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Avatars of the Phoenix Lights UFO: Ishuwa and the Yahyel

Page 14

by Swanson, Shaun; Viscardi, Jefferson

  There are some people on your planet that have the natural ability to sense some of these color energies that I am observing of you. They have the ability to observe you and others in this way at any given moment during your day. So this isn’t a foreign utilization of high-tech communications and observations that I am working with. It is something that people on your planet are already working with to some degree.

  Jefferson: Okay, so as you are communicating with me what do I look like? Do you see any form at all?

  Ishuwa: I see an oval light that isn’t perfectly round. It has flares of light that emanate outward from it, somewhat like you may have seen in pictures of your Sun that has flares that emanate from its sphere. I see the oval light that is close to the shape of your body and then emanating from that there are flares, but they aren’t as sharp and flame appearing as those that come off of the surface of the Sun. They are a little more soft and a little more slow in how they emanate from your body. At times, there are some that are very fast, lighting fast, speed of light fast as you count, and record, and define the speed of light in your world at approximately 186,000 miles per second. So occasionally you do have some lights that shoot off of your body that fast but this isn’t so much about your state of being at this moment as it is simply something that occurs with many human bodies in their day to day living.

  There is a primary color around your body that has a similar shape to your body. This color is a type of violet with a bit of an indigo blue, but it has a very brilliant quality. It is not a muted color at all. Some indigo colors on color palettes can have a bit of a muted aspect sensing to them. Your primary color at this moment, for it can and does change, but at this moment it is a very deep brilliant hue of indigo and of violet. There are some other colors that are in shapes that change quite quickly. These other colors move location and can be around your head, be around your torso, be around your legs, be around your feet, be around your hands, be around your fingers, be around your toes, be around your hair. They can change shape and size and become very small such as they might focus around the ends of your hair. They might become very large and at times even completely cover the primary violet and indigo blue we spoke of a moment ago. This change has to do with what is going on with you in terms of your feelings, thoughts, biology and also some of the intuitive nature of your being like your psychic nature, sexual nature, and non-physical spirit nature.

  At times, these colors have a spherical shape. At other times, an oblong shape. The edges don’t take a square shape or a rectangular shape. They aren’t edged in that sense. We don’t really see a very sharp pointed edge that you would see on a triangle or a square. These shapes and colors tend to be more undefined in that sense. They have the ability to come and go as quickly as your thoughts and feelings come and go because they often are related to your thoughts and feelings. Over the years, we have learned to understand what they mean. We are able to translate them. When we see a particular shape and color around a particular region of your being, we can relate that to a particular thought that you perhaps are having or a feeling that you perhaps are having. Because you can have so many thoughts and so many feelings, there are then so many of these shapes and colorations that come and go. It is quite vast and quite varied.

  It really is a very expansive language when you begin to learn to recognize all the different shapes and colorations and where they are located around your body and what they mean or what they are suggesting you are going through in experiencing and expressing. It's a very vast expansive form of language that you express in this way and one you can learn.

  Jefferson: So this subtle body is like an etheric body that you see in front of you and it can express various shapes and colors. Is it a projection of myself in a different frequency maybe?

  Ishuwa: Yes.

  Jefferson: So depending on the colors, and the shapes, and locations around my physical body, you can understand the ideas being conveyed by my thoughts, my feelings, my spontaneous expressions, and anything that relates to my mind's consciousness system?

  Ishuwa: Generally, in our experience, there is a connection between what we are seeing and what you are going through.

  Jefferson: Are these colorations something you see with the aid of a projection technology that you have built or is it like a holographic image that you can see freely in the air?

  Ishuwa: There are devices of technology that have been designed and put together to do this, but I am not working with any technology like that. Those devices are something that I am familiar with, and I have worked with them before. At times we will work with a device like that as a way to get a different perspective on what you might be going through while we are observing these colorations that you are expressing.

  Sometimes the technology will be used like an overlay on how we already observe you. It will be a bit like a filter, a coloration filter. There are people in your world that have cameras, and they can take a picture of a sunset and the resulting image is a particular color or hue. If they take the same picture with a filter over the lens, then they get a little different perspective, a little different picture, and we sometimes will apply these technical devices in that way that will give us a little coloration on what we are observing from you. It can give us some different ideas. I usually don’t work with any technical devices. Our ability to see these kinds of colorations without the use of any technological devices is basically something that we are born with in my society.

  Jefferson: Do you see me right now in your mind's eye, or in your imagination, or do you see me as if I was physically present in the room with you?

  Ishuwa: I am not projecting a holographic image of you before me. So it is a bit like imagination, as you understand imagination, generally. You know anything you are experiencing in your physical life is a result of your imagination being projected onto a screen of multi-dimensional spherical canvassing, in that sense. It's a bit like the imagery seen in the "third eye" experiences that people often have when they go into meditations and explore visual worlds with their imagination. It's a bit like that. One of the primary differences is that I know what I am imagining in the connection with you is real. It is every bit as real as if I had just been sitting here in the room with you and observing you directly in a physical connection, physical person to person visual contact in that sense.

  Jefferson: Okay, I see. Yeah, I understand what you mean. Now, you said earlier that the planet where you are is in your solar system. Earth is the third planet that is closest to our Sun. Where is this planet where you are in relationship to its Sun and the other planets?

  Ishuwa: It is the fifteenth planet.

  Jefferson: Fifteenth?

  Ishuwa: And the sixteenth.

  Jefferson: And what number is the planet of the Yahyel?

  Ishuwa: I am presently in a remote region of space in terms of my world, and I am closer to your solar system at this timing.

  Jefferson: And in relationship to your Sun, where is the planet of the Yahyel compared to the other planets?

  Ishuwa: We are the seventh planet.

  Jefferson: The seventh. Okay. In our solar system, we have nine planets as far as we can perceive, maybe there are more. Would it be appropriate to say that the planets that are closer to the Sun are more evolved and the beings on those planets are also more evolved than planets and beings that are farther from the Sun?

  Ishuwa: You can create the idea of an evolutionary classification system based on certain parameters and then say that one planet is more evolved than the other based on those classification systems of evolution that you have chosen to create, but that system to other worlds and to other life forms will have no application other than being an idea that you on Earth and humans decided to put together for their own enjoyment, for their own history, for their own scientific studies, to have their own particular type of experiencing.

  The planets themselves wouldn’t necessarily acknowledge it the way humans would. They wouldn’t ne
cessarily feel that one of them was more evolved then another in that sense. They all are expressions in different ways for different reasons, and they all generally get along and understand what's going on. They even understand what's going on with planet Earth.

  They realize and understand life in ways that they are willing to begin sharing with Earth humans. The Earth human can begin to have more of an understanding of who the planets are, and more of a connection to the consciousness of the planet they live on, and more of a connection to the planets they coexist with in this particular solar system.

  The planets have a lot to say, a lot to share. They have experienced many things in terms of the time line that Earth humans have created. They know they can enrich and enlighten humans with the stories they have to share and with the perspectives and the energies that they hold and carry through your solar system on a daily basis. They are very much alive and awake and in tune to their realm of life and travel through time and space.

  Jefferson: In this solar system, we have Mercury, Venus, and Earth, and Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. Are all of these planets inhabited with life as we know life on Earth but perhaps on a different frequency?

  Ishuwa: We haven’t observed that kind of life on other planets in your solar system. There certainly are some visitations that can occur. There are some conscious beings that aren’t like your physical expression that do inhabit some of these planets at various times. From our experience, it is possible for there to be life forms that we simply haven’t encountered. It is possible for there to be life forms on any and all of those planets and we simply haven’t encountered them. But again, the idea of an Earth human, or even the animal, or plant forms that you have on Earth presently in your timeline, we don’t perceive them living and inhabiting on a regular basis any of those other eight planets you have just spoke of.

  Jefferson: I would like to touch on a last question for today. When I asked you previously what would it take for us to meet peacefully, openly, eye to eye, shoulder to shoulder, you said that it might seem to be longer than I expected but that one or two decades away is not really a long time when considering how many thousands of years it's been since we have forgotten about our galactic family. I would like to know why does it take so long? I understand that there is an agreement that goes on with our collective consciousness and in that way perhaps open, peaceful, physical contact today is not a choice that the collective has made, but how does that affect an individual that is choosing to have non-public physical contact. What are the mechanisms as per why an individual would not be able to go ahead and meet you today in a non-public location?

  Ishuwa: We have a sensing of appropriate timing that is a little bit beyond the learning state of your world. We understand that in time you will begin to tune in to that frequency of understanding. It is simply becoming more in tune with your nature. Your world has chosen to have public contact with us and you're progressing towards that meeting. When you achieve that place of understanding, when you have learned certain applications of who you are and what life is, there will be a very clear and obvious moment in which it becomes very beneficial for us to meet with you individually and to have open, public, peaceful contact.

  So we aren’t in any way suggesting that you aren’t bright or brilliant now. It's just that you haven’t, in a sense, walked in those understandings sufficiently enough for it to have the greatest value for you. You are not yet able to fully appreciate and make the greatest progress and use out of the encounter in a way that would then enrich and provide momentum so your future could move in a way that would be of greater import to you, greater value to you, greater enrichment to you and your collective society.

  So, in one sense, we understand your idea of, "why not just have the meeting? What's the big deal? Let's meet now! We can handle it! It will be exciting! There is so much you can share, so much we can learn!" We understand that perspective, but we are suggesting that when the time does come to actually meet you, you will very clearly understand all of the things that indicate why you weren’t ready before. You just aren’t there yet. When you are ready and the meeting does occur, it will at that time be apparent to you that you weren’t fully prepared on this day. There are so many elements, there are so many specifics, there are so many reasons and they have to do with very delicate and very intricate qualities and aspects of the human psyche as individuals and as the collective human race. They are very, very, very delicate, very intricate, and yet of great strength and import to recognize and become once again comfortable with, aware of, and a master of once again.

  Jefferson: Can you give us more information about the equation you mentioned before in regards to open contact possibly occurring in a few of our light years as divided by the fractional interest in our Earth’s orbit around our Sun. Can you talk just a little bit more about that?

  Ishuwa: You have a mathematical formula or component to every experience you have. There is a sound and light frequency that has a particular mathematical aspect to it. You don’t need to know what it is now. Some people won’t want to. They're not fascinated by mathematics and formulas.

  As a bit of an analogy, 1+1=2, is a formula that is complete in the sense that you understand it. It's a coherent formula for you. It makes sense to you. You can put together sound frequencies and then have the experience of one plus one equaling two objects. They aren’t really there. You're just creating the experience of them. You are utilizing sound and mathematical formulas to make the experience possible of 1+1=2. One apple plus one apple equals two apples. One orange plus one orange equals two oranges. Those are formulas you understand. Those are sounds you are working with in your consciousness in order to create that image, that physical material object relationship. You set one orange down on the table and you set a second one down and that to you equals two. That's a mathematical frequency, a formula.

  There is a formula for when it's appropriate for us to meet. There is a sound, a frequency, a signature, and it is a formula not as simple as 1+1=2. It is a bit like saying, when you're ready plus when we're ready, that equals us being together. When you have the ability to tune in to that mathematical formula, plus when we are in a place to also tune in to that mathematical formula, then that will equal both of us being there together.

  Now, as it relates to the fractional interest of your Earth's orbit around your Sun, that indicates that there is an important relationship of where your Earth is in its orbit around your Sun. And also where your Sun is in relation to its orbit with other planets, and its location in your galactic center, and your galaxy's center in relationship to some other galactic centers. These are all then simply mathematical formulas. Each galaxy, and the Sun, and the Earth have mathematical formulas. When you tune in to these formulas, you can experience them being expressed in your physical world.

  Because the actual mathematical formula of our meeting is very vast, we wouldn’t expect you to begin to be able to write it down as simply as 1+1=2. We perceive there will come a day when you will be able to get the concept and it will then be as simple to you as one orange plus one orange equals two oranges. Your readiness plus our readiness equals both of us together in contact.

  Jefferson: Can you push open the door of the future and see the script of potentials and probabilities and maybe give us today some hints about what race of ETs will most likely be the first to openly contact humans here, and around what time that can potentially happen?

  Ishuwa: The timing for some contact is before 2020 in our present agreements with our world and yours. For our world, the Yahyel, have been chosen for very many reasons to begin having the contact.

  Jefferson: Chosen by?

  Ishuwa: Chosen by your world as a collective and chosen by our world also in collective agreement. We perceive some individual contacts will be before 2012, and the individual contacts will begin initially in locations that will relate to some of the power centers on your planet. Some of them are well known and widely a
dvertised, so to speak. Others haven’t been revealed in a public way yet. Some haven’t been discovered at all by human beings on the present timing of your planet. Some of these interactions will occur in a non-power location.

  "Power centers" are very high vortexes of energy, windows for opportunity, in a sense, and they are what we also refer to as "power places." They are locations on your planet where the energy is such that it is like a window into other realities. These locations facilitate a person's ability to open up their awareness which allows them to then encounter and reconnect to more expansive ideas, and other worlds, and other forms of life expression.


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