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The Moon Rises

Page 10

by Angela Horn

  “Did you rape her?”

  Finn’s gaze shot up to Declan’s and he frowned darkly. “Do you really think I would rape anyone let alone Gigi?”

  “I don’t know. Like you said, she’s beautiful.”

  Ella tried to picture the scenario Finn was painting. It seemed unlikely for Gigi to have gotten so scared over something so small. Maybe Finn’s hands were doing something while his tongue licked her and he just conveniently forgot to share this little tidbit.

  Ella then tried to picture things not from her own perspective or Finn’s, but from Gigi’s. Innocent, dumb, human Gigi who only knew about Weres based on the ramblings of the human waitresses at the club. Weres were dogs. Weres were monsters. When Justine said in passing how Katia was probably eaten by a monster, Gigi’s eyes grew so big that they almost popped out of her head. Monsters eat humans and Finn licked her.

  Ella burst into laughter, startling the whole gym. Declan, stopped growling something at Finn who looked ready to bawl.

  “You licked her,” Ella giggled. Once she realized Declan still planned to use his little brother as a punching bag, she growled at her Alpha. “Leave him alone.”

  “Geez, Ella, pick a side, will ya?” Declan barked.

  “He didn’t hurt Gigi. I’ll fix this.”

  “Are you drunk?” Declan asked, studying her face for signs of intoxication.

  Ella ignored him and moved towards Finn who was now just confused.

  “You’re a Were,” she said, placing her hand on his shoulder, “and you licked her. You’re right about her being beautiful, but she’s also as dumb as a turnip.”

  Finn frowned and then Ella saw understanding in his eyes.

  “I still scared her though.”

  “Yeah, you did, idiot, but I’ll fix it. Sorry for the right hook.”

  Declan seemed confused, but some of that was just his Alpha anger getting riled up with no one to take it out on. Ella headed out of the ring, leaving the brothers to mumble to each other. She thought Declan told Finn to clean up and meet him at their mother’s house. She wasn’t sure what Finn said in response.

  On her way to Gigi’s, Ella worked hard to keep her bike steady as she laughed. Poor dumb Gigi must have thought the pretty boy was going to eat her. How terrified must the dummy have been when their little make out session turned dangerous?

  By the time Ella reached Gigi’s apartment, she was laughed out, but a grin remained. Once Ella knocked, Gigi again peeked out and watched her guardedly.

  “Weres don’t eat humans, Gigi. Even when we’re in wolf form, we don’t eat humans. Even if we did, Finn never would. He’s a wuss. Besides he wanted to get in your pants and eating you would have interfered with this plan. Can I come in now?”

  Frowning, Gigi opened the door. “I’m confused.”

  “Yeah, I know,” Ella said as she entered. “If it helps, I punched Finn for you.”

  “Punched him why?” Gigi cried.

  “Because I thought he hurt you.”

  “He just scared me.”

  “In his defense you smell so good that he probably just wanted to see how you tasted?”

  Eyes darkening, Gigi seemed scared again.

  “Sex. He wanted sex, not a snack. You’re fine. Once again Weres don’t eat people.”

  “What do Weres eat?”

  “Uh, you serve them food at the club. What do they eat?”

  “Anton likes steak. Declan eats a lot of pork.”


  “But Vamps drink blood and they don’t serve it at the club.”

  “Yes, they do.”

  When Gigi frowned, Ella gave her a big grin.

  “Oh, that’s right, G. You don’t actually do any work on the Vamp floor. Dahlia said you just hang out at Simon’s booth while he fondles you.”

  Gigi showed no reaction to this comment. “Do you want a snack? I went grocery shopping this morning.”

  Just like that, Gigi was fine which was why Ella liked her so much. Minimal drama was a great quality in a chick.

  “Sure,” Ella said, flopping on the couch. “Besides when Finn was licking all over you, how did your date go?”

  “I like Finn.”

  Ella glanced away from Gigi’s pastel barf inducing apartment and studied the blonde. The words themselves weren’t startling as much as the tone Gigi used. She wasn’t kidding about liking Finn.

  “He seemed to feel bad about scaring you off. I’m sure now that he knows you don’t think he’s a monster who wants to snack on you, he’ll ask you out again.”


  “If he doesn’t, Declan will. Man, you should have seen how pissed he was when he thought Finn hurt you. Declan would normally just take his brother’s side over anyone, but he was ready to rip the poor bastard’s head off. Yeah, Declan will be breaking his rule about dating waitresses soon.”

  “I like Declan, but I already went out with Finn.”

  “So? It’s not first come, first served. You’re in demand. Be picky.”

  “I like Finn though.”

  “Yeah, so do I, but Declan has money and power. Although I saw you checking out Anton, so maybe you want your Alpha to be of the tall, dark, and handsome flavor?”

  Gigi sighed and stared out her window. “Finn was really nice to me, but I do like Declan.”

  “And Anton?”

  Gigi’s face shifted when she thought about Anton, as if rewinding every image of the Alpha in her mind so she could watch him and sigh. In fact the blonde did sigh.

  “Maybe I shouldn’t date?”


  “I messed up my date with Finn.”

  “Yeah, so next time a guy licks you, don’t freak out. Unless you don’t like it, then just tell the loser to back off. Guys won’t force themselves on you, not now that word gets out about how much Declan wants you.”

  “I liked when Finn licked me.”

  “I bet you did,” Ella teased.

  “He kisses really well.”

  Ella rolled her eyes. “Look I dig Finn. He’s a sweetie, but he’s a boy and you really should aim for a man. You’re not the brightest bulb in the bunch. A powerful guy who can keep you safe is your best bet. Finn might kiss well, but he’s working class.”

  Realizing Gigi clearly didn’t understand what the hell Ella was talking about, the Were changed topics.

  “Just stay away from Simon. Let him fondle you at work, but no dating the Vamp. He’s bad news. I mean you don’t get to be a Master Vamp by being a nice guy.”

  “Okay,” Gigi said with a shrug as she walked into the kitchen. “I made potato salad. I could make you a sandwich to go with it.”

  “You’re like my mom. Feed me and say ‘yes honey’ to everything.”

  Gigi frowned, but seemed to understand Ella wanted food. While waiting to be served, the Were felt a chill and shivered.

  “Is your ghost here?”


  “What’s she like?”

  Gigi glanced towards the window and shrugged. “She can’t talk to me. She opens her mouth like she’s talking, but I can’t hear her.”

  “You just see her moving around your apartment? Creepy,” Ella said then added towards the unseen spook, “No offense.”

  Gigi brought Ella the food and a can of soda. “Do you really think Finn will ask me out again?”

  Glancing around Gigi’s apartment with the pastel décor and polka dots, Ella had to wonder if the chick was mentally old enough to date. Ella also wondered if maybe when the freak was taking Gigi’s memories, he damaged her brain in the process? It would explain a lot.

  “Probably. Declan scared the crap out of him, but guys really dig you. It’s almost weird how much they dig you. If you were a witch, I’d think you were using a love potion or something.”

  Gigi smiled awkwardly, her mind clearly on Finn. Even if Gigi wasn’t paying attention, Ella continued.

  “Maybe you’re a siren?” Ella said and immediately rea
lized Gigi would think she meant like on the top of a police car. “A magical chick that can bend men to her will. A siren came to the Circle two years ago and just caused all sorts of trouble. It was actually pretty hilarious. She made the three Alphas beat the crap out of each other. I heard from Dahlia that the siren tried to put the mojo on Simon, but it didn’t work because he’s too old. He still didn’t come into the club, just in case she figured out how to mess with him.

  “She was a bitch though. She made Tobin kill a few of his ghoul kids. She ruled the Circle for a short time. Males melted for her. Females hated the siren, but were scared to mess with her. Then she met Nolan. That siren went gaga over the pretty boy and decided she wanted him as her sex slave.

  “As a male, Nolan couldn’t say no, but no one fucks with Mira. Mommy witch tore that siren’s head off. The rumor around the Circle is that Mira keeps the head in a glass container at her house as a reminder of how no one should mess with her clan.”

  Ella realized Gigi wasn’t following the point of the story.

  “This siren could woo men just by being in the same room with them. She could put them under her spell, make them do her bidding. Her magic was super strong on the dudes. Since guys want to do your bidding, maybe you’re a siren?”

  “And that’s bad, right?”

  “Maybe,” Ella muttered, her mind churning up conspiracy theories, “you pissed off someone and they took your memories as punishment? Sirens screw with people a lot and must have enemies. Maybe that’s your deal?”

  “What do I do then?”

  “Wait, you have no magic though. The witches would know if you were a siren, I think. Never mind.”

  “What’s wrong with me?”

  “Maybe you’re just hot and males are stupid? There was a waitress a few years back named Natalia. Exotic up the yin yang. Hot as hell. I’m no lezbo, but I’d switch for her. The guys drooled like crazy for her. She really played up the exotic angle, acting like she no speaka English good.

  “They all loved her, but not like they love you. Simon barely tolerated her. I’m not sure why, but he didn’t like Natalia and banned her from the Vamp floor. Dahlia said Natalia rubbed Simon the wrong way. He apparently found her to be insipid. That’s just another way of saying she was an idiot. Yet he just loves you and you’re no Einstein.”

  Ella paused to take a bite of her sandwich while she watched Gigi. The blonde wasn’t flattered by the compliments or bothered by the insults. Gigi knew she was beautiful and understood the benefit in being attractive at the club, yet that was the end of it. Besides good hygiene, Gigi didn’t put a single bit of effort into her appearance. Yet Gigi was alluring in a way few females were and Ella was confused as to why.

  There was also something about Gigi which made Ella think of a void. Maybe the males who lusted after Gigi were unknowingly inserting all the qualities they desired in a female into that void. When they looked at Gigi, having affixed qualities to her which she didn’t possess, the males saw the perfect female. It made as much sense as anything Ella considered.

  “Anton didn’t seem interested in Natalia either,” Ella continued, having finished her sandwich. “Declan probably would have screwed her, but no way he would get so pissed at his brother over her. It’s just weird how they dig you. Natalia was hot and acted dumb. In her case, she was actually average in the brains department. Most guys would have slept with her, but these guys really want to sleep with you. Even Finn wants to sleep with you. Like I said, I thought he was gay.”

  “Why gay?”

  “Finn doesn’t date much. He had a couple of girlfriends in high school, but no one serious since. Some people say that’s why he doesn’t join the pack because as a gay dude he’d be outed. Oh, and some people say he and Michael are dating. I almost get that because why else would Finn hang out with Michael?”

  When Gigi said nothing and just stared, Ella realized the blonde had different stares. There was her dazed and confused stare. This one was deceptive because like in the boxing ring, Gigi wasn’t nearly as dazed and confused as her expression. There was also her hard stare – unblinking with a hint of challenge. Gigi pulled this one out when having trouble understanding technology.

  The current stare was a sort of dreamy gaze and Ella realized Gigi was imagining Finn. Maybe Anton too.

  Gigi suddenly smiled and gave Ella the soft, almost loving stare. Without her even saying anything, Ella knew Gigi was admiring her freckles.

  “Freckles aren’t all they’re cracked up to be,” Ella muttered.

  “I like them.”

  “You want me to take them off for the night, so you can wear them?”

  Cruel as it was to tease Gigi, Ella figured it was also pretty funny. When Gigi’s eyes grew excited, Ella held back on laughing as long as she could. Gigi eventually seemed to realize freckles weren’t removable and just smiled awkwardly.

  “They don’t come off.”


  “I’m going to get smarter and then I’ll make fun of you.”

  “Good for you.”

  Gigi laughed. “I’m kidding. I won’t make fun of you.”

  “I can take it.”

  “I think you’re sensitive, but you hide it because you think it’s the only way to get respect.”


  Gigi then gave Ella her pools of darkness stare. This was the stare that gave Ella the heebie-jeebies. Gigi was dumb as hell, yet she would look at someone with this particular stare and Ella got the distinct impression that maybe Gigi wasn’t dumb at all. Like maybe Gigi was in a dream state which was gradually fading. With this particular stare, Ella thought she saw the real Gigi - the one behind the dreamy hazy. Based on this stare, Ella suspected the real Gigi might be one scary broad.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Finn arrived at his mother’s house as instructed by Declan who still seemed pissed. The fact that Gigi was afraid of him because she was confused about Weres should have improved Finn’s spirits. He looked at Gigi and saw everything he wanted and always thought was out of reach for him. Then he came close to having it all and blew it.

  Worse than knowing he scared the only girl he had liked in years was the knowledge that his brother would be dating Gigi soon. When Ella accused Finn of hurting Gigi, Declan was too pissed too quickly. His brother even accused him of raping Gigi – an accusation he didn’t seem to feel guilty for wielding.

  Declan would end up with Gigi and the great Alpha wouldn’t do anything stupid which scared the beautiful blonde. As petty as it felt, Finn wished Gigi would end up with Anton rather than Declan. At least he wouldn’t have to watch the girl he wanted making out with his brother at family functions.

  Entering the house, Finn found Ainsley sitting in the kitchen, crocheting while dinner cooked. Glancing up when Finn entered, she looked disappointed he wasn’t Declan.

  “He’ll be here soon,” Finn said, answering her silent wish.

  Ainsley nodded and returned to crocheting. After checking the stew, Finn sat at the table and watched his mother as she ignored him. His mind was on Gigi when Ainsley finally spoke.

  “I heard you’re dating some whore from The Moon Rises?”

  No matter his mother’s quiet tone, Finn flinched when she called Gigi a whore.

  “I went on a date with a girl who works there. She’s sweet.”

  “I know all about her, Finn. You would be smart to dump her before she shows up pregnant and looking for a handout.”

  Frowning, Finn said nothing. His mother stopped crocheting and watched him.

  “Whores are tricky, Finn. They know how to trap males. I should know. My sister was a whore and it got her killed. Maybe this whore you have now will get herself killed?”

  “Mom,” he said quietly.

  “What’s so great about Gigi besides her good looks? Remember how looks fade especially on whores.”

  “She’s not a whore. She’s…” Finn hated having to defend Gigi to his mother, but she wasn’t li
ke his Aunt Shauna. “Gigi’s a sweet girl. Innocent.”

  “An innocent whore named Gigi,” Ainsley said with a harsh laugh. “You’re like your father. Soft when it comes to females. He always saw the best in them, but it was a bitch who killed him. Conned him into thinking she was switching sides. She killed him without batting an eye because those whores are just cold inside. They hide it well though. Your father was no fool, but he believed her sweet lies because the whores tell the best lies. I bet your Gigi tells some good lies herself.”

  Finn sighed, feeling the depression which clung to him since Gigi got spooked on their date. What began as a hazy unhappiness now felt overbearing with his mother’s cruel words.

  “I don’t think we’ll be going out again,” Finn finally said.

  “Good. Beauty can go away. Remember Tess?”

  Finn swallowed hard as he realized what his mother was threatening. In high school, he had asked a pretty human girl to the prom, but Ainsley thought Tess wanted more than just a few dates. Thought she wanted to marry Finn and give Ainsley weak half breed grandchildren. Tess never made it to the prom, instead ending up in the hospital with her pretty face slashed by a mugger. Finn never knew for sure it was his mother’s doing, but he never went around Tess again, just in case.

  “I won’t see Gigi anymore,” Finn said quietly, hating his mother for nagging him to marry and have kids then threatening to harm a girl he actually liked.

  “That’s a good boy.”

  Finn remembered his brother’s demeanor when he thought Gigi had been hurt.

  “Declan likes her too.”

  “That’s fine. Your brother doesn’t fuck for life like you. Let him have his whores.”

  Finn considered saying something, but nothing would faze Ainsley. Even if he felt like making a grand stand against his mother, Declan would defend her and his brother was heading down the hall towards them.

  “Smells good,” Declan said, leaning down to kiss the top of his mother’s head.

  “Not for another half hour. Eat a cracker if you’re hungry.”

  Once he got a good look at his brother, his grin faded. “If dinner’s not for a while, Finn and I will be out on the porch.”


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