Spruit Hospital Camp


  Irene camp

  Irish-American volunteers

  Irish Nationalists;

  Irish Rifles

  Itala fort, battle of

  Italy and Italians

  Jackson, J. C.

  Jackson, Cpl. Murray Cosby

  Jacobs, Ella

  Jacobs, Gideon and Hendrik


  Jacobsz, F. P.

  James, Herbert Lionel

  Jameson, Dr. Leander Starr

  Jameson Raid


  Jerrold, Walter

  Johannesburg; concentration camp in; Jews of; Roberts capture of

  Johannesburg Commando

  Johannesburg police (Zarps)

  Jones, Lt. Robert Digby

  Joubert, Hendrina

  Jourbert, Jozua

  Jourbert, Maggie

  Joubert, Commandant Gen. Petrus Jacobus “Piet,” ; career and character; and Cronjé’s relief; death; in Kipling’s poem; at Ladysmith; at Natal front; battle of Talana

  Judelewitz, Chaim David

  Kaffirs; see also Bantu


  Kalahari Desert

  Karee Siding, battle of

  Kay, Dr. James Alexander

  Kekewich, Lt. Col. Robert

  Kelham, Lt. Col. Henry

  Kelly-Kenny, Lt. Gen. Sir Thomas; and Kitchener

  Kemp, Gen. Christoffel Greyling

  Kemp, Field Cornet Jan

  Kestell, Reverend J. D.

  Key, Reverend W. S.

  Khaki; “Election,” ; “weed,”

  Kimberley; concentration camp in; deliverance; described; and Methuen; and Rhodes during siege; and Roberts

  Kimberley, Lord

  Kimberley Light Horse

  King, J. H. “Dynamite Dick,”

  Kingsley, Mary

  King’s Own Scottish Borderers

  King’s Royal Rifle Corps

  Kipling, Rudyard; and Brit. soldier; and Soldier’s Families’ Fund; visits war zone; stories, poems, and quotations

  Kirkman, Dr. Albert A. B.

  Kissimoff, Capt. Vladimir Petroff

  Kitchener, Col. Frederick Walter

  Kitchener, Lord Horatio Herbert; Botha meeting; career and personality; and concentration camps; and counter-guerrilla policies; destruction of property; as head of army; and Methuen’s capture; and Paardeberg; and peace talks; policy questioned; pursuit of commandos; and renegade Boers; threatens Boer leaders

  Klip River; Drift

  Knight, E. F.

  Knowles, W. H.

  Knox, Lady Anne

  Knox, Capt. Blake

  Knox, Gen. C. E.

  Knox, Lt. Charles

  Knox, Maj. Eustace

  Know, Gen. Sir William

  Kock, Gen. Johannes Hermanus

  Komatipoort; and Boer forces

  Koornspruit, battle of

  Krause, Dr. Fritz

  Kritzinger, Pieter Henrick

  Kroonstad; Krygsraad; concentration camp in; and Roberts

  Kruger, Gezina

  Kruger, Stephanus Johannes Paulus “Paul,” ; character of; and Cronjé’s surrender; death; encourages Boers; goes to Europe; on gold discovery; and portable government; and Jameson Raid; and Mafeking; peace attempts; and beginning of war

  Kruger, Rayne

  Kruger National Park

  Krugersdorp; camp

  Krugersdorp commando

  Krupp gun

  Küttner, Dr. H.

  Labram, George

  Labushchagne, Catherine

  Ladies Committee; see also Concentration camps


  Ladybrand commando

  Ladysmith; battle of; and campaign plans; defeat and abandonment; relief attempts; and siege of; and Spion Kop

  Lafone, Lt. Claude

  Lafone, Maj. Edgar


  Laing’s Nek

  Lambton, Maj. William

  Lancashire Fusiliers

  Lancashire Regiment

  Lancers: 5th; 9th; 12th; 16th; 17th

  Landsdowne, Lord; and Dutch proposal; and Roberts

  Lang, Lt. Bertram

  Lee Enfield rifle.

  Lee-Metford rifle.

  Lennox hill

  Leon, Dr. John Temple

  Le Roux, Carl

  Leslie, Dr. T. N.

  Levita, Capt. Cecil

  Leyds, Dr. Willem

  Liberal Party (Brit.)

  Lichtenburg commando

  Limpopo River area

  Lincoln, Abraham

  Lindley, Reverend Daniel


  Little, Dr.

  Livestock, see Farm burning and livestock slaughter

  Lloyd, Lt. Thomas Henry Eyre

  Lloyd, George, David; against war

  Lockhart, Gen. William

  Lodge, Henry Cabot

  London; and Mafeking celebration; war coverage

  London Convention

  Long, Col. Charles; at Colenso

  “Long Cecil,”

  “Long Toms,”

  Looting and stealing; of mailbags

  Lötter, Johannes

  Lourenço Marques

  Lyddite shells


  Lynch, George

  Lyttleton, Gen. Neville G.; at Spion Kop; at Tugela; at Vaal Krantz

  MacArthur, Gen. Douglas

  MacBean, Lt. Col. Forbes

  MacBride, John

  McCalmont, Lt. Col. Hugh

  MacCormac, Sir William

  MacDonald, Gen. Hector

  MacFarlan, William

  Machadodorp commando

  McHardy, Alec

  McInnes, Colour Sergeant

  McKay, Jimmy

  McKensie, T. W.

  McKinley, William (U.S. Pres.)

  Mackinnon, Col. W. H.

  MacMillan, Harold

  Mafeking; besieged; relief of; camp

  Magersfontein; battle of; Roberts and

  Mahan, Capt. Alfred Thayer

  Mahon, Col. Brian


  Majuba Hill, battle of; Majuba Day

  Malan, Isie

  Malan, Wynand

  Malay States

  Manchester Regiment

  Mao Tse-tung

  Marais, S.

  Mareuil, Comte Georges Villebois de

  Maritz, Salomon Gerhardus “Mannie,”

  Marks, Samuel

  Marlborough, Duke of

  Martial law, see Military courts and martial law

  Martyr, Col. Cyril

  Master, Capt. Chester


  Matthijsen, Adriaan

  Mattison, Dr. J. B.

  Mauser rifle

  Maxim machine gun

  Maxse, F. I.

  Maxwell, Capt. Francis

  Maxwell, Gen. John

  Medical facilities and practices; in camps; Gandhi and; Maine; in S. Africa

  Meiklejohn, Lt. Mathew

  Meintjes, Johannes

  Memper, Mortimer

  Mencken H. L.

  Merebank camp

  Merriman, John

  Methuen, Lord Paul Sanford; career; captured; Magersfontein battle; strategy

  Meyer, Lucas; incompetence

  Middelburg; peace talks

  Middelburg commando

  Middlesex Regiment

  Military cou
rts and martial law

  Miller, Lt. David

  Miller-Wallnutt, Maj. Claude

  Mills, Gen. Anson

  Milner, Sir Alfred; and camps; career and beliefs; and Lady Cecil; and Hobhouse; on farm destruction; fears of rebellion; peace terms; reorganization of S. Africa; responsibility for war

  Moder River; battle of; Methuen on; polluted

  Möller, Lt. Col. Bernhard Drysdale


  Morgan, Daniel

  Morgan, Sgt. W. S.

  Morison, Surgeon Capt.

  Mostert’s Hoek, battle of

  Mountain Battery No.

  Mounted infantry


  Mules; stampede of

  Munro, H. H. “Saki,”

  Munster Fusiliers

  Murdock, Col. Charles

  Muriel, Capt. Charles

  Murray, Reverend A. C.

  Murray, David

  Murray, Capt. Fergus

  M’Whinnie, Capt. William


  Natal; Boer strategy; Brit. army in ; camps; and First Boer War; trekker republic

  Natal Carbineers

  Natal Volunteer Field Battery

  National Scouts

  Naval Brigades; at Spion Kop

  Naude, J. J.

  Neilly, J. Emerson

  Nesham, Lt. Cuthbert

  Nethersole, Olga


  “New model drives”

  New South Wales Bushmen

  New South Wales Lancers

  News coverage and newspapers; in Ladysmith and London; in prison camps; pro-Boer; war correspondents

  Newton, Sir Alfred

  New Zealand and New Zealanders

  Nicholson’s Nek

  Nightingale, Florence

  1914 Rebellion

  19th Brigade

  9th Brigade

  Nix, Lt.


  Northcote, Sir Stafford

  Northhamptonshire Regiment

  North Lancashire Regiment

  Northumberland Fusiliers

  Northumberlandsh Brigade

  Norval’s Pont; camp

  Nursing Service (Brit. Army)

  Nutting, Anthony

  Official History of the War

  Olivier, Cornelius Hermanus

  Olivier, Field Cornet Harm

  Olivier, Commandant Gen. Jan Hendrick

  O’Meara, Capt. Walter

  Oosthuizen, Commandant Philip

  Opperman, Daniel

  Orange Free State (see also Bloemfontein); annexed by British; army of; camps in ; new capital; Eastern Free State battles; economy; established; government captured; peace talks

  Orange River

  Orange River Colony; camp; volunteers

  Orléans et Braganza, Prince Louis d’

  Outerbridge, Anna Maria

  Oxen; and Gen. Warren

  Oxfordshire Light Infantry

  Paardeberg Drift; battle of; British victory

  Parliament (see also House of Commons); and camps; and executions; peace terms; war begins

  Parslow, E. G.

  Paton, Capt. Donald

  Patriotism and jingoism; of Boers; of British


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