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The Moon Rises

Page 11

by Angela Horn

  Ainsley nodded, never looking up from her crocheting. Once outside, Finn stared at the street where he grew up playing. He remembered riding his bike and trying to keep up with Anton and Declan who would always ride too fast then suddenly stop and wait for him to catch up.

  Remembering them as kids, Finn sometimes had trouble accepting how Anton and Declan would fight one day and only one would walk away from it.

  “I like Gigi,” Declan said quietly as he sat on the front porch. “I can’t have her and it makes me crazy and I took that out on you today. I’m sorry.”

  Finn turned to look at his brother who gestured for him to join him on the swing.

  “I was ridiculous,” Declan said once Finn sat next to him. “You wouldn’t rape anyone. I screwed up acting like that in front of everyone. Those guys know you and they had to know I was being stupid. I’m sorry.”

  Finn sighed. “Ella thought it too.”

  “Ella doesn’t think. She just reacts. If she really thought you raped Gigi, she wouldn’t have just punched you. She’s a crazy bitch when she’s on the warpath.”

  Finn nodded, but he didn’t believe Declan’s words. Ella had genuinely worried that Finn had raped Gigi. These were his friends and family and they thought he was capable of hurting a female.

  “I messed up with Gigi. I deserved to be slugged.”

  “You kissed a girl you liked and with anyone else it would have been fine. Gigi’s still figuring out the Circle. She was hired to replace a waitress who might have been killed by some supernatural creature. For Gigi, what you did might have seemed scary, but I know you. At the very worst, your move was lame, not threatening.”

  Finn laughed. “Ass.”

  Throwing an arm around his shoulder, Declan smiled. “She’s gorgeous though. The kind of chick who makes guys nuts. You lost control and licked her. I freaked out and tried to hurt my brother over a misunderstanding. She’s bad news, but I can’t get enough of her,” Declan said then paused for a long moment before spitting out the next words as if it killed him to say them. “I think you should ask her out again.”

  Finn studied Declan and smiled. His big brother wanted Gigi so badly he was like a dog in heat, but he would step aside to give Finn another chance. Yet dating Gigi was out of the question.

  “Thanks, Declan,” Finn said, admiring his big brother once again. “I can’t go out with Gigi again though.”

  “Look, she freaked out, but Ella’s going to talk to her. Gigi’s nice to those gross ghoul kids. If she can give them a break, she’ll give you one.”

  “It’s not that,” Finn said, glancing back in the house.

  Declan frowned for only a second then understood. “How does she even know you two went out?”

  “You didn’t tell her?”

  “Why the hell would I tell our mom about your dating habits?”

  Finn shrugged, feeling tired after a weird day. Declan tightened his hold around Finn’s shoulders.

  “She doesn’t have to know. You took Gigi somewhere public which is probably how Mom got wind. Just keep your relationship on the down low and it should be fine.”

  Finn thought about Tess with her scarred face. Tess was a nice girl and her life was harder now because of Finn. He didn’t want to put Gigi in the same position.

  “I really like Gigi. Too much to put her in danger.”

  Declan sighed. “You don’t really know what happened with Tess.”

  “Would you take the chance?”

  Gazing out at the passing children on their bikes, Declan sighed again. “Probably not, but it’d be hard to let her go.”

  “I know.”

  “If you change your mind, I’ll keep your secret. Mom thinks all beautiful females are whores, but Gigi’s a good girl and she’d make you happy.”

  Finn studied Declan then frowned. “You just don’t want her to end up with Anton.”

  Declan laughed. “Can you imagine? I’d kill him for that alone.”

  Unhappy at the thought of Anton dying, Finn just sighed. “For all the unhappiness of the day, I’m glad to know Gigi has friends who’ll go homicidal to protect her. Chicks can be catty, but Ella cares about Gigi.”

  “There’s something special about Gigi. I don’t normally like dumb chicks, but she’s something else. I can’t believe she’s human.”

  “She’s not dumb.”

  “Yeah, she is. Someone messed with her head, so it’s not like she has a choice.”

  “She’s not dumb, Declan. She’s just young. From when I met her at the store to our date, she already seemed older.”

  “Fine,” Declan sighed. “She’s not dumb.”

  “Thank you.”

  Declan nudged his brother. “She did think you were going to eat her.”

  Finn covered his face and laughed. “Still not the worst date I’ve had.”

  “It’s like were not even related.”

  “Mom says it’s okay for you to date her, but I’d rather you didn’t. Consider it my birthday and Christmas gifts for a decade rolled into one.”

  “I’ll do my best, but if Anton goes in for the kill, I’ll likely break my word. I might have the better territory and pack, yet if Anton’s sleeping with Gigi, that’s all anyone will remember.”

  “Never heard a better reason to date someone.”

  Declan shrugged. “Being an Alpha takes a lot of work, little brother.”

  “Neither of you should date her since you can’t have mates. I’m just saying.”

  Sighing, Declan nodded. “Probably right, but Anton’s lonely.”

  Finn thought about his best friend who was indeed lonely and had been most of his life. Declan might wish for more than girlfriends and one night stands, but he wasn’t obvious about it.

  Anyone who knew Anton knew the Alpha needed a family. Unfortunately this wasn’t an option for Declan or Anton. Finn sometimes wondered it was an option for him either.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Gigi kept rubbing at her arm where the injection mark was hidden by a Band-Aid. The trip to the clinic for birth control had been confusing and Gigi wasn’t sure how long the shot area would hurt, but Sara said it was necessary.

  Their original plan was to head straight to the mall, but Sara made a stop at the clinic instead. In the exam room, while waiting for the doctor, Sara explained the sudden urge for birth control.

  “The first night you were on pack floor, the guys were such pigs, but you were new so it made sense. Last night though they were more subtle, but I feel like it’s only a matter of time before one of them fucks you. I’m not sure you’re strong enough to tell them no.”

  “I told Finn no.”

  “Because you thought he was going to eat you,” Sara said with a slight grin. “You said it felt good before you got scared though.”

  “It did,” Gigi sighed, thinking of Finn’s soft kisses.

  “Well Weres are pigs and they use women, but that doesn’t mean they don’t know what they’re doing in the romance department. They get a lot of pussy for a reason. They’re sexy and seductive and the next thing you know you’re naked and they’re leaving you knocked up with some half breed they won’t acknowledge.”

  “What about condoms?” Gigi said, pointing at a sign in the room.

  “Weres are not going to use condoms. It’s not their job to keep you from getting knocked up. That’s why we’re getting you something to keep you safe.”

  “I’m not sure Finn wants to date me now.”

  “Anton does. Declan does. Roger will when he gets back. Oh, and every jackass in their packs wants to nail you. They’re all hunting you and sooner or later one of them will sweet talk you into spreading your legs.”

  Sucking on her bottom lip, Gigi felt ashamed by Sara’s view of her.

  “It’s not your fault,” Sara said, softening her tone. “I’ve dated Weres and they all show their piggish ways eventually. In the beginning though, they’re charming and sexy. Trust me that you’ll want to say yes. Th
ey won’t need to trick you or anything. If I have trouble saying no and I’m a bitter bitch, you’ll have no chance.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be. I’m surprised you’ve lasted as long as you have.”

  Gigi thought about Finn, Declan, and Anton and realized if any of them kissed her like Finn did on their date, she would have trouble asking them to stop now that she knew licking was sexy, not dangerous.

  “So this shot will keep me from getting pregnant?”

  “Yep. I get it every three months and it’s worked. I know a girl at the club who got the shot though and she still got pregnant. Dave tried to get her to kill the baby, but she isn’t an evil freak like him and instead left the Circle to raise their daughter. The Weres don’t like half breeds because the kids can’t always shift. Silas’s brother is a half breed and he can’t shift and you’d think the guy was crippled by the way they talk about him.”

  Gigi was stuck on the question of why anyone would murder a baby, but she decided Sara was irritated enough without being asked stupid questions. Keeping her mouth shut, she received her shot and wondered who would get her to spread her legs first.

  Still thinking about who would take her virginity when they arrived at the mall, Gigi noticed what a happy mood Sara was in now. Without Mamma Celeste, Gigi had no one to love, but she thought she would love Sara. Her friend took good care of her and thought about her when they weren’t together and was gentle like Mamma Celeste.

  Walking through the mall, Gigi noticed all the specialty shops. Witch Clique, Were’s Wears, and Pamp Your Vamp. Gigi wasn’t even sure what the stores sold because Sara ignored them and kept walking. Instead Sara paused at a large window displaying expensive clothes. Gigi didn’t know why anyone would want to spend so much money for clothes, but then she realized Sara was looking at Nolan and a beautiful woman.

  “Justine seems like such a fool when she slobbers over Nolan. She must know he will never be with her, but she embarrasses herself anyway. Yet when I see him, I feel her pain. He is a hunk.”

  Gigi gazed at Nolan who was speaking with the woman as she looked through gowns. He was so handsome it made Gigi’s skin flush.

  “Is that Elise?”

  Sara nodded. “Estelle Armand’s youngest daughter. She and Nolan will marry soon and the two witch clans will be bound. It’s a big deal apparently, but Justine hears none of it. She just sees Nolan and loses her mind.”

  Gigi studied the female witch who had long glossy blonde hair and perfect skin. “Elise is beautiful.”

  Gigi’s eyes were on Elise and she didn’t realize Sara was gesturing hello to someone inside the store. Shifting her gaze, Gigi saw Nolan watching them. He smiled softly at Gigi then fidgeted as Elise spoke to him.

  “Stay away from him,” Sara said as she turned from the window and walked away. “The witches will kill you before they’ll let you interfere with their marriage plans for Nolan.”

  “I don’t go around him except at work,” Gigi said, trying to keep up with Sara who was walking too quickly. “What did I do wrong?”

  “Nolan screws with Justine and I thought the flirting probably started off as a joke and he just couldn’t cut her loose. He isn’t interested in Justine and I never thought he seemed interested in Elise either. I actually thought he might be gay because of how little interest he shows in Elise who is beautiful. Now I know he’s not gay.”

  Gigi frowned at Sara who finally stopped near a bench and sat down.

  “Promise me you’ll stay away from Nolan,” Sara said as she took Gigi’s hand.

  Realizing her friend was shaking, Gigi tightened her grip on Sara’s hand. “I promise.”

  “Damn, I thought it was just the Weres. Or maybe Simon. I figured the best case scenario is you ended up fucked by a few dogs and the worst case was Simon turned you into a Vamp so he could fuck you exclusively. Please, Gigi, I know the witches seem nice and Nolan is gorgeous and sweet as pie, but they’ll kill you. Just stay away from him.”

  “I don’t understand why you’re upset.”

  Sara sighed and leaned back against the bench, still holding Gigi’s hand.

  “The first time I worked the witch floor, I thought Nolan was beautiful of course. I met Elise the same night and she just glows. All her witchy magic makes her look prettier than she probably is, but glamour or not, she’s stunning. I thought they would be a perfect couple and it was kind of romantic, you know? The beautiful offspring of two powerful families marrying and making beautiful babies except that Nolan shows more sexual tension with his damn sister than he shows with Elise. While Elise does fawn over Nolan, her eyes are always bored when she’s around him. It’s all a show, so I figured he was gay and she wasn’t thrilled about having a loveless marriage. Then I saw him look at you just now. It was like I wasn’t there and he just saw you.” Sara paused to take a deep breath. “He ain’t gay.”

  “I’ll stay away from him.”

  Sara’s bright blue eyes studied her before she pulled Gigi into a hug. “I want you to be safe, lil sis. I want you to have everything because you’re special and deserve a chance at happiness, but these freaks around here are just going to chew you up and spit you out. What happened to Katia is bullshit, but she was a smart bitch and she made a choice to live here. You got dropped here by some asshole who put a bunch of rules in your head so you’re chained to this place like a dog. It’s not fair and I want to protect you, but I can’t save you from witches. Maybe I can give you a heads up with Simon or the Weres, but the witches are bad news. Mira and Estelle are evil and they wouldn’t lose a single minute of sleep over killing you. Nolan wanting you is going to make you an annoyance and they’ve killed people over less.”

  Sara finally let Gigi go and kissed her cheek.

  “I’m freaking you out, aren’t I?”

  Gigi nodded, ready to cry.

  “Don’t be scared. Just be careful and never forget that as a human, you have no worth in the Circle. The only thing we’re good for is being able to work different floors at the club without pissing anyone off. If someone messes with Ella or Dahlia, they have powerful forces to protect them. I used to think we had Silas, but after Katia disappeared and now Monica, I realize we have no one.”

  Gigi moved closer to Sara, feeling safer with her big sis around. “I wish we could leave the Circle.”

  “Maybe we can. I don’t know what the rules in your head mean, but maybe we move anyway? I have one more semester of school then I can student teach somewhere and you can get a job cooking. We could leave and deal with the consequences of those rules in your head.”

  “You would go with me?”

  Sara smiled softly. “You’re special, lil sis. Not dumb or weird, but special. You need someone to watch out for you. You were there when I needed someone and you didn’t even know me. I‘m going to be there for you.”

  Gigi hugged Sara, loving her big sis’s hugs. Even when she saw Nolan and Elise walking nearby, she felt safer just having Sara with her. While her big sis didn’t see Nolan, he saw them. Elise was talking to him, but her eyes were on the store windows. If she noticed how Nolan was watching Gigi, she didn’t show it. Gigi smiled at him then looked away so she wouldn’t upset Sara who finally sensed eyes on them.

  Standing up, Sara frowned at Nolan who flinched as if scolded. Pulling Gigi away, Sara glanced back one more time and gave Nolan one of the looks she usually saved for bad drivers or Weres who got grabby. Gigi noticed Nolan lower his gaze, all while Elise kept talking about something he clearly didn’t care about.

  “Let’s see if Nolan really is sweet as pie,” Sara said as she pulled Gigi towards the food court. “He knows now to stay away from you. If he doesn’t keep his distance, it means he doesn’t care whether his family murders you or not.”

  “It’ll be okay, Sara.”

  Stopping abruptly, Sara sighed and glanced back to make sure Nolan and Elise were out of view. Turning back to Gigi, she smiled tightly.

“I let Katia die. I won’t let the same thing happen to you.”

  “I’ve been doing better at understanding things.”

  “I know, but someone just ditched you here. How can no one be looking for you? It makes me crazy to think you disappeared from your life, got your head messed with, and then were dumped here and no one cares. How is that possible?”

  Gigi thought to Mamma Celeste and wondered if the woman from her memories was alive. If she was, did she miss the girl she raised?

  “I still think it’ll be okay. I’ll watch out for the witches and maybe because the Weres and Simon and even the ghouls seem to like me, the witches won’t mess with me. At least not for a while and we can leave before those other males lose interest and I won’t be protected.”

  Sara smiled a lovely grin which Gigi shared. “You’re like sunshine and I’m a cloudy day, lil sis. You brighten me up every time.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  Gigi stared at Michael who stared at her in return. His blue eyes remained locked on her brown ones for almost five minutes, but he finally flinched.

  “Does that mean you’ll look for Monica?”

  “I already checked out her apartment and didn’t find anything.”

  “Maybe you’re just lazy?”

  A staring match again ensued and Gigi triumphed.

  “Tomorrow, you nag.”

  “Thank you.”

  Gigi turned to leave when Michael stopped her. “Hey, nag, do you know how to play poker?”


  “Good. Wanna play poker with me and Finn tonight?”


  “You know the long haired hippy fellow you thought was going to eat you because his sexy moves are just that good.”

  Gigi didn’t smile even though she knew Michael was making a joke.

  “Is he mad at me?”

  “Finn rarely gets mad. It would go against his hippy code.”

  “I guess it would be fun.”

  “You have any money on you?”



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