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Avatars of the Phoenix Lights UFO: Ishuwa and the Yahyel

Page 13

by Swanson, Shaun; Viscardi, Jefferson

  These kinds of collective choices are generally made on a super- conscious level, and frequently individuals are not aware that they are participating in and making such collective choices.

  Jefferson: I see. You mentioned that there are people that "live on light" that don’t need any of the common types of food in order to sustain their physical body. This idea has been brought to science where scientists have explored such claims and it's been verified that some people really do it. Yet there are still people who don’t believe someone can "live on light" no matter how much proof there is.

  Ishuwa: Well, proof is simply determined by somebody’s willingness to accept an idea, the willingness to believe an idea as being true for them. Proof is not something that is fixed in the eternal nature of Existence that everybody must look to and accept. There are only three ideas that are, in that sense, eternal and unchanging.

  In a sense, the concept of proving something is merely getting a person to accept an idea of yours as being true for them. You can say that an idea of yours is "the way things are," but until the person you are talking to accepts it you haven’t proven it to them. What's proof for one person might for another person not be anywhere close to being what they would call proof because they don't believe or accept your so-called "facts" that someone else did accept or believe was true.

  Jefferson: Okay! Thank you Ishuwa. Let's move on to another topic now that I have been thinking about lately.

  Ishuwa: Yes.

  Jefferson: Does the position of the stars and planetary alignments at the moment of birth have any influence on the physical form, on the physical body?

  Ishuwa: There will be some opportunity for that to occur, but it isn’t something that happens to a person as an effect of having been born at a particular time. It is something that happens as a blending of the energies that were present, and it is something that can remain. The blended vibration of these energies can remain with the person for some time and be a guidance mechanism with them to help them make particular choices and to express a particular personality and particular behaviors and make choices in a particular way. These energies can be a guide in that way. They don't have to be. They aren't something that is fixed throughout a person’s lifetime. A person doesn't always have to respond and behave and interact in ways that are based on the energies that were present at the time and location of their birth.

  Frequently these energies that are present for a person at birth can provide such a strong internal guidance mechanism of comfort that humans will hold on to them. A person can become comfortable with that guidance energy, that consciousness, that way of life frequency that was present in the place and timing of their birth. Alternatively, those who begin to get a handle on that idea and are then comfortable with taking other steps and working with other forms of guidance, reconnecting to others aspects of their self, they will more easily be able to shift out of that shaping frequency, that guiding frequency. They will begin expressing themselves in ways that are quite out of the usual for their astrological sign, and they will begin to have experiences that are quite out of the ordinary from those they had when they had been focused on that frequency of the sign language, the internal frequency present on their birth date at their birth place.

  Jefferson: As far as the ability of an individual to co-create within this reality, does the collective consciousness limit a person’s ability to create whatever he wants once he understands how creation works?

  Ishuwa: The idea is that there are collective agreements and you can introduce new ideas that go only so far off the "set," off the "stage," off the collective's "script" for its "world play," not in terms of what you can realize individually, but in terms of what the collective is ready to realize and experience as a whole. It's as though the collective will decide that, "for now, these are the ideas about life and who we are that we are going to accept at this timing, and these are expressions you can share and that you can bring forth in these fashions."

  Each individual has the opportunity to tap into and share any of those ideas that fit in with the overall framework that the collective has chosen to explore. There isn’t a "sealed-lid" on what can come through for a person, but the collective may not embrace any and everything that does come through. On deeper levels, the collective understands that it is important to allow new ideas to come through. People are free to imagine, and create, and connect to those new ideas and find ways to share them with the collective that will excite the collective or portions of the collective and reconnect those who are excited back to realizing more of who they actually are.

  Within the collective's choice to keep some things limited, there are "avenues" that are being chosen by all that will allow the collective to begin coming back "home," slowly perhaps in terms of how you perceive time, but come back home nevertheless.

  As you all raise into higher consciousness levels, your higher frequencies begin to act like a catalyst that opens the doors for more expansive information to begin coming into the imaginations of those people who will be more in tune to recognizing the nature of your actual existence. It will come to them through their imaginations and their dreams, their day-dreams, their writings, their paintings, their musical compositions, perhaps intuitively and spontaneously or even through thinking, or meditating, or interacting with other people or other forms of life. These new ideas come through to people who then find ways to begin sharing them with others. If the ideas fit in with the overall "script" and the collective consciousness accepts the new ideas as a format for reconnecting, for coming back "home" in the sense of stepping back into the light of their actual nature, then they will accept those people’s ideas and be excited to take part in their events, writings, and musical compositions.

  But again, if anyone is connecting to something that is in some sense to radical, then the collective will usually find ways to stamp it out or step on it because the collective just isn’t ready. Thus then, such persons will generally be able to share their ideas with others, but they just won’t have as great a public audience, or viewership, or readership in that sense for the ideas they are expressing. At some point in your future, their ideas might become recognized by the mainstream of your collective consciousness and then be given more attention publicly. Do you follow that idea?

  Jefferson: I do. To a certain extent an individual in our society may have some frustration sink in and say to their self, "Okay, so I can’t express all that I am and all that I know I am capable of because other people are just lazy or the collective consciousness just wants to hold on to the old and limiting ideas a little while longer."

  Ishuwa: If you can recognize that the collective is an expression of yourself, and if the collective isn’t interested in what it is you are trying to present, then it really can strengthen your sense of beingness and experiencing by simply recognizing that there is an aspect of yourself, the collective, that seems to be indifferent to what it is you thought would be so joyful to present. Recognizing this will allow you to move through the illusory experience of frustration.

  For example, you might think, "I have this great idea that I feel is more representative of our actual nature but people just seem to be shutting the door on me when I talk about it. They aren’t getting on board with me." Rather than getting frustrated, just acknowledge that seeming lack of interest is an aspect of who you are. Consider telling yourself something such as, "Perhaps this isn’t the way or the time to bring this information through." Then from within yourself, invite revealings to come through for you of other ways to express what it is you are so excited about. Also, recognize that your information might be just one piece of a larger body of information, so invite other pieces to come in to complement this idea that will then allow you to present more of a whole picture that then more people in the public's eye may be willing to accept it, and embrace it, and share it with others. There are many factors involved here.

  If you have something that excites you at any time and you a
re working to express it with others but they just don’t seem to be responding with open arms to you, acknowledge that and find other ways to present it or find new things to present instead of it. Be open to presenting it with the new ideas that start coming into your mind so you can present more of a whole idea. As other people become more receptive, you will know that you are more in the appropriate timing to present the original idea.

  Also, if you explore other avenues, you might find people in new places that you hadn’t even expected that may immediately embrace the original idea without your waiting for other complimentary ideas to come in to give you that more full picture of what it is you would like to share. Are you beginning to get more of a handle on this idea now?

  Jefferson: Yes.

  Ishuwa: Do the most exciting thing you can! Follow your bliss to the best of your ability in each moment, to the best of your ability. Do that which you are able to do to the best of your ability that you enjoy the most. Follow your bliss as best you can in each moment.

  If you are being confronted by others who aren't welcoming that activity which for you is following your bliss, then maybe you just aren’t able to move in your bliss in that direction. So then ask your-self, what can I do that will be perhaps the next most blissful thing in each moment that I can do. Then move in the direction of the most bliss that you can do where there are people who are sharing or want to, if the idea is you are trying to express something you want others to share in with you. So then you would need to find a way to express things to people who are willing to rejoice with you in sharing that. If you can’t, then obviously that isn’t the most enjoyable thing you are able to do because you can’t do it in that moment in the way you are creating your experience in that moment.

  As you do the most blissful thing you can do in each moment, you will develop more skills and add new ideas, new ingredients that then will give you a greater maturity, a greater vision, a greater vibration that you will be sending out, a greater excitement, a greater vitality, a greater enthusiasm, a greater exuberance in having lived the blissful experiences. Your maturity level increases. Then those people who in the beginning weren't interested in what you had to say, now for some reason they may become excited by it. In this way, you will be doing the most exciting thing and be sharing your information in the new timing. So timing is a consideration too.

  Always do the most enjoyable thing, the most blissful thing that you are able to do. If you encounter people who seem to be, in a sense, closing the door, then move in the direction that you are able to that is the next most blissful thing. That will always guide you into new places to learn the things and to have experiences that will give you the greatest joy and be most representative of your greatest potential, your greatest life path in this incarnation. You will find it will be most effortless for you, most uplifting, most meaningful for you and also have the greatest sense of purpose for you.

  There is no all-encompassing purpose that all humans need to follow and do in terms of the nature of your eternal existence. Meaning and purpose is always decided by you, for you, and then can always be changing in the ways you choose to change them.

  There certainly are cultures, groups and societies that can create their own definitions of purpose and meaning, but all of those, if they aren’t in alignment with the nature of Existence, will be fleeting and will move and change as sure as the breeze changes direction on any given day.

  Jefferson: Hey Ishuwa, talking about upliftment, and the breeze, and the wind, and beautiful things, where are you right now?

  Ishuwa: Where am I?

  Jefferson: Yeah!

  Ishuwa: I am located on a planet that is a little different from where I was the last time we discussed this idea. Where I am today isn’t too far from that other place. It is the same solar system. It is a pair of planets that have a rotational, gravitational, bond together and share some similar experiences from the planetary experiential standpoint, viewpoint, perspective.

  However, this planet sees a little bit less of the sunlight from the star in this solar system. It tends to be a little bit cooler, but I find it very comforting. It tends to be of a little less gravity, a very slight difference, and it tends to be a little bit further away from its Sun allowing for me to step a little bit more bouncingly. I don’t always come into contact with the surface. The surface has a very floatational quality to it even when I do touch it. Often, it is easy for me to not touch the surface at all and instead walk a couple of inches above it.

  As I lay down now, I can also easily sit up and I don’t come into contact with the planet's surface. I am about an inch or two, as you measure an inch or two, I am about an inch above the surface and there is a sense of an electric magnetic current. There is a humming sense between my body and the ground just a few inches below me. The planet surface is very soothing, very vibrating, very soft. It has a slow vibrating feeling to it. I don’t have any sense of color, but I feel it. It has a soft slow massaging feeling to it. There is in the sky something similar to the clouds on your world but these tend to be more of a gaseous quality, a little bit more vaporous, and they are far more colorful. They aren’t just white and gray as you tend to see at this time of day, for it is close to midday here and the clouds, these vaporous gaseous clouds, tend to exhibit kind of a rainbowish coloration to them but without the high yellows, and oranges, and reds. This rainbowish coloration tends to be more in the blues and the greens with some violets and some soft pinks. The reds, and oranges, and yellows are there, but they aren't visible to our eyes due to the frequency spectrum of this planet's atmosphere.

  These gaseous clouds have an ability to actually acknowledge our presence. Thus then if we were to say hello, they will respond to us in their unique way. They are very friendly. They are very engaging. They are very pleasing. They are very enjoyable to have in this experience. We don’t see them all the time when we are here, but I do in this moment see them. They seem to be aware that the conversation between you and me is taking place right now. I don't sense they are aware of who I am talking to, but I feel that they know I am talking about them. Perhaps this is somewhat like when you talk about your pet dog or cat and they look at you as if they sense you are talking about them.

  Jefferson: So when you are talking to me from there...oh, before I go there, let me ask you this, how did you get there?

  Ishuwa: I simply am aware of the coordinates of this place in terms of sound, and frequency, and light and so I tune in to those coordinates and that brings me into this place, this reality. As an analogy, if you want to watch a particular program on your television or listen to a particular radio show on your radio, you simply push a button that then accesses the precise coordinates for that show that are keyed into the programming technology, the microchips, the semiconductors, the electronics, the computerized instruments that you interact with that hold the coordinates. We hold those coordinates in a different way. We simply are aware of them. If you want to listen to a different radio program or watch a different television show, the new frequency coordinate that you have your technology tune in to when you push its button and thus change the radio station or the TV's channel, its new frequency focus will bring that show into your experiencing. It will be there in the room with you.

  Jefferson: Okay, I see! You were saying the clouds have the ability to acknowledge you and even the person you are talking to.

  Ishuwa: They do! And I sense they are recognizing that I am talking about them even now as I speak to you about them. Again, it is similar to the way you on your world can be talking to someone about your pet cat or dog and saying how much you love it and while doing that you might get a sense that your pet recognizes you are talking about it. We have that experience with these gaseous clouds, these rainbowish colored clouds.

  Jefferson: As we communicate, do you just hear my voice or can you actually see me and see the movements I do with my hands and my face?

  Ishuwa: I have a visual system that can view
the energetic body and what you are sending off of your physiology, the place that you are focused in. That is primarily what I am observing. So I am not seeing what a video camera would be seeing. I am not seeing you the way someone in your room looking at you would be seeing you. That is something we can do but rarely do. If we do that type of visual viewing, it's generally when the person has agreed to do that. If we are in a group setting with several humans present, we might have that type of observational technology set up.

  I am only observing you as an energetic form and colorations in variation that I understand. The colorations in variation are a form of information that provides me with aspects of your personality, your character. So it is like a non-verbal communication that you might pick up from other people when they are communicating to you nonverbally with their biology, with their physical body. I am able to communicate and pick up expressions and ideas that you have just by observing the energetics of your body's being and your subtle bodies, your subtle colorful bodies. In this way then, we do this so it isn't invasive of your privacy. For we feel and understand that if we had some cameras there it could be in that way an invasion of your sense of privacy.


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