Book Read Free

The Dirty Version

Page 11

by Hadley Quinn

“He might always be a pitching option, but right now, they need a pick-me-up in their batting lineup. It was between him and a bench player who’s kind of borderline with his grades.”

  “So how did you get involved?” I’d been afraid to ask my brother questions about Josh. I wanted to avoid involving Drew in my issues.

  “Ah, well, I offered to help Drew on a professional level with anything he needed. You would have known that if you hadn’t been trying so hard to ignore me at the mall,” he teased facetiously. “Drew happened to tell his coach, who happens to know my dad, so I came down to watch the kid do some batting.”

  I let my mind stroll in contemplation before responding. “So…what is it you do ‘professionally?’”

  “For Drew, kinetics, biomechanics, and kinematics. Even athletes who have raw talent can still benefit by understanding the science of the human body and the effects of internal and external forces. Teaching him how to best use his body for the best result. Kinesiology is fascinating when you see it in motion. Pun intended.”

  Holy shit. Josh getting all science-y was totally hot! I wanted to ask more questions just to keep him talking, but he returned his attention to the game. Drew had made it to second by the last out, and he resumed his position at third base when the next inning began.

  “So where do you work? Do you work for a kinesi-whatever company?”

  He smiled. “Kinesiology. And sort of. I work for Purely Performance. It’s a sports rehab and performance facility out of Sacramento. I’m up there for three days out of the week, but they’re opening a new division down here in Berkeley. I’ll have my PhD by the time it’s fully functioning.”

  I think I was gaping at him. “Your PhD? Wow, that’s incredible. So you’ll be Josh Cameron, MS, PhD and all that?”

  “Yep, right on the door.”

  “So…what exactly will you be doing? Stuff like this?” I motioned, signifying his help with my brother.

  “Yeah, pretty much anything in sports science: training, therapy, performance, human biomechanics and kinetics…all of that. I’m qualified in basically anything in the sports science fields.”

  “Is that the same thing as sports medicine?”

  “Nah, a bit different. I’m more interested in myology, physics, and other science aspects of the human body in relation to performance. I don’t need to diagnose or repair; I want to help heal and improve.”

  I slowly nodded as I focused my attention on the game again. My eyes, at least. My mind was still processing all this fancy Josh information. I’d have to look up “myology,” even though I was sure it had to do with muscles. And my dirtier thoughts drifted to the word performance. If he was an expert on all the body things…

  Stop it.

  Sighing, I leaned onto my knees and dropped my chin in my hand. When Josh moved forward in nearly the same position a couple minutes later, I subtly reclined back to my previous spot so I could watch him again. I studied his side profile, his shoulders, his back—all the outlines of his body. That beautiful man knew everything about the human body.

  The body doctor.

  Orgasm specialist.

  I rolled my eyes, but thinking about it again, silently laughed. Or at least thought it was in silence since Josh craned his head to look back at me, arching that damn eyebrow in question. And those brown eyes did a number on my insides. I couldn’t even help it. It wasn’t a conscious thought. My body just automatically reacted to him whenever it wanted to.

  The body doctor had psychosomatic powers as well.

  He leaned back so he was lounging in the same position as me again. “So about what you said the other day…I agree I was an asshole. I want to make it up to you.”

  I playfully scoffed. “Doubt you could.”

  A devilish smile spread across his face. “Hmm, challenge accepted.”

  “It wasn’t a challenge.”

  “Well okay, so you left my keys in the truck. What if someone stole it?”

  “No one did.”

  “Could have things missing, I didn’t check.”

  I snorted. “Be my guest. Go check.”

  He smiled again. “I wouldn’t even care if it meant being able to right my wrongs, Jo. Let me take you out tonight.”

  As much as my curiosity was attempting to slowly kill me, my fear was in the battle just as much. The other night, Josh mentioned that I scared him. I didn’t need an explanation for that because he did the same thing to me. I was still gun-shy when it came to dating again, and even though our fears may have been caused by similar issues, I was sure I couldn’t possibly relate to his mindset.

  “I’ll make you a deal,” I answered. “Show me the sports facility here in Berkeley, and I’ll consider going out with you on Friday.”

  His face was hard to read as he eyed me. He leisurely nodded and replied, “Deal.”

  While I sat there debating whether or not I’d just made the biggest mistake ever, he returned his attention to the game like there was nothing to worry about.

  I feared the worst. I feared that he’d only shown me vulnerability to play in his favor but didn’t truly feel it.

  Not like I felt it.


  Don’t ever put something off you know is going to stress you out. Know your habits and know how to prevent unnecessary calamity.

  Like giving yourself five days to obsess and freak out over a date you shouldn’t have agreed to in the first place. That was stupid of me.

  Josh had kept his end of the deal and took me to Purely Performance after Drew’s game on Sunday. It was quite an impressive structure, with two full-sized gyms, an indoor and outdoor track, an Olympic-sized swimming pool, four weight rooms, and several offices and specialized areas. Most of it was complete, but there was still painting going on—including a cool, fifty-foot-wide mural on the wall of the indoor track facility.

  All-in-all, I was extremely awestruck.

  I spent the work week doing just that—working. I chose Friday night for a date because I worked lunch shift and would have time to get ready to go out. Not that I planned to spend much time on myself, but maybe I needed mental preparation. I had no clue what going on an actual date with Josh would be like.

  But that “mental preparation” had only burdened me with anxiety throughout the week, and by the time Friday afternoon hit, I was a jumble of nerves. I’d only seen Josh once since Sunday, and that was because I heard his truck in the driveway and spied on him from the apartment window. I assumed he was heading to work that Tuesday morning, dressed in a polo shirt and khakis.

  He looked extremely fine, and I felt extremely screwed.

  There was a small kitchenette in the upstairs apartment, complete with a fridge, microwave, and oven. I made myself something light to eat after work on Friday and then stretched out on the bed to relax. I was very thankful for having such a comfortable space as my temporary home. The double bed was even cozy. I’d never been inside the main part of the house, but I was definitely curious as to what it looked like. How did he decorate? Did he cook?

  The mystery of Josh Cameron had never faded, and the fact that I was so curious only reassured me I was solidly interested in him. The old Josh or the new Josh, it didn’t matter. It was evident he was laced with both.

  I was just worried that collective version wouldn’t mesh with mine.


  My underwear didn’t match. And they were my granny panties. My horrible, too-bloated-to-wear-clothes granny panties! Josh only stared at them, too disgusted to speak.

  He started pounding his fist on the coffee table, thump, thump, thump…

  Thump, thump, thump!

  Wait, what was going on? Where’d he go? I was alone on the couch, just me in my awful granny panties.

  “Josh? Josh?”

  “Jo? Hey, wake up, sweetheart. JoJo.”

  Someone squeezed my shoulder and I jolted. “The fuck—what?”

  My eyes popped open, the unfamiliar surroundings pulsing around me until fan
tasy warped back into reality. I was sitting on the bed in the garage apartment, and Josh was on the edge next to me, frowning at my spastic outburst.

  I quickly checked if I had pants on.

  “Jolie, you okay? You were having a nightmare, I think.”

  For heaven’s sake, who has nightmares that they’re wearing their ugliest pair of underwear on a date? For real, yes, me. Me. I do! I’m the crazy lunatic who falls asleep before a first date and panics in the middle of it—

  Date. Oh God. What time was it?

  I scrambled off the bed. “Shit,” I exhaled, spying the clock on the microwave. It was already after six, and I wasn’t even ready. “Shit, shit, shit. I’m so sorry. I laid down after work and…”

  Wow, I must have been exhausted after my shift. Either that, or the stress of the week had totally worn me down.

  “Just give me, uh…” I was a mess. I’d only showered after work and thrown on a pair of sweats and a tank top. I’d planned on either straightening my hair or curling it and to at least put on some basic makeup. And let’s not forget, I still hadn’t tried on six different outfits before sticking with the first one.

  How was I supposed to know what my first outfit would have been?

  “Jo, it’s fine,” Josh said, and he stood. “Just grab a sweatshirt and some shoes and you’re good to go.” He motioned with his hand and walked toward the door, then he stopped to wait for me.

  He was seriously expecting me to follow him?

  “Right,” I answered dryly. “I don’t even have a damn bra on.”

  He grinned while his eyes darted to my chest. “I know.”

  I buried my face in my hands. “Gahhh, let’s just…let’s reschedule, okay?”

  “Nuh-uh, nope.” He shook his head. “You promised me Friday, let’s go.”

  “Technically I said I’d think about it.”

  “I even knew you’d pull that crap with me, so I made reservations I can’t back out of.”

  I narrowed my eyes at him. “We’re probably late, so they’ll give the table away.”

  He shook his head. “Mm, nope. Not this place. Come on, let’s roll. Grab a sweatshirt, though.”

  “Jesus, Josh. I’m dressed for Slumville.”

  “Seriously, throw on a sweatshirt and some shoes, and you’re dressed perfectly fine for this place.”

  I stared at him for so long, I had to blink away the burning in my eyeballs.

  He walked across the room and stopped in front of me. “Would you just trust me? This place is casual, and it’s okay if we’re a little late.”

  I sighed and glanced down at his attire, noticing for the first time he was in worn jeans, a t-shirt, and of course, a baseball hat. “Fine, but can you just give me ten minutes?”

  He eyed me suspiciously.

  “I’m serious, Josh, just ten minutes. Go.” I pushed on his chest until he took a step back. Our eyes locked as he walked backwards toward the door, and that damn heat washed through my body again.

  To avoid further delay—or anymore sexual tension—I turned around and disappeared into the bathroom.

  Taking a deep breath, I examined myself in the mirror. My face was pasty, and my eyes were bland. Mumbling my frustration, I made quick work of livening up my face and brushing my hair into a ponytail. I changed from sweats to jeans, put my boobs in a bra, and grabbed a sweatshirt to throw over my tank top. Last, I slipped on a pair of socks and Chucks and headed out.

  “Eleven minutes.” Josh held the truck door open for me.

  “You were keeping track?”

  “Why yes, yes I was.” He smirked at me before shutting the door and then walked around the truck to slide in. “But…you look amazing, Jo. I’m happy to announce I’ll have the most beautiful girl at the party.”

  My eyes widened as we began to back out of the driveway. “P-party? What party?”

  He grinned at me again, and I kind of hated it. His charm was deadly in the fact he could be smug and devious, but at the same time, completely sexy.

  “Never mind, I’m already over this week anyway,” I added sarcastically. “Guess being the plain bird at a party would finish the week strong.”

  He chuckled. “You’re anything but plain, JoJo. And trust me, there will be lots of distractions for people to focus on.”

  I didn’t realize how right he’d be until we pulled up to a house in El Sobrante. We walked through a side gate to a huge backyard, and there were balloons everywhere.

  And kids, more than a dozen of them.

  And five times as many toys and playthings scattered everywhere.

  And even more adults than kids.

  “Uncle Joshy!” a tiny, high-pitched voice squealed. “Joshy, Joshy, Joshy!” The pig-tailed girl giggled as she jumped into his arms.

  “Hey, little beastie, happy birthday,” he laughed, swinging her around until she screamed. He hung her upside down and lifted her up to face me. “Jolie, this little thing is Frederique Mariana Cameron. In other words, meet my silly five-year-old niece, Freddi.”

  He flipped her upright, tiny-toothed smile and all. “Hi, I’m Freddi.”

  How. Freaking. Cute. “Hi Freddi, you can call me Jo.”

  Her eyes widened. “You have a boy name, too? Cool! Joshy, put me down, put me down! Shane gots my sword!”

  “Shane has your sword,” Josh corrected, setting her on the grass.

  “I know! That’s what I said.” She scrunched her nose at him and then took off and tackled—yes, tackled—another kid bigger than her. She grabbed the foam sword from him and wacked him in the leg until they began to wrestle.

  I observed this in awe. Freddi was tiny but was whooping that kid’s ass until an adult separated them and sent the two to bring out the bubbles.

  “Hey, bigger little brother,” the guy said to Josh. “Glad you could make it.”

  They bro-hugged, and then Josh introduced us. “Jolie, do you remember my brother, Luke?”

  Luke? Wow. He had surely changed. He’d been three grades ahead of us, and really, I’d only been around him in person once or twice. “I would not have recognized you,” I admitted. “It’s nice to see you again.”

  “You too,” he smiled. “But…you look exactly the same.”

  “I’m beginning to wonder if that’s supposed to mean something,” I answered, eyeing Josh at the same time.

  Luke smiled. “It’s a compliment. You’re just as pretty as you were in high school, Jolie, and you haven’t aged a bit.”

  Ha. I felt like I’d aged. I felt like I’d aged quite a bit. Some of the shit I went through with Chris had made me feel like I’d been through Hell and back. I’d cried so much, my face hated my tears. I swear it had dried my skin out and given me premature wrinkles.

  But there were people who had it far worse than I did in life. I’d have my pity parties and days I didn’t want to get out of bed, but I was thankful I had my health, family in my life, and basic comforts like food and clothing. And having to provide myself with a living had been a blessing. I learned to never take anything for granted.

  “She’s a babe,” Josh answered before I could reply. “A lot more than that but nothing less.” He winked at me for good measure.

  A sense of pride trickled through me. Even though his compliment was superficial in context, I knew he meant it to be more than that, especially with the way he was looking at me.

  I cleared my throat to respond with some sort of generic answer, but a woman with a baby on her hip joined our little group, handing the little one to Luke.

  “He’s getting heavy,” she exhaled with relief. Turning to Josh and me, she smiled and asked, “And this is Jolie?”

  “Yes, this is Jolie,” he answered. “Jo, meet my sister-in-law, Claudia.”

  I smiled at Claudia to offer a pleasant greeting, but she surprised me with a hug. “It’s really nice to meet you, Jolie. Welcome to our home.”

  “Um…” I had to wait for her to release me from her hold. For a petite thing, s
he was sure strong. “Thank you, it’s a pleasure to meet you as well.”

  She faced Josh. “Be sure to take food home. There is way too much.”

  “I’ll do my best.”

  “Jolie.” She turned to me again. “I’m so glad you could make it. How amazing that fate has brought you back in his life. Just think—”

  “Mommy, Shane is a twat! He’s a freaking twat!”

  I was probably a terrible person for laughing at Freddi’s boisterous arrival, but Josh was laughing, too. He picked her up and swung her over his shoulder.

  “We don’t call other kids twats, Freddi,” he scolded her, trying to stifle his amusement. “That’s not nice.”

  “But he is one. He’s the biggest twat I ever knowed!”

  Josh chuckled and took my hand. “Let’s get Jo some food, okay?”

  We said silent “see ya laters” to Luke and Claudia before trekking across the yard to the buffet of food. Josh set Freddi on her feet and asked what her favorite foods were at the party. It kept her busy while he dished us two plates. By then, Freddi had sprinted toward the group of kids blowing bubbles.

  “She is a firecracker,” I giggled. “Your brother and his wife must keep pretty busy.”

  “You have no idea,” Josh replied.

  He instructed me to eat whatever I wanted from the two plates. All of it looked amazing, but I started with the Greek salad. The onions would definitely keep me from jumping his bones later on.

  “They’re currently looking into specialists to help them get a handle on her behavior,” he added.

  My eyes drifted across the yard to watch Freddi. She was currently spinning in circles with her arm out, her bubble wand not producing a thing because of the speed. “You sure it’s not just high energy?”

  He followed my gaze. “Believe me, I suggested the same thing when she was three. Luke was a hyperactive kid; my mom had to limit his sugar intake. But Freddi…she’s more than just high energy. Luke and Claudia don’t trust anyone to deal with Freddi, so I’m the only one they’ll leave her with. Even then, it’s only a few hours at the most.”

  “Well…she’s young. Maybe she just needs more time to mellow out?”


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